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Posts posted by Riavan

  1. 4 minutes ago, Dirtnaps said:

    Weren't all the chaos warbands for Warcry being released at the same time? Or maybe that was just the rules for the non-chaos factions and I'm miss remembering it.

    They havnt said that I don't think. I imagine they will slowly come out. Like kill team or necromunda.

    I think they said the rule book will include rules for the other factions they listed though.

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  2. 10 hours ago, Ungface said:

    I cant imagine them not releasing warcry alongside darkoath/std

    Tbh I think we won't get darkoath till warcry has finished all it's releases.


    I really need to restrain myself to not run out and buy a chaos knight army.

  3. 10 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    Guys, you have to know something also: most of  "modular" terrains kits that come into several boxes have ONE best price/quantity ratio. It is ALWAYS the biggest box. By a fair margin I must say. My main advice for those who are interested by this new terrain set: save a bit more money and go for the biggest box. You won't regret it.

    Thing is I feel it's kind of expensive even for gw terrain.

    Kill team base set came with more than this and was cheaper.

    Also have zero interest in buying a smaller box of endless spells for a similar price as the last one? What's with that.

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  4. On 5/16/2019 at 7:51 PM, DestroyerBirb said:

    I wish I could get a Battleforce now, but I don’t have enough money yet.

    Also, I am in New Zealand, and the prices are flipping insane. The Battleforce is 100 pounds, 190 nzd, but it is priced at 330 nzd!

    Check eBay man. Sometimes it's cheaper to buy from the UK with Royal mail.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Because such is the price one has to pay for perfection - you couldn't well have the hounds seated upon anything less than the most impressive of terrains!

    But then it's harder to have terrain entirely comprised of bird dogs.

  6. On 5/6/2019 at 10:04 PM, RexHavoc said:

    Yeap, still plenty of mortal followers of Sigmar too, which are still loaded with the twin comet and bell iconography. Even if they still havn't gotten a battletome! I'm sure some art popped up not so long ago that showed the fanatics fighting along side stormcast.

    I hope we get humans more like the art from the corebooks in each realm. I think having the old empire style humans in aos would be really boring and also kind of doubt gw would want that now.

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  7. 33 minutes ago, Dirtnaps said:

    I think we've already seen what scenery will be in the starter in the Warcry reveal trailer personally unless this stuff is already out, I haven't been taking much notice of the scenery available tbh.


    Interesting. Still looks different to the current set

    The bell symbol is a bit old Warhammer isn't it?

  8. 39 minutes ago, Barbossal said:

    Huh that's an interesting rumour. I would be surprised if they do an overhaul though it'd be very welcome. Saurus are old but they aren't as say Free Peoples, Skaven. They hold up a lot better too. Well, if it's a few years out I hope for at least a quick update book + spell release.

    Yeah skaven have a few old models in need of updates too. I was surprised there wasn't new versions of the metal and finecast skyre models at the very least.

    Tbh I would probably buy a seraphon army in a heartbeat if they updated those old models.

    • Like 3
  9. Trade mark law is the only one which has to be protected or they can lose the right.

    It makes sense to me what gw are doing. (I'm an IP specialist).

    Trade mark = protects brands or "badges of origin" 

    Copyright = protects artistic work. Copyright protects the expression, not the idea though. Which is a whole thing in and of itself.

    Patents = inventions

    Designs = shape of products. Usually the shape of like a chair or phone etc. There is an overlap with copyright here. But designs usually are required when things are industrially applied (mass made). But judges will bend copyright often to cover this.

    Plant breeders rights = plant varieties 


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  10. 1 minute ago, Saiken said:

    How likely is it that this new Warcry warband is the part of the Darkoath we're waiting for ?

    I'd say all of them are part of darkoath. We will probably get a dark oath release after warcry is finished.

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  11. Thanks

    1 minute ago, Dirtnaps said:

    Lore wise it makes sense for Fyreslayers to be mercenaries for any faction, I could see some of the other factions working too but definitely not all of them. If they go with at least one faction from each grand alliance I could see them being something like Fyreslayers for Order, Skaven for Chaos and Ironjawz or Gutbusters/Beastclaw Raiders for Destruction, no idea what they could do for Death though, maybe Flesh-Eaters.

