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Everything posted by GlitzFan

  1. quick question: The Light of the Bad Moon trait for the gitz: I have a unit of 60 grots and 40 are in the quadrant where the moon is and 20 are out of it. Do those 40 wholly inside the quadrant get affected by the bad moon or does the whole unit have to be inside the quadrant?
  2. Thanks for the replies. Agreed with the loonboss addition. Also I bought the gloomspite cards pack and it came with tokens. What is the "burning" token used for?
  3. Would appreciate a comprehensive analyst from someone regarding this 1k list. My questions are: 1). Choice of general: skragrott so that I can control the moon for a turn or fungoid so I can use boss shaman to essentially make him a loonboss (making a units wound roll of 6 MW) 2). Choose of spells: I want to hand of gork 1st turn. The other spell I'm considering between itchy nuisance and great green spite. 3). Endless spells: I have 70 spare points in the list to spend. Whatever combination would best suit my army's needs. 4) Artefact: must be on fungoid? And I'm guessing that I cam use a mortal realm artefact? Thanks in advance to anyone who replies.
  4. Can you spend a command point to re roll on a failed cast of a spell? Just like how you can for failed charges
  5. Do you physically need a model to be within 6 inch range to hold an objective? Or if you have had a unit stay on an objective for a turn and then move it away, does that objective still remain as yours until it has been recaptured by the other army? Or is that objective no noones again?
  6. What is the interaction when deadly webbing is cast on a Sylvaneth wyldwood? Would sylvanth units take damage?
  7. @Malakree thats exactly what I intend to do. I would like to pick your brains. I have a 1k game vs sylvaneth tomorrow. I own all the endless spells + malign sorcery endless spells and have 2 fungoid + skragrott if needed. What would be the best way to deal with sylvaneth in a deathmatch in a very small table that is basically 80% their wyldwood. Try the mushroom in their wood and just wait at my loonshrine? edit: i also have webspinner shaman, madcap and many many grots/fanatics. no snufflers
  8. What is the counter to FEC in a 1k grot focussed army?
  9. Also can somebody please explain how the loonsmashas work when that unit of grots have been charged first by the enemy?
  10. Who thinks that loonsmasha fanatics are overpriced and not very good?
  11. Your opponent cannot reroll because he/she cannot reroll on a "always fails" roll. Itchy nuisance takes precedence and that unit should fight last. There is no "evening out" in the rules.
  12. @Scythian what is "curse of the bad moon" that you cast?
  13. @Malakree how is he using that grots army!!! I'm intrigued about the shootas and all the endless spells with x3 fungoid
  14. @malakree you a god. please more updates about all gitz armies and your own
  15. Could someone please post the Loonking Donals lists?
  16. Who here uses movement trays and who doesn't + reason why/why not?
  17. @Malakree Well I currently have 40 spears and 40 swords built and painted. I now have 2 more boxes on sprue. What combination would you suggest? Bearing in mind I like the idea of hand of gork and being aggressive + using mushroom whilst holding the enemy inside the mushroom.
  18. Thoughts of having 40 spears 40 swords 40 shootas?
  19. We realises that he rolled 40 dice with MW on 4+ for my unit rather than 3 dice (for his kurnith hunters trample). We interpreted the rule as roll for each enemy model in the unit. But the rule is to role for each model in (his) unit. So it was an invalid game!
  20. What is a good deathmatch 500 point army? I played 2 games against sylvaneth and got smahed both times. First game I used: Loonboss + 40 pokin spears + 5 loonsmasha fanatics. Second games I used: Fungoid shaman + 60 grots + scuttletide. Suggestions? I have most of the range of models to work with.
  21. Does anyone know of the gloomspite gitz whatsapp group?
  22. @dasnation I don't own trolls unfortunately. Wouldn't a group of 60 grots get killed if I hand of gork them into the enemy? I want them all to die!!
  23. First list I have made for AoS. (Have all of the models table ready) Wanting something simple for my first dive into the game. I like the idea of: 1) throwing in grots into the enemy recklessly and seeing the carnage they can unfold. So I have hand of gork and morks mighty mushroom which i will dump both onto the enemy army for maximum carnage. 2) the relentless battle of attrition for the enemy. Im killing my own grots in the hope to kill their army with the mushroom and I hope to bring back my grots using the clammy hand. For a 2k army i would like to add sporesplatters and loonsmashas and sneaky snufflers to the mix. Plus the skullmob horde battalion. Can I optimise this list any more - for example dropping fungoid for sporesplatters?
  24. @Malakree I like your full moonclan grot list. However I would like to see what you would do if you removed the gobapalooza units! What would you replace them with? I find that most the gobapalooza are weak units. Thoughts?
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