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Posts posted by CommissarRotke

  1. So after the announcement of the Seraphon warband today I got thinking about Warcry, and how GW said there would be non-Chaos warbands added to it.

    Now, the thing about Sylas that most stuck out to me was that he looks like a combination Warrior-Vanguard chamber questor... so THAT got me thinking a Stormcast warcry-band could be a combination of chambers that mixes aesthetics, weapons, and skills! It would be so cool to see Vanguard Judicators or Sequitors with lightning spears, I really hope they try something new with any Stormcast warbands.

    Storebirthday jan04 aos9safer

    like this has such heavy "Vanguard veteran turned Knight Questor" vibes that I can't shake

  2. 4 hours ago, BaylorCorvette said:

    Based on this picture, here is what I am hoping for:

    -Awesome Sword

    -Pistol in belt

    -Wings folded behind back

    -Better not be knife ears


    my first reaction to this was "that's Vlad reborn" but it could be Konrad since he's already had a rapier.


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  3. 3 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Interesting and understandable :) 

    IMO it will be Slaanesh Hedonites, including Sybarites Mortals and Slaanesh Daemons (because Sigvald, the Store free coin, the recent Warcry tease, all that).

    A new Battletome means Broken Realms is unlike Psychic Awakening ! 


    I'm not so sure, we already got a preview/sneak peek of the Slaaneshi mortals so doing a second one Christmas Day doesn't make much sense to me? But releases have been thrown off a lot so mabe that's the only one that makes the most sense

  4. 5 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    I also feel like these recent rumour engines are proving my ignorance of 40k as literally every medieval and fantastical weapon is somehow has more evidence as being part of that game system than AoS. I would not be surprised if it gets revealed that all of AoS has actually been a Space Marine chapter the whole time.

    this isn't necessarily your fault, as GW's Imperium leans heavily into baroque/gothic and medieval aesthetics--which is very close to the Empire/Free Cities aesthetic

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 12/20/2020 at 10:44 AM, michu said:

    FEC or SoB (40k)?


    nah this IMMEDIATELY reminded me of Sienna's shoulderpiece thing from Vermintide 2... it could definitely be Cities. I really REALLY hate how so many of these rumors are perfectly viable as either AOS Cities or 40k Inquis/Ecclesiarchy. 40k doesn't need more Imperium models.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:


    Doesn't look ornate enough to be an Excelsior Warpriest, but the wooden shaft means it could be for a more mundane unit. What makes me doubt it's a Sigmarmite hammer is their recent stuff uses the shape they now hace on the Warhammer(tm) symbol, although the shape does appear on the WHFB War Altar.

    looks like a straight up blacksmith's hammer, opposite end maybe a little too curved, but certainly not the killy kind of hammer we should expect from WARhammer... very intriguing. maybe it is a siege engineer.

    1 hour ago, Ogregut said:

    The 2 pronged spear thing

    that was confirmed as being from the Slaanesh elites reveal iirc

  7. 2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Really enjoying these daily Rumour Engines!! Though I do feel a lot of them are for the same mini.

    i'm expecting at least an Inquisitor & Retinue set, I'd be surprised if it was a single model. But hoping it doesn't go past that because the last thing 40k needs is more Imperium models (or a whole new Inquisitor line) before new/rebooted xenos kits...

  8. 12 hours ago, mojojojo101 said:

    I know we are almost certainly going to get a new chamber because that's the reality of game based around little plastic toy soldiers but we'd gain so much from a properly written book it'd be just as good as a new chamber.

    Imagine if things like Paladins, Prosecutors, Dracothian Guard, Castigators and a few of the heroes had actually interesting rules... that'd be pretty much the same amount of 'new' units we'd get from a new chamber anyway.

    my exact feelings as well: it's an inevitability, but hopefully comes with new rules for the older kits. I'll dream about mixed older kits until that new chamber opens though 😔

    • Like 1
  9. On 12/11/2020 at 12:48 PM, RocketPropelledGrenade said:

    Very valid. I just don't think we're currently in the space where a huge Order pushback is plausible just yet. Maybe if Malerion suddenly decloaks Ulgu and declares an all-out offensive on Chaos, but that's the only situation I can think of with even close to the scale required based on the elements in play right now.

    this is why I think the return of Valaya or Grungni might be inevitable: Malerion's host showing up for the other aelves because of Slaanesh, and duardin mobilizing to help Azyr because of Gordrakk sounds like a supreme showdown of titanic proportions to take us into 3.0!

