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Posts posted by Landohammer

  1. 30 minutes ago, Warbossironteef said:

    They both have merit but Warsong has the edge of being able to take the Gem and also extra enhancements for spells. Auto-casting a spell from the lore that cant be unbound is huge, especially when consider how impactful our spells are. If you have an extra enhancement you could also make it so the Warsong knows multiple spells. For example you can have her know both the spell that revives models and the rend spell. It makes her super flexible and with the Gem extremely reliable. 

    I don't see any scenario where you take a second enhancement for the Warsong. You either build your army around him or leave him at home. 

    What it boils down to is that Warsong needs two more heroes to unlock the Warlord battallion for the extra enhancement. Our heroes are just too pricy for that.

    However like I said earlier we have gained a lot of cheap hero options now with full cities allies. Those might be the key for the build you want. And battlemage got a price drop in the new GHB...

  2. 2 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    Honestly I'm having a hard time justifying the Lady on any of my list so far. She is basically a mobile overgrowth terrain + 5" ward bubble (if you get her spell off, which will require Dwindling or Gnarlroot if you want consistency) + 10 dryads. Its not bad utility, but I'm not sure its enough to justify her points with how expensive most of our units are. You probably gonna cast her spell most of the time, so she basically 1 cast for the lore spell/mystic shield/endless/woods and those will not have any bonus to cast if you want to secure her ward (unless you go Dwindling and Gnarlroot and separate their effects between casts).

    On the point of her been a better dual caster, I don't think it even come closer. The warsong naturally have the +1 to cast most of the time (unless you are being aggressive with him), can get traits like master of magic or spellsinger and artefacts like the vesperal gem or even the arcane tome to secure a lore spell/get to 3 casts. You can build around his spell as well, which isn't as good as it used to be now that we lost the throne bonuses, but can still do some damage with the portal/spellsinger.

    To me the Warsong is a hero that you get if you want a good caster and focus your list around magic/endless spells, while the lady is more of a general utility piece that can cast a extra spell if you don't need her ward.

    Thats fair, but the summon really gives her a lot of value. And she has a quite powerful shooting ability. The ward save aura is probably the best spell in our entire book outside of maybe Treesong. 

    Also she can use herself as a woods, which makes her quite effective for the purposes of fight and fade and the normal teleport. 

    The Warsong is definitely the better caster of the two, but in terms of utility the lady just does a bit of everything, and does it quite well. 

  3. So with Branchwraiths going away and Branchwych's being a hefty 130pts now. Skaeths band now becomes our cheapest wizard. Is anyone considering him?

    Also getting access to the full cities roster means we can take a Sorceress or Battlemage. Both are solid casters for their points.

    The Battlemage putting +2 to charge on a unit before it teleports seems spicy :)

  4. 1 minute ago, Domize said:

    He is still damage 2, unless you mean taking flaming weapon on him. But since he doesn't know the entire lore anymore, it's probably better to take something from the lore that fills his support role better.

    Also, an important detail I missed about the Spiteswam Hive is that it only targets one unit now. It has increased range to 9", but you can't get +3" charge on both Durthu and a unit of Kurnoths anymore.

    The leak am I looking at is pretty blurry but it 100% looks like Damage 3 to me. Do you have a clearer picture? 

  5. On 6/18/2022 at 1:12 PM, Aeryenn said:

    Can somebody please explain to me how to use Warsong Revenant? I've just painted my model and although it's gorgeous I'm not convinced if he is worth his points.


    I was never a Warsong Revenant user prior to this tome. I never even bothered painting mine despite loving the model. The meta was just magic heavy and we are too limited on points. But his new melee profile absolutely slaps. He gets 5 damage 3 attacks and then a few rend 1 sword attacks. He will hit about as hard as a treelord in combat, has a ward and never brackets. Similar to Lady of Vines and Drycha, he is a powerful support tool and can fullfill multiple roles.


