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Posts posted by Aleister

  1. On 4/5/2020 at 2:15 PM, umpac said:

    How is this looking for a competitive shooting oriented list?


    Lord Kroak (320) 

    Skink Priest (70)

    Skink Starseer (140) General, Master of Star Rituals, Fusil of Conflagration


    10 x Skinks (60) - Javelins 

    10 x Skinks (60) - Javelins 

    10 x Skinks (60) - Javelins 

    10 x Skinks (60) - Javelins 

    12 x Salamander Hunting Pack (240)

    12 x Salamander Hunting Pack (240)

    12 x Salamander Hunting Pack (240) 

    Bastiladon (220)

    Bastiladon (220)

    Balewind Vortex

    Total: 1970pts               Wounds: 130


    General thoughts:


    Bastiladon provides long range damage (easy turn 1 damage with run & shoot), and I should generate enough +CP to double tap every turn. +50% damage to Daemons is a solid bonus, plenty of those around.

    Salamanders go behind skink screen and dish out a ton of high rend damage (with some MW sprinkled on top) and with +1 Jaw attack they're equally scary in melee.

    Kroak puts a clock on the game by dealing constant AoE mortal wounds. Vortex + Vassal means Celestial Deliverance has a 28" range (up from 10"), and Comet deals global mortals wounds to pick off support units. Stellar Tempest to deal with hordes.


    Not a lot of bodies for objectives, but not that few either. Coalesced means low bravery. especially on sallies, but I have decent +CP generation and can pick Celestial Harmony on the Starseer so there are some ways to deal with it. A lot is also riding on the Starseer who is VERY squishy. Reliant on CP so bad +CP rolls can cripple the list.


    Edit: Also no idea what to do with the last 30 pts. Can drop 10 skinks and make it 90pts (still no clue what to do with those points though).

    I think I would spend 10 of those 30 points, along with dropping your Skink Priest and Skink Starseer (or 20 points and drop one unit of 12 Salamanders), for a Slann.  I agree that putting their buffs on a unit of Salamanders is great, but I think you need the Slann along with Kroak for better CP generation - you want to be able to shoot twice with 2 Bastiladons and you also want to pass morale with your Salamanders.  I also second the recommendation for The Burning Head, gotta fit it in there somehow.

  2. 42 minutes ago, Kasper said:

    I mean by all means go for it, but I think you will get run over fast. ... I dont see how you would ever cap the other objectives. 

    If the Summoning component works well enough, it should help mitigate both of these things.  Otherwise, you're right, and I won't be going all-in on summoning very often.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Kasper said:

    @Aleister What is the purpose of the 2 Trogs? I don't see the value in 1 let alone 2. You can't cast Endless Spells through him, so I guess the only point is the healing spell from the Slann? Personally I would go for Kroak to at least be able to spam Celestial Deliverance from the Trog and use it offensively.

    They have the Oracle Keyword, and AFAIK nothing else does.I could run more Slanns, but Troglodons are pretty decent at shooting and melee, and without them I would have no melee and little shooting, making me entirely dependent on summoning and I'm not sure I want to do that.  The purpose of the list is to generate CCP and summon stuff.

    With infinite points, yeah Kroak would be good.  But Troglodon saves me points and it's a pretty tight list - I could remove Gotrek and add in a couple of Bastiladons or something, making room for Kroak - I might do that later.  I intend to use Kroak later in a list that is less focused on summoning and instead slings more spells.  The thing about removing Kroak, is that I still want to have at least one Oracle.  The more Slann and Oracles I can field, the more CCP I can get.  I wish Skink Starpriest and Skink Starseer could generate CCP.

  4. With summoning being changed a lot, many are calling it a nerf.  Maybe it is?  There were problems with the mechanic for sure, but it definitely seems like you have to really focus on Summoning now if you want it to work, now that only Slanns, Oracles, and the Astrolith Bearer contribute CCP.  I am building some Oracle on Troglodon conversions, once I'm done I want to try this list, was hoping to see what you folks thought:

    Allegiance: Seraphon
    - Constellation: Dracothion's Tail
    Mortal Realm: Hysh

    Slann Starmaster (260)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Ancient Knowledge
    - Artefact: Godbeast Pendant
    - Spell: Stellar Tempest
    - Ancient Knowledge Spell: Celestial Apotheosis
    Skink Oracle on Troglodon (260)
    Skink Oracle on Troglodon (260)
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (140)
    Gotrek Gurnisson (520)
    - Allies

