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Posts posted by CommissarRotke

  1. 5 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:


    My guess is that the lie is about the alleged "flaw" in the reforging process. We've known since Malign Portents in 2018 that the Stormcast have been lied to about why they lose their memories. For reference check out the Malign Portents story "The Price of Apotheosis"
    So we are most likely getting the Ruination Chamber at last. Bring on the lightning gheists!

    after reading that short story, i firmly believe the lie is that the Reforging Flaws are not necessarily a natural effect of the process, but sometimes a form of control. which adds a seriously interesting dimension to the search for a cure... is there supposed to be one? or is there a truer cure the Stormcast don't know they're actually after?

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  2. 2 hours ago, PinchPainting said:

    I really hope that the lie they are referring to is this and its starting to come out . not saying i want stormcast civil war heresy stile but a splinter within them who are loosing faith in sigmar would be interesting, which could be mirrored within the cities with the failure of the dawnbringers 

    i just hope they don't 100% repeat the Horus Heresy... If some Stormcast do start to reject Sigmar, I hope they at least don't waver on their heroic properties and still ally with Order to keep each other safe.

    even if Stormcast turn to Death/Nagash instead of Chaos, it'd still be too similar imho

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  3. 7 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    All I know is the lines of some Factions blur their Alliances. Darkoath may as well be Destruction as they venerate no members or the Big 4. (6).

    I hope that Silent People are slotted into Destruction because they clearly dont worship Chaos and have been described as Sentient, Patient and Violent. Their appearance alone would not allow them in most Free Cities so Order seems off the table

    i agree they could be a Destruction faction that blurs the GA line, but I don't think their appearance should matter to COS more than

    8 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    They dont eat to feed themselves the capture to feed their Queen. They dont barter for goods or trade with other races.They care not for ruling the Realms only to make sure the Queen is Protected and the Eggs are kept safe.

    this idea, and it would also feel narratively lazy against Order. there's been Seraphon, Sylvaneth, Melusai, Gargants, Ogors, Idoneth, with even Orruks and at least one Nighthaunt in Order/Neutral Cities so why should insectoids be too different for humanoids? Part of what blurs Order as a GA is their ability to be truly cosmopolitan, and it can cement the idea that all the other GAs can unite against Chaos.

    i like your idea about the Hive could definitely be a reason why they're slotted into Destruction. if Chaos has still corrupted large swathes of the realms (like they said they wanted 3e to convey) it doesnt make as much sense for SP to be Locust-like with eating the flora of the Realms.

    if they take people there could even be a knockon effect where it pushes the denizens of the Realms to decide whether they want to risk being taken by Silent People inland or Idoneth on the coast


  4. 55 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I cannot picture Silent People inside CoS at all.

    The snippet we got proves they have sapience (toolmaking, complex communication, appraising/observing). They seem to be

    TBQH I think any sapient species can and should be able to live in a COS--we already have the precedent of not only Seraphon but Orruks living alongside humans/aelves/duardin. We also know Sigmar worship is not necessary. They could be similar to Reclaimed where it's a refugee/migrant situation.

    If they also hate Chaos, there is absolutely some kind of room for them to ally with Order factions IMHO. Especially when we know there are non-Sigmar City States that are allowed to (co)exist.

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  5. 3 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    We know Reikenor the Grimhailer is the leader of the Nighthaunt attacking Embergard. Now, what does he do? Nagash sends Reikenor to slay those who attempt to cheat death. 

    I think he's attacking because Zenestra is on his hitlist and whatever exactly she is will be elaborated on. 

    2 hours ago, Vaellas said:

    To tie it all more to her it also mentioned the sarcophagi being tied to WHEELS. I also wonder if there is a more personal connection to Reikenor and the pyreguard as they were able to make someone burst in to flames. Didn't Zenestra also make a bunch of people burst in to flames?

    and this is why I love reading this forum... love when existing threads get tied together like this 😍

    2 hours ago, sandlemad said:

    the gorgers and wilderkorps

    did they both feature in a book? not sure if I forgot or simply never heard!

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  6. 4 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    I can’t help myself: imagine the shitstorm if GW had one of their male characters hate women and create inferior specimens! 🤭 Some individuals with bright hair would pop some veins for sure! 🤣 

    you do understand violent misogyny is still a rampant problem IRL right? and DOK's gimmick is essentially "what if the tables turned and women oppressed men back" right?

    it would be a shitstorm because it wouldn't be fantastical, compelling, or funny. it's fine if you want to be a heel (the wrestling role) on the forum, but come on now.

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  7. 54 minutes ago, Aramis said:

    "two cities will rise, but one will fall before the end"

    and that shadow over the city reference from vol2

    Are we wondering if neither of the crusades will fail, but it's actually the city of Phoenicium that will fall?

    Taking with it the last remains of the old High Elf range, which will all return in TOW.

    this was my thought today too! exciting to see what happens

  8. 1 hour ago, MitGas said:

    What‘s the in-lore explanation? Female Sephiroth got an army of simps or something?

    warlocks are all part of the male-underclass in DOK, so if Krethusa is promising/seeing a better way than Morathi's cult, it makes sense anyone in the underclasses would join her. so yea, sensible continuation for DOK! but it's also pretty clearly to get rid of old model stock.