    There's definitely a face with three eyes and an arm coming out of some kind of portal back there. What that is I have no idea though.

    Looks kinda like a bloodthirster but could be undead I guess.

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  12. Man the terrain looks cool.

    I can't wait to put nurgle symbols all over it.

    Also all those warbands will look great in green.


    Also looking forward to the chaos knight kit (or kits?). I don't know if it just needs an upgrade sprue in each box of the imp knights or not. I guess painting a few big mechy boys will let me use my demons from aos as soup with them in a 40k army.

  13. 4 hours ago, ChaosUndivided said:

    Im not saying that the StD will change. I was talking largely about Darkoath. StD will keep mark of chaos but will probably also gain access to some type of Host if you want to run them as StD not a specific god.

    That's what I'm concerned about. 

    If gw let everyone (chaos gods) use every model it can make strategies and synergies and etc, hard to keep on top of. It's also unfair to all the tiny armies.

    On the other hand it will sell more models and I want it.

  14. 2 hours ago, bsharitt said:

    Even though I have a goblin army and no tree people, I think I like the Syvaneth guy a lot more than the new warboss. I'm not a huge fan of the overly dynamic posing of GW models of late or of the "off the ground, but sort of touchings something (at least there's no modeled smoke, water or "magic" those are especially bad). I'd definitely take the new warboss over the old fine cast version, but I think I still prefer the ForgeWorld version.

    I agree. The forgeworld one is cooler.

    • Confused 1
  15. I think it's likely darkoath was planned for a release this year but they ended up making warcry as part of that release. 

    I really hope darkoath are like slaves and can work on any chaos god army. I'm a bit concerned they might cut that part out.

  16. I think it's an interesting concept tto be broken that chaos means it has to be somewhat aligned with the current chaos gods. The chaos gods don't care for each other most of the time. It wouldn't be so strange to have one that wants to remove all of them forever.

    Order doesn't have everyone aligned with sigmar.

  17. 1 minute ago, Overread said:

    Aelves pretty much hate Chaos with the same fever that Elves hate Chaos in 40K. Which is to say that no sane aelf would EVER ally with Chaos EVER.

    Malarion I think is a means toward having some draconic/chaos style models without them being tied to Chaos. Also don't forget he's the primary ruler of the realm of Shadow and an ally of Morathi and she is 100% as anti-chaos as you can pretty much get. She'd certainly never tolerate, let alone ally with him if there was even a whiff of chaos.


    No he's not chaos, but at the same time he's in it for himself. We still don't know the real reason he gifted Sigmar the Arena where his Stormcast can train endlessly without harm or death. 

    I understand all this. Who knows how sane he is or how sane the Aelves are the the has made.

    I think dok already give this kind of feel to order. I'm unsure if malerion will follow suite or will have more of a story.

  18. 27 minutes ago, Lucky Snake Eyes said:

    I mean to be fair Slaanesh is one of the big 4 and is compared to the other 3 as such, the horned rat just kinda joined the boyband during the end times and got shoe horned in. Plus skaven have a large roster of units, slaanesh being a decades old army does not. Slaanesh arguably has the least units of all the old armies.  

    Edit: I should add the caveat that for a long while all of chaos was basically one army, but once they splintered off slaanesh got shafted compared to the other 3 only getting one mortal unit and two mortal heroes, one being a named character (who was quickly demoted to nameless ****** like vlad or queek because like 90% of characters they got the axe in the end times) .  As for daemons every god has a lesser daemon, 1-2 heralds, a greater daemon and 1-2 "monster" daemons like fiends and flamers. Of course this isn't including cavalry/chariots like seekers and bloodcrushers. So the disparity is purely in mortal representation, which is kinda a major longstanding aspect of the armies of chaos since their inception.

    I mean slaneesh isn't one of the big four. Unless he has actually been released from the prision he is missing from the pantheon.

    I have a feeling that we are eventually getting slaneeshi looking malerion elves. Who may or may not be chaos. Which is why gw may not have released mortals.

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