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, dekay said:

    Both this and coming siege of Excelsis, Gordrak's battering ram and so on. I think we'll be seeing more Destruction soon.

    I am fully expecting one of the next books to be "Broken Realms: Gordrakk" -- now the question is really only at what point in the story will this book be? If it's the last one, then to me that's a 100% chance AOS 3.0 will open with a Destruction vs Sigmar starter set that would include Free Cities, Stormcast, and most likely Sigmarite/Azyrite mortals.

    If the last book is Malerion's, we're looking at a starter set with Ulgu aelves vs Slaanesh mortals most likely.

    Heck, we haven't heard from the duardin in a while so maybe Grungni or Valaya comes out of left field with their New Duardin and that's what kicks off 3.0 for real 😅 I'd expect that set to be an Old World throwback of dwarfs vs greenskins, where the duardin come to aid Sigmar during Gordrakk's siege of Azyr.

    Any which way, I do think the last Broken Realms book is going to set the stage for 3.0's starter set.

    • Like 2
    • LOVE IT! 1
  11. 20 hours ago, Beer & Pretzels Gamer said:

    Unsurprisingly other than that game the major issue was mobility.  At 1.5K I did steal my Gristelgore opponent’s objective in Battle for the Pass by teleporting my Protectors onto with the KV but they couldn’t hold it against Crypt Flayers piling in twice.  And once my opponent killed the Lord-Aquilor and Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger I just didn’t have the mobility to contest objectives outside of my territory in the later rounds.

    so... the monster killing paladins got wiped by monsters :(? if they hadn't piled in twice, how do you think the fight would have ended up?

  12. On 12/9/2020 at 2:28 PM, OkayestDM said:

    Agreed, but our turn is coming. AoS's anniversary as a game is July, and Broken realms is almost certainly leading into the game's 3rd edition.  I'll be very much surprised if they don't kick off the anniversary with the new edition, a new Stormcast chamber, and a total rewrite of the battletome. 

    We just need to hang on until then.

    I'd take a 3.0 battletome with mixed unit kits for Warrior and Vanguard chambers over another chamber opening TBH. Though I'm sure the next chamber they do is going to look amazing, Sacrosanct feels like a little too many details to paint for non-elite/hero units (versus Warrior and Vanguard). And with the lady liberator being the giant artwork on 2.0's rulebook? I really want more than just Angharad and Neave on the table...

    • Like 2
  13. 1 hour ago, sandlemad said:

    To my mind that bottle-hanging apparatus looks a little similar to the prodder we saw in November. Similar janky nails and such.


    I'm still undecided between that prodder being Destruction (gobbos) or Death/Undead... but I see the similarities of the nails now, might even be the same model

  14. 1 hour ago, BaylorCorvette said:

    WHAT IF  the new Death faction has Zombies that the models are from various AoS factions? A Sylvaneth rotting tree, zombie dwarf, zombie aelves, etc. All lead but badass Vampires! Need Blood Knights, Vampire foot soldiers, Vampire archers, etc.

    Realistically I'd give that less than a 1% chance but I can dream right?

    While I'd love to see all of these it would open the doors to them needing to make Realms-themed units for every faction, which unfortunately doesn't seem to be feasible production-wise (even before COVID) 😢

    2 hours ago, Overread said:

    Someone suggested that its perhaps a zombie that has arisen from the grave festooned with plant growth that had wormed its roots into it. If it died in a bog or similar environment then the zombie wont' have had its flesh rot off so fast. So more of it would have been preserved (and that's before you touch on magic) giving time for plant roots to wriggle their way in (again ignoring Sylvaneth just fast growing trees over them).

    So more likely it's a one-off UW warband that they can do cool themed models for? still feels like a zombie would've had to come up right under a tree stump or something, as the head area looks wooden but not tombstone-y

  15. 7 minutes ago, Blueraven84 said:

    Whether is now or later, I still think we will see some Death/vamp reinforcements coming either before or around aos 3.0


    it's weird because the model behind Johann looks like a dryad who got a birdhouse stuck on her... the motion looks like a shambling zombie yes, but all the other details point to Sylvaneth/dryad creature

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