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Posts posted by Nasrod

  1. Vyrkos Dynasty


    Belladamma Volga - 200

    Gorslav the Gravekeeper - 75

    Radukar the Beast - 315

    Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon - 435

    [Hunter's Snare, Amulet of Destiny, Flame Slash]


    Deadwalker Zombie x 40 - 230

    Deadwalker Zombie x 40 - 230

    Skeleton Warrior x 30 - 255


    Vargskyr - 115

    Fell Bat x 3 - 75


    Spell Portal - 70


    The update to Cursed City models being selectable on an individual basis has me tickled and this is the new version of the list I've taken to playing. Lots of fast ways to get charges, tons of dorks to clog the board afterwards, Belladamma Lycancurse shenanigans... by far the most fun army of 3rd edition for me.

    Almost feels like a blue+black MtG control deck. The army as a whole hits like a wet noodle but it is a cockroach that can tarpit an opponent for ages. 

    • Like 2
  2. Radukar the Wolf




    20 Skellies

    20 Zombos

    10 Dire Wolves


    3 Fell Bats

    Prismatic Pallisade




    Liege Kavalos



    20 Mortek 

    5 Deathriders




    Oppo took turn 1. Killed 9 Zombies with the crawler. Got 2 back, ran everything down field with heroes screened. Bella and Wolves took left flank against the Deathriders and Kavalos. Bats took far right flank. 

    Doubled and collapsed; the Bats tagged the Mortek brick on a far flank and the Zombies smashee into the front of them. Literally no damage but they were forced to pile in backwards toward the Bats to pile enough attacks in. 

    Oppo has seen me play Mortek and has been using them against my Slaanesh, but had never played against an attrition based list, or been properly zoned off objectives. Was a great learning experience. At the bottom of turn three I had 12 points to his 5. The only units left were Radukar, Anna, 4 Wolves and Belladamma. He literally only lost his Deathriders, but without them he couldn't threaten to steal. 

    A big learning experience for us both. The Skeletons are really pillow fisted, and the Zombies basically need to be taken in blocks of 40. They do feel a bit overtuned as MSU 20. A 20 brick of Skeletons is good for blocking a lane, but you want to maintain a shape that makes it so the opponent's charge will be awkward to pile in with. 

    Dire Wolves and Fell Bats are seriously our best units. For real, the Bats just warp so much of a game when the rest of our army is moving 4" on foot. Wolves are a fast tar pit that keeps Belladamma alive. 

    I think at 1500 or higher you can start filling your list with more heavy hitters like Chadukar, Vengorian Lord, or VLoZD/Vhord. But at 1000 or less? If I didn't love the sculpt so much, replacing Annika for another pack of 20 Zombies would be pretty much the ideal list. 

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 2
    • LOVE IT! 1
  3. Just now, Enoby said:

    Good question... I *think* it might do now, however I'm almost certain we'll see a change in the wording of the warscroll so it ceases to do so. I think faction warscrolls are all getting a rework in the FAQ

    However, I could be totally wrong here! There may be a clause saying endless spells can't move twice in the same turn

    Likely, yeah. Either way, on fringe cases like this I would lean toward the ruling that favors my opponent. It would be a powerful trick but propping your strategy up on it and having it taken away right now would be like falling out of a building, getting kicked while you were down, and thinking you could crawl away to safety only to fall down an open manhole. 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Enoby said:

    Yeah, sorry, wrote it wrong on the calculator and ended up bringing the mistake across! There should be one less unit of Painbringers and I can take an endless spell

    It's not fully casterless (Syll'Esske can cast) - I don't feel the chariot would bring much over Sigvald when there's already one level 1 caster (and I can only try dispell shackles once a turn), but maybe I've just had bad experiences with the chariot doing close to no damage. An alternative to Sigvald for more casting would be the contorted epitome but its points put me off for the lack of impact it can have elsewhere, and it doesn't reroll unbinds. That said, maybe the fire blade spell will come in handy in a pinch. 