    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Boltspitters Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Boltspitters Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Boltspitters Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers

    Bastiladon (220)
    - Weapon: Solar Engine

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Bound Emerald Lifeswarm (60)
    Bound Purple Sun of Shyish (60)
    Bound Prismatic Palisade (40)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 520 / 400
    Wounds: 81

    I went Dracothion's Tail for the Command Trait and Artefact, I don't plan on using the deep strike usually but I wouldn't have gained much from the 3" skink move that Fangs of Sotek would give me, I don't want to use the Artefact.  The Fangs of Sotek Command Ability is pretty nice so I may try that route later.

    The obvious plan is to move up Gotrek and the Oracles, screened by Skinks, while I summon as much stuff as I can.  Top summoning choices will probably be Hunting Packs and Skinks.  I have healing for Gotrek or the Trogs.  If I did remove Bastiladon for the Cogs, with the remaining 130 points I guess I would go for another 2x 60 Skinks.  Purple Sun was chosen because even Gotrek can be swarmed by hordes, and I went with Pristmatic Palisade to block shooting (I play vs some nasty Cities of Sigmar shooting lists).  I have considered getting Chronomantic Cogs in here so I can get Gotrek to battle faster - I think what I could cut is the Bastiladon, which is possible but it will leave me with no shooting that doesn't need to be summoned in.

  5. 1 hour ago, Bozly said:

    Aight want something fun?

    skink oracle on troglodon on bound balewind vortex. Hear me out.


    we’re thunderlizard right? We’re running the two bastiladon battalion. You have a lord kroak and an astrolith banner because youre a man of taste.


    you look at this carnisaur kit and the last thing youre thinking of is putting a skink on there but you havent expanded your mind so far You maxed out so far it looped back and you deflated back to a puny pea brain. 


    Bound balewind has no wounds limit.

    ok dont touch your face dont get corona but thats so good you want to rub your cheeks.


    what can we put on it? Trogolodon.


    Skink starseer gives +1 save and 3 d6 charge.

    we give him the item thats +4 move -1 hit and fly. 

    now we have a 2+ save mystic shielded troglodon healing likely d3 per turn with an engine of the gods helping just shoved in the middle of their army thats -1 to hit.

    but wait theres more

    he’s a nuke.

    we can use him to cast celestial desecrate your surroundings 3 times with a kroak whos +3 to cast no matter where he is on the board.


    You also have more command-points than god.

    then just flood the demons within 22” in your toxic masculinity and you win. Easy game

    A model riding on the Balewind Vortex can't move, so the 3d6 charge, +4 move, and Fly that you're giving him won't help much and the Troglodon's melee combat strength isn't going to come into play unless something charges it.  You can still use Lords of Space and Time to sit it in the midst of your enemies, but not as great as you were hoping and he'd probably be pretty easy to surround and kill.

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 3/1/2020 at 3:01 PM, Kasper said:

    How can you tell what command ability he has? They tend to update them with a new tome. From what I can tell, he has a passive ability that gives him an extra attack on unmodified 6.

    You weren't asking me, but for the benefit of all, I'm pretty sure I can read the Command Ability.  And, yes, you're right on the passive.

    The Command Ability basically says that he can give a unit of Saurus within 12(18?) inches +1 to hit, not stackable on the same unit in the same turn.
    Also, that Old Blood has improved weapons, compared to now. 3+ save.  Maybe that's been mentioned.

  7. On 6/1/2019 at 12:48 PM, Frowny said:

    Given that you are hoping to play with your son, it might be worth asking him what kind of army he would prefer playing.

    Absolutely, he is most interested in my Flesheater Courts army, however, so I have that decided.  I almost have my mind made up at this point, thanks :)

  8. Hello,

    I am considering starting a 2nd AOS army.  I have recently got in with Flesheater Courts, but I want another army so my son and I can play at home.  I am deciding between Seraphon and Sylvaneth.  What about this for a starter list?  I like all the Seraphon units, just trying to start from SC boxes and my favorite models (Kroak and EOTG).  I will also buy 2 boxes of Skinks for summoning.  I hopefully need a list that can take on my Flesheaters, but I realize FEC is pretty strong right now.  As FEC I have been playing mostly Crypt Horrors and Ghouls, with one ZD or TG, I can go full Gristlegore but I tend to stay away from that so not full-on OP.

