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Posts posted by Juicy

  1. Loving this project but i think the paladins do need a bit more work. Atm retributers are better then both protectors and Decimators by a lot. Even in there role. Giving retributors -2 rend makes that gab even bigger. It would be nice to see protectors do some more damage since they should carve trough frontlines and decimators get a damage of 2 aswell.  I would love a passive staunch defender on libs. Rest looks fine

  2. Would love to make liberators get a shield wall bonus when they are with more then 5 so people have a reason to take bigger units of them.  Something like. When a unit of liberators consist of more then 5 models they get +1 armour save if they didnt make a charge move this turn.  Staunch defender on bigger units.

    right now people just play 3x5 liberators and take this 300 point tax. 

    while were at it. Make paladins atleast 3+ armour save cause those warscrolls hurt my eyes

  3. Good


    gloomspite, mawtribes, tzeentch, khorne, citys of sigmar.

    i do like the flavor of the books and it feels like the units do things they should do.

    bonereapers could be amazing if the peri+1 save is changed or gone. So people would build more diverse lists. Atm peri is to strong to ignore. 

    i like what gw tryed with the beastmen book but it fails a bit with the powerlevel of monsters and bullgors. Could be fixed with ease tho


    stormcast, zero internal balance. Most heroes are useless and zero synergie between older units. Big unit bases with low damage. Almost none of the battalions really doing something and 1 boring anvilsshootcast is the way. Stardrakes have wierd non interactive mechanics. Very disappointed. I try to do a warrior chamber list just cause i like the basic paladins and liberators but men they do suck. 

    slaanesh cause... reasons pointed out already and idoneth deepkin aswell. Eelspam aint fun to play against

  4. I feel retributors with rend -2 and mortal wounds. Are to good compared to decimators and protectors. The rend -2 makes to other paladins to bad even when being cheaper. Not sure how to improve the other 2. Mayb give protecters an extra wound and Decimators an easier to wound roll or something like that

  5. Ive played this list from above a lot just without the lord castellant.  Most games ive killed the whole army of my opponent. Even facing skaven. But most ive lost on objectives. After a game or 10 i got bored of the list. None of my opponents really enjoyed the matchup against double stardrake.  Not because its strong but the starfall mechanic is kind of boring to play against.  Brought it to 2 tournaments but there also people didnt have fun playing against it and im starting to dislike lists around mechanics like starfall, slaanesh locus etc. 

  6. On 12/28/2019 at 2:47 AM, Mark Williams said:

    It’s easy to forget about the units in the sky, so even if you’ve seen it, sometimes you just slip up and get slammed for it. It creates a “feels bad” moment. If you know about it and are waiting for it, sometimes you don’t get to do whatever “thing” your army does so you feel like it’s a boring game. Also it auto wins against a lot of armies, so some people just don’t get to play a more casual list that they may want to play. On the flip side, it auto loses against some other armies, so some other opponents feel its just a shallow, boring trick. So it’s either a stressful and mentally exhausting game for people to have to play against, or it’s just a dull easily countered tactic that no on finds interesting. There’s a time and a place for that sort of game. The casual hobby group is not always that place.


     The most common feedback I get from players is that from their side of the table, it looks almost like cheating. It’s too easy to use, and you don’t have to put much thought into it. And there isn’t much for them to interact with during the process. At its most simplistic level, Gavriel lets you delete a unit off the table “for free”, and the only interaction the opponent has with it is getting to try to limit the available options of units to be deleted. A lot of people seem to find that extremely annoying to play against.

    I do understand this a bit tho. People felt the same way about my double stardrake list. I thought it was bad 1100 points on 2 models who have a hard time grabbing or holding objectives. But the double starfall was fun for me for a while but every opponent that i played didnt had fun. Cause the starfall mechanic insta kills small units and heroes with some luck. And there is nothing to do about it but killing the dragons. Now it doenst sound that bad but after a while i wasnt enjoying the game with 3 stardrakes. So i went back to more models on the board and lesser bigger point sinks. I do enjoy the game more now and with my current gamegroup people like to play games where they feel they can do more interactive stuff. The gav bomb is just 1 trick but on friendly games ill understand its not always fun to play against but in competive its the trick u probly need. Stormcast got a lot of wierd tricks thats not so fun to play against like anvils double tap 9 longstrikes. No one is having fun but we can do competive other stuf like liberators or other judicator shooting cause its just not enough damage 

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  7. Honestly im not so worried about this priority roll. Since its tied to archaon himself. I like it as a tactical think and it fits his lore pretty well. As stated before im more worried about army wide buffs or that the army only get 1 good build that overshadows every other attempt.  I hope the slaughterbrute and warcry warbands are decent enough to see the playfield

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