  9. 59 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    Weird she has an ability that needs a cauldron of blood but her dawnbringers box doesn't come with one

    and now we know why the warlocks have been in so many DOK boxes... Krethusa makes them battleline 😂

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  10. 9 minutes ago, DD-Lord said:

     axe is definitely not Kharadron or Fyreslayer, and it's very traditional-looking, either a TOW Dwarf or an AoS Grugni one. But the rumor engine has never before teased a TOW model, although this could be the first time. 

    the exciting question for sure: since HH has a few rumor precedents, could this be the first TOW engine?

    to me, if they didn't put any REs out for the Bret and TK stuff, it feels unlikely the rest would get any.

    the axe also looks fancier than WHFB dwarves would get, while being not-scifi enough for a Power Axe. Grungni's followers still need tabletop rep, whether as Dispossessed or a separate faction.

    since the one thing we do know is the new theme is "weapons" we will have more solidified guesses after waiting (blech) for 2-3 more REs.

    what a time to be both a Warhammer and Resident Evil fan 😂

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  11. 33 minutes ago, DD-Lord said:

    I also love how they seem to be designed specifically to look like uncivilized counterparts to the cities of Sigmar units.

    now that you put the freeguild marshal next to the darkoath chieftain, I noticed something very interesting:

    the darkoath horse looks defeated, compared to the generalized exhaustion of the freeguild horse. like it doesn't want to be here.


    the foot marauders make freeguild really really need a spear loadout!

    since we are getting these two counterparts, I desperately hope it means we get models of Reclaimed as well.

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  12. 6 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Everyone, the article mentions something secret coming from WARHAMMER MACHANDISE STORE, not main GW !!! 


    "A certain somebody is coming up to a major milestone, and you can pitch into the celebrations with a stuffed box of exclusive merchandise commemorating his achievement. Quite what’s in it is something we’re keeping close to our chest, but all will be revealed soon over on the Warhammer Merchandise store…"

    so a joytoy Grombrindal?? surely it can't be a tshirt or a mug...

  13. 3 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Must be that kind of freedom where you allow some kind of shadowy entity to dominate your entire life, but at least you don't have to pay taxes.

    the "dark oaths" they get their name from are taxes though. I get your joke but the Chaos Gods very much also have taxes 😂

    Wilderfiends seem to be what happens if you don't pay the tax/honor your oath.

    (possibly even worse ones than Order since like Asbestress said Sigmar does not care which non-Chaos god you worship)

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  14. 3 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    I’d be annoyed if one of the Wave 2s goes to two of the largest factions (Gloomspite and Cities) as opposed to KO, FS, Idoneth, or the Bonereapers who all need it far more. We even know the Bonereapers are getting a new Morghast of some description. 

    Well people keep yelling about taking Stormcast off the poster-faction, and the only thing that would replace them IS Cities period. The fact that the revamp is extremely specific to Dawnbringer Crusades also means there are cityguard or even standing armies that are still yet to be seen.

    It would be very easy to do Cities wave 2, especially if aelves and duardin stay. Which they should!

  15. 14 hours ago, Hollow said:

    I wonder when we will start to see the release of Spearheads, Leading up to 4th? We have seen 3 so far. Stormcast, Cities and Flesh Eaters. I really want to pick up a couple of the Cities boxes. 

    Stormcast feel like they're going to get another Spearhead that doesn't include a named character, but maybe that's just me. COS and FEC had better box compositions than SCE.

  16. 2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    there's no reference at all to the Ghyranite side.

    it could unfortunately mean Ghyran fails or it could be that only the Aqshy side could come out in the first wave but you are right that Ghyran is not present enough in this wave :( it is really only present in-universe in the form of Aqua Ghyranis and its food production making this whole ordeal possible + ironwood(?) being used for the pavises and other military equipment.

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  17. 25 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Technically yes but aesthetics-wise they’re heavily implied to be Aqshy troops(thus why they’re shown off with Hammerhal Aqshy’s colors & leaders, plus little things like the value in the leaves on their equipment since greenery in Aqshy is rare) with some Warcom articles even calling them an Aqshy force.

    Not just heavily implied--Talia Vedra's reforms on the "walking" fusiliers and cannons were specifically called out in Warcom articles. The shields/pavise design is for Dawnbringer Crusades. Steelhelms IIRC are also said to be equipped by Hammerhal for Crusades aka "equipment that may not come back." This first wave was designed with the Twin-Tailed Crusade explicitly in mind.

    Which is why I hope to Sigmar this bit below wasn't staff wishlisting & will come true. (with duardin and aelves too, if I can do some wishlisting myself!)

    28 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    at warhammer World interviews they mentioned a focus they wanted for new humans was basing them on each Realm


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  18. 1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

    we could see blessed/mutated human Ghyranites that Order-mirror Belakor’s warband since that’s fallen Freeguild anyway.

    they could literally do an entire season of Warcry with nothing but Realm-specific COS warbands :(

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