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Posts posted by Ogregut

  1. 2 hours ago, Forrix said:

    Battletome rules dont supersede matched play rules. The new Terrain rules specifically say they apply to faction terrain and if you can't place them you can't use it. 

    That said, I'm not using that rule and I dont think anyone one in my gaming group or the local tournament organizers well. As people have pointed out it just breaks Sylvaneth and pointlessly hurts numerous factions. It's just a blow against a game when you have to home rule it in order to make it playable. Won't kill it for sure but this is extraordinarily bad rules writing for a major company. It harkens back to the old GW that made me quit back in 7th ed 40k/launch of AoS. 

    Rules like this make me question if GW rules writers even play their own game let alone play test it. Like stacking command abilities at the start of 2nd edition.

    You have the book? 

    I know there was some confusion over it being for meeting engagement or pitched battle

    Edit. Just watched mini wargamings video. I won't be using those terrain rules, can see a errata coming out day one changing the word must to may.

  2. I'm pretty sure battletome rules supersede main rules so gnawholes are fine and if your not a fan of new terrain placing, don't use them, find a happy medium with your opponent.

    It's not like GW is going to break down your door and fine you for not using the rules. Never quite understood the whole legal/illegal gaming thing and if you're going to a tournament it's up to the organiser what rules they use and don't use

    • Thanks 2
  3. 24 minutes ago, Zanzou said:

    If the plastic Loremaster is a legacy model to you then what are resin bloodknights to you?

    This decision still makes zero sense to me thematically.  I cannot bring in aelves to play with the sylv but the sylvaneth are ok with hiring Chaos?  Just does not make sense, at all.

    What if they aren't chaos but a local tribe that worship the trees. 

    The blood knights aren't vampires joining the daughters of Khaine but spectral aspects of Khaine wrath.

    The dwarf stuff I'll be adding to my skaven aren't dwarves but the latest  inventions of a warlock engineer.

    I'm loving the mercenary stuff, so much inspiration!

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  4. 7 minutes ago, sorokyl said:


    Am I misreading:

    This mercenary company is for you! Consisting of 1-3 Cannons or Organ Guns, with options for a Cogsmith and a Gyrocopter, it’s cracking for any collection in need of some Artillery.

    Most of the ones they specified have the same wording which sounds like a batallion where certain units are required in certain quantities to use it at all (in this case at least 1 cannon or organ gun)This is not how it was in forbidden power.  I am hoping the Warhammer-Community article is just poorly / wrongly worded.


    I'm fine with putting a rat organ gun, chopper and short rat with a beard in the army!

    • LOVE IT! 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, AverageBoss said:

    So no points changes for anything Goblins, Khorne, FEC, Skaven, or Fyreslayer?
    A bit concerning. Also makes me wonder why they would complete the book so early, and then just sit on it like that.

    Because the last book would only have been valid for 6 months.

    Not sure why people are surprised at the timeframes, they work so far ahead. My guess is all the battletomes for this year are done and probably some for next year (bar being printed). 

    Listening to a stormcast episode, I can't remember who but they have a schedule with some things planned for as far as 5 years away.

    The new contrast pots are dated 2017. Doesn't mean contrast was ready then but they were planning for new paints back then. 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Austin said:

    Ha! I promise I don’t think the stork brings baby miniatures to their homes. I’ve had the talk, I understand that it takes a factory and people who love each other very much to make the miracle of Warhammer. 

    I also think, that perhaps after hearing about factory problems for almost two years, one might say- hey maybe that should get fixed. Instead of- you all are being unreasonable and demanding that a company make the miniatures they market! That, to me, is more of a misunderstanding of a company/customer relationship than asking to be able to buy merchandise. 

    They are fixing it, they are building a new factory. As an aside, have you given your complaints directly to GW? An actual email, letter or phone call?


    Back to rumours, I'm really looking forward to the 1k stuff. I've found it really easy to build, collect and paint 1k armies, having a structure to use them will be good instead of scaling down the current battle plans.

    Also interested to see the new command abilities available to every army

    • Thanks 2
  7. Looking forward to seeing the darkling covens new abilities, my sorceress may leave her tower to lead an army! 

    I would love them to combine a few fractured armies into one, like putting the shadowblades into the darkling covers, would make the army a bit more playable

    • Like 4
  8. 22 minutes ago, Zanzou said:

    Prime example of why I’ll always be a staunch defender of the position that, all factions and units that were sold in official “Age of Sigmar” boxes should be supported in Age of Sigmar. Anything less than that is pure misrepresentation at best, an outright scam at worst. Removing certain Spire of Dawn warscrolls completely from the game after so many people bought it.... Not good.


    Which warscrolls aren't available? I just looked all of them up on the app.

  9. 32 minutes ago, Thiagoma said:

    This is really bad. No excitment for the GHB considering my faction isnt really suported after years of AoS.

    What faction is it? 

    We don't know what's in the GHB yet and which factions will get stuff.

    Also were only half way throughout the year and had 6 battletomes so far, with sylvaneth coming and at least 4 more to come. Compared to the release rate of any edition to warhammer this is awesome.

    It sucks if your chosen army isn't one of those 11 but you will get your time.

    I'm a huge dark elf fan, I've a massive army waiting to come out of retirement, along with a high elf, wood elf and slaves to darkness army but everyone's time will come, its just about being patient

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  10. 5 minutes ago, the_master288 said:

    You are also correct on this.  At the end of the day GW is here to please stockholders, not us plebs on the ground floor buying the stuff.  Moral of the people buying the product should be a key indicator to how well the game is doing to the community and its potential to expand, however, I question GW's ability to monitor this.