    I'm still shakey on blissbarbs - they're nice for support but they tend to melt to a sneeze (except once where they survived against Alarrialle somehow). I'll play around and see what feels better between them 

    I missee Syll'esske entirely. Agreed, keep Sigvald and try to squeeze an endless in; even if it is something lackluster, we stand to benefit from small chip damage mortal wounds more than any other army really. 

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Enoby said:

    I'm thinking

    LoP 155 (Glory Hod, Rod of Misrule)

    Dex 280

    Sigvald 265

    Syll'Esske 210

    5 Painbringers 160

    5 Painbringers 160

    5 Painbringers 160

    5 Painbringers 160

    5 Painbringers 160

    10 Twinsouls 270

    Some Painbringers could be swapped for some Slickblades, but this is kind of meant to be a grindy army. 

    Would consider dropping Sigvald and Syll'Esske for Glutos. 

    10 Twinsouls is 370, not 270. Drop a Painbringer unit to make room, swap Sigvald to get an Exalted Chariot Bladebringer and use the last 60 points on Soulsnare Shackles.

    Our army is dead against opposing Shackles so we want a Dispel chance for it in every list until it gets FAQed (And it will because it is unbelievably meta warping imo).

    If you are intent on going casterless, the extra 60 points can be thrown into upgrading 5 Painbringers into 10 Blisbarb Archers to be screened and utilize Unleash Hell, or 5 Blissbarb Seekers to help harass backfield objectives.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Gluttos - 475

    Lord of Pain - 155 (General)

    The Masque - 135


    Twinsouls x 10 - 370

    Blissbarb Archers x 11 - 180

    Hellstriders {Scourges} x 15 - 405


    Blissbarb Seekers x 5 - 220


    Soulsnare Shackles - 60


    List building is like squeezing blood from a stone...

    Anyway I don't own a Lord of Pain, 0 Hellstriders and 0 Twinsouls. No interest in rewarding GW with 200 bucks for bad behavior so I cannot play this list, but figured I would share for anyone that does own these models, I think it might be able to hold its own.

    The range on Scourges and Twinsouls circumvents a lot of 3rd edition nerfs and more or less ensures the entire unit participates meaningfully. Unleash Hell can soften opposing charges against your screens. Soulsnare Shackles and -1 to hit make Gluttos a weird support utility unit that ticks a lot of boxes and can also throw Arcane Bolt to fuel depravity. Would help if he were 440 or 430...

    Hopefully all of this comes together enough to allow your front line units to survive long enough to get a summon online. 

  7. 17 minutes ago, Rawenwing said:

    Tonight I got murdered not once, but twice. Tzeentch first, slaanesh next. I think I can live with tzeentch being increased in points (even though I still don’t get why Kairos always costs more than lord kroak) but with slaanesh... I don’t know how to feel. I was esitant to start the faction cause I read and read negative comments about the points and whatnot, but the twins came out so much hype right? Well Synessa sucks, okay I can live with that it’s not the end of the world so I planned an entire buying schedule just for her because it was the spark that ignited my interior slaanesh...I was hoping for the entire week that our points remained untouched and then this...I feel like I had fiercely wasted my money without even having an actual game with slaanesh...

    I just bought a SC, Broken Realms Box, and a Creature Caster Queen of Malifica I have spent about 45 hours on now. 

    I know painfully well what you are going through atm...

    • Sad 2
  8. 49 minutes ago, KrispyXIV said:

    I mean, I agree that Sentinels should have gone up just like Stalkers did - but did you see what happened to Slaanesh?


    DoK got off amazing by comparison there.  

    Blissbarb Archers 180 at the top of the list made me nearly choke and then the changes got worse. We also lost access to our only cheap battleline in Chaos Warriors, which in and of itself increases our points on min battleline reqs alone by nearly 150 points on its own. It hurts, and it hurts a lot. 

    On topic: A 15 unit of Stalkers + Morathi, some screens, some Khinerai... I think this is easily poised to be a top list in the meta still. The major things we lost, all other armies lost too. Morathi making it out at 660 is an actual steal.

  9. 1 minute ago, CeleFAZE said:

    I've taken some time to process and collect my thoughts on this. There's a forlorn hope that the survey came after this was finalized for printing, and too late for our feedback to be incorporated. I won't hold my breath for an FAQ update, but maybe next year's points won't be so oppressive.

