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Posts posted by Riavan

  1. 11 hours ago, Hypno said:

    I’ve spoke about this before, in a black library book can’t remember which There’s a mention of Orruk Rok boyz that are huge By Orruk standards and covered head to toe in huge steel plates so much that there even slower than normal Ironjawz because they wear so much armour. another thing mentioned is the skybashas clan has brutes riding on scrap metal hover boards (think green goblin) they would make another awesome unit. and then to add more unit variety I think they would have to change some lore a little as regards to ironjawz not using ranged weapons ardboys do forge their armour as they aren’t tough enough to punch it into shape like brutes, so they could possibly create some war machines or ranged weapons even just throwing axes,  catapults or cannons could fit well enough. Look again to wows iron horde and tell me you wouldn’t want to see a brute running around in an Ironstar completely out of control 

    I know they talk about the flying ironjawz in the how to paint ironjawz book and the original battletome I think

  2. 53 minutes ago, Boar said:

    Huh? But it`s written that they are battline in SoB army, (and max unit size counts as 3), so what`s stopping someone from taking 9 solo mancrushers and mega-gargant?

    Yeah I can see how people are reading it like that but I don't think it's indicating that only one group would be seperate or not in the ghb. I think it's more likely every mancrusher will be an independent model (like units of armiger's) even tho a minimum of 3 in a "unit" is needed to fufill battle line reqs for sob. Just makes it easier to balance the army around.

    Will have to wait for the rulebook and see. But otherwise it seems needlessly complicated 

  3. 19 hours ago, Overread said:

    Honestly I can see GW moving away from single box starter packs. Consider that:

    1) An actual beginner isn't best served by a starter set. Sure it has rules and dice and counters, but it has two armies in it. A beginner only needs one so instantly they've got stuff they "don't want/need". This means they've either got to find a friend to split it with (not everyone will join with a friend) or try and find someone in the game club that they might not know all that well yet. 

    2) There are only two armies on offer. This means that for the set to be worth anything to you you have got to want one of those two armies. If you've a friend joining in you've got to not only want one of the armies but your friend must want the other one; otherwise someone will be less than satisfied

    3) In the past GW has put unique models in to the starter sets and then hit issues where the starter is kept in production and GW never gets around to retail releases of those models; As a result instead of beginners buying it, current gamers are the ones buying up the starters for those unique models for their own armies. Heck Indomitus only lacks card rulers and some dice and a quick-start-guide to make it a normal starter and who is buying it - not beginners but legions of current gamers. People who, in theory, shouldn't be the target market, but they are for it because it contains all the new shiny models at discount. 


    In the end I can see GW moving toward perhaps producing a starter pack that has rules, dice, counters, clippers glue etc.. inside at discount and then alongside that having people choose the "getting started" set they want from an army. This means that you still get the same discount, but instead of being slaved to a single double pack; you get to pick from ANY army in the game. You don't have to find a friend; you don't have to sell off extras; you don't have to feel left out because you don't want one of the only two armies in the starter. Instead you can pick from any faction, you get the rules and glue and such and you still pick up a codex/battletome as normal. So for the customer they might spend the same or a bit less, but they get far more for their money.

    It also has the benefit of not focusing a whole edition on two armies, instead it spreads the "load" of new gamers out over the entire range, which might well lead to some smoothing of the dispersal of armies played. Yes GW 


    It would not surprise me if this is the path GW takes. Indomitus is basically just like all the other two army packs we've seen, only it contains all new models not just a few and it contains the rulebook for the new edition as well. Just keep going with the limited discount duel packs and then focus newbies into the getting started packs. 

    Yeah I mean that makes sense to me. Less extra devalued models floating around too.

  4. 2 hours ago, SunStorm said:

    It's not a traditional starter set (no dice, templates, etc) and they do plan to make more as detailed in the made to order information:



    Yeah I was talking about before this. It seems weird it isn't just a permanent box set for 9th Ed. Also even if you say it isn't the starter, when have they released a big army box with the rulebook at launch of a new Ed which wasn't the starter set?

  5. 1 hour ago, SunStorm said:

    That's a fair complaint. I just think they're going to make some misteps due to the unprecedented situation. I know it's no comfort if you're the one waiting on something tho, so I feel you brother.  

