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Posts posted by AverageBoss

  1. 35 minutes ago, Sumanye said:

    I actually think skyfires are pretty good now that enlightened aren't such a bargain.  If you compare 6 skyfires to 6 enlightened charging in and fighting first while buffed by a shaman and you consider the skyfire shooting from earlier, then these 2 units do almost identical damage, (slight edge to skyfires).  But what's interesting is, if you take the shaman away, skyfires are less affected and actually do more damage.  It's true of course that if enlightened trigger Guided by the Past, they will do tons more damage, but in my experience this is often not what I am trying to do with my enlightened.  I view guided by the past as more of a charge deterrent for the enlightened.  This is less true with spells like Treason of Tzeentch and Arcane Suggestion giving -1 to hit.  But if you are looking for a charge in and attack first type of unit without any setup, skyfires are just as good as enlightened and they can still be quite effective without a shaman making them actually a bargain over enlightened if you can't fit the shaman in a list.

    Many of my lists before this book ran 6 enlightened and a shaman.  Thinking of trying out 6 skyfires and a shaman or possibly magister on disc instead.

    Exactly what I have planned.

    Allegiance: Tzeentch
    - Change Coven: Guild of Summoners
    Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch (240)
    Ogroid Thaumaturge (160)
    Tzaangor Shaman (150)
    The Changeling (120)
    Magister (100)
    20 x Tzaangors (360)
    10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (200)
    10 x Kairic Acolytes (100)
    10 x Kairic Acolytes (100)
    6 x Tzaangor Skyfires (400)
    Balewind Vortex (40)

    Total: 1970 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 123


    Summon on another unit of Pinks and a potential turn 1 LoC if needed. Just need to decide On who to make the general, and what my spell setup will be.

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  2. You are wrong because you must be a wizard to cast a spell. Being able to cast or dispel at all is dependent on being a wizard. The section you are quoting tells you how they behave while they are a wizard (its a pretty necessary bit of info). But they cease to be a wizard at 8 or less pinks, and so that section becomes irrelevant. Same exact way Evocators work.

  3. 14 minutes ago, Sunraeteam said:

    Page 8 in the basic rules. "Sometimes an ability will allow a model that is not a wizard to attempt to cast or unbind spells. They do so using the rules below and are affected by abilities that modify casting or unbinding rolls, but they are not a wizard for any other rules purposes."

    I could... Again have gotten it backwards, just saying, when I read the rules it seems like they could have tied the casting of the spell and having 9 pink together but they did not... Something like, while this unit is a wizzard it can cast 1 spell in your hero phase and attempt to unbind 1 spell in the enemy hero phase. Just seems odd.

    They dont have an ability that lets them cast while not being a wizard. They have an rule (listed under MAGIC not ABILITIES) that makes them a wizard at 9+ models.

  4. 39 minutes ago, Oreaper84 said:

    Everything you mention applies to all other units in the book. Talk about negative experiences then we need look no further than Horrors, which i would argue are WAY more abuseable and spawn countless more when they get folded. going last was the enlightened's thing. adding debuffs is the mechanism to get them there. The only thing this did was take variety out of the book. 

    Outside Pyrofane/changehost, horrors are more tissue paper than clan rats. They went up in points for a less flexible form of splitting than they used to have. They cant take lore spells anymore and cease becoming a wizard period after a few casualties. Fold is MUCH more risky on them than it use to be.

    Flamers, exalteds, and burning chariots are also FAR less durable for their points than Skyfires/Enlightened, and once again outside pyrofane/changehost, will be doing FAR less damage.

  5. 3 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    Nice trick @decker_cky  and add to this its édevolve" spell it could be interesting (making several enemy units -especially those BEHIND a screen - exposed to MW and charge), problem being the cost of the shaman in an army already rich and crowded  in shamans... Choice choice choice...But for the tzaangors, nice one. 

    My goal is to find a way to play heavy tzangors army.

    I think its very doable. I also thank a mortal heavy army with mostly StD units could be a solid option for DoT too.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Sunraeteam said:

    It would not B different exept perhaps that expensive units in the skyshoal coven has better things to B doing then flyover retreat moves. Like charging and kicking ass. I belive that screamers and hexwraiths work the same way. Here is the rule on flying btw. "If the warscroll for a model says that the model can fly, it can pass across models and terrain features as if they were not there when it makes any type of move. Any vertical distance up and/or down is ignored when measuring a flying model’s move. It cannot finish the move on top of another model." Notice how it does not let you move within 3 of enemy models or change the normal retreat rules.

    Q: Some abilities require a model that can fly to ‘pass across’ a model from an enemy unit. How exactly does this work?
    A: In order for a model to pass across another, part of the moving model’s base must have moved across any part of the other model’s base. To determine if this is the case, trace the flying model’s move across the battlefield, checking to see if its base passed across any part of the other model’s base at any point in its move. Note that this means that the flying model can move up to an enemy model so that their bases overlap, and then move back, and will count as having ‘passed across’ the other model.

    Page 4 of the FAQ.


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  7. Seems like an average increase of 3 damage against armor 4+, vs his native spells 3.5 mortal wound.

    The advantage in Infusion though is that its only a 5 to cast vs. a 7.

