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Posts posted by Juicy

  1. 1 hour ago, PJetski said:

    No shade on Cinderfall Gaming but they frequently make videos on whatever they dredge up from 4chan, so I don't put any stock in these "rumours"

    if you ask me, Cinderfall gaming puts out to much content for the sake of making content. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, The World Tree said:

    Translocation isn't a nerf, it is a correction of what everyone should have known would be the rules...

    Don't forget that Stormcast have been performing VERY well with a wide variety of lists. Most without a relictor and half of the release!

    We have a good book at the moment, not perfect, but good.

    my answer to this would be... No no and no..

    with the new book, a lot of lists really looked at the translocation relictor combo. As translocation was forgotten by a few FAQ already many of us believed it was intentional. This even more because al other movement tricks where nerfed or removed.

    We havent got a wide variety of lists doing well? we only got a few tournament data and our own data that we discus here. On tournament data we have 1 lists with a relictor 4 fulms and 6 longstrike. Yes this list can function without the relictor but no where near as good. And a knight judicator spam list. Other lists are insert translocation relictor and teleport protectors or imperitant annihilator swarm. Its really not that wide of a variation when you look at how insane amount of troop and hero choise we have.

    Good? mayb but mostly pretty boring.

  3. 2 minutes ago, The World Tree said:

    I don't think he's a rule writer - rather oversees AOS in the studio. Certainly he is a skilled player with extra knowledge, but there are a lot of misconceptions about the Stormcast book from people who I've wagered have played very little with it. Better to approach things with an open mind. 

    Ben told me he isnt involved into rule writing but he has a lot of stuff to say about direction of the game and story line. He's also a pretty skilled player. Had the honor of meeting him @belgium 2 years ago

    where he faced of against my buddy's khorne army with his Archaon. Can  tel you he's a pretty sweet player that knows what hes doing.

    • Like 1
  4. if translocation gets a nerf, it feels SUPER bad for all my oldcast. Dont wanna go back to shootcast/dragons again. 

    Yesterday ive played a game on TTS with the new dragons against DOK. My god dragons are SUPER good. Ive played  a lot of games with 15 protectors but damn, dragons just feel insane

    That -1 to wound is soooo good on a warscroll like that. 


    Hate to see only dragon lists. I like the way translocation opens up other variations of lists

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Kaleydoscope said:

    This. I have no idea how something like this can be intentional or slipping through before releasing that battletome. Why would anyone use the Knight-Relictor besides him being somewhat cool model-wise? I can imagine using one as another count-as Lord-Relictor but besides that... Even when the Lord-R. would rise in points significantly, I would prefer him 80% of the time. Will anyone be using the Knight-Arcanum? I like the model, but I guess it will cosplay a Knight-Incantor or Lord-Arcanum.

    yeah this!, i believe if we put 1 person and give him 10minutes he can think of a better rule to make both models worth it in a differant list.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Scurvydog said:

    Just came back from my local non GW hobby store after picking up 6 longstrikes (yea boy!) and they at least mentioned they had heard nothing about any upcoming preorders for the new dragons, so at this point I tend to believe the rumors about the production being fubar somehow with massive delays. Does not explain why annihilators/Bastian/2 new useless battlelines (sad face) are not being released.

    Really anyone saying new model power creep has NOT looked at Vigilors and Vanquishers, what a waste of cool new kits 😛

    also honorble mention: Knight arcanum and knight relictor

    knight relictor for 5 points more you get+1 to your prayers +3 to your prayer range+1 wound+1 attack

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 22 minutes ago, readercolin said:

    So I agree that starsouls are better against high-save targets.  However, one of the things that I did have trouble with when running them in a big block was maneuvering.  The glaves have a 3" reach, which meant it wasn't a big deal that the attacking units hit from both sides.  The maces however have only 1" reach, and with the massive footprint that 15 of these guys have, it is relatively easy for an opponent to attack against a side and have it take a while to get the maces in place via pile ins.  But, as long as you stagger your lines, glaves can fight 3 ranks deep meaning it isn't as big of a deal when people are maneuvering around you.

