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Everything posted by ByronicHero

  1. I have checked the errata and design commentary but, unless I missed something, did not see a clarification on how Fanged Maw interacts with Savage Beyond Reason? I am trying to do the math pertaining to whether or not I want to take SBR or Bringer of Death. I vaguely recall reading/hearing that it had been clarified how SBR works in this regard but I can't find it. Many thanks in advance.
  2. You set it up before you start the game; after rolling to see who goes first but before deployment I believe. No it doesn't cost any points.
  3. I started a few weeks ago by buying 2 x SC boxes and have played the grand total of two games so far so pinch of salt and all that. I'm yet to use flayers, but horrors re-rolling hits and attacking twice with Feeding Frenzy feels sweet, and I would imagine even sweeter with the AAR giving them extra attacks. Think of the sixes. I think the first thing you should do is read the grand courts and see if any of them are how you want to play. I have seen lots of people liking Blisterskin which is a lot of flayers and a lot of mobility which is probably the better choice on full-sized boards. I play on 4 x 4 so am pretty content with the horrors in general. I do now have a unit of 3 flayers to summon in though. I used the vamp lord's body and seated legs from the SC sprue with a spare flayer head (big ears - looked the best). Then I clipped down two flayer wings so that they resemble the AAR arms (though his arms are therefore somewhat comically large). Next I attached the throne chair for the ZD to the GK rock and added some detail so it appears to have been attached . Lastly a nice ring of skulls and heads around the base of the weird rock throne. It certainly lacks any finesse, but it amuses me and thus even if they don't allow it for some reason I will use it in casual games. When I asked about conversions they said as long as some effort had gone into it so it isn't just a proxy that's okay so this should hopefully count.
  4. Finally glued the rest of the army. I also kitbashed an AAR out of spare parts. Aside from a few bits needing some green stuff I am pretty happy with it for my first ever attempt. It obviously isn't a ghoul king or vamp lord so isn't a proxy, but whether or not my local GW will accept it as 'counts as' or whatever is another question, haha. I know the model is going to be released as part of the main line at some point, but until then I'd enjoy not having to ebay it.
  5. I see, so the unit I choose to summon doesn't matter - just the name of the ability. Thanks.
  6. Am I right in my understanding that the AGK and AAR summoning command abilities can be used as many times as command points allow? I am considering juggling my list a little to fit in a TG or RZD instead of my block of 6 horrors, which would also allow me to start with an extra command point with which to summon 3 of them anyway alongside the free throne summon and AGKOTG summon I was already going to do. Am I missing anything that precludes this or makes it stupid? (I like the dragons).
  7. I was thinking today. In my 1200 point army which was going to include 1 ATGOGK, 1 AAR, 6 horrors, 20 ghouls and a couple of spells, what are the downsides to taking AGKOTG, 2 x 10 ghouls and 3 AAR who all run up to the throne and summon whatever I need. I am essentially trading the 2 endless spells for 2 wizards and the ability to choose the units I want for whatever I am against. I also lose some initiative due the units not coming in until the end of turn 1, but I wonder if that is countered by the ability to deploy near any edge. I am sure this isn't an original thought.
  8. That makes sense, thanks again. Seems pretty nice to be able to be able to save 1/6 of ghoul wounds. Slightly better chance of keeping the 10 man units alive for Vargulf and Chalice.
  9. Thanks. And a final question, as I know you enjoy them so much: I have just noted the 'Deathless Courtier' ability in the Battletome. When I was being shown how to play this didn't come up at all despite there being situations where it could have. This may however have been due to the reduced complexity of the game we were playing. So, is this an ability that all FEC armies have irrespective of the court they choose?
  10. If I can't find a replicated answer that seems suitably authoritative I always prefer to ask. Sure I sound like a noob, but that's fine with me because I am one. Is there somewhere specific that I can be sure to find the most accurate erratas and such?
  11. Okay, thanks. Indeed, though my main query was regarding what 'wound characteristic' meant. I believe I now understand. Thanks both for the help.
  12. I would like somebody to please clarify the rule of Corpsemare Stampede spell. When it refers to 'wounds characteristic of a unit', is this the total wounds, the average wounds per model or some other factor? For example, if it rode through a unit of 10 ghouls and then a unit of 3 flayers would I automatically deal 5 mortal wounds to the ghouls and then roll 5 dice for the flayers wounding on 4? Thanks in advance.
  13. I suppose I will need to see how I play to decide which one I want. I can always proxy while I am learning, I doubt anyone would care too much. I think I will probably grab the Malign Sorcery box first so I suppose that is indicative. Ah right, yes Varg and 3 knights. My plan was to have the AAR summon the Varg right away to sit with the horrors and hold the second unit for when it is needed. I suppose I would be better off going for flayers in that case to try and grab quick objective points. Ideally I would have all the options of course, but I am not sure how quickly I can find the time to glue and paint it all. No rush. Thanks for the help. I really need to set myself a budget before I get too carried away.
  14. Thanks for the feedback. So, something like the below using Courts of Delusion = The Feast Day and summoning in a Vargulf and 20 dudes with my leaders. The Feast Day seems very sweet. Would chalice be better than cogs? I saw a lot of people using cogs for movement but with a lot of 1 wound guys in the army eventually I wonder if chalice would see better use?
  15. Hello, I recently posted about buying my first AOS models (and first GW models at all for about 15 years). I will be having my first game on Tuesday to learn and after that joining an AOS league which will use 1200 points. I have thus been theory crafting an army to use initially without having to buy and paint too many more models. I bought two SC boxes of FEC and intend to buy a Vargulf and 20 serfs for summoning. The Archregent I hope to be able to create somehow from the GK model in the second SC box, maybe with some flayer wings as arms (haha). Anyway, the below is with blisterskin. Aside from needing to split the ghouls into two units, am I missing anything obvious? Horrors over flayers is just because I like the idea of them more. It looks like I might have one too many artefacts? I am not really completely sure of the rules but will buy the book on Tues.
  16. I understand, thanks for explaining. I am going to a GW to learn how to play next week so that coupled with the various battles I'm watching should help me grasp these things. So there is no model in the normal line that can be used? I can stick to my ghoul kings I suppose.
  17. Yes, indeed. I realised it was something to that effect as I read. So, in essence, the scenery allows me to summon a free unit when its conditions are met, and that unit does not count towards the overall points cost?
  18. Regarding my post above: having now read the battletome a little more it occurs to me I might have misunderstood the use of serf and knight. Ha.
  19. Hello. First time poster. I just picked up my first AOS models: 2 x start collecting box and a Charnel Throne. I intend to purchase the Bretonian units that the Throne allows (presumably through eBay?) and a Vargulf Courtier. I believe I can build my two big units in some different ways which is cool, but how do I go about representing an Abhorrent Archregent on the field? Also, if anyone has any tips for how best to configure these models and such that would be grand. I think most battles I play will be 1000/1200 points initially but eventually I would like to round out to 2000 points. I'm certain these noob questions have been answered many times, so apologies.
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