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Posts posted by HostilSpike

  1. 1 hour ago, TheArborealWalrus said:

    Question for my fellow tyrants. I was thinking of altering my list by swapping a fire belly for a unit of mournfangs. I asked my local group and was told, "Mournfangs are the most awful things ever and contribute nothing XD" I didn't find that very helpful, so I'm asking you all. I thought that adding a mobile unit that didn't need the tyrant's buffs to harass a flank sounded good. Thus far, the fire belly just hasn't added much to the army besides a 3rd unbind. Of course, when I remove him and his anti-horde spell, I'll run into a one. Xp Any advice on mildly altering my cannon list? Ironically, I don't feel like the answer is more cannon. XP

    My proposed list:

      Reveal hidden contents

    1955pts Underguts, Warlord battalion (&), hunters of the heartlands battalion (*)

    Tyrant (3+ save, general, trophy rack) (&)

    Butcher (&)

    Slaughtermaster (&)

    4x4 leadbelchers (1*, 1&)

    3x1 ironblasters

    1x2 mournfang (iron fist) (*)

    1x20 gnoblars (*)

    2x1 gorgers

    Burning head

    Thanks, and a lovely week to you.

    I find 2man units of Mournfang really good road blocks. They're not the killiest but it will generally take most similarly pointed units quite a few turns to chew through them. 

    They can also be good for harassing a poorly defended objective for similar reasons but effective 4 models for contesting isn't great. 

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  2. 3 hours ago, Mokoshkana said:

    More than one metal cruncher was always going to get removed. It was an oversight the first time. I still think boulderhead is viable with the right build. Dual Frostlord still works with Metalcruncher (gets Brand of the Svard) and Black Clatterhorn (takes a different artifact as needed). The Battleline versions will just be less effective.


    On that note, I have 1xFLoSH, 1xHoTT, and I have just built a normal Stonehorn beastrider to boost my force. I have another kit, and I was thinking about diversifying into a Thundertusk Beastrider or perhaps a second HoTT for the dual priest prayer boost as well as more mortal wound options. What are peoples thoughts on which way to go?

    Assuming the fact the FAQ ruined ward saves I'd probably go FLoSH with Metalcruncher and Amulet of Destiny for a tanky load out and a FLoSH with Brand of Svard and Black Clatterhorn as an offensive option.

    If in doubt on a behemoth magnetise, it's deceptively easy to do and will give you a lot more flexibility

  3. On 8/21/2021 at 4:10 PM, EldritchX said:

    You can't look at it in isolation. If you're at ~1910 points with just the one HoSH, then sure, the best thing to do is probably upgrade to a FLoSH. There are many occasions where you might be at ~1960 points with a FLoSH and then dropping to a HoSH may allow you to afford an extra Butcher, etc.

    Another possibility is just to leverage the HoSH's cheapness to max out on Metalcruncher. A Hunter-led Boulderhead list can squeeze in 5 HoSH, for example.

    Seems like we're in agreement in everything except terminology. If I was at 1960 but wanting to squeeze in a wizard I'd consider myself starved for points 😅

  4. 8 hours ago, EldritchX said:

    You don't have to be "starved for points" for the HoTT to be a good value proposition. 90 points is over 20% less. And you're also gaining a Vulture.

    But 90 points doesn't buy you anything worthwhile in our battletome which is what I meant about being starved for points to use one.

    I'm probably just being close minded though as I only ever saw HoSH as a battalion tax in 2.0 and now they don't even have that niche.

  5. 2 hours ago, Schauer said:

    There are some buffs that can be granted that you cannot give the stonehorns that makes it an advisable choice in Bloodfeast + Rip & Tear. You need at least one of them active for the damage to be better but both are easy to accomplish (for rip and tear you can plink the enemy unit with the vulture pretty reliably) 




    It's true that for these numbers you need to shell out command points but I also think if there is an army that should capitalize off the aggressive usage of command points its ogors. Also worth noting that if playing this way you have to ensure that you can consistently be the one charging and you need one or both of blood feast or rip and tear active. A frostlord on stonehorn is probably a better hedge for games in which you're put on the back foot instead of being the aggressor so its why I would likely bring that set up to a tournament but I think if a person got enough practice in on a list like this that this has the better potential. 


    At the very least what both loadouts provide is a tricky situation for the opponent where they need to ensure they have enough screen for not only the straight away to prevent the stonehorn from running it down but also the flanks now too and with the way point costs have gone there is less chaff around. A castle is likely the best defense against it but if your opponent is resorting to castling they are also conceding a lot of board to you 


    Firstly as someone who loves theory crafting I appreciate the addition of the graph to clearly show the damage numbers.  I wasn't really talking about overall output though, simply the effectiveness of subbing out a FLoSH for a HoSH in the list.

