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Posts posted by Juicy

  1. i like it. my biggest worry is still objective play. Since there are a lot of senario''s where we have to protect 3 and try to get a fourth.  The kraken eater does only count as 1 model for allies outside of SOB. It means we still keep our biggest weakness trying to control the objective part.

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  2. 4 hours ago, macrake said:

    QOUTE: |"Both "on dracoth" or "on Stardrake" are part of the name of the unit in the pitched battle profiles, so they are not a subheading which can be ignored"|


    When they write "included in the entry for the unit", it means the entry in the battalion organisation. Entry does not mean "name of the unit on it's warscroll".

    For an example, the skaven battalion "Congregation of Filth" has a unit entry of  a "Plague priest on plague furnace". Here the sub-heading is "on plague furnace". And it can't be ignored, since it's in the unit entry of the battalion. So no normal Plague priest. If on the hand the unit entry in the battalion was just "plague priest", then both plague priest and plague priest on plague furnace would work.

    Consider this: If what you wrote is true, then what is a sub-heading?

    For an example, the skaven battalion "Congregation of Filth" has a unit entry of  a "Plague priest on plague furnace". Here the sub-heading is "on plague furnace". And it can't be ignored

    This is the same for skyborne slayers, it states Lord celestant. That is the full name. There is no sub-heading cause the full name is described. Heck it even came with a battlebox.  It states : Unless it included in the entry for the unit. On both casus the full name is described. 

    I feel like we be rule bending to our advantage here. And going with a lord celestant on stardrake cause the unit entry is lord celestant and we want it to be any lord celestant is kind of lame. With battalions in our battletome these discussions are fixed but now we be talking about a very old battalion and we know the intention of that battalion. That intention didnt change with the new wording. 

  3. Nah you still cant.

    the battalion is talking about units. 
    lord celestant is not Worded in bold.

    this battalion is old and very specific. Some people try to word it like you can now with the clarification in the wording but we all know its still ment to be the lord celestant on foot sadly. 


  4. 57 minutes ago, Archibald said:

    I was thinking about using him wirh skyborne slayers.

    Run him up first turn (10+D6 movement) and then let the rest come down from the heavens.

    In my heads this sounds fantastic and looks even better.

    We normaly play 1k5 points on 48x48 inch boards. So the smaller board plays into my strategy.

    super hard to pull of cause with vandus you need to be wholly within 12 inch at the start of the combat fase. With skyborne slayers you be hitting flanks most likely and skyborne slayers have protectors.. The use of +1 attack is not that great on them. Ive tryed it a lot of times with CV and its just 6 attacks extra. Not worth the hassle

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, frostfire said:

    Do you prefer the CV stormhost than other options? The artefact and the command trait of the stormhost seem little worthy.

    Nah i use it to boost the prime with rerolls and 1 attack but i play either CV or staunch defender. I feel strong into both. This tournament CV felt like an overkill. I didnt had much use for the commandpoints cause al the small heroes are dying superfast even while protected. Still the rerolls on charge are nice but a cp on the alpha strike can match that.  With staunch the problem is keeping into that 9 inch bubble and when the 5 wound  general is dead you lose it.

  6. 21 hours ago, MrYaja said:


    I saw your list and it looked really interesting to me.

    I signed up for that tournament but was too late unfortunately. If you ever want to play a game in that store hit me up!



    aah cool!! We probly meet in a tournament in the Netherlands. As eindhoven is a bit to far for a drive just for one game for now.  