    Note here, I am not 100% convinced one way or another.  I think I need to try them out a few more times before making a decision on how to build them, and also if I even want to build around them.

    Forgot that you can take it as an enhancement.  That being said, I'm not sure that you can actually viably take both of them in a list.  This is mostly because I'm not sure you can count on Thunderbolt Volley unless you can guarantee you can shoot first, which would require taking the one-drop battalion.  Maybe if you are bringing 15 Judicators in a unit, but definitely not if you are bringing 6 vanguard-raptors.  Now I'm wondering what that force would look like... first pass would be something like this:

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    - Stormhost: Knights Excelsior
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    - Triumphs:

    Yndrasta, The Celestial Spear (320)*
    Lord-Relictor (145)*
    - Prayer: Divine Light
    Lord-Relictor (145)*
    - General
    - Command Trait: High Priest
    - Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
    - Spell: Celestial Blades
    - Prayer: Translocation

    15 x Protectors (675)**
    - Reinforced x 2
    15 x Judicators with Skybolt Bows (600)**
    - Reinforced x 2
    5 x Liberators (115)*
    - Heavens-wrought Weapon and Shield

    Core Battalions
    **Hunters of the Heartlands

    Additional Enhancements
    Holy Command: Thunderbolt Volley
    Holy Command: Unleash Thy Hatred

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 4 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 105
    Drops: 6

    The problem that I have with divine light/bless weapons is that they are yet more prayers.  Since we are already being forced to take Translocation, we now need to either take an enhancement for additional prayers, or we are bringing 3 priests with our army, which is quite the usage of points.  Not saying that they aren't good, especially when you can also go ahead and add Celestial Blades from a wizard/arcane tome.  But I don't think you can afford to take 435 points of priests to buff 675 points of paladins.

    im almost running the same list for a al my 3.0 book games.

    lord relictor + castallant+ 15 xbow juds + 15 protectors as main focus.

    Yndrasa just aint worth it. Battleshock immume is nice but 12 inch bubble is to short. Not much killing power and again 12 inch bubble to revive a protector is not even worth it in 5 turns. Just get another unit of paladins or more board controll. 
    And divine light is cool but the range on it prevents me from getting much out of it. Blessed weapons on the otherhand is lovely.

    What i experienced is that 15 protectors dont need a lot of help. Im even thinking of dropping the lord castellant support and just go with them with unleashed hatred and let the opponent deal with them. While i take the board.

  8. 9 minutes ago, frenk_castle said:

    May I ask for your opinion on Lord-Arcanum vs Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger?


    I have both and I am really fan on Sacrosanct chamber. And I have both of these models and I play them as my general almost every game. Now I watched a video on YouTube from Order Academy and he listed Stormcast units in 6 tiers. A, B C, D, E, F. Tier I where Vindictors, new "small dragons" and one more unit. According to him they are the best Stormcast have now. In tier B he put Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger while he put Lord-Arcanum in tier F. His explanation was. For 40 more points you get more base movement, two more wounds, Chargers attacks, teleport every turn and better spell. His conclusion why would you ever take Lord-Arcanum over Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger.

    I do not claim Lord-Arcanum is a better option. I love the model more but I do not claim it is over all better. I just got shocked cause in my view the difference is not that great.

    So for my thinking and playing so far I always played both versions as a general with Master of Magic Command trait and Arcane Tome relic.

    So Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger has better move, has more attacks, have more wounds and with mount trait can retreat and charge or pile in 6''. Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charge is better there.

    Spell I would argue is in favour of the regular Lord-Arcanum. Thunderclap is in my opinion better than healing light. Yes Healing Light is cast 5 over 6 for Thunderclap but -1 to hit until my next hero phase with is two or three, in case of double turn, for a unit in both shooting and melee is worth more the on average 3.5 wounds healed.

