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Posts posted by Riavan

  1. 6 hours ago, sal4m4nd3r said:

    Yes. It can be given the nurgle keyword so therefor is not an ally. It would also be given one of the mortal nurgle spells. I would suggest magnificent buboes to compliment the (potentially extremely potent) damaging spell he has (winds of chaos)

    I didnt even think about that. For 200 points he seems significantly better than our expensive nurgle models like horticulous slimux, the maggoth lords or the lord of affliction.

  2. 4 hours ago, KillagoreFaceslasha said:

    No they are not.

    They are regurgitating another individual that brought data's rumour.

    ... What?

    So yeah they are reporting on a rumour.

    I think it's about time we get some solid terrain options. I just want aos themed smaller sized buildings and walls. Things like the musoleum seem too death themed and the warscryer tower thing was way too huge.

    • Like 2
  3. 9 hours ago, Thiagoma said:

    Lets go for few hard facts in here:


    GW have yet to discard modern plastics.

    There are a ton of Modern Elf plastics. Very very few are out of scale. A really small number are resin.

    New/updated armies have adopted old models into their lines. See Gloomspite, Slaneesh, DoK and so on.

    Current Elf line, except for Wanderers, have no "AoS name" and is still beeing sold on older boxes


    Now the few Scraps of lore we got for Aelves so far:

    - The Twins, Malerion and Morathi are trying to rescue Elvenkind

    - The Twins were more sucessfull on their second Attempt.

    - The second creation is "angelical"

    - The current Elf line exists in the lore :Phoenix Temple  (Phoenicium), Swifthawks headquarters is in Hyish, the Eldritch Council is helping Idoneth to fix their soul issue.

    - There are stronger and weaker souls among the rescued ones. Morathi DECIDED to create her Twisted ones (Khirenai/Melusai) in her form because she felt lonely and deformed and wanted her people to reflect it. She also decided to use the weak ones for males. The Witch Elves are elven girls that existed in the realms already.


    Now for some speculation:

    Lets say that the new Elvenkind matches the community Wildest dreams: Hyish Elves are Angels with light lasers attached to theyr heads riding light dragons who also have laser beens on their head and their mega prism loooking allies who, take a guess, also shoot infinite lasers.

    What is stopping the current elf line from joining then?


    -They are Elves

    - Even with scrapped units such as the Spire of down ones, a couple new kits would make for a HUUUUUGE elven line of models.                    

    -They live in their Gods Realm  (among other realms)                                                                                                             

    -They represent ancient Elvens traditions that the Twins would apreciate (Since the Twins were pretty much the greastest representatives of Elvenkind by the end of times)

    - No Lore reason to push the current Elves away from their Gods.

    - Aesthetic:  Melusais are significant different elves but they "fit" into older models. So we know GW can pull those moves out.  Other than that, the current lines have a distinct and traditional elven look no piece look out of place.


    My Conclusion:

    Older Aelves are not repacked yet because the Uglu/Hyish elves still do not exist, so GW didnt repack the models just to repack again once their names/rules are  created (former High Elves have no Battleline for example. A unit would have to receive these stats or it would have to be one of the new models, so people would have to buy the new lines). Also people would buy then for beeing pretty cool , see Daughters of Khaine new models.

    As a consequence,  elves (except for Wanderers) will have to wait for those factions to be released to see a repacking/regrouping

    Same go for rules. Elven factions have no traits/tomes/artifacts.  What GW can do is to "separate" groups of elves on a unified BT until those lines do not come out.

    The lines without current Battletomes are still very popular, the best example is the Dispossessed community. Those guys arent going anywhere. You can say the same for Wanderers, and on a smaller degree High/Dark elves, but you have to take in consideration the breakdown of those armies.

    Heck even GW artists and employees have elven armies. Phoenix Temple and Eldritch Council ones already showed up on interviews and such as pet projects.


    There is little to no indication that the current line is going away. Same goes to other traditional armies.



    Yeah I'd be pretty worried if I had any of the old elves, even in plastic. Or the old dwarves. Likely to sit around and never get a release, then eventually be removed imo.

  4. 4 hours ago, Inquisitorsz said:

    "Overheard at adepticon that well known painters have been working with GW to help create the new paints and some of them will be new formula washes that act more like acryllic pin washes and leave no staining on flat surfaces."

    The last part is likely what the "CONTRAST" refers too. New pin washes which we would be ideal for space marines and other armor plating. Less useful for stuff like wood or hair or skin though.  

    This as a dip - If it can really not leave any residue on the flat surfaces -Would be pretty revolutionary are colouring stuff quickly.

    The army painter generic vanish dip is pretty bad though. I wouldn't want to use that kind of thing on any Warhammer models.

  5. 29 minutes ago, novakai said:

    looks like they are releasing everything in one go so to make room for whatever is reveal on Warhammer fest

    Edit: the Daemon prince character seems a bit pricy for a standard foot hero unless they bigger then the picture suggest they are

    I assume he is bigger than the normal sized character blisters.

  6. 3 hours ago, Kurrilino said:

    Well, this is GW for you folks.

    I strongly advise to switch to Stormcast. You will get a new Battletome every 2 week including 87 new models.

