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Everything posted by dekay

  1. Thanks Thiagoma! Still WiP but more advanced one ; ) Griffons themselves are done, riders are nearing completion. Griffons are easily removable from bases and wings are detachable for ease of transport. Otherwise they'd have some extreme space requirements ; ) After finishing touches on these: Swordmasters and Archmage, because I'm a believer in Dawnspire ; ) Also, I need 5 more shadow warriors to make them legal sized (i'm not a big fan of their rules, but with such limited unit roster it would be a shame to just forgo one completely)
  2. Thanks! I'll probably have to build some more reavers so I hope they won't lose this dynamic feel in larger horde. Cloaks are a mix of fur and scaly skins press-molded from green stuff and put onto glade rider plastic cloaks, some ornaments from random fitting bits added on top of that. Also! Here's a new thing, still work in progress but I just need to share it because it's turning out very well. First of the griffon riders! As Dawnspire griffon is very much monopose I slightly converted every griffon to avoid them looking identical. This one had a faceswap with skycutter hawk (identical size, surprisingly) and repositioned legs. Rider, the first of the wardens, is the fanciest of the bunch, with Corsair leader helmet and Dark Rider cloak with tattered hides over it. Lance is from drakespawn knight - some wicked barbs fitting a more savage monster-hunter. The griffon itself has white gyrfalcon inspired colours - I see their homeland as this cold, rocky coast with harsh winters, so arctic bird fits well into this. Taming a wild griffon, considered Thundergod's most sacred animal is a greatest achievement a hunter can aspire to (with great eagle holding a place not far behind) so every rider is an inspiring sight, clad in best armour tribe's artificers can make, and usually holding a high ranked leadership position. Two more riders are not far behind this one, but will be shown only after I finish all three ; )
  3. Thanks, I saw your Ghur-freeguild and love the idea. Are those fireforge Mongols? I want to add some human element to the force to branch out into Tempest's Eye rules and planned using Frostgrave barbarians for that. First big base-thing coming next week, just dug myself out from under few painting comissions and can return to the project ; )
  4. Hello there! EDITED FOR A FULL ARMY PHOTO (original post below ;)): Some time ago I decided to build a pretty unique force, with no model left unconverted and, in many cases, pretty much scratchbuilt from whatever bits were fitting. Army fluff is, in short, that they are descendands of Azyrite Aelf force isolated in realm of beasts for generations, changed by their surroundings, harsh life and lack of any support. Now they're less cultured, more savage and brutal than their ancestors and make their life hunting monsters that are the one thing they have in abundance, adorning themsleves with their hides and other trophies. Still, they guard their fortress, as ordered hundered of years ago and await the return of Sigmar and his warriors to serve once again, holding violent thunderstorms of their land in reverence and taming those creatures they view as noble and connected to the thunder god. And some close ups: Spireguard Reavers (on properly monstrous horses, thanks be to weird dark steed design ;)) Shadow Warriors More to come soon ; )
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