    Ability. While teleport is super useful I am not sure would you actually risk Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger each turn to jump over the board or would you keep him behind buffing the rest of your army. Lord-Arcanum Aetheric Manipulation seems like a really good way to control a Predatory endless spell like Celestial Vortex, Quicksilver Swords, Geminies of Uhl-Gysh, The Burning Head. You can pretty much fling each spell 20'' on invocation.

    So I would argue depending of the strategy you want to play they both can be decent or at the very list they are not 4 Tiers apart. Now I may be overselling endless spells but I honestly do not think one is so much better over the other.

    What is your opinion?

    where i really love my lord arcanum i find it hard to make really good use of him. I always find more use for a knight incantor because offence magic isnt really good without + to cast. Even his base spell gets hard to get of in comp play. Where giving my points into a free scroll always seems super usefull.. 

    comparing both arcanums i do like the lord arcanum on foot more. I like to shoot endless spells further and never find the need to move my caster agressivly over the board. I just like to safe those extra 40 points for triumph.

  9. 1 hour ago, Scurvydog said:

    Yea, at least it forces a hard look at the rest of the book. 

    Perhaps it is the bitterness of the wait and now probably not having time to paint up anything new for this falls events, but outside of these new units, there are really few tools in the book to deal with the competitive meta. 

    Don't get me wrong, the core warscrolls are pretty good for a lot of older units, but it is just not enough in itself, to be more than 3/2 to 4/1 on the best of days. 

    Looking at this purely in a competitive manner we do not have as good tools, or outright lacking tools, to deal with the major threats going around right now.

    Shooting: Sentinels and Bow snakes are a pretty direct comparison to our ranged units. Judicators got MW on 6s sure, buw Blood stalkers got the same ranged profile, but they are cheaper per 5 (170 vs 200), less save but much faster and got a ward. Blood stalkers also got way better support, especially with hero phase shooting from Morathi, which Judicators can only do 1 time at best. Sentinels still blow them out of the water, with MWs on 5s from power of Hysh and 30" range and no line of sight requirement. They will also often be within a 5+ ward bubble, are faster and better at contesting objectives.

    Heroes: We got no unique command abilities. We got some decent named characters, which are OK, they do not an army make though. As we are only looking at the currently available models, the stardrake and tauralon are our monster choices. They are just OK, with the Tauralon being more a utility piece, the Stardrake is the closest we get. I am not sure if he is up to the task of going toe to toe with similar pointed monster heroes, like Mega gargants, Mawkrushas, VLoZD etc. Those armies also got a better supporting system around their heroes typically, where Stormcast is almost just a compendium of warscrolls at this point with no real mechanic around them.

    Utility: Everything seems to ride on the Lord Relictor and translocation at this point. If that gets FAQ'd at all, then the entire tome just nosedives into bleh territory for anything but the dragon builds. The paladin builds rely on this mobility trick to get anywhere important. Without it, they are just sitting ducks, and walking around the table is just asking to get peppered with mortal wounds. For casting we got a decent spell lore, but none of the available units got any bonuses to cast and we only got Aventis with more than 1 cast, as the regular Tauralon was brought down to 1 cast only. Relying on magic is just not going to happen in any competitive scene, as this will just get completely shut down by Seraphon, Lumineth, Nagash/Arkhan and will be tough against basically anyone else with the slightest bonus to unbind.

    Points run out so fast and the wound count is low, as many points need to be invested to simply get the decent hammer units into range, without getting destroyed on the way. The lord imperatant is an expensive tax to simply get annihilators to work OK, and the relictor eats up almost 150 pts and a command trait, to sort of reliable get paladin units into combat or Fulminators. Even then, we get an issue with screening units and to deal with that, we need around 400 pts of ranged units as well...

    Drakes solve most of these issue on their own warscroll, as well as benefitting so darn much from a single command trait. Once you have a -1 to be wounded trait for ALL monsters boardwide, doubling down on monsters is just so efficient. They fix the issue with poor anti magic, with a 50% magic ignore. They fix the mobility and delivery mechanism issues on their own, with hero phase move+charge. They provide fine ranged damage as well, a big improvement over the dracothian guards. They also fly and get all the monstrous rampage stuff, while they can be put into a hunters of the heartlands themselves. 

