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Posts posted by Juicy

  1. 1 minute ago, Archibald said:

    So i finally got my "Ven Brecht Black Watch" box and tinkered myself the following list. It is a combination of your list and the one of cinderfall gaming youtube channel. I just love the look of combined arms from CoS, SCE and the Shadowstalkers and the 12 dog-strong unit of Gryphhounds sounds interesting too.:)

    The loss of the CPs from the batallion and 2 more drops in exchange of more Gryphhounds and Shadowstalkers sounds okay to me. My orruk opponent normaly has more than 5 drops, so going first should not be a problem.

    I am looking forward to testing it out. Maybe on the weekend.:)

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    - Stormhost: Anvils of the Heldenhammer (Stormkeep)

    Keiser ven Brecht (110)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Deathly Aura
    - Artefact: Soulthief
    - Prayer: Translocation
    Lord-Castellant (120)
    - Mystic Light (Artefact): Lantern of the Tempest
    Knight-Vexillor (110)
    - Pennant of the Stormbringer

    10 x Freeguild Guard (80)
    - Swords and Shields
    20 x Judicators (560)
    - Boltstorm Crossbows
    - 4x Thunderbolt Crossbows
    30 x Liberators (480)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 6x Grandhammers

    9 x Khainite Shadowstalkers (100)
    - Allies
    12 x Gryph-Hounds (240)

    Stormkeep Patrol (130)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Extra Command Point (50)

    Total: 1980 / 2000C


    Cool stuff! let me know how it goes! 

  2. 28 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    This is one of the reasons I am experimenting with using 20x Judicator instead of 9x Raptor - 40 wounds instead of 18 and their shooting damage doesnt get halved by some armies.

    yeah this is the reason om playing with 20 xbows for the last couple of weeks. But i do really miss that -2 rend. Bow juds are cool but that damage output is even worse then xbows. Range is better tho. 

  3. 31 minutes ago, baiardo said:
    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    - Stormhost: Celestial Vindicators

    Lord-Arcanum on Tauralon (280)
    - General
    Lord-Arcanum on Celestial Dracoline (210)
    Lord-Relictor (100)
    Knight-Heraldor (100)

    5 x Liberators (90)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    5 x Liberators (90)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    5 x Liberators (90)
    - Warhammer & Shield

    4 x Fulminators (440)
    6 x Evocators on Dracolines (520)
    3 x Aetherwings (40)
    3 x Aetherwings (40)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 119

    Hi, given that I want to test this list after the restriction in my country, the idea behind is that:
    -LA on dracolines + evo on cats buffed with heraldor/tauralon go and charge the unit most dangerous.
    -Fulminators and Tauralon go together, the first to receive the buff +1to hit for missile weapons and second wave after La on tauralon, choose them over concussor because I need the most survivable unit since evo on cats are the alpha strike.
    -Aetherwings to cover countercharge for fuminators or grab objective.
    -We have 2good mages so we can make something even in our magic phase, in fact I'm a bit tempted to make a room for the comet,
    -Last I choose celestial vindicators, really good for fulminators in charge, hallowed knight is also good and I could remove an heraldor for a comet..what do you think?

    i feel the heraldor is the star for your list, you could even go with 2. 4 fulminators without heraldor are pretty bad but with the heraldor buff they become really really good. Evocats would love that heraldor buff aswel..
    im not sure what the relictor is bringing to the table here. He could give 1 buff and be left behind. you could switch him for a lord exorcist with a buff spell.  3 mages working together can be pretty solid. Atm he's being a  bit pointless.

    celestial vindicators are solid in this list

    • Thanks 1
  4. Damn playing stormkeep patrol i really wish they changed the knight heraldor to get my units to move a normal move in the hero fase. Something in the line of... use ability... a unit can do a normal move in the hero fase. So i could redeploy/adjust those libbies. 

    my hoped for the next book is really more synergie/tricks. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Archibald said:

    How do you work this list? Seems like only the Juds do some damage and even that looks not like much.

