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Posts posted by HostilSpike

  1. 10 hours ago, Frowny said:

    Even without the command trait you can do something very similar (or double down on the same idea) with the hunter artifact, which gives +1 save and 1 cp per turn. Not as good obviously but also Importantly frees you up to use any of the main tribes. The whole lot even with the skaal is only a few hundred points, so you can still take a ton of other stuff.

    I tried this once against bonereapers and got 6 frost sabres (from a unit of 😎 into a backfield catapult with +3 attacks each... Due to some bad luck and that awesome 3+ save everywhere they did a few wounds and then eventually died off, still held them up many turns though.

    One challenge you will find is getting their bases in. The hunter himself is unlikely to make the charge, and keeping everyone within 12 in to get the buff means that you are unlikely to get all 10 into contact with your target. I think 6 is more realistic.

    The Browplate is +1 Save and only a CP at the start of the First Turn.

  2. 1 hour ago, Pitloze said:

    After playing with my Gutbusters for the first time I'm reconsidering my stance on Mournfangs. I thought they were okay. But Gluttons and Ironguts are so much better as a battleline units that it's not even funny. On the other hand. If they gave 3+ to hit across the board to Mournfang why would you ever take Ironguts? For 220 vs 280 you get 3 more inches of movement and two types of attacks.  On the charge you would have gotten 24 3+/3+/-1/3 (assuming you had a Huskhorn nearby) attacks. Ironguts in groups of 4 only get 13 swings

    I think GW realized this and decided to keep the 4+ on the Mournfang on the "irongutsy" weapons so they don't take their role. But now we have a unit that simply won't get better with points drop. Because they are an elite battleline unit. So dropping the points so far that they are worth it is silly.

    I think Mournfang should have gotten monster charges from a spell/prayer/CA (if Rhinox can do it with a spell Mournfang should as well). And 1 extra inch of movement so it rounds out at 10 (12 out of combat) to compensate for the crappy hits.


    I played my first two games with the new book last night and sadly have to agree with you. I love Mournfang but they just feel worse than all of the other options available. Their strength appears to be mobility but their faster base movement seems a lot less relevant now that everything else is moving that extra 3" for being Hungry.

    Only counting as 2 models for objectives despite the huge bases also means that they really struggle contesting objectives vs chaff.

  3. So I'm 1 Start Collecting! away from running the following list:

    Allegiance: Ogor Mawtribes
    - Mawtribe: Thunderbellies

    Frostlord on Stonehorn (400)
    - General
    - Trait: Storm Chaser 
    - Artefact: Alvagr Rune-tokens 
    - Mount Trait: Black Clatterhorn
    Huskard on Stonehorn (320)
    - Blood Vulture
    - Artefact: Shatterstone 
    - Mount Trait: Old Granitetooth

    4 x Mournfang Pack (280)
    - Gargant Hackers
    4 x Mournfang Pack (280)
    - Culling Clubs or Prey Hackers with Iron Fists
    4 x Mournfang Pack (280)
    - Culling Clubs or Prey Hackers with Iron Fists
    Stonehorn Beastriders (300)

    Eurlbad (140)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 109

    2 drop army with a focus on Mournfang for the extra chances at mortal wounds from the Battalion. They should have pretty good reach with run and charge near board edges, +1 charge from Huskard, +1 charge from Tribe. The unit with Gargant Hackers is just because that's how I've got them modeled, they'll probably be hanging out with the Frostlord focusing on taking down bigger threats. 

    What do you guys think? 


  4. 24 minutes ago, Kramer said:



    I think two slaughtermaster battalions with a full unit of ironguts/gluttons. Take 2x2 leadbelchers as tax, Two chances of +1 to hit, two casters, two drop. Ticks a lot of boxes. Haven’t done the math but should be doable right? 

    1960 for two sets of Goremond, Slaughtermaster,  12 Gluttons, 4 Ironguts & 2 Leadbelchers. You waste 1 artefact sadly

  5. 9 hours ago, Dongilles said:

    Iron fists do wotk with rend.

    For example, -1 rend. the save roll of 5 becomes a 6 which is succesfull .

    atleast this is how I read it. otherwice it would be an unmodified save roll of 6.

    That's the opposite of how it works, when you roll a 6 to save vs -1 rend you get a modified result of 5, 5 becomes 4, 4 becomes 3 etc... To get a modified 6 vs -1 rend you would need to roll 7.