    On 6/19/2022 at 4:18 AM, lastlostboy said:

    Did you guys do numbers for Oakenbrow yet?
    That's insane.


    So I guess our roots run deep indeed.

    Wow good catch. I'm not super impressed with the new Treelords profile for their points TBH, but I think oakenbrow definitely pushes them into the realm of possibility. And being able to field them as bounty hounters, combined with their pile-in denial and ASL, they can become absolute infantry shredders.

    Imagine charging a powerful melee unit like graveguard or fyreslayers, triggering ASL, denying pile in, and then swinging for damage 3 and 4 attacks on them. And then repeat. 

    • Like 1
  6. When reviewing the old vs new treelord, keep in mind he is +80 pts (+44%). I think TLA is an pretty meh tho. 

    Otherwise tho this book is looking super fun. I am excited to try all of the new groves. Excited my 50+ spite revenants will see some play again. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Warbossironteef said:

    Where are you all seeing these spoilers?h


    Heywoah streamed most of the codex live on twitch but it took him 5 hours to get through about 9 pages of the codex. The video just finished and isnt available on demand yet. Havent seen it anywhere else yet 😭

    • Haha 1
  8. Played a game last night using the leaked/preview Sylvaneth rules and a partially leaked GHB. Lost to Nighthaunt 18-19 but it was very informative.

    -Battle tactics are hard. I think between us we got dropped 3-4 which was pretty rare in the old GHB. Neither of us got our Grand Strategies (not even close)

    -Sylvaneth points are so high that board presence becomes a significant issue. I was having to guard objectives with 250pts worth of Kurnoth to keep him from stealing it with a cheap unit. Our points hike really hurt. 

    -Galatian Veterans and the battallions is absolutely huge. Even just a unit of 20 chainrasps becomes an insurmountable problem on an objective. Initially i thought the no-brainer was to take kurnoth/treelords/lancers as battleline. But under these rules it might actually be wiser to bring units of Dryads/Tree Revs or maybe Spites in dreadwood depending on their warscroll changes.

    -Lady of Vines really does have a huge impact on our army. Being able to generate wyldwood buffs/hit and run from her was invaluable. Between her ward spell, everdusk, the heal, the hit and run, the teleport, and capitalizing on the Hunters Envoy for AOD/AOD means she is essentially providing 6 aura buffs at any given point. I can't see leaving her out of  lists in the future. 


    • Like 3
  9. 25 minutes ago, AthelLoren said:

    Really hoping Tree-Revenants are worth taking. If they get elite-d up with a second wound, would that increase their viability?

    Unfortunately no. A few extra wounds isn't going to save them except vs the most basic of screens. These guys are taken because they are cheap, occupy battleline, and almost always score VPs. Extra wounds just make them more expensive and less efficient.

    If their melee profile improves AND they gain the extra wound, then maybe they will be more appealing. But as it stands they will have to compete with our new battleline unlocks in a dwindling pool of points. And the competition is stiff. 



    • Like 2
  10. 1 minute ago, Mirage8112 said:

    I went back and reread the warscroll. It does mention “The burgeoning”, but it’s a monstrous rampage, which is odd because they don’t usually duplicate names on abilities like that. Also, it refers to overgrown terrain, but calls it “overgrown mysterious terrain”, which is also weird. 

    I dunno. It’s possible it’s a fake, but if it is, it’s a good one. It’s also possible it real, and if so it’s also weird. 

    That is actually a fantastic catch. The durthu warscroll actually refers to it just as "overgrown terrain feature". It is neither capitalized nor has the "mysterious" description. The writer of that Alarielle warscroll seems to have assumed "overgrown" was a mysterious terrain feature and not just a sylvaneth thing. 

    I am now leaning toward it being a fake as well. Great work. 


    • Like 1
  11. 9 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    Just a heads up, one of the Playtester on the Sylvaneth whatsapp group pretty much confirmed the picture with her leaked warscroll was a fake. So there is hope that she will be worth still!

