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Posts posted by CommissarRotke

  1. On 7/20/2019 at 5:56 AM, Overread said:

    Aye but then again teh lore has had them working together for a long while though its a bit of a surprise to put all the aelves into a tome along with humans and dwarves. WE might see it fragment later but right now it commercially makes sense to get AoS up to speed faster

    Have they ever said the World That Was animosity kept up in the Mortal Realms? afaik there's no War of the Beard here... it would be kind of stupid to continue that grudgin' without a serious fracture in the Order Alliance storyline.

  2. 2 minutes ago, michu said:

    Ulric is now (probably) Ursricht -Godbeast and ancestral figure of  the Astral Templars stormhost. Same goes for Myrmidia (Tempest Lords) and Morr (now Morrda - Anvils of the Heldenhammer). Even Runefang swords became a spiritual being that are revered by Celestial Vindicators. And IIRC Hallowed Knights worship Sigmar but they also revere a Silver saint -spirit associated with lakes (Lileath reincarnated?)

    I will have to go back and read those stormhosts in full then oops!!

    The Hallowed Knight lore is "Since Alarielle gave her blessing to the Hallowed Knights during the Realmgate Wars, there has been talk of a glowing figure sighted in and around their foremost Stormkeeps. Known only as the Silvered Saint, this androgynous, feather-winged being appears in reflections and even bodies of water to lend its blessing to those afflicted by doubt in times of great need."

    Warhammer wikia says Lileath "granted the last of her ebbing divinity to her daughter, before sending both her and Araloth forth into a new world of her own creation " so I don't think they are the same being, but it also doesn't outright say Lileath died--whether this is because it's incomplete or not I don't know. However it seems more likely we'll see Lileath's daughter instead.

    Not sure if I'd want that Silvered Saint to be a World That Was hero-turned-(demi)god, or a new demigod entirely

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Wraith01 said:

    Thanks to the 4th ed WarHammer Fantasy Role-Play game  I've been thinking about some Old World stuff. I didn't know anything about the Warhammer Fantasy stuff since I got into Tabletop games with Age of Sigmar and hadn't bother to look much into the past lore, until now.

    So, Sigmar survived the End Times and went on to shape the Mortal Realms. But what about the rest of the Gods? What happened to them?

    I mean they are Gods, they can't really die... and others ascended to godhood. Morr wouldn't be happy to just let Nagash take his place. Same with Rhya and Allariel...

    Could they come back? Are they trapped somewhere? Did they splinter off to another Reality?

    Did you post this on reddit too? 😝

    The Winds of magic infused with a bunch of the Heroes, who are now the new Gods in AOS. There's an End Times synopsis on the warhammer fanwiki that is? ongoing? but it's a bit spotty and sometimes not coherent. The ending parts about the Winds of Magic splitting out of the Vortex were good to know for AOS though.

    I don't recall what happened to Ulric, but if he DID survive we can expect wolf humans for free peoples perhaps

    • Like 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, Overread said:

    But you get GRYPH HOUNDS how can that be disappointing? I mean I guess it could be if you were thinking on taking other models, but darn it what beats a fearsome ferocious pack of gryph hounds?

    the 3 from SC Vanguard are now useful as a unit 😅

  5. 16 minutes ago, Sete said:

    Dispointed with Stormcast choices.

    Oh well.

    lore-wise it makes sense, though I'd guess the only reason Deepkin can use eels is because their range is so limited... otherwise cavalry doesn't make any sense to include. Kinda wish we got prosecutors instead of longstrikes

  6. 2 hours ago, sandlemad said:

    it struck me that they show a greater and weirder diversity of mortal forces in the chaos hordes than we ever saw on the tabletop

    this is also my biggest issue with 40k... you have armies upon armies of traitor legion and demons, but no traitor guard models? there's not even that many CSM and they can't make more!

  7. 22 hours ago, CitizenX said:

    I've been looking over this, but other than the Campaign rules mentioning quests for non-Chaos warbands, what makes you think this is the case?

    Having specific Order vs Chaos and Destro vs Chaos dioramas on the pages for narrative play, maybe I read too much into that though. It does feel like they'd be better off fleshing out all the rules for the 6 Chaos members before going fully into other warbands for competitive/matched play.

  8. Before Cypher released it would have been Splintered Fang no contest. But I really love how their design is like a Slaaneshi-Tzeentch fusion, so they take 1st for me! Now after SF is corvus because it reminds me of the zealot healers from Warhammer Online :( and corvids are my favorite birds too

    Honestly, the fact that GW has made a diehard non-Chaos player want THREE warbands of Chaos minis at all is a testament to these designs...

