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Posts posted by CommissarRotke

  1. 15 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    It could be Khorne as well, if we get Khul.

    Khul and Vandus need to be in a dual box together right?? Which means the 2nd BoK wave is likely coming with part 2 of the Ruination Chamber/Warrior refresh for Stormcast. personally i can't see Khul coming before 4e, especially if Lady in Ruin is Varanguard.

    Maybe Darkoath releases with her, as Archaon tries replenishing the Varanguard through the worthy?

  2. I'm wondering if the gheists will be new screening units? glass cannons in melee, but screens nonetheless.

    I am actually starting to think the Yndrasta equivalent might be the new Castellant model, or possibly even reforged Astreia?? It doesn't make sense to put Vandus in a launch box without Khul.

    my Ruination chamber thoughts:

    gheist unit in 5s

    armored "Ruinators" in 3s

    Sacrosanct handlers or support hero that keep the Ruin Chamber focused and/or stable

    Vandus Final Reforging, likely in dual box with new Khorne?

    generic combat hero

    On 3/12/2024 at 1:14 PM, PJetski said:


    these are definitely not in the launch box as they'd take the place of Ruination kits, but I do think the other paladins have got to be refreshed in 4e so they can get down to being in 3s like annihilators. it would also FINALLY expand on annihilator armor having animal motifs.

    On 3/12/2024 at 1:14 PM, PJetski said:
    • Lord-Relictor?
    • Lord-Veritant

    I'd be surprised if there's not a new generic "Relictor" so I'm with you that the Lord/Knight distinction might get removed for models, as it means the Knight Relictor will slot into the generic role easily.

    Veritant I can see being axed to make room for a Ruination hero, Since Ruination Chamber feels like an obvious choice to showcase Thunderstruck Sacrosanct, maybe new Veritant comes with new Vanguard Chamber? whatever happens to them, their Lantern of Abjuration should 100% stay in the game/lore in some way.

  3. 4 hours ago, Elarin said:

    It's a completely different thing - more of a build up to the new edition. It will be announced towards the end of March and will start in April. It's going to be exclusive to Warhammer Stores and the idea is to paint AoS models, play AoS games, promote Narrative Play so as to generate excitement for the new edition.

    does the focus on Narrative Play mean I wouldn't need 2k points to participate?

  4. 3 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    And on the warp flame striking gold & heavens, as easy as it is to see the gold being Stormcast I wonder if that’s also a hint towards Chamon, the Realm of Gold, for their plans that will end up pulling in the duardin as they use the resources as a staging ground to try and pierce Azyr?(and also put AoS4 in Chamon as the new realm focus)

    it would make a LOT of sense to bring in new duardin to help fight Skaven... fingers crossed

    aetherGOLD too

  5. 5 hours ago, Aleser said:

    I wish we get narrative progress through edition not just at end of it. Some big moments that lead into army tomes etc 

    if skaven are coming in the launch box, unless there's a secret 6th book then Khorgos Kul's story still needs to collide with Vandus. that could be when we get more of the Ruination chamber and more Thunderstruck kits?

  6. 27 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

    We also need to consider that there were quite a few SCE kits released after Dominion, and we may be getting a lot of the Oldcast updates and/or Ruination units that way.

    yeah i'm actually considering waiting for the Christmas battleforce because i have a feeling/hope that the refresh will bring more multipart kits to Thunderstrike units

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, sandlemad said:

    This is a good piece and hits interestingly on the tension between how the Darkoath see themselves and what they know about the gods they’ve oathed to (in-universe, as opposed to the less interesting birds eye view of the reader). Also on the larger questions of the Reclaimed of the realms vs Azyrite conquest. More interesting and more grey areas, that tension that makes interesting stories.

    i really liked this interview, i'm just still not convinced GW/BL will do the nuance of indigeniety justice; Azyrite conquest is, by fact of the Age of Chaos, nominally the reclamation and purification of Chaos lands. I want to see more Reclaimed involved in both Stormcast and COS forces... there's a lot of talk about "dark mirrors" and counterpoints, but these differences are often best held together by a couple choice similarities.

    that being said, Chris Thursten sounds like he knows what he's about and wants to bring tension and nuance between these groups. I hope the editors let him do it. definitely sounds like a must-read for Darkoath and COS fans.

    • Like 4
  8. 28 minutes ago, RollSixxess said:

    Slightly behind - is the case of ‘Sigmar tells Porky Pies’ more of a reference to ‘oh yeah there is definitely a cure for you slowly becoming an automaton!’ (like there is an entire chamber dedicated to finding a cure and Ionus is out here trying to find one too) and not the entire point of the memory loss is to slowly replace the humanity in a Stormcast with the perfect warrior for a God King - unemotional with lifetimes of experience at war? Truly there is no hope of a cure because reforging is designed to take something away that’s unnecessary 

    the pillar of Stormcasts' creation is that they retain their humanity and as many memories as possible. i think it's likelier that the Flaw is not as natural as let on--that purposeful memory removal can be done. Sigmar is not the Emperor, and from all of his characterization since 1e he would not want to create mindless automatons.

