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Posts posted by Sttufe

  1. This thread might be a bit old but figured I would drop a comment since I am out of likes  (I just don't know where they went 🤷‍♂️). That treelord... My friend is a great connoisseur of body horror, I don't get it, but both every leader and monster you put out is just amazing. Directing him to this thread, but in the meantime that terrain is literally the best thing I have ever seen, I really want to make a themed half floating archway terrain stuff for my KO, inspired by all the bridges and such! I had never even considered converting terrain... If you haven't secured the treelord yet my vote is for the no horn, screaming his anguish into the sky, has a bit of poetry you know? The horn blends with his back and makes it seem a bit crowded, and unless you added another one to the other side it doesn't fit the direction of the model (which I learned about here, thank you!). The nurglings which are scattered about are the best comic relief, I wish order armies had some small comic relief guys to put on (grots for destruction, nurglings for chaos, death is edgy, and order is too I guess).

    Edit: Oh my god your the guy with the warband, I loved those dudes so much! I hadn't even made the connection, but I love those guys too. The octupus is stunning.

  2. On 3/27/2020 at 2:36 AM, Avatar Rage said:

    Another ranged list (quarantine is not helping).

    Duradin%20fleet.pdf 1.37 MB · 3 downloads

    Loving the list, however I would recommend bringing along a few Endrinriggers to keep the ships alive, especially the ironclad as it is a very big target. They can also dish out some pretty good shooting if you equip it with volley gun and drill cannon, which are very good shooting options. The arkanauts are onna be slow but you can work around that. It's funny as the admiral is not often used, being a little lackluster. The gyros are going to be amazing, and will probably be shooting the mot if you count the gyrocopter steam guns as shooting.

  3. I just read through this thread and it's a bit funny. First everyone is going on about how it's gonna suck, terrible customer service, all that stuff. Then disbelief sets in as messages are answered within a reasonable time frame, damages are replaced, and then finally an acceptance of this new and improved customer service system and delivery.

  4. So the current army lore I have thought of is that my Kharadron Overlords started out basically as a small expiditionary force, led by an Endrinmaster in Dirigible, was exploring the lands of Shyish when they found a massive, non-stop sandstorm which is threaded by Aether-Gold. Obviously they want to exploit it, and so he claimed it, and purchased the nearby outpost for his purposes, using the entirety of the fortune he has in a all or nothing gambit. They are driven on reaching and extracting the Gold, and nothing will stand in the way of their fortunes. Currently they are busy getting extracting and are establishing there presence and trade connections. Their tactics are similar to those of Barak Zon, where they will aggressively ambush out of the sandstorm, by the time the enemy knows they are there, they are already in reach of their wicked sky pikes. Currently they are very small with a company, a starter set, and a Aether War set. Then we have some drunk grots, at a party, who woke up in the desert and generally just rock out in their cave. And then we get into exciting territory where a crack in reality has appeared, and already some strange humans have poured through with devices that emit strange beeping and signals. This is WH40k army of my friend which is DKoK space marines and the actual DKoK.

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  5. 10 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    It really does feel like AoS designers want to answer the question "Wat would Lady Gaga look like if she was unhindered by practicality and physics?" in almost every design they make.

    These cows, like space marines, sisters of battle, chaos warriors, Ironjawz, space orks and stormcast before them, can't lift their arms.

    It's as if they are designing using only American Football as a reference and then make it more extra, because that getup is the pinnacle of battle gear somehow?

    Just look at the size of the cow monsters pauldrons! I love the model but holy ******, those things are fit for the God Emperor.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 22 minutes ago, Gecktron said:

    Looks fantastic! I hadn't planned on starting the Lumineth (the spearmen and Riders were pretty boring in my opinion) but the mountain aelfs look pretty tempting, ngl. Someone suggested painting them like Buddhist monks, which is a pretty cool idea. 

    I hope the other aspects are just as out-there. 

    I love dwarfs and would never betray them so, and I was a bit bored by the stuff coming initially, but the cow dude, the hammerers, and the cool mage guy might have just got me into this faction, if only to wage war against my Kharadron. I don't like Teclis and the cavalry/pikemen, i may just give them swords or something, but the archers were pretty cool.