    • Like 1
  9. On 7/12/2019 at 6:05 PM, PaniuBraniu said:

    We had evocators last time, so season 3 - no Stormcasts sadly. As for chaos gods Slanesh is more fitting to Shadespire setting. Previously, we had one Chaos god each time, however, there were two Chaos warbands released each season, so maybe we will get both?

    My bet on the starter set is new death (Katophranes) vs beasty elves.

    I think the next stormcast warband will probably be for whatever chamber is opened next, but that probably won't be season 3

  10. 52 minutes ago, awcamawn said:

    Why do you assume we must be getting hysh aelves? Really hoping for a Wanderers update.

    ah mostly because that's what has been mentioned for the past couple pages, but that might be my brain stuck in Warcry... Wanderers would be cool, but I think GW would do something with Hysh (Teclis or Tyrion) before Wanderers. Sylvaneth already cover the tree vibe, and we still have yet to see the twins or Malerion

  11. On 7/4/2019 at 3:54 AM, Naem said:

    You are right but that is not a bad thing. If you look at the graph of the GW shares they almost flat lined for a looong period of time until 2017. If it went on like that chances are our beloved game would have died. So I guess the bottom line is: there is no free cake. If you want awesome minis and good lore and a lot of support for rules etc someone has to pay the bills.  And lets be honest, yes its not cheap. But its not like "I have to sell my kidney" kind of expensive. If you spend like a hundred Euros (or Dollars, I am not familiar with the prices of Minis in the US) you get a ton of stuff to paint and can afterwards play with the minis forever. I got my SCE (3000 P atm) for less then 300 € via Forums and ebay and I will need probably the rest of the year to finish painting them. Add like 200 € for paints and supplies and you have a spending of 500 Euros for at least a year of hobby.  That's not to bad. 

    you buying secondhand doesn't give GW money? And most models still need to be painted, which all of those tools and pots can definitely add up.

    sure it's not a cheap hobby, and few are, but telling people to "just buy secondhand" is basically asking for Warhammer stores to close. That isn't sustainable

  12. On 7/7/2019 at 12:53 AM, PJetski said:

    When you have abilities with the same timing then the player whose turn is taking place resolves all their effects first (in whatever order they want, as long as they all activate at the same time) then the other player resolves their effects.

    Skullcrushers would get to deal their mortal wounds before the Raptors.

    you'd think the crossbows would shoot first...

  13. 1 hour ago, Overread said:

    Personally I think Underworld its is own thing and the models being used in AoS is more of a customer service nod than anything else. This is evident by the fact that the warbands are not all that powerful and dont' really feature in competitive game armies. They are there with rules for the "fun" games.  

    Even so, I think the fact that we can use them is evidence that they are willing to allow 'crossplay' between the non-wargame and wargame models, and then splitting the wargame itself into 3 types--two of which allow for a very varied way to play.

  14. 1 hour ago, tripchimeras said:

    It seems strange that they would leave the one market they own a complete monopoly in behind, so hopefully they wont.

    I don't think they will, especially with Apocalypse being re-released for 40k. Their goal should be to have a variety of methods to choose to play, which seems to be what's happening even if balance still needs hammering out. This is most evident in the fact that Underworlds and Warcry models are/will be usable in AOS.

    • Like 1
  15. 13 hours ago, Ogregut said:

    I don't actually think it's AoS, I think this and some of the past rumour engine pics, namely the scaly tail, are elder exodites.

    I've no back up for this, just speculation but would be cool.

    Looks more like a White lion to me

  16. 5 hours ago, Coolwood said:

    And obviously..... Badass.

    How badass is it if you have a unit of immortal soldiers wiped out to MW through fight first 🤣

    I guess my issue with being a new player is...price tag that comes with a wide unit range. Yes SCE are versatile, but I just heard that GW prices are going up again. I don't have the money to buy enough units to mix and match, especially when it feels like we need basically ALL of the Stormcast heroes. Maybe that means I should be playing casually anyway! Doesn't feel too great though. This is why I like the Meeting Engagements; 1k lists, easy to swap around, seems like they will be more tactical than relying on certain 'gimmicks' armies need 2000 points for.

    2 hours ago, stato said:

    Im loving building, painting and playing  my stormcast.

    I'll keep this in mind, sometimes it can be easy to forget forums skew competitive. It's definitely nice to get advice on which units to look at/purchase first, though the hobby part is what I enjoy most (even when the dang stormcast torsos slip around!)

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