    Not to mention that you will be included in every dual battlebox doesn't matter what topic.

    Chaos gets it pretty good too. 

    Death and destruction though...

  7. 6 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    1)yeah I forget they existed as well😅

    2) I wasn’t sure if people also included Gors as mortals,  but good to know.

    anyways I think Slaanesh has a huge variety to choose from, yes they may not have gotten any new mortal units, or Slaangors, but I mean the option to take slave to darkness and even have a whole army of dedicated Slaanesh beastmen, is fantastic.

    and with the possible extra range of new chaos barbarian models who might just get rules to be played in the actual existing game system,

    So let’s wait and see till we have the new book.

    So am I over the skavenrange (it’s very sad to see that acolytes, all weapon teams, the whole Eshin range, halve of the moulder range etc. Looks so bad and most of them are even made out of failcast or metal.

    Yeah I was upset about the skaven release too. Seemed like little for a very popular army (far more popular than slaneesh). 

    I hope the tiny aos armies, like ironjawz, fyreslayers, kharadron overlords, sylvanneth get new units and not just a new hero. They are the ones that need it the most.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Ravinsild said:

    They didn't even put the round bases in the plastic baggie like they did in the other start collecting box. Everything was just haphazardly tossed in there. I think that's why 2 pieces broke off the sprue. One was in the box, but idk where the other one is and they only give you 10 so there's no extras. IDK what to do, guess one of my guys just has to have a back crack :(

    That sounds suss man. Might want to ring gw customer support.

  9. 13 minutes ago, Aryann said:

    What's really scary is this no free speech, no criticism policy. Creating a bubble of mutual admiration society which hides its problems rather than work them out together just in case somebody may feel sorry. 

    I'm sure you can notice the difference between intelligently criticizing something and yelling, swearing and crying at anyone that seems enthusiastic or is happy with the release. I'm not saying you are doing this. I'm saying I'm seeing this on a ton of social media and Warhammer pages.

    It really has nothing to do with freedom of speech. You can say what you want. Just like I can call it out like I want as well, and talk about how it negatively affects people's perceptions of our hobby. And remember that is what it is, a hobby.

    • Like 2
  10. Everytime I think we are progressing into more well rounded people as a community, something minor happens like this and people act like babies. Check your outrage and whether it is really warranted - it really doesn't look good to others and may scare newcomers off from playing the game.

    Yeah so slaneesh won't be as big army wise as the other four God's.  But it still has around the same amount of options as the new aos armies and more with the inclusion of slaves (and hopefully darkoath soon).


    • Like 9
  11. 6 minutes ago, Incineroar87 said:

    Do we have an idea or data of what AOS armies have sold very well vs what hasn't ?

    I'd imagine they would have a sold a lot of boxes of stabbas.

    No. I think we heard they were happy with kharadon sales shortly after release.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 minute ago, Shankelton said:

    Agreed. Just looking at their view page combined with troggoths, they are one of the most discussed armies on here. The opposite is more likely. Gloomspite sold so well they want to pair them in another skew with Sylvaneth who are getting an update.


    Might also be a way of giving people a starter for gloomspite on a limited release. They did a similar thing with that second chamber of stormcast.

    • Like 2
  13. 39 minutes ago, ManlyMuppet88 said:

    Sylvaneth and Gloomspite seems likely but there is no evidence at all that it’s a box set.  Could be a board game. All we’ve got is a 30 second animated video with a squig hopper and a bug - could be anything.

    I also thought it was a board game.

  14. 8 hours ago, Turragor said:

    Folks, we need an update.

    I mean, Nurgle has almost nothing to compete with the big leagues.

    I recall those heady days of Jan 2018 when Nurgle had all these fine tools and potential and each release after hammered the weaknesses home.

    Luckily I've a SC army of around 5000 points to draw from so I've taken Stardrake and Prime lists to tournaments instead. But I want to play my sweet, pink Candyrot!

    Given a full, new book is likely a while away  (we were one of the first 'new' tomes) what could come in GHB 2019 to assist our plight?

    OR do you just disagree with me and think Nurgle is fine and the competitive potential therein is just untapped (Pure nurgling list)?

    I'd love to see us get a damage buff to our flies (mortal and demon) just so we have more of a hammer.

    Maybe a decrease in spell casting rolls.

    Decrease in points for beasts (or a big buff) maybe they could projectile vomit and give us some more range?

  15. 14 minutes ago, PlasticCraic said:

    Hey @Riavan, totally agree, that FW one is way better!  You could actually buy it separately until very, very recently.  

    If you didn't want to shell out for the Colossal and Gobba just to get the Boss, Mierce do one which I think is better than either (and is on the same base size):


    Thanks! Will I need to convert the fw guys spear to a sword?

    Also they are still available separately. Just the big pack saves like 50+ bucks and I want a collosal squig anyway

  16. 2 hours ago, peasant said:

    No maggotkin of nurgle but nurgle rotbringers...

    Used the wrong name. Not a huge deal. I hope demons get a bit of a buff tho, in all four armies.

    I hope beasts get a point drop. I want to use them but they are so bad. thanks

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