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Posts posted by Juicy

  1. 6 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    agree, I like the shieldwall rule and the fact that you can still keep your deepstrikes either through the patrol or Slayers. I have a pair of of TTS tournaments upcoming (they won't use broken realms rules yet) so to start epxerimenting with oldCast I will bring Skyborne Slayers with 30 liberators and 20 protectors :D then I'll decide wether I want to paint all this stuff lol

    Nice! the weak part of the slayers for me are always the decimators. In the 100 or so games they always underperform. So i be glad to give retributors a try. 30 liberators felt always oke but at time 20 could do the job. Even cause right now we got so many objectives and i would love to contest them all;) 20 protector are godmode they are so nice to play and the maces can do really well. Best thing is the battleshock immume. I ques i need to use pendant of sigmar now for that 2+ to protect stuff from running away. :) i wonder how many points these battalions are.

  2. 8 minutes ago, SirSalabean said:

    I like the birds and Griffin things. Is the vanguard start collecting any good? 

    Yeah its good if you build it into this specific battalion. Atm none of the sce units besides mayb raptors are really good. It might change with the new battalions next week so if you wanna run sce you better wait till the new rules of brokenrealms are live:)

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, SirSalabean said:

    I’m considering either SCE or OBR. With SCE I don’t know where to start it’s such a large range. I like the vanguard stuff best I think? With the griffins and eagles and other beasties. I think the first range are quite static and clunky so I’m not too bothered with them. No sure what’s in the newer range. so if I went SCE I’d go for:

    Animal based, No Hammer ideally swords, newer sculpts. 

    what’s viable/a decent direction?

    SCE  is in a very rough spot right now. We got 1 top list that works good. The vanguard triple battalion shooting list. You can find enough info about it on the forums or youtube. They have some palladors but the list is mostly shooting, running and screening with birds/hunters and some redeployment. 

    oldmodels: Skip the warrior chamber dudes

    For beasties you could do things like starcast with double dragons or combine the might of 1 big dragon with enough dracoths to run the enemy down. 

  4. Just now, jhamslam said:

    Elite as we are, i dont care much for battalions, theyd have to be super good to justify their costs.

    Im much for excited for new Battle Traits/ Army wide abilities.

    I dont know why GW does the "heres 5 pages of artefacts and traits. OOPS cant use these in a stormhost tho! "


    Like ew, the DoK book is so well designed that way

    for now i cannot justify going anything els then skyborne slayers. That battleshock immume saved me so many games. That alpha strike is pretty oke even with sup par units. These new battalion/battletraits have to be good els i pretty much keep on playing my slayers probly. I kind of hope for the old hammerstrike battalion or vanguard wing style to get a return someday. Mayb with these battalions we got some interresting stuff.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    :) that's surely the right attitude. I hope that you are right regarding them being playable! I am more hopeful about whatever the Stormkeep might bring (GW has written a lot of meaningful allegiance abilities in recent battletomes)

    yeah me 2. I really hope they give our paladins some love. I feel like our 2015 stormcast book had so much synergie and tricks for the warrior chamber and this last book from 2018? deleted almost every usefull battalion. Im playing skyborne slayers for 3 years. Its time to get more warrior chamber themed stuff :)

    • Like 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    well, the units in the battalion are 580 pts, the battalion itself will be around 120-130 pts, so that's 700pts. That boost should be quite big to make it interesting to take "1 w/turn" castigators and gryph "no save" hounds

    Yeah that is true but gryphounds are still 18 wounds + Super fast and can disengage from melee. They are the perfect screen trick wise ( overcosted a bit).  Ive seen them play pretty good and people never like to play against them because if you dont go first on them they disengage and you have to engage them again.  If the battalion improves these weak units somehow we might give them more play.  ;) im trying to see something positive here.

  7. 1 minute ago, Double Misfire said:

    If getting impaled on a tree by a D-list Nurgle special character (who even managed to come back to life in the new setting, making your efforts kinda moot in the long run), while defending the capital city of your gunpowder adulating, moustache waxing ancestral enemies on the whim of a goddess your people worshipped for thousands of years, only for her to be revealed a couple of books later as a big sham who didn't even like you very much, after getting booted off the throne when actual not!King Arthur decided to rock up after you and your illegitimate kid set the country on fire is a fitting ending, you must have really, really hated the poor guy. 😜

    haha, to be honest i liked it. He got big screentime in the first 2 books and it cleared the long time rumours of the elven scum goddess who used my poor bretonnia's to screen them as a living screen for the woodies. But i loved the actuel story around him and the desperation of the bretonnia's. I wasnt that big into gilles but for louen it felt good to get this screentime and a heroic ending;)

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Double Misfire said:

    Fret not, GW is nothing but consistent - there was a chapter in the End Times: Nurgle called 'The Fall of Altdorf', that climaxed in Altdorf not being destroyed at all.