    I don't think I would take the spell on anyone else (well, probably Archaon), but I think it is a viable option for the Ogriod. Especially if you have other Mortal only casters in the list.

  8. 2 minutes ago, mmimzie said:

    I think if you have an LoC with buffs on a gaunt summoner  Arcane suggestion is really really good its diverse, but more than likely you'll take -1 save or -1 hit/wound. 

    If destiny dice stay alittle broke like they are or if they let LoC's use the dice, right glimpse is pretty alright. 

    Honestly though i don't rate the mortal lore spells highly due to either weak affects or overly high casting values with limited access to buffs. So thier spells are hit and miss.

    As for daemon spells they all remain the same with treason of tzneetch getting a bump and uncheck mutation being quite a lot worse. Treason gives that nice little -1 to hit debuff and combine with suggestion is really strong for shutting down units. More so if the gemnids get involved. 

    Yes, I very much like Arcane Suggestion. Its a fantastic debuff, though the 8 to cast is rough.

    I also really like shield of fate. As long as you have 4+ fate dice, its a pretty amazing buff.

    And I think Infusion Arcanum is a great choice for an Ogriod to roid himself out before charging into combat.

    Bond being Mortal targets only this time around really hampers it (along with it going from 2+ to 3+). Though I still think it could have some use in certain builds (mostly those making use of lots of StD units, which I think is a viable option).

    I have always had a love/hate with Glimpse. That has not changed. XD

    And Bolt is Bolt, and its in both lores.

  9. Anyone else having as hard a time picking out spells as I am? XD

    I have 5 casters (3 mortal, 1 daemon, 1 both), and I keep changing my mind. XD

    I seem to remember us having a separate thread to deeply discuss all our spell options and their best uses when the 1E book dropped. Curious to hear peoples thoughts.

    • Like 1
  10. On 1/12/2020 at 11:30 PM, Sinfullyvannila said:

    The purpose of Screamers is to fly around the board and go objective to objective late in the game. They can win the game for you if you know how to play them.

    I think we have better options for fast objective runners for the points though. Marauder Horsemen are only 10 points more. They are only speed 12" vs 16", but they bring 2 more models, an extra wound, and play a double role as a harassment unit (with ranged rend).

    • Like 1
  11. 6 hours ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    Horrors, are a bit too good. Since they are almost the most points efficient screen in the game and have significant ranged output (not much worse than flamers, if shorter range and they are slower).

    I mean, overall Horrors are nerfed over what they were before the new book, AND they went up in points.

    Taking the rend cult, plus changehost makes them better than they were before. But you can't nerf the warscroll because those two things exist, since it only really hurts them outside those. So instead you nerf the cult and changehost. That makes much more sense.

  12. 33 minutes ago, SwashBuccaneer said:

    I've been wanting to play Tzeentch for the longest time but being so new to AoS I suck at building lists. Suggestions on a good core list to start with using the models I do have already?

    1 box of Acolytes (20)

    1 box of Tzaangors (10)

    10 x Tzaangors (built with dual blades and only a horn for my Thousand Sons list i was building to mess with 40k but not sure if i want to use these as i can paint better now and i dont like their basing)

    1 box of Pink Horrors (10)

    1 box of Horrors (10 blues 10 brims)

    The Changling

    Aetherwar Box (Magister on Disk, 3 Enlightened on Disks, 3 Skyfires, 3 Screamers).

    I've been trying to build something with synergy but my lists always look like I randomly throw models into the builder lol.

    I figure I'll have multiple lists and will buy more models but I'd like to get an actual army on the table and playing sooner rather than later without having to keep change everything all the time.

    At the very least you will want:
    Another blue/brim box for your pinks (since each pink becomes 2 blues).
    A Tzaangor Shaman to buff your disk riders.
    Chaos Spawn because of your Magisters spell.

  13. 15 minutes ago, ArmyOfGrodd said:

    The magister on disk doesn’t seem to be getting any love. Is he just considered garbage or has anyone any fun ideas for him?

    I think part of that has to be with him being an exclusive boxset model that might not ever come out separately.

    It is a 40% increase in cost though. But he becomes much more mobile. The downside is that since he is larger, he becomes harder to hide. And since he flies, woods will no longer block line of sight to him.

  14. So lore wise, Disks of Tzeentch are bound Screamers. With all the streamlining that took place, I am baffled they did not give Screamers the disk attack profile. Would have gone a long way towards actually giving them a purpose (a glass cannon melee unit opposite flamers being a glass cannon ranged unit), and made the chariots more enticing as well.

    • Like 1
  15. So to sum up potential issues with destiny dice currently:

    Battleshock modifiers are ignored as written.

    2D6 rolls (casting + charging) require you to use 2 dice.

    LoC/Kairos Mastery of Magic does not exactly play super nice with them.

  16. 20 minutes ago, Artobans Ghost said:

    Havnt  has time to read through enough. I have a quick question. 
    The anew azyr does not have heralds in the leader list anymore. 
    have they been done away with?

    No, they just changed their names like they did with the other gods heralds, and they now match the 40K names. So things like Changecaster, Fluxmaster, and Fateskimmer.

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