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Salami Vendoe

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Everything posted by Salami Vendoe

  1. Out of curiosity, what is a good stardrake list, and how is it played? I really want to play that model very badly!
  2. I want to thank everyone who responded btw. I’m new and this is giving me great insight. Unfortunately, vanguard doesn’t seem to competitive , other than raptors. Why are prosecutors a bad choice as well? As for Calvary what options are worthwhile?
  3. Serious question: what would it take for vanguard chamber to be viable?
  4. Sounds awesome ! Thank you. Does anyone have any input on paladors? Or prosecutors? I want to make a crazy movement list that’s defensive or skirmish Esque/assault shock troop ish lol. Yet again I play in a 2500 point casual meta
  5. Thank you very much. Very interesting. I’m playing in a non super competitive meta. I have fec players but they refuse to run terrorgheists due to the fact they aren’t fun. Now this question might be insane but, what are fun lists with fun models!? I love Paladins, paladors, raptors and hunters but I was told vanguard are garbage.
  6. Ima a bit new. What does the list comprise of? Units and heroes. I apologize for new. Questions
  7. Who does knight help reroll? For sure that model is sick. Would gavriel do well with retributors?
  8. Thank you so much for your information! I think the ballista are good with an ordinator! I’ll definitely add that
  9. Is it possible to do deep striking with a ballista/ raptor force behind? 3 ballista seems fun. Is it worth to run battery at that point? My friends all play 2500 so we can have fun
  10. Hi there. I am brand new so please excuse my ignorance. I recently inherited two get started boxes thunderstrike brotherhood and half of the soul wars box. Two additional ballista. I was directed to come here for stormcast eternal discussions! From what I understand I see our armies are built around the heroes for SCE. I really want to play the Hammerhand guy with his awesome abilities and models, the Gabriel sword and board dude, lord ordience and or any of the winged heroes. I understand this may not be tournament competitive. I also got two Balista additional for cheap so I have them. Raptors with long bows loook neato and I’m not sure where I should go from here. I am very eager to learn and my meta is fun even though they play tier one armies no one plays tournament lists. Paladins look awesome to me as well! Please help a poor confused dad to understand how to be a efficient tier 2 army general!! We cannot fail.
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