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Posts posted by Infernalslayer

  1. I am eager to see the two new monsters that they teased in Warhammer Community for Kruleboyz.


    If only the "Sludgeraker" was a double kit (like the Slaughterbrute/Vortexbeast) that allowed you to either build it as a Sludgeraker for orruks or as a Jabberslythe variant for Beasts of Chaos. A goat can dream. 😅

  2. 9 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

    do FLGS have a 'separate' stock of Dominion to facilitate preorders? or can they get swiped by scalpers same as us?

    No idea, i hope they do, though my FLGS is still waiting for my gravelords "Lauka Vai" preorder which they did not receive from their supplier on release date, while they received enough Blood knights.

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  3. What do you think of Gravelords in 1000 points games.

    Trying to avoid 400+ points characters like Vamp Lords on Dragons that could be considered overwhelming in low points games but would like to use some aggressive units like Graveguard or Vargheists.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    +++ Mod Hat On +++
    Can we not use Bin and Sin to describe whoever worked on an Battletome? It’s not nice way to give feedback.

    Im all for criticising but please make it constructive. If you can’t do that, please don’t post (and if you can’t do that we will look at warnings and bans). 

    Apologies as English is not my 1st language, is the "bin" and "sin" terminology considered an insult. I only first discovered these terms in these forums and understood them as abbreviations for "not interesting/not competitive battletomes" vs "powerful/competitve battletomes".  

  5. It might just be my perception of things but there seems to be a pattern lately. Battletomes for brand new armies with all new models often get the "sin guy" treatment (Ossiarchs and Lumineth come to mind) while battletomes for revitalized/updated armies usually get the "bin guy" treatment (Slaves to Darkness, Slaanesh 2021, Gravelords). 

    I don't know if this is intentional to make the completely new armies more attractive, or if the persons working on updating older armies try to stay close to the original designs and warscrolls which are for the most part outdated and powercrept by newer armies.

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  6. On 5/11/2021 at 5:42 AM, Eldarain said:

    @Infernalslayer Do you have any Slaves?

    A Blessed Sons Sorcerer Lord on Manticore would help a lot of those issues. Fast and solid melee capability.

    Plague Squall let's you threaten anything in sight. The Trait speeds up your 10 strong BK to 11" of movement and can still charge near a tree.

    Some Knights would add more speed and love the Oracular Visions buff.

    Interesting tips, that would make the list look like:

    Blessed Sons

    1 Harbinger of Decay - General 160

    1 Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Manticore - 260

    10 Blightkings - 280

    5 Blightkings - 140

    5 Chaos Knights - 160

    1000 points

    Not sure how best to separate these in the Spearhead/Main Body/Rear Guard

    Have you tried Plague Squall? It seems a bit unreliable at first glance, as it will net one or two 6's out of seven dice on average.  

  7. Getting back into Nurgle after a long hiatus and will be playing some Meeting engagement games with friends.

    Will be mostly playing against tanky first wave AOS Stormcast that are faster than Rotbringers so they can play the objective game and still hold their own in melee.

    Lord Relictor debuffs my most threatening Blightkings unit forcing them to reroll 6s with his Divine Light prayer and -1 to hit rolls with Lightning Storm.

    Lord Celestant on Dracoth has high speed and tankiness and usually charges into the debuffed Blightkings and holds them away from doing anything useful.

    Liberators run to objectives and hold them.

    Due to Meeting Engagements rules i can only have up to 2 units with the same name so i can't split Blihtkings into multiple units of 5. I run two units of 10 and they either get debuffed or never make it to objectives.

    Has anyone made mortal Nurgle work in Meeting Engagements?




  8. If only the abductors in the story where beastmen that brought sacrifices to a gigantic shoggoth-like chaos spawn deep in the swamps, or for a vile ritual to summon Morghur himself. But the most beastman looking model in years (Kragnos) turned out to be a destruction god, so enough daydreaming on my side 😅

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  9. I think the reason the vampire centaur looks so off, is that the whole human torso is armored and this contrasts too much with the bare monstrous lower half. If there was less armor on the upper half and the transition of the two halves was visible in the flesh, it would look much better imho.

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  10. 1 minute ago, pixieproxy said:

    I didn't think of this, but it would make absolute sense if they don't get their own kit outside cursed city. Two is a weird number for a unit of things, and I can't imagine them being a single model unit either. Being paired with a character would be cool.

    If they pair them together, they will likely add a rule to the warscroll, where Radukar can redirect wounds to his zombie ogor guards first, if he is in close proximity to them,  making him a bit tougher to kill. Hope they do the warcrolls justice though, as most of the Warhammer Underworlds warbands are awkwardly designed. 

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  11. Seeing as the zombie ogors only come in a pair inside the Cursed City boxed set, i am starting to think maybe they will get a combined warcscroll with Radukar the wolf like some of the Warhammer Underworlds warbands, where they need to be fielded together. The zombie ogors are said to be his personal guard, so it kind of makes sense to have them together with their vampire lord, i think they would be awkward as a unit of 2 models on their own.

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  12. @Wraith

    It is a bit smaller than the original chaos mammoth, closer in scale to the Mumakil from Middle Earth, but bulkier.

    If you put it on the right base it will do the part.

    Got one of these years ago with an alternate armored head, but it is still unassembled in my great grey pile of shame, otherwise i would share some pics for scale. Might sell it or trade it eventually as i am running out of storage with all my huge beasties and still can't get around to painting any of them.

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  13. I don't play 40k as i am more into the fantasy theme but always loved the Tyranids models.  If these turned out to be the tyranid equivalent of Age of Sigmar, i would be all in! 

    I would love it if they are insectoid creatures and not actual humanoids, though the term "Silent People" might contradict that.

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  14. I decided not to preorder Khagra's Ravagers due to the price increase of the underworlds warbands and a feeling that the warscroll for AoS would be disappointing.

    Pretty happy with my decision after the warscroll release, which doesn't offer anything new or fun for a Slaves to Darkness army.

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  15. I am beginning to think some of the old Death sculpt updates will be done through the Warhammer Quest Cursed City (New plastic Zombies for instance) and Soulblight Gravelords will just get a Battletome, Endless Spells and a start collecting box like Slaves to Darkness, with a new mounted Vampire Lord, plastic Blood knights and foot troop.

    Hope that is not the case while other armies which are just a few months old are getting new second wave releases.

  16. Not in favor of killing off characters (permanently) that have actual miniatures that people buy and play with.

    However, i love the Death faction as a whole but dislike the fact that there is only one supreme overlord for the whole Death allegiance. It would be great if there were other contesters to Nagash in lore and/or miniatures. Even if there are no plans for other godly beings to contest Nagash for rulership over death, it would be nice if a narrative advancement saw Nagash loosing some of his power and absolute influence over the undead resulting in more Death factions being able to act on their own accord.


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