    Allegiance: Seraphon
    Mortal Realm: Ghur

    Lord Kroak (450)
    Engine of the Gods (220)
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (240)
    - Warblade
    Slann Starmaster (260)

    5 x Saurus Knights (90)
    - Blades
    20 x Saurus Warriors (200)
    - Spears
    5 x Saurus Knights (90)
    - Blades
    5 x Saurus Knights (90)
    - Blades

    Firelance Starhost (150)

    Endless Spells / Terrain
    Balewind Vortex (40)
    Chronomantic Cogs (60)

    Total: 1890 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 3
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 89

    • Like 1
  9. 41 minutes ago, Gwendar said:

    I'm not sure I understand this, or maybe lack of sleep is making me read it incorrectly. You only get 3 torso's per box so what would magnetizing the upper\lower torso do? The main difference is the arms so that's what you would want to magnetize, no

    I didn't do it exactly like this guy did it, but I did start by checking out his video:


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. On 5/23/2019 at 11:17 AM, Aleister said:

    So, I have done a lot of lurking and some commenting on here, but have not actually played a game of AOS yet.  That's about to change, my first games will be played at a 1250 pts tourney this weekend (no worries, I love 'trial by fire' and have played 40k for a few years and I've also been reading a lot).

    Here's my list, I will let you know how it goes.  I have 2x Varghulf Courtiers to summon, no other options, as it has taken all my spare time to build and paint this:

    1200/1250 points

    Delusion:  Feast Day

    Abhorrant Archregent (200)
    - General
    - Command Trait : Dark Wizardry
    - Artefact : The Dermal Robe
    - Lore of Madness : Spectral Host
    Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Zombie Dragon (440)
    - Lore of Madness : Blood Feast
    - Mount Trait : Razor-clawed

    6 x Crypt Horrors (320)
    10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)
    10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)

    Chalice of Ushoran (40)


    For spell choice, I went with Spectral Host for my ZD and 2x Varghulfs (summoned), could also be good with Horrors sometimes - at first I was going to use Deranged Transformation but it's only good with Horrors in this list and wouldn't be useful if they are focused down.  Blood Feast's range is fine because I'm nosediving the ZD into everything anyway.  In lieu of ZD having an artefact, I thought Razor-Clawed might be sufficient.

    I took this to my LGS' tournament this Saturday.  We only had 6 people turn out, a lot of folks that had been in the escalation league couldn't make it.  I didn't partake in the league, so these were my first games total.

    Round 1 vs. Beasts of Chaos

    So we played a mission with 3 objectives along centerline, roll a D3 each round to see which one is worth 3 VP, other 2 are worth 1.

    My opponent had lots of 2x3 Daemon Ogres, 2x1 of the Leader Daemon Ogre guy, 2x Chimeras, and 10 of the battleline dudes that get +1 attack on the charge.  I gave him first turn, and he made a dash for all the objectives, claiming them.  His 10 shrimpy dudes were alone on one flank, with 10 of my ghouls on the other side.  My 6 horrors came into the middle objective, against 3x Daemon Ogres and 1 of the Daemon Ogre Leader guys.  My other ghouls and GKoZD took the other flank, which was the 'major' objective for the round.  I summoned 2x Varghulf's on the 'major' objective flank as well.  Zombie Dragon gets Spectral Host cast on him, Runs + Charges into all of my opponent's guys at the objective.  Attack + Feeding Frenzy wiped all his dudes that were there.  My Horrors charged into the Ogres + Ogre Leader Guy (General) in the middle, killed a few and took some damage. 2nd turn, he got his Chimaeras and charged to join his remaining Ogres.  They killed some Horrors, but then on my turn the Varghulfs brought them all back and then I killed everything he had at mid except one Chimera, other than that all he had left was his 10 battleline guys that were tangoing with 10 of my ghouls still on the far flank.  At this point he conceded.  We were talking about how Feast Day working on every turn instead of once per Battle Round seemed pretty powerful.

    Round 2 vs. Fyreslayers, Vostarg lodge

    For this mission there were 2 objectives on the centerline, worth 2 VP each, one in each home base worth 1 / 4 VPs for yours / theirs.

    This match was less one-sided.  He had 10 Hearthguard, 10 Vulkites, and 5 Heroes - a leader with a big key-hammer, a Runepriest, another Rune-something, and a guy with a big axe that fights again if he dies.  One of the rune guys was giving everything nearby a 4++ and there was also an aura giving +1 save.  Somehow there was  +1 hit / +1 wound deal going on too, I don't remember.

