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Posts posted by Cosmicsheep

  1. 15 hours ago, DocKeule said:

    I am afraid it won't. The first article on the new book said (at the bottom) there would be three factionwide battle traits. So that would be those three from the second article.

    I hadn't spotted that, and I think you're right. No more +1 hit and wound, and I was about to write off clanrats as useless until I did the math

    Under their current rules 40 clanrats hit and wound on a 3, but let's say only 20 are in range (2 ranks of 10), that's around 9 save rolls. Under the new rules all 40 of those clanrats can attack with 4/4 which is actually 10 save rolls. When you add AllOut Attack that goes up to 13, and with a Warbringer that's 18. Take a clawlord and your 40 clanrats are dishing out 36 damage (albeit at 0 rend)

    Looks like we're back to being a horde army 😁😁

    Edit: one small fly in the ointment is that we now require more CP than before, and can only choose 1 unit to focus our CP on.

  2. 28 minutes ago, Laststand said:

    but it is a weak replacement for +1 to hit and +1 to wound for larger units.

    Strength in Numbers was the battleshock buff (+1 to bravery) are you thinking of Overwhelming Mass (+1 hit / wound) ? Hopefully this stays the same

  3. So, i came 3rd at a local tournament yesterday with a Clans Moulder list much to my surprise



    3 x Master Moulder (1 with Rabid Crown)

    6 x Giant Rats

    2 x 6 Rat Ogors

    2 x Hell Pit

    Game 1: Power Struggle vs StD (with Archaon) - LOSS

    Archaon sat on the centre objective all match and i avoided him until round 5. The rest of his army hung back and kept the objectives. I did eventually push up to his rear guard but he'd removed one of my objectives in turn 3 leaving me too many points behind

    Game 2: Power In Numbers vs Stormcast (with longstrikes and dracothian guards) - WIN

    I dropped first and opted to let my opponent go first since i couldn't really get out of range of the longstrikes. He took out 1 hellpit immediately scuppering my chance at Ferocious Advance with 3 monsters so had to Metamorphosis 1 MM into a monster. Didn't get the double turn but did keep giant rats covering all the bases and stopping him from dropping in behind. Longstrikes almost killed Thanquol but the Dracothian Guard finished him off. Managed to hold my nerve and cash out 2 objectives in turn 5 for a maximum 8pts each but came down to winning the priority on that last turn. A close call

    Game 3: Vice vs Skaven (3 WLC, Bell, 30 SV)

    Opted to go first and pushed up the board as fast as possible. WLCs target 1 hellpit but rolled 5's for power but killed half a unit of rat ogors. Used Feral Roar on my wounded hellpit to destroy the unit of 30 Stormvermin comprehensively and take one of his objectives.  WLCs targeted Thanquol while my 2nd hellpit sat on the centre objective. My opponent rolled a 12 on the bell (for the 2nd time that day) and i had to lend him a Verminlord !! Thanquol managed to decimate a unit of 40 clanrats before he died but the damage was already done and i took the win.

    Really enjoyed all 3 games and very happy with my list. Had alternating success with bringing back units with the MM. One game it worked 3 times, the next game not at all. Same with Thanquol, one game i didn't make a single ward save! Such is the randomness of Skaven i suppose 🙄

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  4. 17 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    I think rallying requires things to be brave....the rats aren't very brave.  But spawning more from holes in the ground makes sense, presumably where the Clanrats get reinforcements from every turn?

    I'm fully expecting a command trait where you can rally on a 5+ which might be handy

  5. Looks like I’ll be going back to running the bell. Since 3.0 I’ve opted to take a Warpgnaw Verminlord over the bell and run minimum battleline, now I can have both 😂 And the lack of battleshock bubble hasn’t really bothered me when I normally have spare CP. Run the bell as general with cunning trait to harvest extra CP and hope  we’ve still got the Warpseer for battleshock 🤞

  6. 4 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    we might be getting some kind of a horde bonus where the skaven get an extra amount of inches to their combat weapons. 

    Like the old giant rats profile? That would be nice 😁

  7. It does feel like Stormvermin are being pigeon holed into being smaller bodyguard type units rather than the larger blobs of killing machines. 

    Let’s hope that means that Plague Monks go back to being the large blobs of killing machines that we know and love?