    This is sort of the book where nothing is greater than the sum of their parts is what I feel  and I keep failing to make any list I am confident in doing better than 3/2 with, with the currently available models...

    I seem to agree on most stuff. If and only if translocate stays the same as it is now. I have some fun with my protector blobs untill people know how to handle it by, redeploy/screens. But if translocation get fixed my oldcast is going to be way less strong. Movement 4 protectors not going to conquer the board or lots of battletactics. 

    at this point i played 8+ games with the new book. And had some fun but also missing flavor and depth. Also thinking of building a new army cause of it. I got zero interest in going dragon style like most players. As i feel its just waiting for the pointnerf to come and slap us. 

    Thing im missing the most if synergie with heroes. Or fun tricks to do. Interesting mixes with city's is not something we have right now but might get in the future. 

    Starving for points and units.

    Edit: everytime i see another SCE player trying to make a list work i still feel kind of proud that we be trying to find interesting stuff. 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Scurvydog said:

    Another attempt at a Knights excelsior list. 

    I keep going back and forth on Yndrasta, she could be traided in to get a unit of 4 Stormdrakes instead of 2, but she is also a handy utility piece and every paladin she brings back is a big deal and she got the potential to cripple some monsters in their potential output by just engaging.


    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    - Stormhost: Knights Excelsior
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    - Triumphs: Bloodthirsty
    Yndrasta, The Celestial Spear (320)*
    Lord-Relictor (145)*
    - General
    - Command Trait: High Priest
    - Prayer: Translocation
    Lord-Imperatant (175)*
    - Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
    - Spell: Thundershock
    6 x Annihilators with Meteoric Grandhammers (480)*
    - Reinforced x 1
    10 x Protectors (450)*
    - 4x Starsoul Maces
    - Reinforced x 1
    5 x Vindictors (130)*
    2 x Stormdrake Guard (285)*
    *Battle Regiment

    Total: 1985 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 2 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 97
    Drops: 1


    Alternatively double down, however I think having no fast moving units at all is a problem

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    - Stormhost: Knights Excelsior
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    - Triumphs: Bloodthirsty
    Lord-Relictor (145)*
    - General
    - Command Trait: High Priest
    - Prayer: Translocation
    Lord-Imperatant (175)*
    - Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
    - Spell: Thundershock
    6 x Annihilators with Meteoric Grandhammers (480)*
    - Reinforced x 1
    6 x Annihilators with Meteoric Grandhammers (480)*
    - Reinforced x 1
    10 x Protectors (450)*
    - 4x Starsoul Maces
    - Reinforced x 1
    5 x Retributors (235)*
    *Battle Regiment

    Total: 1965 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 3 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 94
    Drops: 1

    list 2 is cool but you overdid it on alpha output. If you opponent has 3/4 small screens your whole army cannot react very well.  Also prone to getting stuck of the board and zoned out.

    I would recommond to switch wither the retributors or making another unit smaller to put in some screen destroyer units. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

    Is staying as Hammers good or should I swap to another host?

    giving fulms battleline is both good and bad.. Its easier acces for your opponent on scoring an extra vp when they have to kill a battleline, But on the other hand. you could totaly drop the 2x5 vindictors as they wont participate a lot, could also free up 30 points to switch them to liberators and go for that triump.


    Edit:i used to LOVE celestial vindicators on fulminators but now im not so sure. I think celestialvindicators have something for them to boost that damage output of the fulminators still. Hammers gives you a bit of objective play. Im not sure our 2 fulminators doing a lot of overkill damage and really need that extra hit.


  12. 55 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

    I like how this looks. Not sure about effectiveness but it will look cool. All the drake things are spitting some form of MW. Currently my thought was Hammers but I could probably move them to something else. Make the Draconis the General to give me 3 battleline still so im still good no matter what.