  7. 8 hours ago, elfhead said:

    I just entered in the painting comp. for march 2020, here on TGA (check it out)

    I did a conversion I've been thinking of for some time. It's based on the fantastic cover art of the 8th ed. dark elf army book. I think it turned out really nice. the painting was a lot of fun, but also a bit of a struggle. The OSL in particular was tricky. Eventually I went for a different light source then you see on the book, but I think it's still reminiscent of the look and feel of the artwork.





    Do you like the white or black background better?

    Definitely the black background is better, contrasts well with the fire effect and adds to the vaguely ominous feel of the mini.

  8. A little bit sad as I do not have the massive backlogs I see others having. I have a little one, but I only recently got into hobbying. Working on my KO army but I am taking a bit of a break while I wait for the Thundrik's set to arrive (ordered essentially the last one amazon had in stock). Got a bit burned out painting the Aether War set, to dubious levels of the term.

  9. Holy ******, someone please explain to me why the Dread Saurian from FW is the same point price as our ironclad? It has 3 6 damage attacks, has almost twice the wounds, 35, with a small difference in save (4+), but don't worry about that, because it can just not spells, on a 6+ normal and 4+ with a Slann. Then we get into the fact that it has a slightly subpar ram BUILT IN, and the same move. Sure it isn't ranged, but if you take it with the teleportation magician subfaction, then that isn't gonna matter, and if you take it with the other one then it's nigh invincible! And all for just 510 points! What even, our ironclad is great but that thing seems really cheap, and the only reason people don't use it is because of it's cost. Real expensive model, but still. 

    Edit: It is 30 dollars more than the ironclad. I don't even. It has a base size that is absolutely ridculous, because it is absolutely ridiculous in size, but our ironclad doesn't even compare. However now I am confused as to why more people don't use it, because the ironclad is an great unit for us, why is no one taking that thing.

  10. On 2/12/2020 at 1:28 AM, zhevas said:

    thanks for your answer zilberfrid, will try it that way.

    If I mount the 6 miniatures as riggers, what weapons should they carry? I know best is to have 2/3 with saws, but what about the other 1/3 ? Thanks ;)

    A bit late but I would say mount em with drills, don't get an ironclad. Ironclad is for 2k point games, as that is already a quarter of your points, in 1k it's a little ridiculous. In terms of easy to play you can really take whatever sky port you want, mostly it is battleline that they give that most build around, but you got that covered. If you get the start collecting then you have thunderers and another endrinmaster, so I would recommend taking the collapsible compartments to allow your entire force to be fast and keep up. Other than you foot master, but not much you can do about that I am afraid. I would say Barak Nar although not good has a very general skyport that isn't too bad in any way, and if your more of a strategist than you can also try Zilfin which gives you some nifty movement shenanigans.

  11. Seeing some past stuff I think they need to either flesh out most of the order and chaos factions that they have released, and/or expand the number of factions in death and destruction, because each of those have a high-ish model count compared to the 16-10 of most order armies, and slap some more out that were the size of the Ossiarch Bonereapers. on top of that get some of the resin to plastic, and generally update factions model ranges.


    What I think is gonna happen is a teaser for the Sons, release of the Lumineth, and then maybe teasing some other games. I could definitely see Slaanesh as well as there have been a lot of rumor engines and little plot pieces that have pointed to something happening over there.

  12. 4 hours ago, Mikoo said:

    I find the kharadron overlords a very good faction. Although, I had some difficulties with playing against stormcast Eternal ballistas. They shoot from further 36 inch and do some big damage if they get their hit roll. When you're playing against one it's fine but when there's two or three your ships kind of get ripped apart. I was thinking about a new unit maybe, a kind of kharadron overlord mortar, same characteristics as the balista just you'll have to place it somewhere and it won't be able to move .

    No move 

    6 Wounds

    4 plus save

    7 bravery but it a single unit 

    First attack 36 inch, 1 attack, 3 plus hit, 3 plus wound, -2 rend, 4 damage 

    Second attack 22 inch, 3 attacks, 5 plus hit, 3 plus wound, -2 rend, 2 damage 

    The mortar would have 3 firing holes, one larger than the two others to fire the first attack. And the two small and large firing holes woul all fire the second attack hence why 3 attack characteristics. They would have two abilities maybe more starting with 

    Bastions of death and Versatile weapon, you need to choose which missile you want to put in the mortar. 