    This guy chose first turn, he had +2 move on his guys and got onto center objectives.  I protected my home objective with 10 ghouls, sent everything else to one objective with 10 Hearthguard and 4 of the heroes (all buy the axe guy that fights when dead).  I summoned 2x Varghulfs to this area as well, I have read Hearthguard are uber and I wanted to have an advantage in the fight.  I got Spectral Host onto my GKoZD again but I couldn't get a good enough Run to make it over the Hearthguard and into his heroes; at the time I wanted to save my CP for a 2nd Feeding Frenzy on my Horrors that were going to make it into combat, but I wonder now if I should have used the command trait to make the Dragon run a full 6, which possibly would have gotten me behind his Hearthguard and into his heroes.  My ZD and Horrors fighting twice into his Hearthguard went pretty bad - he made a lot of saves and then his 4++ took care of almost all of the remaining damage.  On his turn 2, he obliterated my ZD and killed 5/6 Horrors.  I brought the Horrors all back with Muster but then he wiped them on his turn 3.  His 10 Vulkites and Axe guy on the far flank went into my zone and wiped the 10 Ghouls easily.  The Horror's rend 0 hurt some this game.  However, in hindsight I think I should have summoned one of my Varghulf's to his back objective, which could have helped me to either win via points or get him to split his forces some; I had also forgotten the +3 attacks buff I got on my Varghulf at a clutch moment.  He won, it was a close game overall and very fun.

    Round 3 vs. Khorne

    This match had 2 objectives in each of our zones, worth 1 / 4 VPs for yours / theirs.  He had 2x 20 of the Berserker looking guys, 10 Reavers, a Bloodsecrator, 2 Slaughterpriests, and a Bloodthirster.  Like in other games, we both had the majority of our forces opposing each other one one flank, I had 10 Ghouls on the other flank but he fully committed to one side.

    My opponent chose 1st turn, and used a command ability to give one of his Berserker's a movement boost + Run and Charge.  This got this group Berserkers, which had been buffed to +3 save and was hitting on 2+, rerolling 1s, into combat with my Horrors and Ghouls.  He couldn't get all his guys into combat but the ones that did killed 3 of my Horrors and a few of my Ghouls.  On my turn, I summoned Varghulfs in and Mustered everything back.  I mostly eliminated the engaged unit of Berserkers.  My ZD was able to fly over and charge his BT (which ignored Rend), taking it down to 2 Wounds and my ZD going down to 3.  At this point, he was made that his BT was already almost dead (although my ZD was too) and he didn't like that his Berserkers didn't destroy twice their points in models.  He ended up conceding shortly after and claiming that FEC are overpowered no matter what you run, not just Gristlegore.  Ok, whatever.  I think he should not have advanced his Berserkers ahead of the rest of his force, and instead waited on me to charge him.  For myself, I had been so scared of the BT that I committed everything to the fight, but I should have summoned one unit at his far objective, which was undefended and worth 4 VP a turn.  Truthfully, I probably had a right to be scared of the BT, but he had terrible save throws unfortunately for him - he was ignoring Rend with either a Trait or a Relic (?) but couldn't make any 4+s.



    As a side note, regarding Horrors/Flayers - magnetizing them is easy, just don't do the arms.  Put the upper torso and arms together for Horrors, same for Flayers, have the chest/lower torso and Legs together, put a magnet inside the torso at the stomach area.

    • Like 1
  11. So, I have done a lot of lurking and some commenting on here, but have not actually played a game of AOS yet.  That's about to change, my first games will be played at a 1250 pts tourney this weekend (no worries, I love 'trial by fire' and have played 40k for a few years and I've also been reading a lot).

    Here's my list, I will let you know how it goes.  I have 2x Varghulf Courtiers to summon, no other options, as it has taken all my spare time to build and paint this:

    1200/1250 points

    Delusion:  Feast Day

    Abhorrant Archregent (200)
    - General
    - Command Trait : Dark Wizardry
    - Artefact : The Dermal Robe
    - Lore of Madness : Spectral Host
    Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Zombie Dragon (440)
    - Lore of Madness : Blood Feast
    - Mount Trait : Razor-clawed

    6 x Crypt Horrors (320)
    10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)
    10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)

    Chalice of Ushoran (40)


    For spell choice, I went with Spectral Host for my ZD and 2x Varghulfs (summoned), could also be good with Horrors sometimes - at first I was going to use Deranged Transformation but it's only good with Horrors in this list and wouldn't be useful if they are focused down.  Blood Feast's range is fine because I'm nosediving the ZD into everything anyway.  In lieu of ZD having an artefact, I thought Razor-Clawed might be sufficient.