    The list looks super interessing to me. Would love to try it out and i am only one Van Brecht box away from it.:D

    My main enemy are Ironjaws (2x Mawcrusher, 2x3 Pigs, 2x Warchanters, Brutes and Ardboyz). How would you play the list against him? We play on 4x4 and he ist just obliterading anything with his two Mawcrushers.:/

    The list works like this.

    drop stormkeep patrol battalion

    frontline 20 judicators behind that the liberators. Spend cp for the judicators to shoot 16 xbows and 4 big guns. Then either translocate/knight vexillor to another spot and shoot again in shooting fase. Or shoot again in the shooting fase without teleporting. But then i have to grab the gryphounds and run them before the judicators to protect them from melee. 
    judicators do around 16 damage vs 4 plus armour save and around 16 mortals to units with 6plus units. 

    vs that ironjaw list you shoot the xbows into the mawcrusha and the special guns into the ardboys/brutes. If they have a screen you nuke that in the hero fase and teleport the unit in range after you wipe that screen. Deploy all dogs in a way so he cannot deploy his mawcrushas in a good way. Mawcrushas got a big base so you could really prevent atleast 1 but if you play with enougj terrein you can prevent 2 from getting to you. Remember your 2 solo dogs. Els sacrifice your small units or small heroes( not lord castellant).  Keep your big block of liberators in a way so his units charge in a point where your big hammers are. 

    pigs are anoying but if he goes with that 5 flat damage mawcrusha you want to truck him first. Keep a cp around for battleshock. Gryphounds are super strong against the mawcrusha because he has to attack them first els they dart around him

    • LOVE IT! 1
  6. The thing is. Staunch defender works for units that get charged or stay in combat over a few rounds. Evocats are u its that you want to combine with a knight heraldor to get them in combat fast and punch trough in 1 round of combat. Because they cannot take a hit that well. With the list you put down now you really miss that knight heraldor. Run and charge is soooo good with fast units like evocats its game changing vs most enemys. 
    with celestial vindicators you push that  punch even farther with rr 1 to hit and cp for an extra attack. But go with that knight heraldor aswell for that extra range.

    stormkeep patrol is only nice for big blocks of liberators. Wouldnt advice it for 5 men units. 

    if you keep 5 liberator in the sky that treath or idea alone is worth more then that plus 1 save because anything that goes for those 5 libs kills them anyway. Better to force your opponent to keep units in his backfield to protect against that drop from the sky. For example i won games with keeping the celestant prime in the sky for 5 turns just because it forced the opponent to protect his backfield. With small units you force him/her to check his backfield for the first 3 turns.

  7. i really hate mirror matches.. There are so many cool armies out there. Every time i go to a 5 game tournament i hate to play a mirror. Even when the armies are totally differant.. Just feels for a bad story at most of the times. 
    im really happy if i can play other armies and love to play armies that i hardly play. 
    With my local gameclub i try to avoid the mirror if possible and i know most of us dont like to play it. 
    If you got a small group of friends its so much more cool to play differant armies.

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, Fihtimi said:


    I need some help with my stormcast list. I haven't played in some time and I've completely forgotten how hard it is to make stormcast armylists, even more after the release of Daughters of khaine 2nd tome!
    I'd like to have more casters in the force, but I'm not sure how I'd fit an incantor to the fray, maybe I should try to add an allied sorcerer?
    Idea is to use dracolines to get the key locations with charge rerolls while sequitors and evocators take the middle table. Liberators are kept in reserve and are dropped later where needed. I'm still unsure how to spend the last 60pts left

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

    Lord-Arcanum on Celestial Dracoline (210)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Staunch Defender
    - Artefact: Armor of Silvered Sigmarite
    - Spell: Azyrite Halo
    - Mount Trait: Pride Leader
    Lord-Castellant (120)
    Lord-Relictor (100)