    The base effectiveness of the Mournfang doesn't really change between the two, all you are gaining is Linebreakers at the cost of the Frostspear, +1 Wound, +1 Save, +1 Bravery (relevant due to Heroic recovery) and +1 to Wound on your Punches and Kicks. It just doesn't seem worth the downgrade unless you're really starved for points.

    Unless I did the maths wrong (which is always possible 😅) the attacks with the Frostspear on average equate to the same damage as a single use if Linebreakers on 4 Mournfang but obviously is much less situational. 

    I've yet to actually get Thunderbellies on the table due to covid and have always been slightly curious about Rip and Tear; does it activate against a unit of single wound models who have lost a model or does it require an injured multi-wound model?

  6. 19 minutes ago, Schauer said:

    its not a bad idea. Part of me still wants to toy with switching the frostlord to a huskard and if I did that I would spend the extra enhancement on the amulet as opposed to the extra mount trait. Reason being for the switch is the chance to give a unit of mournfang 16 3 damage 3/3/-1 attacks if they charged which makes up for the loss of the frost spear

    It's probably worth keeping in mind that the HoSH is significantly less survivable than a FLoSH due to the worse save.

    Assuming no buffs to hit (so Mournfang are 4/3/-1) a round with the Frostspear deals equivalent average damage to the extra damage granted by Linebreakers on a unit of 4 Mournfang but doesn't require the opportunity cost of a Command Point.


  7. 2 hours ago, Schauer said:

    Got another game in with the below list. Same Skaven opponent as last time though they changed up their list a little bit

    MT: Metalcruncher

    HoTT - Command Entourage
    All Thunderbellies Stuff
    Prayer: Keening Gale

    Slaughtermaster - Command Entourage

    Butcher - Command Entourage

    3 Sets of 4 Mournfang all with Gargant Hackers all underneath the battalion that allows them to ignore the 4 monster abilities


    Skaven opted to go first (my 7 drops arent beating anyone anytime soon) and while they got a few shots off I was able to limit the damage and did well withstanding their spells. They did drop the bridge endless spell down though in a good spot to block a massive charge angle and I just could not dispel it to save my life. 


    It didnt matter too much though as my turn 1 I was able to clear the board and charge into his rats and do some respectable damage. I then got double turn and virtually secured the victory at that point as I cleaned house on all but one of his leaders. 


    One issue I did have this game was that I had a hard time comboing off abilities and getting my spells to go off, which sortve delayed this game from a turn 2/3 board clear into a game that played out to turn 4 despite the lead. I need a few more games in with it before deciding on changing anything up but I am feeling good about thunderbellies at the moment and their ability to clear the board with run+charge on both flanks


    Also we had a mawtribe army top a GT this past weekend playing bloodgullet. Looks like things are on the up for the faction in terms of relative power of non-boulderhead lists.

    I was thinking of trying a similar list but splitting one of the 4s of Mournfang into two 2s with fist weapons and using a Warlord Battalion to get the 5+ Ward Amulet on the HoTT for a bit more staying power.

  8. 2 hours ago, Nezgor said:

    Hi, I have sylvanth and I can't understand how you accumulate that 2+ each turn because I understand the throne of vines and the 3d6 artifact but I don't understand how you can accumulate each turn. Can you name how it gets there?

    You just cast it every turn without moving

    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Yeah, I have the SHBRs for my BCR general's battleline.  Even when I take an Icebrow Hunter, usually I'll go 4-6 Frost Sabres as 1 battleline for him and then 1-2 SHBRs.  HoSH is good for when there's not enough points for a FLoSH though, or when taking some Mournfangs.  

    That's a fun army, similar to what I want to run vs SoBs in my next practice match.  Don't have the Maneaters but they seem pretty good now.  I wonder how they compare to Yhetees in effective fast alpha shocks?  I saw that Maneaters can do their own CAs.  For some reason I though Ironguts had that somehow too?  But perhaps I was dreaming that.

    Unit champions allow the use of command points so Ironguts are self sufficient as long as you don't let your Gutlord die 😁

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  10. 8 hours ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    Anyone else notice the nice little combo in the latest sneak peak. Gobsprakk can Sneaky Miasma himself to move 14" in the hero phase, making him nicely in range for The Black Pit.  

    Aren't those both Lore Spells though?