    For now things are looking kind of dark, but I'm committed to making a good show of it at tournaments, and I'll report back on how things go. A handicap like this will force me to become a better player, and every victory I can scrape out will be that much sweeter for sure.

    I don't blame any of you who decide to bow out of the game for now, or indefinitely. However, as a community we've persevered in the face of overwhelming nerfs, and once even the threat of potentially being removed from the game entirely. We'll get through this, as we always have.

    Bargaining, already? I'm still hung up on Anger, myself. Impressive. 

    • Like 3
  10. Just now, Schauer said:

    Basically have to really plan around generating as much depravity as possible. 


    One less KoS than normal and hope you can summon the one you took out in T2/3

    I only took 1 as it stood because Gluttos and Seekers along with Cavalcade tricks were the literal only way any unit in the game didn't mulch us on sight, which we now no longer have but still have to take the points increase on anyway!

    Yeah no stepping away from the internet for the day. Angry. To anyone who likes being stomped on, Symbaresh Twinsouls are the only way forward from what I see. 

    Which I own 0 of.

    Have fun folks enjoy your gorgeous models I am gonna go be a sulking manchild for the next... ever.

    • Sad 2
  11. Got some games in against Tzeentch. Lost one, won one. Lists were:

    Vyrkos Dynasty




    Cursed City Radukar and friends


    40 Zombies

    30 Skeletons

    10 Dire Wolves


    6 Fell Bats


    Spell Portal

    Chronomatic Cogs




    Conflagration Faction


    Lord of Change


    Gaunt Summoner


    10 Pinks

    10 Pinks

    6 Flamers

    Exalted Flamer

    Chariot Flamer

    Chariot Flamer

    3 Skimmers

    Emerald Lifeswarm


    The game I won involved Cogs and using the Wolves and Bats to tie up chaffe. Doubleturn into Bats retreating and tying down 2 chariot flamers and 6 Flamers on his right flank was backbreaking. 

    They died and he moved forward, mulched things, but opponent failed to double turn me back. I dug in and held objectives. He tabled me on turn 4 but hadn been able to score because the Pinks weren't able to outnumber the Skellies and Zombies in time. 

    We reracked and opponent played far more respectfully. No double turn and no cogs. The lack of muscle prevented me from winning but I threw my forces onto a single flank and held half the table until turn 4. Was really close; Prince Vhordrai, Chadukar, or even a Mega Gargant would have enabled me to utilize the fantastic utility of our screens. 

    Emerald Lifeswarm and Fate Dice Pink Horror Banner is disgusting though, I will say that. I also think I stood no chance if oppo had access to the teleporting batallion, but he is dropping it in prep of 3rd e. 



    Fun army. Looks great on the table. Feels like I am making the opponent fight Castlevania's greatest hits. Soft on the competitive side but has tricks. Backbreaking double turn potential as is expected from Death armies. Would never want to fight Ossiarch Bonereapers or Fyreslayers. 

    Has a lot of complicated synergies and is mentally exhausting to play. Pillow fisted and essentially requires playing with "underhanded tactics" (Not cheating, but spawning Dire Wolves into gunlines off Belladamma Portal is dangerously cheesey) to stand a chance.

    Overall I rate "More fun than Hedonites/10" and I don't regret shifting the money I had prelared for the Slaanesh twins into these boys. 

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 3
  12. At this point I unironically want the Twins to be auto win absurd OP levels of power. My playgroup has selective bias memory of "triple Keeper was unbeatable!" (I didn't purchase a single Keeper until last year, precisely because Keeper spam from the OG tome looked unfun to play against).

    Watching Tzeentch, KO, LRL, and Seraphon players all tell me my book is fairly pointed because "you know the alternative" yet collectively shrug their shoulders at my IDK and DoK armies with near 100% win rate... I just have absolutely stopped caring. 

    I have one friend in the group that tries to be the voice of reason and the poor guy is a Tau 40k player. The Tau player pities you, you know it's rough. 