    Personally, I can see myself running more rat ogor units for my hammers and 60 blobs of clanrats for the anvil. All of this being dependent on any changes in the new tome of course. We’ll just have to wait and see

  8. 8 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    but.. should they not change at all, but still go up in cost, I couldn’t see a reason to ever use them again

    With so many changes in points cost since the last tome, I can’t see the points increase as anything other than an improved profile

  9. 10 minutes ago, DocKeule said:

    The increase on the Deathmaster could be an indicator of a strong warscroll. Maybe he really is a hero killer. 

    Hopefully something akin to the new underworlds model.

    28 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    I dont understand why are the stormvermin, an allways/almost useless unit since 2002, so expensive now.

    I use 30 SV to great effect. Getting a full 30 into combat first can take down most large monster heroes.


    10 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Well I mean, if stormvermins stats are going to get redone (hitting on3s instead of 4s and having a 4+ main save) this might not be so bad

    Yeah, I could cope with that 🤞


    13 minutes ago, DocKeule said:

    The composition of the box is another topic. That is disappointing.

    1200 Sylvaneth vs 800 Skaven, not really balanced and only appeals to the new skaven player

  10. 3 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    I have a feeling that gw really wants those hordes dead.

    Our only hope is that SV are 2 wounds now like the new Eshin pack or a flat 4+ save

  11. 16 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    I’m not sure.

    i just watched the trailer, and with the exception of that one guy talking about how he is interested in starting a eshin army, nothing was really mentioned

    Yeah, I just watched the Twitch stream again. At 23 :00 he mentions the new Eshin models in terms of new rules but nothing to suggest anything else 😥

  12. Looking at the new NightHaunt rules i'm hoping for something similar with subfactions. Lets say we can choose from Moulder, Skryre, Eshin or Pestilens subfactions. And all Skaven units gain that keyword unless they have another keyword on their warscroll already. So Rat Ogors have the moulder keyword, gutter runners have eshin but clanrats and stormvermin have none.

    So we can take a moulder subfaction which gives clanrats the moulder keyword AND makes them battleline. We could still take gutter runners but they would not gain the moulder keyword and wouldn't benefit from the allegience abilities

    I think i could live with that. You can still soup, or mono-clan but with added battleline. Crossing all my fingers and toes 🤣

    Edit: thikning about this some more, i'd like to see Eshin subfaction doing mortals on 5 instead of a 6 (if that's the way Eshin are going based on the new warband) Maybe the Skryre subfaction can take extra units with the warp-grinder (or come up 6" away instead of 9") The pestilens subfaction gives an extra rend, Moulder gets a ward save etc..) 

    Am i just dreaming ??

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  13. 15 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Basically even if the models aren’t worth their points, I could actually see myself buying them either way.

    I'm off to my FLGS tomorrow to place an order. Anyone want a Nethermaze minus the skaven?? 🤣

  14. And I totally missed that the clawpack have 2 wounds each! Maybe 225pts isn't bad after all. Waiting to see what price my FLGS is selling Nethermaze at and wondering if I can hock the rest of it on eBay 🤔

  15. 26 minutes ago, Darkhan said:

    Battlescrolls for the new Eshin out

    Looks interesting. Not sure if it’s worth the points. Costs more than 5 gutter runners and an assassin but being able to dish out mortals and deep strike within 6” is good, and strike first and retreat could be fun 😁

  16. 43 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Does the guy you know, who knows a guy, who knows another guy that confirmed the book to be coming out this year, know if there is a model range update for the skaven in addition?

    He didn't say unfortunately

  17. Played a local tournament yesterday. Went 1-2 and came 7th out of 12. A round 1 win against Nighthaunt put me in the top half of the draw which meant i ended up playing the eventual 2nd place Nurgle player and then the eventual winner DoK Morathi/Snakes list 🤦‍♀️

    I ran a stormvermin / warbringer / ogors / hellpit list, rather than a memey Stormfiend list but i enjoyed my day.

    On a side note: i spoke to a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy that confirmed we are getting a book this year. Take that with as much salt as you like 😁

  18. 2 hours ago, Noserenda said:

    rusty for nightrunners, "clean" or possibly a green wash for gutter runners,

    That's a great idea actually, thanks.


    2 hours ago, Noserenda said:

    so far ive found Gutter runners are about the only thing that actually does damage

    I like the night runners to put an extra layer in front of the main force. Also, I generally out drop my opponent and make them go first. The night runners make a tempting target and suck the opponent into my trap. This leaves space on their flanks where I hope to pop the gutter runners 

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