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Posts posted by Ogregut

  1. 1 hour ago, Austin said:

    Just take a moment, and look back through the posting history of Whitefang.  

    I mean I could mention that both Khorne and Fyreslayers got endless 'spells'.  But, that is really not the point.  Just take a look back.  

    Both Khorne and fyreslayers have priests.

    CoS have empowered generic ones which makes sense as they have access to stormcast and sylvaneth ones.

    Orukks not having them was a surprise.

  2. 19 minutes ago, Austin said:

    Can we finally acknowledge at the close of the year that we actually have a true rumor source?

    In the long and time honored line of Hastings, Atia, and now King Whitefang First of His/Her Name!

    Wasn't that big a stretch to assume. Tzeench being a magic heavy army and ko not having any mages or priests.

    Most rumour sources are guesswork as I doubt anyone in the know would jeopardize their position.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    The rhyme and reason to it is simple. Does a designer have a cool concept. GW works model first. So no cool model means no forcing of the rules. And all the better for it. 

    Absolutely this!!! I don't want cookie cutter armies.

    • Like 2
  4. What makes sense is highly subjective and prior mentions doesn't indicate anything. 

    However, as an educated guess I don't think we have seen the last of the Khurnothi as it was heavily hinted at by GW themselves in their reveal article.

    Until GW reveals stuff to us, no one really knows and I actually really like that, we got quite a few surprises in 2019 and I hope it continues in 2020.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Raviv said:

    Rumour has it that the new Tzeentch vs. KO box and the new battletomes will be up for preorder on 4/1. If that's correct, we'll see them as soon as this Sunday on the "Next Week" article.

    Wouldn't surprise me at all, my wallet is ready!!!

  6. The release schedule for 2020 (and possibly 2021)  is set in stone already and would have been for quite a while so when the scions come out have been determined long ago.

    Just from a logistic point of view they need to know when to distribute items worldwide, production schedule and so forth.


    • Thanks 3
  7. 45 minutes ago, alghero81 said:

    My personal opinion is that they are preparing small expansions like they are doing in 40k and those heroes would naturally fit being released as stand-alone with that small update.

    Regarding the AoS open day I doubt will have any 40k or Necromunda news, 40k open day I think had nothing AoS related. What I think we will see it’s a hint of the new army coming in H1 2020 and the Scions of flame, maybe a seraphon hint.

    It's not a AoS open day but a new year open day so all systems covered.

    Regarding the characters still to become available separately, it's coming up to a year since carrion empire came out so we might see the heroes released then.

  8. 1 hour ago, Janevit said:

    My prediction

    - a new dual box Hysh Light Aelves vs Slaves to Darkness (Light vs Darkness)

    - announcement of two new/updated battletomes Aelves & Slaves

    - new gargant model that can be converted to Destruction gargant or Chaos gargant (to be used with new StD)

    Slaves to darkness battletome has already been announced don't forget. 

    • Like 1
  9. 34 minutes ago, Kaleb Daark said:


    they’re the goblins for the new plastic chaos dwarf army hidden in plain sight.

    I claim my bag of wotsits as a prize for most  outlandish and spurious rumour.

    You say that but would make a great destruction army!

    • Like 1
  10. 10 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    I’ve known about a skirmish mode in aos but warcry, seems to be rather new.

    I mean it was released just this year.

    Released this year yes, but don't forget the design studio works a couple of years in advance 

  11. Have a theory as to why the shaven, flesh eater, sylvaneth and goblin squig rider weren't released sooner. They weren't in the warcry mercenary book which presumably was printed a couple of years ago. 

    Maybe they will be in this warcry  book and get a release soon. 

  12. I wouldn't get hopes up of new warriors or anything other than a model or two. It has been a stellar year for AoS with, including a StD book, 12 battletomes!! That's crazy.

    What it seems to be happening is that GW is setting the groundwork, getting the books this year which gives them freedom next year. 

    We could see lots of new armies but I suspect we'll see things along the lines of campaigns and supplements that could come with replacement models for armies, much like the blood of the phoenix for 40k.

    Again tho, 12 battletomes!!! That's insane!

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  13. 13 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    What was in the limited run? 

    The first 4 issues it seems. I subscribed but didn't get anything. I contacted them asking what was happening and got no reply until this. 

    I've contacted them again to find out if my 2 free issues will be sent out now or do I have to wait until launch.

    I'm glad it's getting a full launch tho, good way to get 2 armies and scenery cheaper as well as new people into the hobby

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