    So let me have a shiny new toy and curbstomp some friendlies with a meta list and then revert back to the pre Kragnos lists if for no other reason than to restore sanity to my local discussions...

    • Sad 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Btimmy said:

    This is not true? The new battalion allows her to count as a general, but does not require her to be your general. I cannot locate the leaked page where I read that, but Bell of Lost souls explicitly states that in their coverage of it here: https://www.goonhammer.com/broken-realms-belakor-part-6-nighthaunts/

    OH. It says "is treated as a general in addition to the model chosen as the army general."


    Is this the first time we have seen auch a stipulation outside of Slaanesh Invaders that allows 3 generals? Either way a battalion perk that turns on old General-locked Command Abilties or Battlelines like this is absolutely brilliant and I am happy to be wrong.

    I have a game in the morning and may honestly put my ghosts on the table, holy ******!

  14. 20 hours ago, DeVDL said:

    About Kurdoss...

    Don't have the model because too fragile lately in the meta etc... But in the emerald host procession he might have a use now?

    Giving, in a perfect world, the enemy general -1 to his save rolls with the curse and having Kurdoss in reserve with hexwraiths.

    Meanwhile Olynder with her battalion on the field.

    Summon Kurdoss with hexwraith bodyguards 9inch from general. If he makes the charge (potential wave of terror) rerolling hit rolls and potential juicy damage...

    Lots of ifs though, if he doesn't make the charge at least he wont die in one turn with the hexes near him...

    Something like this, creeping up with supported spirit hosts, bladegheists and sorrowmourn and backstabbing with Kurdoss

    Allegiance: Nighthaunt
    Kurdoss Valentian, the Craven King (180)
    - General
    Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief (200)
    - Lore of the Underworlds: Soul Cage
    Spirit Torment (120)
    - Artefact: Pendant of the Fell Wind
    Dreadblade Harrow (90)
    - Artefact: Midnight Tome - Shademist
    5 x Hexwraiths (130)
    5 x Hexwraiths (130)
    9 x Spirit Hosts (360)
    10 x Dreadscythe Harridans (180)
    4 x Myrmourn Banshees (70)
    4 x Myrmourn Banshees (70)
    15 x Bladegheist Revenants (270)
    2 x Chainghasts (70)
    Sorrowmourn Choir (120)

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 108


    Cute but doesn't work. The Olynder battalion specifically states she MUST be the general of the army if using the battalion. 


    EDIT The battalion says "in addition to the model chosen for the army general." VERY pleasee to be wrong here!

  15. Very frustrated. On one hand, this model is awesome. On the other, to release it when we so recently received the battletome...I don't want to encourage behavior like this. We need to move away from releases like this and what LRL have experienced.

    I love the model; I am sure it will be a powerhouse built to sell. But a single model release doesn't fix our current issues within the battletome, and will not earn us any favors when we drop our third new toy in 2 years onto the table across friends playing Cities, Fyreslayers, or Flesheaters.

  16. 3 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    +++ Mod Hat On +++
    A nudge at @Nasrod (as well as anybody else thinking of doing anything similar). I know what you said was part in jest but please remember that a lot of people in this topic just want to talk about one of their favourite armies. They don’t really want to see comments about their army being negative and I think how the world is still, it’s nice to have a sanctuary to go to.

    Also I’ve been playing GW games for over 25 years and I’m pretty such things will work themselves out. With Broken Realm books, there’s a feel of new edition coming, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see other armies being similar when they get done or updated. 

    Fair. For the record, absolutely not intended to troll. I am legitimately glad that you guys escaped the narrowness of the build choices you had, LRL felt half baked and now there are options. If anything I wish the Alarith had gotten 1 more hero, because now it feels really anemic when compared to Hurakan. 

    My frustrations lie simply with how the upgrades for your 2nd outing addressed so many issues, yet the 2nd outing for HoS has been more or less a mess. 

    But! That frustration should be voiced in general threads, not the dedicated thread for the LRL army and was out of line in retrospect. I will edit out the salt out the post and simply leave the list for those interested, and that will be the end of my whinging. 

    Cheers all. 