    • Like 3
  9. 4 minutes ago, TrawlingCleaner said:

    Most excellent artwork, my only thing would be that Stormcast only have their elvish looking lettering and not English (assuming that it's a Capital E)

    yeah i know the giant E probably means this is 40k something :( i can't find any Stormcast or even COS parchments that are letters not runes

  10. 5 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    If we get Prosecutors and Judicators, that would mean no Liberators in the big box, right? Imo if something is "confirmed" is Liberators as part of the box. If we apply the basic troops logic to include Clanrats, then it gotta be Liberators.

    10x liberators

    10x judicators

    3x Prosecutors

    doesn't sound like too much, though I think I'm overestimating how much was in Dominion and we still need Ruination Chamber...

    Either way, I do think jezzails are the perfect fit against whatever elites and ranged the Stormcast half gets


  11. 7 hours ago, Garrac said:

    So, that's why I think that, besides infantry, monsters, and characters, there's going to be jezzails on the starter box.

    I agree with your Skaven reasoning and I'd like to support it from the Stormcast side: there's a possibility that Prosecutors (flying skirmishers) and Judicators (heavy ranged infantry) will get Thunderstruck for the launch box, as well as Ruination units. Jezzails would be great counters to all 3 of those roles--Prosecutors could mop them up easily if they can charge sure, but Jezzails are perfect warmachine support against skirmishers and elites.

    if GW picks units based on lack of multi-part or dual-kit ability AND fitting the box narrative, Jezzails are an easy win. Can't imagine a launch box without them UNLESS they somehow figured out a dual jezzail/mortar kit. (the chaingun and the flamethrower seem an obvious choice for post-launch dual kit)

  12. 23 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

    Not to start a debate or anything but being more faithful would be a sausage party. Love the diversity but historically men did most of that. 

    Possibly in some areas, but we are finding more and more evidence of early humans that is challenging old stereotypes. Unfortunately scientific discovery has not been without bias, which can interfere with scientific conclusions.


    Edited to add: I figured there'd be some discussion on this, and just wanted to provide a source to challenge popular-science misconceptions (of which there are unfortunately a lot!)

    further edit: i thought we were specifically talking about hunter-gatherer societies, though i do think we will never truly know the extent of women in warfare because we will never truly know how our ancestors lived. all we can say is that they had the same cognition and feelings we do.

    • Like 12
  13. 16 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    Just have to add that having a bone dog in a bone army is kinda funny. 

    yeah I'm imagining a bunch of Ossiarch trying to hype up the nerve to ask Katakros if the shapers could make some dogs 😂


    • Like 1
  14. 17 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:


    now for the eternal question: Guard Dog or Hunting Dog?

    12 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Morgasht RE solving day is close.

    i think so!! the name is Teratic Prowler and "terato-" is a prefix meaning "monster"

    my money is on Guard Dogs and other monstrous constructs for defense.

  15. 9 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    „Even the Sky may cast a shadow“

    - Alliance? :D

    which prophecy is that from again? got a faint brain recognition, one of the warcom shorts?

    8 hours ago, Chikout said:

    As for the lie, my feeling is that he lied about the possibility of a cure. He knew the search of the sacrosanct chamber would yield nothing.The flaw is inherent to the process and he lied about it  in order to give the Stormcast hope that a cure could be found.

    i am not entirely sure this was even lied about though; I feel like some of the Sacrosanct characters know the search *may* be futile. I think it makes much more sense for a"Warhammer-ism" if Sigmar lied about the Flaws being *entirely natural* and thus making Reforging a secret form of control.

    if AOS is supposed to have a level of Desperation to it, the Six Smiths creating (more) Flaws to force Stormcast back into service--whether their souls want it or not--is a much MUCH bigger deal.

    It also cements a reason why named characters can retain their memories/personality..... because Sigmar Wills It. Because they're too important or too loyal to change any further. And it also covers the inverse: Vandus has simply died too many times it seems, but Yndrasta was Reforged with the singular purpose of being a Prime Huntress, ergo more of her memories were taken to focus on nothing but The Hunt.


    All that being laid out, I like whoever said it could end up being propaganda and not even a real lie 😂 that might be the funniest outcome. Big Sig has a lot of regrets, and probably as many Tall Tales about him as real ones.

    • Like 1
  16. 45 minutes ago, ERHanmer said:

    I personally hope Sigmar "lied" about Azyr being secure. That sounds more interesting to me.

    if Ulgu is the only other realm that hasnt been touched by Chaos, then it would be cool to see Ulgu when Azyr gets breached, maybe a nice light-darkness mirror because they're both the only realms that never got taken by Chaos??

    Malerion could save Sigmar's realm and be owed the largest favor of all time...

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