    Missile 1 would be attack 1 

    Missile 2 would be attack 2 

    Of course you can't do the two attacks in the same turn, you choose one missile and therefore one of the two attacks. 



    It sounds cool, however no move could be a problem, especially if you can't load it on you ships. if it isn't the main focus of your army, your gonna have to tie down too much of them screening them from anything that can fly/teleport. Basically you have on army build with them and no others, unless you don't care if they live.

  13. 11 hours ago, 5kaven5lave said:

    So, assuming a lot of us have had a bit more time on our hands in recent days / weeks, what’s everyone been painting?

    Managed to churn out 10 ArCo, 6 Endrinriggers and an Aether-Khemist in the last month, still got 1600 points to go of my list though so hope my primer doesn’t run out!

    I have had a productive month, finished painting a company, 6 wardens, a dirigible endrinmaster, and almost completed a gunahuler. Assembled the start collecting, so I have to paint another gunhauler, 5 thunderers, a normie endrinmaster, and finally 3 riggers. And then I have Thundriks profiteers on it's way so I will be getting that assembled and painted.

  14. I have been getting into Kharadron, but right after I am done building a decent sized army of them I will be jumping headfirst into the water that is the Dispossessed. My wallet won't even feel the difference, as 10 for 50 bucks and 3 for 40 is a standard for Kharadron as well!😅 Honestly I am preparing to build the army of ultimate grudges, with a kharadron part, a dispossessed part, and a fyreslayers part.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  15. 1 hour ago, CrabSlap said:

    Do you think it's worth dropping the frigate to run more foot slogging Arkanauts?

    I dunno, i like the fact that they are right now all in ships, and dropping the frigate will make 20 arks be footslogging. Competitively you should probably drop the frigate and take the huge blob, but that's never as fun as a massive sky fleet.

  16. 2 hours ago, CrabSlap said:

    So this is the list I think I'm going to run but still a little unsure. Here's my thinking:

    1. Urbaz because Aether gold is awesome. Every single unit receives one (except the riggers) plus D3.

    2. Thunderers in the Ironclad for mass shooting. Riggers for the healing (not sure if to kit them out for shooting or melee).

    3. Dirigible Endrinmaster with Phosphorite bomblets  can deal out insane damage on key target.

    4. Arkanaut company in the Frigate for mobile objective camping.

    5. Gunhaulers can zip around and provide flexible support where needed. Can also take charges/wounds for the Ironclad.

    6. Khemist with Spell in a Bottle. Honestly, not sure what spell to give him. Maybe Geminids?

    Anyway, all critique is welcome. Help me learn!

      Hide contents

    Sky Port: Barak Urbaz

    Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit (220) - General - Command Trait : Grudgebearer - Artefact : Phosphorite Bomblets

    Aether-Khemist (90) - Artefact : Spell in a Bottle

     Grundstok Gunhauler (150) - Main Gun : Sky Cannon - Great Endrinworks : Breath of Morgrim

    Grundstok Gunhauler (150) - Main Gun : Sky Cannon

    10 x Arkanaut Company (90) - 1 x Skypikes - 1 x Light Skyhooks - 1 x Aethermatic Volley Guns

    10 x Grundstok Thunderers (240)

    3 x Endrinriggers (100) - 1 x Aethermatic Volley Guns - 1 x Drill Launcher

    Arkanaut Ironclad (510) - Main Gun : Great Sky Cannon - Great Endrinworks : The Last Word Arkanaut

    Frigate (250) - Main Gun : Heavy Sky Cannon  

    Grundstok Escort Wing (140)

    Purple Sun of Shyish (50)

    TOTAL: 1990/2000

    KOUrbaz1.pdf 5.73 MB · 1 download

    So this looks like a good list, but you aren't going to have too many bodies on the table. If you can kill enough of your opponents units with your ships you should be fine, especially with the purple sun of shyish applying some extra damage. I will give you that the thunderers will bash in the faces of anyone they come across, especially if you screen them with those arkanauts, that's essentially all your infantry except for 3 riggers. Could work, but your gonna have to kill some o the enemies units before you can contest more than one objective at once.