    10 x Sequitors (240)
    - Tempest blades and Soulshields
    - 5x Stormsmite Greatmaces
    5 x Liberators (90)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 2x Grandhammers

    3 x Evocators on Dracolines (260)
    - Lore of Invigoration: Celestial Blades
    10 x Evocators (420)
    - 5x Grandstaves
    - Lore of Invigoration: Speed of Lightning

    Total: 1440 / 1500
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 93


    10 evocators on foot work best with a gavriel surecharge. Without it they just getting charged/shot/magiced of the table by a decent opponent. If you get gavriel then you can deploy the evocators of the board. Drop them from the sky and auto charge in. Could keep them on the table and then charge them across the field if you feel like buffing them up first. Without gav i never felt 10 evocators are played to there best. Same goes for every other paladin unit. To slow and not tanky enough to get out of trouble.

    Lord relictor.. I love this model and it can win games by his teleport alone.. But in this list he gets left behind very fast. His teleport prayer is only 9 inch and other prayers arent as usefull on the units you play in this list. This being sad divine light is a life saver in my local meta on a big block of seqs/libbies.

    lord arcanum and evocats are really solid. I would advice giving them the lantern buff and grab a knight heraldor to make them run and charge. If you feel like it try to bump this unit up to 6 and devestate that battlefield. They are a really strong glass cannon.

    your battle line is decent. 10 sequitors are decent.. Ive seen them doing great and seen them underperform. I still feel a unit of 10 is solid enough for most games.

    edit: staunch defender.. Super good but with this army you got its not that great. If you go gav you insta go hammers of sigmar. if you drop the evo's and focus on the cats you could go for celestial vindicators

  9. 17 hours ago, PJetski said:

    They are not the best at sniping heroes because of Look Out Sir reducing their hit rolls

    If you use Ballistae you might as well use 4 + Ordinator... I've never understood why people use 3.

    Agree 4 of them are ace

    Funny thing is. When this SCE book dropped i felt super impressed by the damage output of the ballista+ ordinator. So much that at times i had to roll eyes every time i saw people bring 4 of them and blast my stardrake of the table. After that initial hype i dont see ballista+ ordinator being played that much. its still not a bad pick and in casual play its super strong. 

    The thing i hated most about our latest book is the fact that every single oldschool battalion got hit with a truck and became useless. I feel today with a decent vanguard wing style or overlapping buffs it didnt feel so out of place because most armies are stronger now and 30 buffed libbies arent as good as they used to be. If you ask me. I would love for our new book to bring back a decent not OP version of our old vanguard wing so we want to go prosecutors again and return the hammerstrike battalion back to how it used to be. We already got these alpha strike tricks with gav so wouldnt change the meta but makes older units more playeble. 

    Right now we got a TON of units with a TON of battalions but most of our units and battalions dont work really well on the table. It would be a blessing if every battalion had a purpose how it could be played. 

    Small example is stormkeep patrol. Its could be an alpha strike battalion but if you want to make that work you have to gamble the amount of drops. Because going second while dropping half your armie withing magic/shooting range and then get double turned is really harsh. I played this battalion at smaller points and it feels much stronger and more how you would imagine it being played then when i play this at 2000. 

    with stormkeep patrol you could also drop on a frontline objective. Thats all sweet and all but then again if you dont take the first turn your liberators/sequitors/justicar units are not buffed and probly shot/run/magiced  of the table right away. 

    So this battalion only works half decent. That makes me wonder what the purpose of this battalion was by the writers.  And this is just an example. We got lots and lots of these battalions.. Stormkeep garrison is cool and all but it plays so wonky. Most of the time you just playing your own keep libbies near your judicators/paladins game instead of the actual game. 

    Then we got 10 more battalion in our SCE book that are all complete useless and see no play.. Mega battalions that just take up a whole page and not 1 single person ever uses them besides the vanguard auxillary chamber. I cannot help but see a lot of missed potential. 