  12. Awesome, sorry about that.  I haven't caught up on the FAQs, the wording in the codex made me think I should run different Leaders with differently-named Summon abilities so I could use them all in one turn.  The Courtiers' resurrection abllities are more clear.

    • Like 1
  13. 15 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    i prefer Blisterkin but i dont yet have the models to really benefit (3x3 Flayers isnt quite good enough)

    im limited by the models i currently have, this is for a tournament in a few weeks however lists are due in a few days and i cant guarentee id have more stuff in time.

    i have 1 Terrorgheight, 1 Zombie Dragon, 2 Ghoul Kings, 1 Archregent, 2 Ghast Courier, 2 Infernal Courier, 1 Haunter Courier, 50 Ghouls, 3 Horrors, 9 Flayers, Flesh-Eater Spells and Throne. i dont currently have Malign Sorcery so i cant use anything from it

    ghoul units are 20,20,10 as thats all i have and the Challace seems more useful if ghouls are around. im trying to keep drops low and start with a few cp

    i doubt ill use Death From The Skies to be honest, but i couldnt think what else to give him, Archregent has Dermal Robe as i tend to use him for summoning the endless spells so +1 is helpful

    Ghoul Patrol i dont like, i think its overcosted after losing its old rules but staying the same points, its only in this list as i needed a battalion to lower my drops and for cp

    I think you have the models for Blisterskin if you want to run it, and it would be good.  +2" movement is good for everything, not just Flayers, and you don't have to do all Flayers for your Battleline just because you can.

    You could do:

    1 GKoTG


    1 Archregent

    Infernal Couriers

    6x Flayers

    3x Flayers

    40x Ghouls

    10x Ghouls

    Just a rough list.  You have some aggressive fliers that you can use the Blisterskin Command Trait on if you want, and all your stuff likes +2" move especially if you also get Cogs.  Have the 40x Ghouls go murder stuff and the 10x Ghouls cap objectives.  Or you could do 20 and 10 for the Ghouls, reserving the last 20 to bring in with Archregent, and cap lots of objectives while just slaying with the fliers.

    • Like 2
  14. Well, before I knew these things, I had been debating if it was worth it to save cp by keeping my monsters near the Throne turn 1, or if it was better to just go ahead and get them into the fray.  Now I don't even have to debate it, at least.

    • Haha 1
  15. 2 minutes ago, Honk said:

    My App shows no bold keywords... but I‘m not 100% on the faq

    Does it not say Abhorrant Ghoul King?  The warscroll download from GW does (and I assume it's pretty up to date since the Charnel Throne is a new model), and so does my Battletome.  I wouldn't be surprised if GW flubbed somewhere 😛

  16. 15 minutes ago, Honk said:

    And they all can’t use the charnel throne, only the mighty Archregent may use it...

    The Warscroll for Charnel Throne names, in bold, both Abhorrant Archregent and Abhorrant Ghoul King as models that can summon without spending a CP.  So while the ghoulies may not benefit from it while riding, they definitely should when on foot.

  17. 49 minutes ago, 18121812 said:

    @Aleister I like having both the TG and ZD as well, for the reasons you mentioned. But to clarify the Charnel Throne ability only works for Archregent and GK on foot.

    Seriously?  That sucks, I thought a GK was a GK whether he rode on something or not (makes sense to me) but I suppose it is referring to the specific warscrolls.  Well, I may wait to build my Throne then since I have a huge backlog.

  18. Regarding Terrorgheist being better than Zombie Dragon, can someone break that down for me?  It seems like they are very similar in combat, I prefer the ZD's shooting since it works even against high bravery, you can't cast the same spell twice in a turn (right?) so having 2 different signature spells could be handy, and having one of each let's you use both of their summon abilities the first turn.  So far I am running one GK on ZD, another on TG, and an Archregent - setting them up within 1" of my Charnel throne allows me to use 3 different summoning abilities the first turn (different names) so I start off with an extra Courtier, 3 more knights, and whatever the Archregent wants to call out.