    It would be very interesting to get a hold of their original planned release schedule and see if they've just pushed everything back by 3 months, but still in the same order or if they've chopped and changed round with a focus on the most profitable releases to keep them afloat. Maybe they wanted to get 40k out before a potential second increase in infections and subsequent lock down in the winter?

    Id say things were mixed up considering the point values of sons of behemoth in the ghb

  6. On 7/10/2020 at 12:25 AM, KingBrodd said:

    I've seen this posted a lot by 40K players saying how unbalanced Knights were at launch and Sons will be the same, which is quite the opposite as we dont need explosives or AP rounds to wound a Gargant, a lucky Clanrat could wound one.



    One of the gargants needs to be anti horde to some extent.

  7. 4 hours ago, HollowHills said:

    That's part of what I worry about. For me part of fantasy, and warhammer,  is having female characters who show a lot of flesh. Have GW now decided that it isn't PC? 

    Another thing I don't really buy is that we need female stormcast to get women into the hobby. In my view high elf princesses would have been far more successful at getting women and girls into the hobby than butch stormcast. 

    My partner has never had an interest in warhammer despite me painting models and playing for years. Yet, her favourite video games are the witcher and rdr2. Two games where you have to play as a gruff bearded masculine character. In fact she likes the fact the sorceresses in the witcher are both sexy and powerful. Both she and I much prefer Yennefer to a butch character like Abby.

    It's probably because 1) the game of warhammer and all the heavy duty nerd stuff doesn't interest her and 2) the video games are fun and interesting in themselves regardless. Note that neither game is trying to push a left wing agenda, they are just trying to be good games.

    It's weird that armies don't just have female and male models in every unit. Board games and RPGs are popular with girls. I found it bizzare coming from a lot of board games a few years ago that sigmar had like barely any female models and people were still trying to say the one or two female armies existed when someone questioned why this was lol. Like saying "play dok if u want female models" is super stupid. It's just as bad as people saying play sisters in 40k lol. People shouldn't be limited to one army, gamestyle and aesthetic.

    • Thanks 2
  8. Wish they would sell me a gargant. They've been out of stock forever. I know they will be reboxing but meh.


    I hope they balance the army well so it is more usable than a 40k knights only list. He seems to struggle balancing low model armies.

  9. 4 hours ago, novakai said:

    well they didn't reveal the chaos armiger units that was in the trailers so it quite possible that there another week of releases for Chaos knight after this

    All the other knights in the trailer including th armiger were just the normal models using bitz from the chaos vehicle upgrade sprue you get with rhinos and land raiders. So I would say this one kit is it.

  10. 19 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Yes and no I'm fairly sure the Killteam expansions are staged rules expansions. 

    GW has been doing that with several of their specialist games, Necromunda in particular. The concept, as I see it, is that it allows GW to stagger the launch of the game over a prolonged period of time. This means that if sales prove to be disastrous they can either adjust latter launches or even cancel them and yet leave the game in a "currently functional" state. 

    It also extends the launch period and does increase product purchasing/delivery to customers for an initial period - almost stress testing the popularity to make sure its there.


    With Killteam each expansion has basically added more model types to the core roster, fleshing out from from "just troops" into elites and leaders etc... 

    Nah kill team actually has a tournament focused expansion which tried to balance it more, which is what I'm talking about. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-AU/Kill-Team-Arena-2019-eng

  11. I think that axe might be ironjawz. Similar tiny metal jagged bits. On the sword. The ogor one does look similar too though. The weird thing is the wood with the nails. I don't think the ij have any wood that looks like that.

  12. We can always just get whatever the new darkoath army is and paint it green worst comes to worst.

    I agree the two changes are ok. But I'd like to include beasts, maggoth Lord's and the other non wizard heralds in my list. Nurglings as well to a lesser extent. They need either changes to warscrolls or a nerf to points.

    Beasts are a pretty new sculpt too so I don't understand why they don't want to sell them. LET ME BUY YOUR 70AUD SINGLE MODELS GW!

  13. 4 hours ago, Dirtnaps said:

    It would be fitting that there is at least 1 (best case being a complete redo of everything finecas, metal and ancient for a huge release) but I wouldn't get my hopes up.

    I just want all the non plastic models to get updates. Also maybe one or two more pestilins unit types (like ground troups). 

    I'd like to see the same for seraphon and slight fleshing out of existing aos 1.0 armies.


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