    Bit of rambling. Had to get this out of my head;)

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  10. 1 hour ago, Thanos-se said:

    I can;t understand how you can deal with units that deal mortal wounds on 6s to hit. For example Hearthguard Bersekers or Lumineth (they deal at 5+). Forgive my naiveness but I really can't undestand this playstyle.  

    kill support heroes with raptors, then deal with the berserkers. Lord relictor with divine light might help keeping your stuff alive.. 
    other tactic.. Out score them by feeding them liberators/birds/vanguard hunters while keeping him of your objectives.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, Agent of Chaos said:

    Not with 3 units it cant. 2 x 10 slow moving warriors won't last long or kill anything. 10 x Knights can do work in some circumstances but won't win the game on their own. Apart from the endless spells & Wind of Chaos, all of the offensive spells are 12" range meaning all of the squishy wizards need to get danger close to the enemy to cause damage. If it comes up against a strong anti-magic list its toast. Against an opponent with little to no anti-magic the spells might go off however the opponent will likely have mass bodies or FNP to whether the magic damage, shooting to pick off the wizards or enough speed to stay out of range and swoop in and take out the wizards. Unfortunately I feel Cabalists is a trap and probably the hardest legion to have success with. 

    I think it can

    Since broken realms i play a lot of stormkeep patrol lists of 30 liberators plus friends. Most of these lists have atleast 4 heroes and some judicators and gryphounds. No real killing power and besides that 1 block of 30 liberators there is no real staying power. Still against mid tier lists i seem to win more then i lose. Im pretty sure with a lists such as above people can make it work. Not to go 5-0 but a solid 3-2 should be possible. I feel like that list got more punch and more staying power then my list. And almost got the same amount of units. 

  12. 1 hour ago, BaronBanana said:

    Magic hopefully

    You can just try to outscore. This list works the same is our lib bomb stormkeep list. Go on an objective and try to outscore before everything is killed. 
    30 Chaos warrior are pretty hard to shift. Mayb even harder then my 30 liberators. Both units cannot fight back but could outlast.

  13. On 2/27/2021 at 8:47 PM, swarmofseals said:

    Played a game against Lumineth last night against a very new player, so not many learning points. Slickblades continued to show value though. Their speed allows you to really take advantage of any positioning mistakes your opponent makes. In this game my opponent was flanking with two units of dawnriders that had to snake out a bit to fit between terrain features, and I was able to intercept them with one unit of 5 slickblades and wipe out both units of dawnriders in two rounds of combat, losing one model to actual damage and a second model when I rolled a 6 for battleshock.

    Taking a Plague Priest or a unit of 5 Plague Censer Bearers continues to seem incredibly powerful. In every game they generate a ton of DP for me, and they truly shine when your opponent takes the first turn.

    This list may be kinda dumb, but I also think it might have some play to it for those of you that still like Beasts of Chaos:


    Invaders - Lurid Haze

    Doombull  (general, mandatory artefact and command trait)

    Doombull (general)

    Doombull (general)

    Great Bray Shaman (rod of misrule)

    Plague Priest

    3x10 Ungors

    40 Ungor Raiders

    2x1 Tuskgor Chariots

    2x30 Bestigors



    There are a couple of things that I really like about this list. First and foremost it's 2 drops and thus will get the turn choice most of the time. That's super powerful with Slaanesh, as you can often give your opponent the turn, generate DP and then start summoning right away. The list is also very beefy (especially for a Slaanesh list) at 188 wounds. When your gameplan is to just keep flooding the board, starting with that much will make it even harder for your opponent to stabilize. You also don't have any real key units that your opponent can kill to cripple you. Nothing really takes huge advantage of Lurid Haze, but being able to bring the Raiders or a Doombull or two in from the edge will at least stress your opponent, and it makes getting a general in enemy territory very easy. You've got a lot of screens and trash units to act as speed bumps, and you've got some legitimate hammer units that can also take a hit. You should have plenty of CP to take advantage of the +1 save CA, making those 30 Bestigor blocks a lot tougher. The Bestigors also have an impressive threat range with run and charge. The Ungor Raiders and Cygor also have very long threat ranges, which should allow you to sprinkle most of your opponent's army and generate a good amount of DP even if you are being conservative with your melee troops.