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2
  17. Vanari Lord Regent - 150

    Scinari Loreseeker - 160

    Severith - 300

    Wind Mage - 120


    Wind Charger x 5 - 120

    Wind Charger x 5 - 120

    Wind Charger x 5 - 120


    Vanari Sentinels x 20 - 280

    Vanari Sentinels x 10 - 140

    Starshard Ballista - 100


    Vanari Bladelords x 5 - 120


    Command Point - 50

    Hurakan Temple Battalion - 180


    Prismatic Pallisade - 40




    Probably a pretty strong control based list. Looks to win on objectives and denial, not brute strength. Use the ranged mortal wound access to target key heroes and take away your opponent's dangerous force multipliers. 

    The Loreseeker and his bodyguards can screen an objective on their own for a turn or 2, while the battalion can use their abilities to move out of combat to prolong a move block. Pallisade is a simple way to set up a screen for the Wardens, but also serves to exacerbate the move block and safety of the Loreseeker.

    Severith rounds out the list as a mobile, offensive force that works without support of his own. Make the opponent choose between allocating his army to the wind riders, or sending an inordinatly proportioned force toward Lore boy. They lose if they don't remove him decisevly, and if they do, you slam everything at a section of their army. 

    Seems incredibly promising, though I doubt this is the most effecient version. Go nuts and have fun. 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 3
  18. Avoiding quotes cause too lazy to snip on mobile and don't want to make a quote tower. 

    I would drop the Battalion at 1000 for sure, points are too precious. Enrapturess is sadly too expensive to start with on the table for my taste, but so is 80% of the army; considering you are basically swapping the batallion for her in your example, it isn't so bad.

    Just be sure you don't let her get shot off the table. LRL and Ossiarch are common opponents for me; a summoned Enrapturess targeted by a Crawler or a Power of Hysh buffed 20 man Warden block is a dream. One I spent 140 points on... Especially at 1000 points? Well maybe that is better than losing the Slickblades, but I certainly don't like it. Keep in mind the Blissbarbs are 340 points; adding the Enrapturess is nearly half of your army being dedicated range. For the same price, you can take 5 more Warriors and a command point, or 5 Hellstriders to harass objectives. 

    Epitome is a good stand in for Gluttos if you absolutely must have an endles spell cast. I think Herald on Exalted Bladebringer for 250 is a better analogue; it has a huge base, wants to get into the thick of it, and commands your opponent's attention. It also can keep up with the slickblades. 1000 is a very different game in general especially for HoS. The Depravity points feel far more powerful to save up for something like 3 Fiends or 20 Daemonettes on turn 2 because they are noticeable force multipliers on that scale that still arrive pretty easily. 

    Chaos Lord on Karak for a 2+ save is still my go to, but Epitome's mortal wound protection and Exalted Chariot having a 4+ and a chunky amount of wounds, on top of no penalties/brackets as it takes damage, are fine substitutes that shouldn't matter except against WAAC players. 

    Ultimately remmeber to play what you have fun with. It is why despite my list above, in non TTS games I will be using 6 Fiends and 5 Chaos Knights. Because 20 of the same 5 monopose mounts are going to pull me out of the game like nothing else. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  19. Lurid Haze

    Gluttos - 400

    Chaos Lord on Karkdarak - 230


    Chaos Warriors x 5 - 90

    Chaos Warriors x 5 - 90

    Blissbarb Archers x 11 - 160


    Slickblade Seekers x 10 - 400

    Slickblade Seekers x 5 - 200

    Blissbarb Seekers x 5 - 180


    Seeker Calvacade - 140

    Geminids - 60

    Command Point - 50




    Had some games with the casual list, time to move toward the competitive side.

    The Seekers being monopose kills me. Had Syll'esske in addition as the list is hero light, but the block of 10 Seekers is just too good as a general threat. Even outside of pile in shenanigans it can alphastrike something and smash it to pieces.

    Summoning in an Enrapturess turn 2 is almost always amazing. She generates DP almost guaranteed with her shot, messes with opposing casters, serves as a 4th summoning anchor point...it just really sets you up for a good turn 3. 