  19. 54 minutes ago, Kolth said:

    So I'm new to age of sigmar and starting a FEC army. I got a few of the start collecting boxes but I'm wondering whether I should make crypt horrors or flayers? I'm looking to make the most competitive list possible so I'm looking for help in deciding which one to summon with the ghoul king on the terrorgheist. 

    You should look into magnetizing your Horrors/Flayers so you can do either.  Glue the chest and the legs together in one part, and the back and arms/wings together in another part, with a magnet in the abdomen.  It's a little tricky, but works great when you get it worked out.  With a little sawing and drilling, you can also make the head on your Terrorgheists magnetized so you can switch between it and Zombie Dragon.  Vids on Youtube...

  20. 4 minutes ago, a74xhx said:

    What do people think will be in the "damp wood" (Sylvaneth Vs Gitz)  box? 

    I'm going with: 3 kurnoth + Drycha + 5 Revenants + small wizard.

    The small wizard is either a plastic Branchwraith with or a brand new model.

    Really not sure what else they could do without repeating stuff in the start collecting box. Little hesitant because I'm not sure if GW would put a named character in a boxset.

    Maybe a Wanderers unit if they decide to merge them in.


    Well, Horticulous Slimux was in a boxed set, so seems reasonable.

  21. 8 hours ago, XReN said:

    There are a lot of stuff that can be made better with this list, first, and that is a general advice: put your Court throw-away artefacts on non-wizards, it will make them a scoring unit when it is needed, it will also distribute your anti-armor damage more evenly in case of Corpsefane Gauntlet (having it on my Haunter worked very well when I played Hollowmorne list) 
    Second - you need Command Points, you need them badly and unfortunately it means cutting down your list, the better way to do it would be swapping both of zombie dragons to terrorgheists and it will also make list much more deadly. You would also never want Death from the Skies on all of your wizards AND Cogs in the same list.

    That's pretty much it, but from personal preference - I would drop one of monsters to get Regent and more bodies.

    Thanks!  I have a lot to learn... Battletome in the mail!  I can see moving the Corpsefane Gauntlet to my Haunter, I didn't realize the rule about making it a scoring unit.  Regarding Zombie Dragons over Terrorgheists, I was reading on 1d4chan and it looked like the ZD version would let you summon Vharghuls and stuff and that the TG version doesn't.  I will confirm when I get my BT I guess, and then consider what to do.  I will probably swap out one of my monsters for more ghouls sometimes, as I acquire more models I will vary my list from time to time.  I'm going to magnetize the monsters so I can take the riders off and use them on foot when desired...

    • Haha 1
  22. 7 minutes ago, Mmanuel said:


    I tryed it against Fyreslayer Vulkyte..... 240 attacks (2x120 with feeding frenzy) killed only 3 Berserker.... I hope it was just my opponent 's lucky day xD

    Yes, that's some seriously powerful luck on your opponent's part!

  23. 3 hours ago, Kimbo said:

    I've noticed alot of lists focusing on the bigger dudes. Are there any "horde" lists that seem to work well for 2k games? If so, please share your experience 😄.  

    I currently own 60 ghouls and would love to mix between elite lists and horde for flavour. 

    If I were to go this route (and it is a second list I'm thinking of compared to the list I posted above), I would move up to 120 Ghouls for 3 squads of 40 and run a Morgaunt Ghoul Patrol list.  I think it would be awesome especially with Cogs and Chalice.

  24. 15 minutes ago, Honk said:

    List looks kinda cool...

    some minor points, the command trait for a hollowmourne court general has to be „grave robber“. And your units could run and charge with a +1 bonus via command ability, that kinda speeds up your big dudes.

    And consider the Terrorgheist, he‘s the big cheese when looking at the filthy damage output possible with gruesome bite and feeding frenzy...

    Thanks for pointing out the Command Trait limitation.  Considering this, I will likely make my General have Grave Robber and the Hollowmourne artefact, with the intention of taking out enemy Heroes.  I will switch Blood Feast to him so he can stay healthy, and move the Dermal Robe and Deranged Transformation to the other flier, who I may make a Terrorgheist instead of dragon zombie.  I do really like Death from the Skies, but it seems like I have ample ways to get my guys up the board between Deranged Transformation and Ravenous Crusaders, so making my dudes more killy does sound like a good idea.  Thanks for the tips!

    • Thanks 1
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