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Posts posted by Juicy

  1. 52 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

    Agreed. It's worth noting that if the Stormkeep sub-allegiance make it into the new edition, that would be the place to take units of 6. Without the drop-down MWs, you'd want a cushion to make sure those large lads got the full benefit from their charge.

    but then you lose half the warscroll because you miss out on the mortals on the drop.
    missing half the warscroll makes the value go down

  2. 1 hour ago, Marcvs said:

    And by that sub allegiance giving out teleport like candies, and by access to boardwide unbind and mortal wounds (not just kroak), and by access to buffs with no risk of failure (priest and starpriest)...
    Personally I find slaaanesh a bad book beyond its power level, but I quite like the soulblight one


    Yeah, from what ive seen i do enjoy thinkering lists for soulblight. Doenst seem that dramatisch for me. But then again i do like the slaves to darkness book also. And that book gets a lot of hate online aswell. 

    For our book i just want to have decent synergie ( im at that low expectation level right now). If they remove battalions im hoping for more interesting stormhosts. And hopefully a bit of a differant stormkeep rules. Because that idea is awsome but would need some love. Not being able to move libbies is hurtfull.

    • Like 1
  3. im in 50/50 about the new stormcasts. 

    I always liked the non feathers on the prosecutors and the prime and liked that boxy look. Im super invested into the old stormcast so at first when i saw the new release i was like.. OH DAMN THIS ISNT WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR.. i dont like models being updated this fast. At 40k i didnt like it either because im into GW games for long enough to know that it means a total overhaul from al the old models. So right now we think oke we got new sce and old sce. They look wierd next to one another but we all know within 2 years al the old stuff is replaced. (all that old warrior chamber stuff atleast). This is something i dont really like. I could imagine that with the new chamber ( if this is really a new chamber.. im not 100% sure yet) old stuff is getting sup optimal. I dont think for a second my liberators going to be better then these new battleline options and those new paladins are going to be worse then my retributors. 

    Its just not how GW worked in the past with the exeption of chaos marauders maybe. 

    Now ive settled down with my initial rage im like: lets see some rules first and mayb i can make a new off-meta themed list thats going to be cool to run at the middle tables.. That doesnt totaly look out of place just yet. 

    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, dirkdragonslayer said:

    What a huge chonker. He looks real cool, though I bet this means Gordrakk is going to get rocked at the start of this book. He isn't the kind of lad to share command of a Waaagh, as Skragrott knows.

    He doesn't really fit any part of Destruction's aesthetic. I love the narrative beat of a god who lost his children, but there's a severe lack of horses and well-crafted gear in destruction. Like I don't see my Gitz or Orruks marching behind this big Bronze Age beastie. I wonder if this is temporarily for everyone (like the fungoid shaman in Malign Portents before Gloomspite's reveal) or if he will be like Nagash for destruction and be around permanently.

    perhaps his race comes back in aos 3.0

  5. Stuff tha.t might help you

    -vanguard raptors max 9.  12 is overkill.
    -vangaurd raptors wants to have teleport/screens/aetherwings to keep them as safe as possible. Also want anvils of the heldenhammer for double tap. 24/hero  30/shooting. Loves ways to teleport like a lord aquilor/knight vex.. or less safe a priest with translocation. Bit risky if you fail that 3+.
    -Evocators on footx10. Loves gavriel surecharge. Why? to get them into melee before they got blasted. 5 inch movement 4+ armour save isnt going to survive a lot. Yes it used to be but at tournaments they dont. 
    -see the problem of raptors with evocators. They both love another stormhost.