    Chaos Lord on Kark having a +3 save is the only reason I take him. The command ability letting him be at +2 save on command has been hugely clutch and lets him use his maneuverability to essentially be an anvil to low threat melee chaffe that look to bully fringe objectives. On paper this guy should be slightly less survivable than Sigvald but the difference between +3 and +4 save when dealing with rend in addition to saving 30 points and 9 wounds vs 6...yeah. I stick with this boy. 

    Blissbarb Archers are sort of being slept on imo. 3 sets of 5 warriors is just so bad in my experience. The Archers die to a stiff breeze, sure, but if they don't... they just generate such disgusting amounts of depravity every single turn. 160 points is expensive in a vacuum but paying 70 points to turn a do nothing unit into "answer me or my summoning currency is seeing a 20% boost"...well suddenly a single block becomes no brainer. But only so many units exist on the table to be shot at, so absolutely never take more than a single unit of these.

    In shorter terms: you are hard pressed to find a more effecient way to spend 70 points and gain a high tier threat. 

    Likewise, Slickblades only have so many targets to charge due to board size. Subbing 5 for a unit of Blissbarb Seekers that can jockey for weaker held flank objectives and still contribute depravity every turn is kind of mandatory in my experience. The catch is 20 wounds for 180 points is an insane steal, so unlike Blissbarb Archers whose only justification is that they fill a battleline requirement, the Seekers are just flat out a points effecient tar pit. 

    For the record I have never found myself hating a battletome more. I have learned a lot and would say my win rate is about 50% now whereas it was 30% in the first month. But the wins require squeezing blood from the stone, manipulating battlefield space and anchoring your strategy around two very unfun mechanics (-1 to hit spam/stacking and the much discussed Calvacade pile in), and rarely feel fun for me or my opponent no matter who is winning. 

    I did read the responses to my last post and am absolutely thrilled that this book is working for many of you. But I will probably bow out and simply lurk, to avoid being a negative nancy. Figured I would contribute my final thoughts on a list and how we play. 

    • Like 6
  20. 6 hours ago, Jaskier said:

    This is spot on and proven by the general reception to Sons of Behemat. The big personalities famously decried it as the 'worst battletome/faction ever' yet actual tournament results shows it is consistently a 4-2/4-1/3-2 army, i.e. slotting comfortably into where most battletomes sit. They're just an army that requires the player to play to their particular strengths and be acutely aware of their limitations, and I see Slaanesh as no different. 

    Okay, but with a month to reflect, I'm so disappointed in this battletome that I cannot begin to express it. 

    But boy will I try. 

    Sons of Behemat plays how you would imagine it; giant brutes that literally bully the opponent, the terrain, and even the objectives!

    Bonereapers redefined the meaning of "castle" and despite having a much deserved nerf and some list building woes, end up feeling as intended. Elite, premium units that forego movement tricks for raw combat prowess. Relentless Discipline points and Hekatos ooze with intended flavor. 

    Idoneth's only "bad" units are the on foot jobbers that no one cares about; people play it for awesome sea critters and all of those choices are now fantastic post Broken Realms. Aquaman didn't fight every problem with 21 eels; you can argue 21 eels was a weaker list and IDK certainly needs a nerf, but anything that pulls us away from "My army is literally 2 models and 4 sculpts" is a net positive.


    Off the back of an initial half-release, saw 4 months of oppressive dominance and then ate 3 nerfs in a row, despite the fact that no army save Nighthaunt suffered more from losing Malign Sorcery artifacts, to say nothing about how the meta morphed into oppressive shooting and ranged magical threats that slammed our previously oppressive hero hammer strategy into the dirt. Our compensation when our mortal units were released 2 years late?

    We're now a glass canon army penalized for killing opponents, encouraged to build in a way that allows us to survive hits, that had the only ability to feasibly allow such a playstyle removed from the army (RIP Locus; nerf number 4, by the way), while also suffering another points hike (Nerf number 5!) as a penalty for our summoning, which in and of itself was made weaker as well. That is nerf number 6 across 2 years, for you folks at home not keeping track. 