    I could also imagine a version dropping a bunch of things for Glutos and cogs or a Contorted Epitome and cogs.

    Insanely cool list my friend


  14. 9 hours ago, baiardo said:

    I'm a relatively new player, 1year or so(not played so much since 2020..), imo there's no real competitive list atm😆,  there are but don't seems to do well in tournaments:

    Most played lists with better results are with: evocators+sequitors somtimes with gavriel or with ballistas support and liberators, most played heroes: lord arcanum on various mount, castellant, relictor, celestant on drake, incantor.

    shootcast(simply play the 3vanguard battalions) did well for sometime but now..glass cannon playstyle and not so simple to use.

    starcast a mix of  drakes/good mages ballistas celestant prime and generally 3x5 libs + comet.

    skyborne slayers is viable. Here I could say something but wait the juicy master of this battalion.😄


    This sums up most of it.

    The juicy comment made me smile and spit coffee at the same time.  Haha

    • Like 2
  15. 16 minutes ago, baiardo said:

    Thanks, well, at this point I'm going to follow your path, skyborne and your last list with 30lib and 20judicators, seems you finally found a place for xbows!

    Thanks! i hope you like it. 

    if we got the oldbook hammerstrike it would be cool but with the newest Sce book we lack so much tools for our old models. 
    Skyborne slayers feels still valid when playing non retributor paladins. You probly going to like it a lot if you havent played this yet.

    • Like 1
  16. 5 hours ago, baiardo said:
    What about celestial vindicators (stormkeep) + hammerstrike force + protectors and a blob of liberators as an anvil?
    On 2/23/2021 at 1:13 PM, baiardo said:

    Thanks, yeah maybe is a better tool, I picked up the first one showed up.

    Hammerstrike is a trap.
    paladins to slow to charge anything in stormkeep.
    if you wanna go hardcore on protectors in a stormkeep go skyborne slayers. There you can drop those paladins at 5 inch with  battleshock immume

    • Like 1
  17. I would advice against a single incantor with a comet.  Lots of points invested for something that you dont need.

    1- comet is best to cast, dispel cast. So you need atleast 2 solid casters

    2- in this caster/range meta we playing in its anoying to get of and do 100 points worth of damage with.

    I havent played dracoths for a long time but when i did i loved a big unit of desolaters and small units of fulminators

    units of 2 fulminators are pretty solid on flanks where a bigger unit of desolators are a strong agressive heavy hitter.

    ill agree that you dont need the drakesworn templar. To much points for something that dies to anything.

    if you split up the fulminators i dont think you need a big unit of libs. Smal units of 5 are enough and spend your points in more dracoth units. 

  18. 7 minutes ago, baiardo said:

    I made a similar list yesterday but with azyros instead of vexillor.

    Probably I read it wrong but:

    I considered 16 hit 2+, wound 3+, save 5+(with the rend -1)

    X2 with anvils ability.

    Without the 4attacks from captains I had the results in the graphic.


    16 judicators  1-3-3-1-1   
    3 special bow 1-3-3-1-1 Exploding shot d6
    1 prime -1-2-3-1-1 Exploding shot d6

    is an average of 10  damage against a 4+armour save
    you can boost it with rerolls 1 for 11 damage against a 4+ armour save

    shoot twice with anvils is 20 damage against a 4+ armour save

    i would recommend using Aos statshammer tool. 

    • Like 1
  19. Just now, Archibald said:

    So you finally made the patrol batallion work?:)

    kind of.. Im taking this list to a local 1 day event. Right now im playing this list 1/2 times a week to see how it goes.. Still havent figured out to make it work if i do not get the first turn. Biggest weakness is 3 drops and a lot of armies i play against are 2/3 drops. Every time i go second i lost the game. Most of the times i went first it was close. Won more then i lost. 