    -dont take a risky endless spell with just 1 caster. I would advice going big on magic or leave it at home. Just an incantor for that free dispelscroll is enough. Dont spend more points because at the higher tables there is enough magic defense to never let you cast anything.
    - vexillor with meteoric standard. While its sweet if you go raptors you want that teleport more then those small mortals. The standard is fine if youre going max mortal wound spam to finish some stuff but if you go raptors you want that redeploy.
    -if you dont go battalions you dont have to worry about drops so you can safely field some aetherwings. remember if you dont go stormkeep you get scoins and can put stuff in the sky. In the sky its pretty safe and works well for ranged units
    -ballista. Works well with 3/4+ lord ordinator+knight azyros. You want to put these units in the scoins of the storm and drop them at close range 18. To max those shots. Can work with anystormhost thats why you see them often in combination with evocators and gav in hammers of sigmar. 2 hammer units is always nice to have. Ive seen people take ballista into astral templars for that +1 to hit vs monsters in a monster heavy meta. Worked well for them with a big anvil unit thats sitting on objectives.
    -speaking of objectives. You want to hold them or prevent the enemy from scoring. You have a lot of senarios where you score extra with leaders,battleline, behemoth. Check at your tournament pack what senario's you are going to play. Because if you go at events where you need a lot of battleline units to score heavy and you run 3x5 libs you're already behind. Could be a reason to go 30 libbies +9 longstrikes into stormkeep to try to hold some midfield objectives with battleline, or drop 20 sequitors on a battleline scoring objective. 

    hope this helps.


    • Like 2
  6. 56 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    we don't have a confirmation that he's Destruction, its just speculation at the moment.



    Honestly I don't think destruction is going to show up in broken realms in any capacity. I don't think it's a coincidence that destruction got a bunch of white dwarf articles in 2020, it was probably because they weren't going to show up in broken realms.

    Factions that havent shown up yet: Slaanesh, Khorne, Skaven, Beasts of chaos, Sylvaneth, all of destruction.
    So far we've got 3 factions already confirmed, Slaanesh, Seraphon, and Cities of Sigmar.
    Narratively destruction is completely united at the moment, so unless we see a brand new destruction faction it would be hard to put a single faction or two in, you'd need to bring the whole lot. It also doesn't make sense to make Gordrakk's WAAAGH! the B plot of the book after building it up for so long.
    Kragnos being part of destruction would almost certainly create a power struggle between him and Gordrakk unless Kragnos serves under Gordrakk. No matter the outcome it would be way too anticlimactic after building up Gordrakk's WAAAGH! and Kragnos.
    Kragnos probably won't lead a new destruction army. If he does we'd be getting basically back-to-back big destruction releases with BR:Kragnos then AOS3 which everyone thinks will be destruction, with probably a new army in the starter box.
    The broken realms books have covered 5-6 factions each, if destruction is in kragnos this book would have 7 before we even get to kragnos. If they included all the other non-destruction factions this book would have 6, which lines up with the other releases.
    The inclusion of Khorne, skaven, and BoC line up WAY better narratively against kroak and witch hunters than destruction. Seraphon's primary concern is chaos, and the order of azyr would be similar. Sylvaneth and BoC are classic enemies as well, and Khorne also fits in well since they are opposed to both order and slaanesh.
    That kragnos image we saw is very dark looking, and is actually quite reminiscent of the aesthetic seen in many of the BoC artwork. BoC are the darkness that lurks in the wilds of the realms, the style of paganistic dark horror is entirely theirs. Destruction isn't depicted in that way generally either.
    One of the BoC origin legends is that they are all descended from a single god-beast, the "Gor Father", what became of him was lost to time but some believe he is still alive.
    Kragnos is a centaur like creature of some sort. 2 non-destruction armies already have that aesthetic and neither have shown up in broken realms yet (BoC & Kurnothi although the art probably means it isn't kurnothi)

    In the original trailer Kragnos said that "his people were gone" which is an important distinction from "dead". While it could mean the same thing, it could also mean they are no longer where they used to be. Kragnos has presumably been gone for a long time. Its worth noting that one of the major oppositions to Sigmar's colonizing of the realms during the age of myth were the beasts of chaos who were driven out in order to build up civilization.

    I'm not saying kragnos can't be destruction, he certainly might be, but to me it looks like all the evidence points to him being chaos aligned, specifically BoC, who share aesthetic elements with destruction, but differ immensely in motivation. 


    in the book black pyramid, a goat shaman called ghosteater took his people of to be more then just meat for the slaanesh army. In the end of that book ghost eater talks to a sigmar priest. They have a conversation about a beast god that isnt here but sigmar is.