  6. 3 hours ago, Neomaxim said:

    Those are amazing!  How much greenstuff work went into fitting those seamlessly around the neck??

    Surprising little, they fit quite nicely on the necks. I did the front two ridges on this one and one on another but other than that just filling a few small gaps. You do need a reasonable sized blob underneath as there's a big gap there though 


  7. Hi all, I'm a predominantly Beastclaw/Ogor/Gloomspite player and generally play Mixed Destruction due to the sad state of BCR but picked up the new Warclan book to try and expand my collection into Orruks. Reading through, Icebone seems like a really good fit thematically for my existing models but with the lack of Start Collecting box I'm a bit lost as to where to start or what to build towards.

    I'd like some blocks of Savage Orruks to use as battleline in Mixed but was wondering if someone could suggest a reasonable Icebone list? My group is quite competitive and my opponents are generally Nighthaunt, Nurgle, Idoneth & Seraphon if that helps.

  8. Cheers for the input guys. I mostly play Mixed Destruction but love my 12man Ogor Blob. We're looking to try some smaller points games so I  figured this would be the best place to ask for Ogor advice. ^_^

    Buying another box of 6 and building two command groups, one with each banner seems like a plan. 

  9. I'm curious, when playing lower point games and using MSU Ogor units what options do people take? Crusher/Bellower/Icon Bearer (in which case Banner or Skull?)? Pressumably in 6man units it's the above with one of each Icon Bearer and 2 normal Ogors? 

    Also is it still generally preferable to ignore Iron Fists even in smaller numbers? 

  10. 6 hours ago, AthlorianStoners said:

    So what expected changes to BCR would fusing them with Gitbusters lead to, just in terms of increased options and play style? 


    If the Butcher no longer had to be allied in and the Cauldron was changed to be a choice,  the consistent +1 to hit on Mournfang might make them a lot more reasonable.

    If the Tyrants battleshock immunity affected Ogors instead of Gutbusters it might make a maxed out Deathstar unit of Mournfang an option. 

    That's a lot of if's though.

    I'd settle for our Ironfists being changed to mortals on unmodified 6s to save for all Ogors with access to them though.

  11. 3 minutes ago, DestructionFranz said:

    I like your list. In my opinion the Goregruntas are better in 3. 

    Saving 140 points you will be able to ally some Grots to keep objectives or some useful Endless Spells like Mork's Mighty Mushroom or Arachnacauldron (to have Itchy Nuissance). 

    Cheers. The logic on the 6 Gore Gruntas was to try and maximize the spread/recipients of the Braggoth +1 Hit Buff. 

    If I drop the Fungoid (to get below 1/4 ally limit) and the 3 GGs that gives enough room for 40 Grots and Arachnacauldron which does seems like a much more rounded list.

  12. So with the point reduction I've been trying mess about with some pure BCR after a few months of playing Mixed Destruction and I was wondering if this list would be any good? The idea is using the Icebrow Hunter for cheap 3rd battle line/2nd Aretfact holder and then using the extra points to grab Fungoids for CP generation and Unbind. 

    The group I play with are still slowly expanding the rules we use so we haven't started using Realm Artifacts yet which is a bit of a limiting factor. The other armies (in case it matters) are Nighthaunt, Idoneth Deepkin, Maggotkin of Nurgle & Seraphon. 

    Allegiance: Beastclaw Raiders
    Frostlord on Stonehorn (420) - Artefact :  The Pelt of Charngar  
    Icebrow Hunter (120) - General - Command Trait : Everwinter's Master  - Artefact :  Ice Mammoth Skull Plate 
    Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)
    Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)
    2 x Frost Sabres (40)
    4 x Mournfang Pack (280) - Gargant Hackers
    4 x Mournfang Pack (280) - Gargant Hackers
    6 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (280) - Jagged Gore-hackas
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140) - Pig-iron Choppas
    Braggoth's Beast Hammer (230)

    TOTAL: 1970/2000     EXTRA COMMAND POINTS: 1     WOUNDS: 125
    LEADERS: 4/6    BATTLELINES: 3 (3+)    BEHEMOTHS: 1/4    ARTILLERY: 0/4
    ARTEFACTS: 2/2    ALLIES: 180/400

    I haven't played with Gore Gruntas yet so I wasn't sure on best load out for them in the 6man unit.


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