    ...only to get destroyed off screen by skaven a couple of books later. Yeah, you guys are screwed. 😬

    atleast my Louen got a fitting ending there. Sadly Jerod never came back from the haven

    • Like 1
  9. 27 minutes ago, Scurvydog said:

    At least the battalion as they say can ambush from the tables edges, which is really useful to do with long range judicators in an army where the only allegiance ability is deep striking anywhere... wait... 

    It sure is if the whole battalion can deepstrike together as 1 drop it lowers drop and let you deepstrike a lot of units without needing 1 for every 2.  And scoins of the storm is pretty bad anyway with the -1 to hit. There is some potential here. And the gryphounds can be pretty anoying to handle even tho internet gives them zero credit. 

    edit: also dont forget this battalion finely brings together some (weak) synergies like the gryphounds combo with a lord veritant for the better dispel and the gryphound alarm function for some reactive shooting. I can understand why these units are together. Sadly its hard to pull of but i can see stuff here

  10. 1 hour ago, Mattrulesok said:

    Seraphon are exactly who I'm thinking of, when I said warrior chamber I don't meant to lock the units only to that chamber, just that the allegiance majorly benefits those units in much the way seraphon allegiances will keyword slann, skink, saurus or monster I'd like our allegiances to do the same thing. You can still bring your sacrosanct wizards but if you want a heavy spellcasting list then you want to be sacrosanct allegiance, if you want lots of libs and paladins then you want warrior etc. 

    this i like a lot!. cause it makes an army fitting better in the theme. Looks great on the table and makes sense

  11. 58 minutes ago, Lord of the Isle said:

    Wd anyone else be happy if Tyrion aelves were fairly normal elves with amazing swordsmanship, knighthood and attitude?

    Essentially an army of combat heroes

    I hope this isnt the thing to be honest. I would love for GW to keep thinking out of the box with stuff they bring out. Els we get again a generic tolken inspired high elf dude who is probly acting like a snob and fighting like a 1 men army.  Personally im done with that. Loves the cows for the diversity of it. 

    • Like 4
  12. 19 hours ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

    I'm just so excited to see how the mortal realms shape up over the next year and for all the cool stuff we will inevitably get! (And also to find out more about Ulgu, my favourite realm!) Surely that Umbraneth 'slip' was intentional? How does an entire unreleased faction get through the net like that, otherwise? Hopefully, whatever's next isn't too far off!

    I love ulgu aswell but my lord celestant on foot wants his damn sword back. He used to be big talk... killing a mawcrusha in one blow or some unlucky khorne bloodthirster. And now he lost it. Dude is super unhappy with al sigmars weapons..


    rip judgement sword.  

    i wonder if broken realms gives new battalions Or artifacs.  Would shape up the meta again probly.

  13. 16 hours ago, Reuben Parker said:

    Nice to see some discussion with actual games played. Hopefully stem a bit of the salt. Not the list I would run personally but  they did go breaker tribe. 


    Super nice review! loved it and made me look better into the SONS

  14. I feel like khorne just got it bad against 2 shooting guys. If he had included be lakor he had a field day;). 

    as for sce i had succes with my skyborne slayer list against a pretty strong ko competitive list and i recon our one drop list nukes the ko list out of the window. Lord ordinator with ballista is great against ko aswell. To beat them you got to field 2/3 units that can bring the hurt like longstrikes/ ballista,s or a late game prime(he dies after like always to). 

  15. 5 hours ago, Evantas said:

    Just to double check, how many starsoul maces did the protectors have? 4 or 0? 

    Were the judicators able to make enough of an impact as well? 

    10 dudes with 6 glaves and 4 starsouls.  its super random. If the starsoul maces flop with rolling a 1 it does nothing. And the glaves need 6 to hit and then a wounding roll and a failed armoursave. And then its swingy with a d6. Its hard

    5 judicators with bows doing around 2 damage vs a 4+ save and judicators with xbows 3 ex the special bow.

    my 2x5 with xbows doing around 6 damage average against a unit with a 4+ save. without using the special xbow. So that helps.


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