  11. 40 minutes ago, Mokoshkana said:

    If you aren’t running underguts for double shots, it is a waste to take cannons at all I my opinion. With one shot, too much can go wrong (missed hit/wound, opponent makes save, or you roll low for damage). There are better options out there. 

    Course, if you like the aesthetic and want to have fun, go nuts. Four scraplaunchers is not going to do well, but it will be fun to watch that goofy list get picked apart haha. 

    Aye, I agree. I'd personally only be looking at Underguts to give Leadbelchers a go filling out battleline around a block of 8 Ironguts at which point it seems worthwhile to drop a couple of cannons in to take advantage of the command ability. I just can't see investing more than 260 points in it generating the necessary returns.

    In terms of tribes it still feels like you'd be better off leaving that all at home and sticking with Boulderhead or Bloodgullet depending on your hero choices or Winterbite if you're scared of shooting.

  12. 38 minutes ago, Schauer said:

    Just my opinion on this one but Ironblasters I probably wouldnt bring unless im dropping a Tyrant with trophies to guarantee their damage a bit more. You would be better off using that 260 for gluttons especially if youre running gullet. 

    Tyrant with Trophy Rack is a trap until you are already full on Artillery. On average the +1 to hit buff gives less damage than just adding another Ironblaster which is cheaper and doesn't waste an artefact.

  13. On 7/17/2021 at 10:54 PM, Lord Krungharr said:

    I imagine it to be like a special type of exotic Stonehorns, like Wagyu beef, but bred to eat metal instead of being all well-marbled for being eaten (now I'm hungry).  Probably from Chamon.  Then they can all be painted like they have grillz on their teeth 😁

    For my next Ogors match, I'm using Bloodgullet (Butcher/2 Slaughtermasters/2x8 Ironguts/4 Leadbelchers).  For the remainder I'm on the fence about another 4 Ironguts and more Leadbelchers....or should I take a Tyrant, 2 Mourfangs, Emerald Lifeswarm and maybe some other endless spell?


    I don't see a place for the Tyrant anymore. His old appeal was Command Point efficiency Vs Inspiring presence but with there being so many more command points now it seems less relevant.

    I can't imagine a list without a Frostlord in it, they're just our best units by a large margin. The FLoTT gained a huge amount of survivability if you take the 5+ Ward Artefact and the worsen rend by 1 Mount Trait.

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Mokoshkana said:

    I just believe It will get FAQ'd out for everyone. Outside of spells/prayers, no army can double up on enhancements like artifacts or command traits, Even when referring to spells/prayers, they may only be cast once per round, so there is still a singular restriction of sorts. Given all of that, it would not make sense for the designers to all something like mount traits to completely ignore the unique restriction of other enhancements.

    From a gameplay perspective, it would be horrible for the game as it allows armies with multiple mounts (which can take traits) to just abuse the best trait.

    Flesh Eater Courts have been explicitly allowed to take multiples of the same Mount Traits since 2019 and no one considered them all taking Gruesome Bite horrible for the game.

    I'm not saying I'm convinced we'll keep multiple Metalcrunchers, just playing devil's advocate because GW rarely have the same opinions on balance as their player base. 

    Either way there's no harm in taking it while it's RAW, probably good sportsmanship to run it by your opponent before a game though seeing as it won't make or break your list.

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  15. On 7/14/2021 at 3:10 PM, Mokoshkana said:

    You cannot double up on mount traits (I know RAW it currently works, but that is not RAI, and it will get killed in the next FAQ).

    I'm curious as to why you're so sure it'll get FAQ'd out, other factions are allowed multiple instances of the same mount trait so there's always a chance this isn't an oversight 

  16. 1 hour ago, yacob said:

    I like it a lot! I was figuring out what I should do without my beloved gluttons and I figured something like this as-well. I don't have the Ironblasters though and I would keep it at one slaughtermaster.. But the general concept I thinks is nice and could work great with the chronomantic cogs. Let me know how it plays!

    Gunna be a while I'm afraid, Covid's rampant in the schools of merry old Boro so most of my hobby group are in forced isolation because of their kids 😕

  17. Thinking if trying something a bit different for my first 3.0 list to dust off some unused models.

    The basic plan is to make a small castle around the Mawpot with Butcher, Leadbelchers & Ironblasters and try and use Cogs to slow down time to get some buffs rolling on Ironguts & Frostlord who can then push with a Slaughtermaster each.

    I avoided the Tyrant & Extra artefact combo mostly because I don't have enough Ironblasters to justify the investment.


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