    Yeah, increases across the board was pretty much expected, as near all the 3 edition tomes so far had the same happen to them. The treelords and spites increase should indicate huge changes to those warscrolls tough (or at least is what I hope to justify them...).

    Assuming the tree-revs still have just 1 wound and that no one get the wraith spell, I can see Dryads been on of the winner as well. It will be much more important to have some screens in our starting list if we can't generate them each turn and they should be the cheapest bodies and wounds/points ratio we have.

    Man I hope you are right about Alarielle. If that was fake it was extremely convincing. 

    I also assumed Tree Revs are getting 2 wounds for that cost increase.

    Edit: I honestly think that the Alarielle Warscroll is real. It was one of our first sources of the term "Overgrown" and it got all of the new units names correct.  It also references "Burgeoning" which is also a new season and wasn't a word commonly used in Sylvaneth books before. 

    If it was fake, it got extremely lucky. 

    • Like 1
  12. Hot Take on points so far:

    Treelords must be getting the extra wounds and impale. But even with that, +44% Point hike seems excessive. Perhaps sweeping blows got better too?

    Kurnoth - Seem right on target if pricy. Gaining battleline here is huge

    Spite Revs - I am hoping to God they got two wounds. +50% points and loss of universal battleline is very painful. Maybe dreadwood is going to be an amazing sub?

    Branchwraith - gone. This confirms my prediction that the old gal was finely being retired

    Alarielle - absolutely shelf decoration again. Shame because her new profile was pretty spicy. But not for that cost. 

    Spiteriders- These guys are the clear winners for competitive builds in the new book. They are the most reasonable costed wounds, have the most synergy, and get a battleline unlock. 

    Allies - We finally get Wanderers back! Along with the rest of cities and unmitigated access to Fyreslayers. Thats pretty cool. Not sure why Dok get access to us but not vice versa tho. 

    Overall consensus is that we are an extremely elite army now, unlikely to have more than 100 wounds in lists. But note there have been some leaks showing LRL with some hefty point hikes too. So perhaps we are seeing across the board price hikes? 

  13. 7 hours ago, Iksdee said:

    As a casual player i am just going to play the 3.0 core rules + tomes. I can imagine that this is fun for people who play like 3 games a week but i am glad if i can play a game once every 3 months, its not worth it for me to keep relearning all the rules. While i like min maxing the best matched play lists i am slowly but surely moving toward more narrative/ open play style games. In the end it just want to play with the models i have spend so much time and effort on. 

    If you are going to maintain that few games I would personally avoid buying the GHB altogether. Its not meant for your play style and thats ok. You would be paying ~$50 for rules you would only use for 4 games. At that point its just a matter of pragmatics.  You are not getting your money's worth.

    In my region most folks plays games weekly, and with tournaments monthly. The GHB's are valuable to us and hotly anticipated. They keep the meta fresh and prevent things from getting stale. 

    1 hour ago, Sahrial said:

    Sylvaneth points from potato cam photo on discord



    So the unlocked battleline is exciting, but these point hikes are absolutely huge. We are seeing 44-50% hikes on some units. And alarielle is +100 despite never being taken currently and only marginally improved.

    I can only hope the game in general is climbing in points ratio. Otherwise this does not look good for trees :(

    • Confused 2
  14. 1 hour ago, Ganigumo said:

    Overwhelming Assault? More like Underwhelming Assault 🤣

    Like seriously you need to target a unit with 4 or less wounds with less than 6 models and roll the die.
    Most valid targets for this won't be a threat, and the for few that are it will still be a gamble. I'm sure there will be situations where you use it, and it pays off, but I'm not a fan of this.
    It does work most of the time against grot heroes though.


    Its pretty situational I agree. But it does seem geared toward small but elite infantry units like Annihilators or maybe Ironguts. In those situations, a multi-charge is universally a bad idea. This at least gives you a shot at taking them down before they wreck you with return attacks.