    I don't want the days of "Buy 3 Keepers, get 1 free!" to return. Thermal Rider cloak is where it belongs: not in the game. Release HoS 1.0 was very unfun foe the opponent with no incentive to run anything other than heroes. And I know the army has viable builds with 2.0, likely improved once some of the points costs are made more reasonable.

    But at the end of the day, HoS 2.0 will still be the only Chaos faction whose core summoning mechanic is the antithesis of their established strengths. And if you remove Depravity Points from the equation...well, they were the only flavorful ability in the book.

    And Slaanesh would mourn a flavorless fight. 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  21. Dreadblade Harrow - 90 (General)

    Big Drogg Fort Kicka - 490


    Chainrasp Horde x 40 - 280

    Chainrasp Horde x 40 - 280

    Chainrasp Horde x 40 - 280


    Dreadscythe Harridans x 20 - 260

    Dreadscythe Harridans x 20 - 260

    Glaivewraith Stalker x 4 - 60




    "Are you even having fun?" Asked the opponent. The Nighthaunt player had taken the double turn, with no combats declared, yet they had been there for 35 minutes.


    For a moment, their eyes welled with glistening tears, eyeing a far off dream. "Fun," they began to muse, before falling silent. "I almost remember what it was like to have fun."


    The opponent considered an apology, before hearing, "Okay, time for combat! Charge roll coming, aaaand...yes, a 7! So I charge with this 40 man block of Chainrasps into your Hearthguard Berzerkers, and we'll assume a long string formation such that only 2 of your 20 diaper boys can actually fight."



    For real though, bog down threats through defensive tarpits and obnoxious footprints, use Fort-Kicka to have something able to fight a force off an objective, use the Harridans to blend and contest non elite objective holders.

    Dreadblade Harrow for teleport shenanigans I suppose, but if you are playing against an opponent that can't kill him turn 1? Then I am very happy that your friend just woke up from their 2 year long coma and is playing Age of Sigmar with you again.

    • Haha 1
  22. 7 hours ago, Ashes said:

    I currently think about my new army project and came to the conclusion to go for OBR.  My regular main opponents are DoK. How good do you think OBR will do against the DoK and their new battletome?


    OBR has a heavy slant toward resilience and winning through attrition, with powerful synergy bonuses on top of high raw stats in exchange for low movement, niche magic, and a devastating weakness to the double turn. 

    Unfortunately, the army has a few major flaws in terms of player enjoyment; as an elite force capable of regeneration, the army pays for it in points per wound. Mortek Guard are still one of, if not the best battleline in the game, but every other option is brutally expensive. Coupled with the fact that all 3 build paths seem to eat up 900 points with no battleline accounted for, and, well...lists are going to look very samey. 

    Kavalos Deathriders are rarely enough to pose a threat to the opponent's elite forces by themselves, but are our "cheap skirmisher." Their true stength lies in our high base stats making them famtastic at throwing down with the enemy's own skirmishers. 

    Katakros is the most popular of the leaders; he makes the entire army more forgiving to play, is powerful, and offers some genuine flexibility in unit choices while allowing a flood of RDP. 

    Arkhan is 2nd most popular, but in most metas with powerful indirect fire, you will need to bring along a taxing unit of Immortis Guard to ensure he isn't shot off the table round 1. Our biggest weakness is mortal wound spam, which Arkhan can circumvent. Definitely usable, but I am not familiar with exact builds.

    Nagash used to see some use but since losing the +2 in Petrifex Elite he has fallen out of favor. 

    The tried and true "core" to the most standard build would be:


    Mortis Praetorians

    Katakros - 500

    Liege Kavalos - 200

    Mortek Guard x 20 - 260

    Mortek Guard x 20 - 260

    Kavalos Deathrider x 5 - 180

    Crawler - 200



    You won't earn new friends anytime soon with this list, but it offers a nice spread of everything the army is capable of and conveniently slots down to 1000 points by removing Katakros. Taking it to 2000 points is up to you, but I would almost assuredly take a 2nd Crawler and at that point a Mortisan Soulshaper to help limit the RNG of Crawlers is also appealing.

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