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Posts posted by Landohammer

  1. Yea I guess we still have the regular version no matter what which is cool. But I think the whole "special permission" clause rules out bringing the familiars in a competitive matched play environment.

    This ends up being a pretty crucial change since this removes the inherent +1 to cast. So outside of the LOC or Arcane Sacrifice buffs, you are now relying on a natural dice roll to get infernal flames off. 

  2. So I just got my copy of GHB 2019, but  I am not seeing Gaunt Summoner with Chaos Familiars in either Tzeentch or Everchosen section.  Additionally there is a sentence in the pitched battle profiles booklet that says "Only units that are included in this book, or that have a later publication date, can be used in a Pitched Battle game without your opponent's consent"

    So does that mean the Chaos Familiar version of the model is no longer fieldable in matched play?


  3. 1 hour ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    Ouch, Bridge, Horrorghast and Engine seem unplayable at those costs. 

    Shards feels like the big winner. 

    We see a ton of Cogs and a fair bit of Spellportals in lists,  so I'm beginning to think that 60pts is the magic number.  Seems appropriate since most of the cheapest units game-wide start around 70-80pts. 

    Bridge is pretty much dead on arrival. Soul Seeker fills the roll better and cheaper.  Engine is a cool concept but 100pts is laughable. Why not just pay 100pts for two guaranteed CP and a roll on the Triumph table?

    I may have to pass on this set. Not sure Shards and Soulseeker alone are worth the cost of a start collecting box. :/

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