    Command Entourage:
    Knight-Draconis, Amulet
    Lord-Relictor, General, High Priest, Translocation
    Knight-Incantor, Chain Lightning

    Redemption Brotherhood:
    Fulminators x2
    Fulminators x2
    Fulminators x2
    Fulminators x2

    Hunters of the Heartlands:
    Stormdrake Guard x2
    Vindictors x5
    Vindictors x5

    I think this list will do great vs most matchups


    • Like 1
  13. 11 hours ago, Archibald said:

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    - Stormhost: Hallowed Knights
    - Mortal Realm: Ghur
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
    - Triumphs: 

    Gardus Steel Soul (160)*
    Lord-Relictor (145)*
    - General
    - Command Trait: Staunch Defender  
    - Artefact: Mirrorshield  
    - Prayer: Translocation
    Celestant-Prime (325)*

    15 x Judicators with Boltstorm Crossbows (570)**
    - Reinforced x 2
    10 x Liberators (230)**
    - Heavens-wrought Weapon and Shield
    - 2x Grandhammers
    - Reinforced x 1
    5 x Liberators (115)*
    - Heavens-wrought Weapon and Shield
    - 1x Grandhammers

    4 x Dracothian Guard Concussors (440)**
    - Reinforced x 1

    Core Battalions
    **Hunters of the Heartlands

    Additional Enhancements
    Holy Command: Thunderbolt Volley
    Holy Command: Call for Aid

    Total: 1985 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 4 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 104
    Drops: 7

    I will be playing this list tomorrow against a tree friend friend. Really looking forward to test the Gardus castle and the 15 Xbow Judicators (finally get to test them out after all of the praising @Juicydid😄).

    Hahahaha, let me know how it went! and dont forget to PRIME that big xbow. I went hardcore into sylvaneth yesterday. He had a hard time vs the xbow juds. Even tho his warsong killed a lot of Sce. 

  14. 7 hours ago, Freejack02 said:

    Prosecutor Prime's trident isn't an accidental ommision methinks - the hammer Prosecutors specifically cannot benefit from a Grandhammer extra attack on the Prime as well. It seems to be deliberate, but it won't hurt to ask I guess (on both counts)...

    this just blew my mind, its already hard to justify prosecutors. And this even makes it harder. That extra damage on 9+ range didnt hurt anyone. Hated to see this go

    • Like 1
  15. 8 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    I'm curious about that. Anyone played any game abusing that mechanic with top units? How did it go?

    If other battletomes become stronger, I think that transclote is completely intended. But it's understandable that some players feels a bit afraid after viewing some battlereports.

    im playing a lot 1/2 times a week. Sometimes translocate feels strong but ive played enough smart players who got lots of cheap screens in the way of an alpha strike or use redeploy wisely. Playing the same player twice makes them better against the translocation prayer. They deploy better or play better into terrain/screens/redeploy. Havent had a game people complained about it tho. But im playing 99% of the time against high comp. I even failed a 2+reroll translocate today against soulblight=rip. 

    I feel like translocate gives us more list varity (<- not sure about spelling). Slow units like paladins can run right into the enemy turn one. Also makes your opponent want to snipe your priest more. ( mirrorshield <3) 

    Every army got there tools. 
    right new we can 
    -shoot twice with juds/raptors
    -translocate oldhammerpaladins
    -scions annihilators
    -alphastrike dragons/fulminators with run and charge (dont even need a prayer to do this)
    -mass redeemers for objective play.

    • Like 2
  16. With redeploy in the game, that translocation isnt that big of a deal.. Also there are screens. With translocation you only be able to hit the frontline. if your big thing got translocation killed its your fault for no screening. 

    After playing al these game now with move after translocate it really isnt that game breaking. I was against it at first but after surviving a few FAQ and legal on everytournament here i made peace with it. Now i enjoy teleporting paladins over the map. Not insta win. But its sure strong.

    • Like 3
  17. 2 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    It has an Attacks characteristic.