    • Like 1
  15. I'm glad the exploding 6's from winterleaf still remain. It appears Seasons are distinct from subfactions so its possible we will have these in addition to whatever subfactions bring.

    The ward and casting bonuses are also appealing. But exploding 6's are so beneficial to our army that its gonna be hard to pass on. They make every unit significantly better in combat. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Bosskelot said:

    Have there been any more leaks about the potential stats of the various Kurnoth Hunter loadouts?

    The bows from the EoD set don't look particularly impressive.

    No but we can make some inferences.

    Based on the bowhunter they will probably remain largely the same, other than gaining a base 3+ save and the change to Envoys of the Everqueen. I initially figured Scythes would go to 2 damage but Lady of Vines has D3 damage attacks so D3 is still on the table. 

    This all looks good but with bowhunters being 255pt, this could put Swordhunters at 265pts which is getting into some really expensive territory and honestly I'm a bit worried about them. But there are a few things that could help them out and they are:

    -Can they be unlocked as battleline?

    -Is heed the spirit song still around? 

    -What are the subfaction bonuses? 

    -What kind of support will they get from the Arch Revenant?

    With the change to Envoys, Heed the Spirit song remaining the same doesn't make sense, because it loses all synergy. Why would I pop Heed when A) it no longer auras from every Kurnoth and B) All out defense has a 50% chance of duplicating off the Kurnoth.


    • Like 1
  17. 12 hours ago, Freejack02 said:

    No one is asking for them to "break the game", just to not have so many points wrapped up in defense. Of course it's hard to say without knowing points or the full scroll, but if they're truly a hit-and-run unit then they don't need 5W per model - they're going to run into the same issue Kurnoth Bows have... a little too much defensively, a little short offensively. 

    Thats fair. But I think spiteriders bring a lot more to the table than just damage. Bowhunters aren't good at their only job ( artillery style shooting)  while spite riders are quite good at a lot of things. (taking objectives, surviving, avoidance). Defense points are a lot more valuable on cavalry than they are on  artillery, because my cavalry are intended to be engaged. 

    I'm also hoping that their lances will be damage 2 on the charge (like literally every other unit with lances) but I don't think its mandatory for them to be good. 


  18. 3 hours ago, Arzalyn said:


    One thing I like about the Strike first is that it let us activate 2 units before we have to have to pick what we will teleport out of combat. It should help us apply asymmetrical pressure on some enemies while reducing the "which unit I save" decision making during games. With 5 wounds a model, 5+ rally and healing back to full, I wouldn't be surprised if they end being a low priority target for the teleport (depending on their innate save + if we keep any of our save increasing effects).

    Yea I guess it comes down to their save. Units like this have wildly different saves. Ranging from 3+ all the way to 5+. This unit feels like a 4+ save unit tho. Their are very few instances of units with shields that are 5+. (like skeletons, skinks, and beastman I think)

    But the teleport also enables them to have another chance at a charge, and another chance at ASF. So if you can charge/teleport/repeat then you could theoretically maintain ASF for every combat and never get hit.

    Sylvaneth are looking to be extremely powerful in the hands of a good player. Imagine spiteriders doing hit and run every turn, while Gossamids shoot and flee and Durthu putting you at risk of ASL if you try to charge him. There will be armies who could find us tough to engage.

    Man I am hyped for this book! 


    • Like 3
  19. 3 hours ago, Freejack02 said:

    Which unfortunately, have largely sat on shelves acquiring dust (in competitive). I'm going to be more optimistic on the internal balance and effect of these guys. 

    Oddly enough I have actually fielded Vanguard Palladors as allies/coalition in Sylvaneth and Living city a few times. They are quite a good tool box unit. They are fast, they fight ok, shoot ok, are fairly resilient and have that teleport. They fit well in both armies.

    I think they are actually an absolutely competent unit for their points. The issue is that Stormcast is full of a few over-performing units that overshadow them. Why would anyone bring Palladors if Stormdrakes, Fulminators, and Annihilators are available for the same price or cheaper. 