    Still im not sure this list is better then 30libs/9longstrikes. 

  20. Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    - Stormhost: Anvils of the Heldenhammer (Stormkeep)

    Lord-Celestant (100)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Deathly Aura
    - Artefact: Soulthief
    Lord-Castellant (120)
    Lord-Veritant (110)
    - Mystic Light (Artefact): Lantern of the Tempest
    - Prayer: Translocation
    Knight-Vexillor (110)
    - Pennant of the Stormbringer
    - Treasured Standard (Artefact): Pennant of Sigmaron

    30 x Liberators (480)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 6x Grandhammers
    5 x Liberators (90)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1x Grandhammers
    20 x Judicators (560)
    - Boltstorm Crossbows
    - 4x Thunderbolt Crossbows

    6 x Gryph-Hounds (120)

    Stormkeep Patrol (130)
    Wardens of the Stormkeep (140)

    Total: 1960 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 150

    im having some fun with this Shotgun list. Played a few games. Most where close


    • LOVE IT! 1
  21. 39 minutes ago, AverageBoss said:

    They get a horde discount at 30.
    Though I always found 30 man SC squads odd, given their size and (supposed) elite status.

    i love 30 libbies, But have to agree it looks wierd;)
    i just finished the book Black pyramid. Prosecutors and small blocks of liberators are super cool there. Feeling pretty strong. 

    Looking at my shelved prosecutors..... cannot do anything...

  22. 11 hours ago, baiardo said:

    I'm wrong or that judicators can do 40dmg on average with anvils double shooting?to me seems good and a brilliant idea!

    Edit: Also, 30lib should be540pt. right, not 480, their going to cost 80pts?

    How did you calculate 40 damage on average?
    16 shots with 2 damage on a hit of 6
    4 shots exploding into d6
    average of 10 damage on a 4+ 

    30 libs get a horde discount so they will be 480.


    13 hours ago, Nizrah said:

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    - Stormhost: Anvils of the Heldenhammer (Stormkeep)

    Knight-Azyros (100)
    - Mystic Light (Artefact): Lantern of the Tempest
    Lord-Castellant (120)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Deathly Aura
    - Artefact: Soulthief
    Knight-Incantor (120)
    - Spell: Azyrite Halo
    Knight-Heraldor (100)

    30 x Liberators (480)
    - Warhammers
    - 6x Grandhammers
    5 x Liberators (90)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1x Grandhammers
    20 x Judicators (560)
    - Skybolt Bows
    - 4x Shockbolt Bows

    3 x Prosecutors with Stormcall Javelins (90)
    - 1x Stormsurge Tridents
    3 x Prosecutors with Stormcall Javelins (90)
    - 1x Stormsurge Tridents
    3 x Prosecutors with Stormcall Javelins (90)
    - 1x Stormsurge Tridents

    Vanguard Wing (140)

    Total: 1980 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 149

    Well, i think it have potential :D 

    This is a cool list. But super immobile. You hardly can move the liberators around because then they lose that +1 to hit +1 armour save. 

    Immagine playing any of the senario's like total commitment. You cannot capture a objective with anything because prosecutors cannot clear something of an objective sadly. So you can only shoot with that big unit of 20 judicators. They have to do so much work. 

    If you want to go like this i suggest going stormkeep patrol with translocation prayer and a knight vexillor.
    -go for that 3 drop

    -Nuke a flank in the hero fase, then translocatie/vexxillor to another side and shoot in the hero fase.

    This way you can force some plays on the opponent before he can react to it.


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  23. 6 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    also true,  but OP didnt mention wanting to build for comp

    Yeah true, I just want to make OP aware because when you put a lot of effort in your models with painting etc its a damn sad feeling if you thought you could proxy stuff. If you want judicators either convert them well or buy them would be my advice.. Before you spend a lot of time painting it. At first a lot of people think that tournaments are not for them untill they been at one and had a great experience.  :)

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