    There is a command ability to boost the Attacks of a PALADIN unit.

    i might be wrong, but starsoul maces dont use a attack sequince means you cannot boost it.. in 2.0 we couldnt even make it reroll 1. Because of it. Not seing this as a change since the text stays the same. Even tho the profile in located in attack characteristics.. Would be nice tho;)


  18. 3 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    The reason you take the Tauralon is because he is a fast flying monster with good defensive stats and a strong +1 hit ability. For 285 points and an amulet of destiny that's a really good utility piece.

    Azyros total garbage now. 

    Starsoul maces are better now. Much better. They have an Attacks characteristic which means you can use buffs that boost attacks on them. 10x Protectors with the holy command is 4 Starsouls is 8 attacks that do d3 mw on a 2+ and 37 glaive attacks.

    LRelictor can do a 2+ rerollable translocation to get those Protectors stuck in on the first turn immediately, since you can move after using Translocation.

    In Knights Excelsior you can double reinforce the Protectors to get 2 more Starsouls (4 attacks with order) and 18 more Glaive attacks. Then your opponent has to deal with 45 wounds on a 2+ save. Amazing!

    starsoul mace.... still do not use attack sequince for an attack made with a starsoul mace. Instead roll a dice.. So no way to buff this and they lost that on a roll of 6+1

    Yeah improved armour is nice. But pointbump is really agressive

  19. My first day looking trough the book for combo's i find myself struggling. Ive waited soo long for this book hoping for some models i love to to see rule changed.. Im looking at knight venator, prosecutors for example only to find them yet again not reworked enough to make them valid. Knight venator putting next to a knight judicator is just painfull. I was hoping for a better rework of the stormhosts to give me atleast acces to reroll casts or extra spells. Right now everything feels a bit bland. A bit boring with soo much missed potential. 

    ( yes ill understand gw wants us to buy thunderstrike) And yes if you go dragons im happy for you.

  20. 27 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    First impressions


    • Celestant Prime has a 4+ ward now
    • Gardus
    • Lord-Celestant on Stardrake (Way more damage, more wounds)
    • Dracoths
    • Dracolines
    • Ordinator
    • Gardus is worth mentioning twice he is the reason you want to play Hallowed Knights
    • Tauralons (new Comet Trail is incredible)
    • Judicators (both kinds)
    • Raptors (both kinds)
    • Lord-Relictor
    • All the new models*
    • Knight-Draconis 
    • Stormdrake Guard
    • Retributors and Protectors (but not Decimators)
    • Liberators (Improved, still bad, but still the cheapest battleline so theyll see play)
    • Ballista?
    • Celestian Vortex


    • Prosecutors (hammers better, javelins much worse, still useless)
    • Castigators (they got better but still useless)
    • Sequitors
    • *Vanquishers
    • *Knight-Relictor
    • Gavriel
    • Aetherwings (RIP)
    • Vandus (command ability gutted)
    • Lord-Aquilor
    • Celestant 
    • Veritant
    • Azyros
    • Venator
    • Heraldor (RIP)
    • Drakesworn Templar

    Im looking at this on another way

    from your winners list
    -ordinator didnt get anything special but keeps his + 1 to hit. Not really an improvement.

    -tauralon lost 1 spellcast and no + to cast or anything to boost casting besides stardrake. Its really really sad
    -judicators. Im sure bowjuds are better but looking at my 15 xbow juds im not sure they come out as winners. Getting less attacks that hit better and lost the d3 mortals is huge in an armour meta. But more range and slightly better profile. While also losing rr1 against chaos. Hard to justify that extra cost. Also hard to find good synergie. Might be Azyros but then the points are just oo heavy that raptors are more solid. ( battleline is all fine but with sce being this expensive and still low damage output im not sure they are winners.
    -starsoul maces are nerfed aswell. 

    The list of winners is really small for al the non thunderstrike stuff. Im writing lists al morning for some oldcast stuff but damn im missing points, synergies. This book offers no way to go slightly offensive with wizards. 

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