    • Thanks 1
  7. Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    - Stormhost: Celestial Vindicators
    Lord-Celestant (100)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Single-minded Fury 
    - Artefact: Stormrage Blade 
    Lord-Relictor (100)
    - Prayer: Translocation
    Knight-Vexillor (110)
    - Pennant of the Stormbringer
    -artefact: Mirrorshield 
    Celestant-Prime (300)
    5 x Liberators (90)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    5 x Judicators (140)
    - Boltstorm Crossbows
    - 1x Thunderbolt Crossbows
    5 x Judicators (140)
    - Boltstorm Crossbows
    - 1x Thunderbolt Crossbows
    5 x Liberators (90)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1x Grandhammers
    10 x Protectors (340)
    - 4x Starsoul Maces
    10 x Decimators (340)
    - 4x Starsoul Maces
    Skyborne Slayers (180)
    Extra Command Point (50)

    Total: 1980 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 123

    this was the list ive been playing. I did try a few version of this list but for now it feels solid. Its an upgraded list from what i played at a 100 player tournament in belgium and i felt it worked pretty okay back then and i feel with the point drop bringing 2x10 paladins is really nice. The prime is good for the mind games so people dont dare to overextend. Only thing i could change is the lord relictor and the extra commandpoint. It frees up enough points to play around with. 

  8. 31 minutes ago, Evantas said:

    Briefly, what scenarios, army compositions and what Aux Objectives did you pick?


    So first game:


    Mission Focal points, My auxiliary objectives where : The Bait and Territorial. I felt like I needed 2 easy auxiliary objectives because I felt like there was going to be a lot of killing here. I was playing against a weird Khorne list.


    -   Lord of khorne on juggernaut

    -   Slaughterpriest

    - Vorgaroth the scarred and skalok the skull host of khorne

    -  3 times 3 skullcrushers

    -  5 chaos chosen


    My battleplan here was to go first and sit on objetives while hitting his flank. Ignore Vorgaroth and go for his army. I went all in against all these skullcrushers and made sure the big dragon couldn’t land to hit my paladins just yet. Won a major victory because I was so far ahead on points that he was unable to keep up. The Bait was perfect because I knew he wanted to kill my screen and Territorial was easy to do with my backline units.


    Second game against Lumineth Aelves. Mission Scorched earth. I picked both terrain objectives, Sieze ground and pillage, cause I knew I had double tp to take them turn 4 in the game with the prime or els the knight vexillor combo with the prime. And then sit there till turn 5 to score both.


    His list was.


    Lumineth realm lord- Nation Zaitrec


    -Archmage Teclis and Celennar, spirit of hysh

    -The light of eltharion

    -Scinari Cathaller

    -2x10 wardens

    -2x10 sentinels

    -1x10 dawnriders

    -1x5 dawnriders

    -Umbral spellportal


    I knew I needed to take first turn against him and with my 4 to his 9 drops I could do it. My plan was to do as much damage as possible and let the decimators be the body’s and screens and my protectors trying to reach Teclis. Killed Teclis cause bad screening. Shot 7 wounds with both judicator units and the lord celestant and finished with 3 inch reach protecters. Rest of his army has immense better warscrolls so the fight was pretty hard til the end. Cause he stopped my big units from moving and his dawnriders where clearing my backfield. I played the prime turn 2 to stop them and had some congo lines with liberators to stop him from overtaking most of my objectives to fast. Major win in the end. With completing both objectives


    Last game against a very skilled KO player who placed second place at the hammer and bolter event last year in Belgium with slaanesh. This was an insane intens chess game style game. We played on 3 places of arcane power. Both a scenario that sucks with scoring with our deepstrike heroes. I took both hero killing auxiliary objectives here. Headhunter and assassinate. Thought it fitted perfect with the scenario because everything here is about trying to kill the heroes and prevent them from scoring. My plan was taking a lead. He outdropped me cause of the 2 drop list.


    His list:

    Sky port Barak Zilfin


    -Endrinmaster with dirigible suit

    -Aetheric navigator

    -Aether chemist

    -3x10 arkanaut company

    -1x3 endrinriggers

    -2x frigate

    -1x ironclad

    Ironsky attack squadron

    Iron sky command

    Warp lightning vortex


    So I was forced to go first. I placed my lord relictor and 1x5 liberators on the objective trying to force him to move out of his castle. He placed everything on one side with 10 arkanaut company far in front of everything els so I couldn’t deepstrike. I left everything in the sky and ended my turn in 5 min. His first turn he killed everything on my board. I won prio and came down on the corner to try and put my vexillor with mirrorshield behind my protectors for -4 to hit. Needed this guy to survive till turn 3 to score 1 point. I charged his frontlines and cleared as much chaff as I could. Did like nothing to his chips cause he saved or later healed everything. His hero’s where screened so I couldn’t touch them. He did 3 wounds to the vexillor and I took 1 vp on my turn. Then in his turn he killed my vexillor and took 1 point with his hero. Then my prime came down at the start of turn 5 to kill his hero and then he shot me of the table but couldn’t melee kill my prime with his last remaining hero so couldn’t score the objective. I had nothing on the table end turn 5 but won the game but only completed 1 auxiliary objective because I couldn’t kill his last hero. I Ended second place.

    • Thanks 3
  9. Played a 24 player 1 day tournament with skyborne slayers. Took second place. I failed to complete 1 auxiliary objective sadly. I played against khorne, lumineth and k- overlords.

    I felt even with outdated low damage warscrolls the deepstrike ability still has a place if you know what you are doing.  

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    • Thanks 1
  10. For the lord castellant its wholly within 18 inch for the 3+ save and then wholy within 12 from the general for the commandpoint . Wholly within 12 is not that hard to do. Depending on the senario.  I would like it better if i could make a 2+ line tho;)

    Without the line i would go 6 grand hammers in the front. But this list is not about killing stuff with the lib block its more about holding objectives. Im not sure this is better then my 30 roadblock of battleshock immume libs with using skyborne slayers

  11. 5 hours ago, Forehead said:

    I don't have much experience with SC so I'd be really keen to find out how you get on. In particular I want to see if Liberators are useful with the allegiance buff.

    Yeah this settup ill make 30 libs 2 plus rerolling 1 armour save. Battleshock immume and hitting with 6 grandhammers for killing stuff. Main focus is roadblock style with resurrection focus from the priests.  While the protectors are there for a bit of damage and van damage stuff over the heads of the liberators while the ballistas are killing stuff. Park this on objectives and farm vp. Atleast in theorie that is the plan

  12. Im going to try this list very soon. As a stormcast themed Lethisian defenders force. 

    Any one tryed something like this before?


    Allegiance: Lethisian Defenders
    Lord-Celestant (100)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Raven Priest - Morrda's Resurrection
    - Artefact: Crown of Raven Feathers
    Lord-Relictor (100)
    - Prayer: Morrda's Resurrection
    Knight-Vexillor (110)
    - Pennant of the Stormbringer
    Excelsior Warpriest (80)
    - Prayer: Morrda's Resurrection
    - Allies
    Lord-Castellant (120)
    Lord-Ordinator (140)
    25 x Liberators (450)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 5x Grandhammers
    5 x Liberators (90)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1x Grandhammers
    5 x Liberators (90)
    - Warhammer & Shield
    - 1x Grandhammers
    10 x Protectors (340)
    - 4x Starsoul Maces
    Celestar Ballista (110)
    Celestar Ballista (110)
    Celestar Ballista (110)
    Extra Command Point (50)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 80 / 400
    Wounds: 152

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  13. 36 minutes ago, Evantas said:

    Will be trying out the Skyborne Slayers soon, with Evocators on Dracolines to mitigate the general immobility. Enough points to bump one of the paladins up to a unit of 10. 

    My question though: are decimators or protectors better for a unit of 10?

    100% protectors. Reason is the 3 inch reach. It means with 4 starsoul maces u can get some more attacks in. My 10 protectors do an average of 12-14 damage total to a unit with an 4+ armour save in my games. Where my decimators hardly find any hordes to fight and then only do damage with the starsoul maces.

  14. Its kind of funny that we discussing the vanguard wing 2 years into this book with the big nerf on it. I like the discussion but libs even with paired weapons and with blessed weapons wouldnt do much damage with those warscrolls. Its cool for friendly games. But bringing these combos to a harder matchup its  not going to work. Right now without the castellant buff i feel like 5 and 10 libs die to the same amount of units cause of how squishy these are. 2 years ago they felt a lot better

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