    I think the new GW does care about us plebs, the designers, artists, rulemakers are also hobbyists and you only have to talk to them at events to see they are passionate about what they do. Yes GW is a business and its goal is to make money but it's a far cry from the GW of 5-6 years ago.

    Leading on from that I'll say their profits are an indicator to how well the game is doing and I think they are doing quite well. Shops on British high streets are suffering, yet GW is bucking that trend.

    I would also say threads on forums only represent a small % of gamers, with the majority not posting or even members of forums.


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  11. 26 minutes ago, the_master288 said:

    I'm happy someone else said it.  I can't believe that people are okay with losing factions/armies/models just because it "doesn't fit in AoS".  Are you serious right now??

    I mis spoke when I said doesn't fit in AoS, as its been stated and I agree with, anything can fit in AoS.

    I just think it would be cooler to have something new and fresh. The next evolution of the tomb kings so to speak

  12. 2 minutes ago, Lowki said:

    By the way., aren't there a lot of other faction that actually do have similar references to real wold ancient societies or WHFB. I think of i.e. Seraphon, that still have strong hints of an Aztec (or similar) culture, DOK is basically Medusa/Greek. What is different for TK?

    That's a fair point and I do agree with what others have said, anything can fit in the mortal realms, its one of the biggest strengths of AoS.

    I think it's more I want new stuff! Regardless I'm looking forward to what comes out

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  13. 18 minutes ago, NazbitWeirdstabba said:

    That's fair. I think if they do bring back a TKish army, the lore and themes will be updated to fit with the mortal realms. But there is so much infinite space and possibilities in the realms they can easily fit some of the old and better sculpts into the lore. If they're releasing lots of ancient and forgotten stuff from the Stormvaults, they can pretty much make whatever they want come out of them!

    That's true and you're right about the sculpts, I've always liked the snakes and queen kalidia is a awesome model.

    Regardless of what comes out, I'm excited to see it!

  14. 8 minutes ago, NazbitWeirdstabba said:

    I'd also like some new kits, though I think there are lots of great old ones in there. I'd be interested to know why you don't think the Egyptian theme fits in the mortal realms? A lot of the new scenery has a kind of 'Egyptian' style to it, and Nagash has a giant black pyramid! 

    It's only really Egyptian feel because of the colour scheme shown and the statutes are gryph chargers not jackals. And pyramids aren't just Egyptian. 

    A lot of the old warhammer armies drew on our history and stories: Arthurian knights, ancient Egypt, Aztecs etc. The mortal realms don't, they have a favour of their own. It seems GW even want to stay away from the standard fantasy troupe of elves, dwarfs and human, which I think is a good thing.

    Give a nod to the old tomb kings but give us something new. 

    • Like 2
  15. If tomb kings are coming back I hope it is all new models. The Egyptian theme doesn't fit the mortal realms and we've got ghost, skeletons and zombies already, let's have a construct army with troops made of stuff cobbled together. I'm hoping if anything the background hints at the origin being from khemri, like the flesh eaters hint at being bretonnians, but that's it. 

    • Confused 1
  16. 1 minute ago, Mutton said:

    With the accidental release of the digital Sylvaneth book, they really need to bite the bullet and "officially" make it purchasable. Otherwise, we have some people using new Sylvaneth rules and some people without them. It gets weird and confusing.

    They can't make it available if they don't physically have it

  17. 12 minutes ago, novakai said:

     they probably won’t announce anything until the open day on July 20th so at best the earliest the release would only happen on August. These comming 3 months are already pack with all the 40k stuff, contrast, and warcry that are going to be release in this time frame.

    my speculation is that they are going to reveal two army release on open day and those two armies are going to coincide with the two starter set warbands for shadespire season 3 and have the last two battletome be release in the September-October month range between the sister of battle release.

    As they've just announced the underworld grand clash at warhammer world on the 6th/7th July I agree with you.

    Also lets not forget they released two army books at once with ghouls and skaven so we could get a situation like that again

  18. Except Gotrek didn't die in the End times, the Bretonnians and tomb kings did however. 

    There are way more new characters than one's who survived the End Times. 

    One of the best things about the mortal realms is there infinite scope, if you can imagine it, it can happen and like I said I do think GW is striking a good balance of history and new stuff

    • Like 8
  19. 2 hours ago, RexHavoc said:

    It got too much ages ago. AoS should have remained its own thing and they should have continued to create new characters. Having put the eight lamentations trilogy on the backburner (which pretty much feels like they have killed that series off) was a bad enough mistake, but to replace it with more old world rehashes, at this point they should say, look the old world is coming back and stop having people buy into AoS as a setting, before people are as invested into it as people were the old world when WFB was replaced.

    They didn't even need to change much with the current Gotrek books to still have them work. Could have been any new dwarven hero, that had the familiarity of the Gotrek stories and left a few hints in the books here and there that he is 'Gotrek reborn' or whatever. But rehashing old world heroes every time there is a release has ruin a big part of what made AoS more open and exciting than WFB in the first place.

    What makes me laugh even more is the people that get so annoyed when hobbyists use models/characters/ideas from the old world that don't belong or no longer exist in the realms. At this point, it's only a matter of time before said item has found it's way back into the realms anyway. Might as well let people get in on it a bit early.

    GW can't win here however, some express opinions like yourself, while others want the return on tomb kings and bretonnians. I think they are striking a pretty good balance of nods to the rich history of warhammer while giving a AoS spin on it. One thing I really enjoyed about realmslayer was seeing the mortal realms through the eyes of someone newly arrived there, just like we are. 


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