  17. 1 hour ago, Jymmy said:

    @Sttufe are you painting directly over the plastic? Some kind of imprimation is suggested before applying any other color. In the case of kharadron, you could prime it in leadbelcher or balthasar gold (but there are other options, lately I,ve been priming my minis with browns and greys). As for metallics, the citadel ones are known for being better than the other alternatives. In an army with so much metal, I would recommend them.

    ya that's what i am doing with the metals. Switching my polished silver over to the runefang silver, which I know is a layer but leadbelcher isn't gonna get the look I want. I only got one primer and it is a basic grey, because I wanted one I could really get a hang of painting on, as I didn't want it too dark or too light. Definitely agree on metallics, the polished silver brings me pain every time I use it. The blade steel works because it's darker and it's nearly the same shade as my primer so it is only providing a metallic sheen. I would love recommendations for another metallic I can use, because I am nervous about using the layer as a base.

  18. 12 minutes ago, Frowny said:

    Thinking of getting into KO but with some thoughts and questions. 

    From a competitive view, I'd love some help building a very strong competitive list.

    1- ironclads seem strong, but every list I build with them seems too all in. They are indeed hard to kill but if they ever do.

    2-frigate. Also cool, don't seem nearly so hard to kill with only a 4+ and only 1 can get a reroll. Are they any good?

    3- most competitve Battleline and why? All seem differently useful. Thunderers seem kinda overpriced but Arconauts give cheap bodies and endriggers hit harder and shorter

    4- characters. None seem overwhelmingly strong but all are useful. Which are most competitive? Which are weakest? Seems like just a minimum number with the very useful artifacts to get more boys or ships 

    5- any examples of competitive lists?




    Not much advice for you except for the first 2 I am afraid. The first is that basically if you have an ironclad don't let it die because that's 510 points. For the frigates it's not normally too useful unless you take the Iron Sky Attack Squadron, which can make some seriously scary arkanaut paired with the Zon charging rules, making them useful. On top of that taking 2 frigates instead of an ironclad allows for a smaller combat effectiveness degradation when one dies, essentially your only losing 250 points to the ironclads 510. For battleline it's varied on what your trying to do, same for characters, although the navigator is a solid choice as unless your going Nar you do need those unbinds. khemist is also a good choice, the admiral is a bit underwhelming, and the Dirigible endrinmaster is 10/10 general for those extra battle line that you are already going to take (riggers and wardens). For lists, search around on this thread and you should find a few, I don't know any right now, as I am not the most competetive.

  19. Ok then so while I have some copious free time due to the isolation, I have gotten a shade paint and shaded my minis to a more or less satisfactory level for where I am at in terms of painting skills (read: oh my god how do I use this stuff). Progress has been made on my gunhauler, which I am painting fully assembled (help me) and because of this I decided might as well get a backlog going again and so I got a start collecting set built and is being primed. Might ass that to my pledge because I have a lot more time from the isolation. 

    Some pictures of horrible miniatures, please inform me of what I can do to improve them (other than highlighting and brush control, one I need to order and the other I am working on):




    The gunhauler, on to the now shaded miniatures:


    And all my skywardens completed as much as they are gonna be for a while:



    For reference I was using reaper metallics, specifically polished silver and blade steel. Blade steel seems to be good, however I am replacing polished silver because I cannot thin it, and I am having terrible coverage with it and I typically need 3-5 coats of it w=to make it look clean (but then there is 5 coats and it looks bad). Also I am getting nuln oil to put on the metallics instead of earth shade.

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  20. 20 minutes ago, nine7six said:

    How can you fly high in the hero phase with zilfin? It says normal move only for zilfin (run retreat, disengage) and the fly high rules says “instead of a normal move” which to me means you can’t use the special ability for fly high?

    yea I agree to put it the other way would seem to be a bit cheaty, it is just says normal move, so technically it would be dropping the vortex in your hero phase by moving super fast with various endrinworks and the zilfin move in the hero phase ( just not flying high), and then use the jump-tastic powers of fly high to get the heck outta there with your kkhemist because he is a fairly good hero especially for only 90 points.

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