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  7. 1 hour ago, PJetski said:

    That's not entirely correct. If you bring a CITIES OF SIGMAR PRIEST as part of the Stormkeeps allegiance then you can give them a Stormcast prayer since that unit is part of your army and not an ally, and the Prayers do not require the STORMCAST keyword.

    Since Bless Weapons does not require the STORMCAST keyword you can use it with any PRIEST.

    Translocation does require a STORMCAST PRIEST though.

    edit: Should have refreshed the thread before posting

    missed that, you are correct !

  8. 4 hours ago, SentinelGuy said:

    Mostly because I'm in the middle of scratch building one to fit in with my Stormcast and I like how it looks. Besides, it gives me a hero who can cast decent spells and dispel, has a nice mortal wound attack, and buffs my Irondrakes. Yes, a basic Runelord could buff them and I had considered that, but it feels a bit samey as it's what I used to play. 

    Now I'm looking at the Stormcast prayers and wondering if I really need Translocation. The one that blesses weapons might actually be more beneficial. IIRC that one prayer doesn't specifically state it can only target Stormcast Eternals. Could be cool sticking that on the Irondrakes, even if I'd need a 4+ to pray.


    Edit - perhaps couple the prayer with the Hurricanum for even more shots? Not sure if it'll work, will have to check my books when I'm home.

    i do love the looks of this list on the battlefield. But damn you're gimping yourself so hard into the narrative that synergie is trown out of the window. I feel that its so easy to make this list fall apart that i wonder how fun it stays playing it. I do play a lot of themed lists but even when my opponent knows our bad warscrolls are in the way most of the games;).

    the reason that irondrakes work is because you need to bring them into position. Stormcast cannot do that. City's can. With your list you can teleport protectors around but they die to fast right now. And if you want to bring protectors up close.. just go skyborne slayers.

    if you wanna bring irondrakes up close.. City's is your best play. And these are the only damage part of the list. 

    stalkers are good. They dont need support. 

    edit: removed to stop confusion


  9. 6 hours ago, Marcvs said:

    unfortunately, there's a few problems, the biggest of which is that I am pretty sure you cannot use Gardus in Skyborne Slayers (the battalion doesn't use the KEYWORD for LORD CELESTANT, so while we can argue about the version with mounts, named ones are out pretty clearly).

    Other than that, the bonus attack is only for HEROES, so these woulnd't be in the battalion, hence at best 9" away from the enemy. Sure, you get the reroll, but that's just a 50% chance of getting in.

    After you jump through all these hoops what does this get you? +1 attack for heroes who are notoriously not very killy (for instance, the +1 attacks on the two profiles of of a Celestant on Stardrakes nets you around +1.5 damage vs a 4+ save...). Probably the best target would be the Celestant Prime, who can also guarantee the charge.

    The save against mortal wounds is... nice? (as long as your 5 wounds, 4+ save character is alive that is), but for the rest I would always value Celestial Vindicators + a Vexillor (+1 attacks on a unit for a CP and reroll charges, plus the great once per game teleport) over Hallowed Knights + Gardus (+1 attacks on heroes and reroll charges)

    this 100 %,

    model would fit super well for a skyborne slayers army tho. That heroic landing.... Love that model.. 

  10. 22 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    Gardus is good, despite the 5 wounds and 4+ save and low rend/damage weapons. I would go so far to say that he is easily the best Stormcast hero warscroll, especially since he is only 110 points (there isn't much competition for that title). His 4+ save doesn't really matter that much because you don't need him to survive more than one turn.

    Re-rollable charges (great for scion drops) and +1 attack for all heroes around him that doesn't cost a command point is a great ability. I could see some kind of gimmick list with a bunch of mounted heroes like LADracoline, LAGC, LCDracoth, Stardrake to repeatedly attack with Martyrs Strength + Cycle of the Storm combo. It's not a meta breaker but it's playable and distinct from other Stormcast lists. 

    I don't see him being impactful enough to ever justify playing Hallowed Knights in a competitive game. Playable and good for casual games, which is a fine place to be for a special character.

    His base stats are bad and not representative of what Stormcast should be, but that's consistent with every other Stormcast warscroll.  There's a chance it will be rewritten with 3rd edition battletome like they did with some of the Necrons from Indomitus.

    right now we have so many warscrolls that needs a rewrite it would take 4 books worth of work.


