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Everything posted by Imprudent_Jurist

  1. that's a great idea! The only question is whether or not I've got the painting chops
  2. Played my first game of AOS ever this weekend! 600 point Escalation game against Ironjawz. I had a Knight-Questor, 10 libs, 1 sequitors, 1 castigators, and a ballista against some boar riders, a glot of ardboys, a megaboss and a chanter. The ballista and sequitors were incredible! I've been reading this forum often enough to hear people talk them up, but the difference between the Seqs and Libs was immense in person. The ballista gunned down his boar riders basically by itself while taking a 2+ save in cover- ridiculous! I'm curious how I should escalate my list upwards, though. I'm painting Hammers and looking for an infantry heavy list, but all the talk of the Anvilstrike list has been tempting me towards the dark (paint) side.
  3. Thanks for the advice! Would you recommend going for a big blob of sequitors, or more paladins? Lord Castellant is definitely next on the list
  4. Hi All! I'm new to the hobby, on a budget, and loving the look and flavor of our favorite heavily armored warrior bros. As a new painter as well as burgeoning hobbyist, SCEs seem like a great place to start. I'm already scouring ebay and my local store for models, but I wanted some frank advice. I'm a competitive person by nature, and while my goal is not to make the cheapest "tournament" list, it is to make a list that can win some games when I start playing. I am looking for recommendations about lords/heroes to work with what I have. My models so far; -Knight Incantor (140) -Lord Celestant on Dracoth (240 IIRC) -30 Liberators (520) -3 Castigators (80) -5 Sequitors (120) -1 Celestar Ballista (100) -2 Evocators (5 is 200 points, I'm looking for the extra 3 on ebay) Any advice for a new player, recommendations for pickups, or general tactical advice about SCE in AOS is welcome. TL:DR: what elites, lords and heros compliment a liberator heavy army core?
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