    Anyway, my point is that its ok for Spiteriders to just be an okay unit. I don't need them to break the game. I want new units to fill roles that Sylvaneth lack. Gossamids did this perfectly. And from the previews the Spiteriders look to be on track as well. 👍

    • Like 1
  20. 13 minutes ago, Yondaime said:

    i hope really not, nurgle drones are like s tier for both damage and tankyness, eels are mhe, they hit like an absolute truck but die like flyes


    This seems does neither of the two, they are frail and do like 2 wound on average on a +2 save

    I mean 2+ saves aren't really what I would measure them vs. And we still havent seen their full warscroll or allegiance abilities. 

    Also keep in mind they we will have access to a retreat after attacking as well as a fairly reliable ASL mechanic, so I'm ok with a relatively mild damage output. 

    Imagine charging with a squad of these guys and another unit. Activating both, then retreating these guys into woods before you opponent even activates. We will have a forest and a 5+ Rally to use if they get targeted by shooting. The synergy looks quite strong. 

  21. 25 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    We got some info on the Spiteriders Lancers:


    5 Wounds each model, ASF when they charge, heal all wounds when they kill a model and the musician change their rally to a 5+. Looks pretty good as a fast cavalry unit! Lets just hope they don't cost over 250 points to clash with the Hunters in points.

    (Also the attack profile confirms that the "leak" we got last week was false).

    Hype!!! I am actually cool that they are more tanky than hitty, since we will likely still have access to Eels for that role anyway. But at 7 attacks per model its not like they are slap fighting. Curious if the lances will get damage 2 on the charge? Also note the rider and bug are range 2" so units of 6 are feasible. 

    Plaguedrones and Eels are 200 and 195pts respectively. So I'm hoping Spiteriders hang around that cost as well. With Kurnoth getting bumped to 255+ its going to be tricky if they are much more than 200. 


  22. 22 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Looks like that spiterider leak was nonsense. Here's the real info. 


    Still look pretty good though. 

    Yea the spiterider leak couldn't have been farther off. These guys are more like plaguedrones rather than eels and I love it. Its a good thing because we can already take 6 eels as allies.

    These guys are going to be spicy! Especially when their ASF synergizes with treelords ASL. Let the activation wars begin anew! 


    • Like 3
  23. 11 hours ago, Freejack02 said:

    I think I'm most excited about 2 things: the potential battleline unlocks as you put it, and less reliance on having to litter the board with wyldwoods now with the new overgrown terrain rules. I would absolutely love to see regular Treemen become battleline somehow (although I know that's a longshot), but I would really like more flexible battleline options. 

    Every codex released this year with an eligible monster has been given the option of monster battleline. So its looking good for us. 

    Though keep in mind that groundshaker being a monstrous rampage now removes the ability to spam it, making duplicate treelords less appealing. But the improved Talon profile is huge, and assuming their points remain reasonable they are definitely appealing a.

    I'm just tired of taking minimum Spites/Treerevs every game as filler TBH. Any new battleline would make me happy.

    • Like 1
  24. 6 minutes ago, Plinketts Mawtribes said:

    I'm sure it's a legal 40k army, but is it even remotely viable? I'm seeing a bunch of Tactical marines, a couple of Captains, ten Terminators, a Dreadnought and a tank.

    Hard to say. Competitive 40k is in a rough place at the moment. Nids and two other factions are absolutely destroying the field. We are talking 65%+ win rates sustained over many weeks. (some approached 85%+ prior to nerfs, but remain high)

    But if you are playing casual thursday nights vs an actual adult, its an absolutely fine list for space marines. It fills your troop tax nicely, and terminators/dreadnoughts are still their best units. 

    Again tho, the appeal isn't for top tier players. Its the fact that a new player can buy a single box and be ready to go at 2000pts for a reasonable cost. 

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