    • Haha 1
  11. 13 hours ago, Marcvs said:

    Yes, my italian finally useful!! XD

    (this guy is 300 points, so it's more him vs the celestant prime, the battle of the "normal size miniature on top of swirling thing")

    but his role is more simular with the knight venator.. this is how the knight venator fights in the lore

    • Sad 1
  12. 51 minutes ago, Tizianolol said:

    hi all guys im working on stardrake list for like 1 month atm. this is what i wanna play on tts saturday

    Lord Celestand on Stardrake 

    - mirrorshield


    - struch defender


    Lord castellant




    -azyrite halo





    - teleport prey



    -teleport once per battle pennant


    2x5 liberators


    5 judicators


    4 fulminators


    10 shadow warriors 



    chronomatic cogs

    tot 2000


    what do you think about that? there is a classic combo to make stardrake super tanky , i wanna add relictor for healing preyer plus another possible teleport. heraldor is good for retreat and charge , expecially on fulminaotrs and eventually on stardrake. i wanna play cogs because when i pop fulminators they have to charge. another option is play 4 concussors but i think this list need fulminators so mutch, we need a good hammer to kill something. shadow war are best ally for SCTE when u wanna play stardrake imo. we need them to steal objectives or kill little buffer units. 



    weak spots are
    - 1 lord relictor... nothing is going to be in range for him to heal or teleport.. better drop him.
    - knight vexillor is pretty useless for you when you can start stuff in the sky. You could spend these points on other things
    -1  knight incantor isnt really going to get cogs of in this meta. You probly help your opponent more then yourself. i do like the incantor for the auto dispel

    fulminators just want a knight heraldor/ and/ or lord castellant for that buff. They are solid enough.

    get rid of the shadowwarriors and get shadowstalkers.. way and way better.

  13. 4 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    How many points would you pay for a squad of 3 Prosecutors if their warscroll looked like this?


    With paired celestial hammers you could have 5 attacks per model on the charge, (with 6 on the prime).

    this is more like it already because of that once per battle ability. i feel like EEL level of points would be solid atleast..
    this unit should be glass canon for sure..

  14. i really dont want another chamber or sigmar model.. We got already to much models to balance out. I just want chambers to function more like chambers and heroes to give that chamber a solid buff. Making battalions playing into the chambers so we stick to a themed kind of listbuilding. Atleast if you want that. 

    for me our vanguard auxilairy chamber is in a way a strong representation of how a chamber should function. It has its strong points and its weak points. They are with a few units with a lot of buffs to make them stronger then normal and they synergise pretty well. Every unit in that battalion feels like how that unit should be. Yes we can tweak that a bit better but its pretty close. If i read a novel and read about a vanguard auxilairy chamber sniping and hunting stuff and playing this battalion i feel like its pretty close.

    Now when i play my warrior chamber dudes that feeling is on another universe.. Liberators, paladins and prosecutors totaly feeling wrong. A liberator should be able to hold its on against a lot of elites out there and a retributor should be like a tank to get down. A prosecutor should be hard to get down because of the speed and agility. These units should work together like brothers who fought countless wars because thats how sigmar made them. Veterans and powerfull characters forged into sigmarite. Characters like a lord celestant should feel really strong. In my head they should feel 200 points of strong leaders.

    I want my force to be small like in warcry and underworlds. I want my force to be outnumberd because if i want numbers i get some allies in. I want my opponent to think twice about charging into a 10 men paladin unit because he knows he needs to bring his elites to grind them down. Right now they die to everything that looks at them. I want a unit of stormcast eternals on an objective feel like they are in control instead of getting outnumberd by 6 puny humans. 

    I dont want OP stuff but i want stronger then average stuff with the cost of higher points and mayb forcing a bit more into synergies overlapping to make the best out of these units. 

    + i feel like the new Lumineth got a lot of stuff that i would love on my stormcast.. Im a bit jealous about some of the rules i read. I think some rules would be a perfect fit for some of our own units.. 

    i dont want a sigmar model because that would make our stormcast kind of pointless. We got his avatar the prime and his army the stormcast no need for this godmen to go to battle again.. 


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