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Posts posted by Ogregut

  1. My initial thought is you don't roll against 1 wound models as they can't take more than 1 wound. 

    However, the troll in your example can't take 8 wounds so there is an argument to roll. 

    If it were up to me, I would play it that you cannot cause more wounds then the model has (except in a challenge of course).

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Milford said:

    Hi, all. I have a question about basing artillery in TOW.

    I'm currently in the process of building an Empire army that I'm hoping to use in both AoS and TOW.

    Basing infantry to meet this requirement is pretty straightforward: I can put infantry models on 25mm round bases. For TOW, I use magnetised trays. For AoS, my swordsmen straightforwardly work as steelhelms, and my missle state troops work as fusiliers by slotting into 28mm round base converters.

    However, I have a couple of cannons that I'm unsure how to base.

    I did initially try to magnetise each crew member and the cannon itself, then use a magnetised 90mm round base for AoS and the relevant size magnetised bases for TOW. However, I found it very fiddly to correctly magnetise the crew members independently of a base and then get them to sit flush on scenic bases.

    I'm now at the point where I'm just considering glueing the models down to a 90mm round base. I think this is the most aesthetic choice and it's the correct size for AoS. Further, for TOW, I notice that on page 222, the devs specifically allow basing artillery pieces and crew members together on a single base larger than the artillery piece's base. My worries here are that (i) this comment might work for larger rectangular bases, but not round ones (but then I can treat the base as a 90mm square?), and (ii) a single larger base might not be allowed for tournaments even with the dev comment on page 222.

    What do you guys think? Do you think basing a cannon and its crew all on a 90mm round is TOW tournament acceptable? What would you do instead?





    I wouldn't have an issue with you using a large round base if we played, as long as you're consistent from where you measure from for shooting and I know where I need to get to for charging. 

    If you're  planning to go to events and tournaments, best check with the organisers. 


    • Thanks 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Marcvs said:

    Finally manged to get another game last night (at the low cost of only sleeping 5 hours), 1500pts of my Winter Court Wood Elves vs my mate's Ogors in the Watchtower. We were using 2d terrain as we were at my mate's place.

    Another very enjoyable game, going longer than the previous ones (barely below 3 hours) due to it being very balanced until the end. Main thing I learned: I have to hide my Treeman when a cannon is around :D other than that, 4 Tree Kins were a proper anvil and I was happy to have tweaked my list to give my opponent a more "engaging" experience as opposed to the "pure" Wood Elves guerrilla. On the other hand, my lvl 4 skirmishing wizard was devastating and frustrating: my opponent had no magic and I blocked him from charging 3 or 4 times by summoning a forest in front of his Ironguts+Tyrant+BSB block. In the end I won by 400 points (of which, 200 due to the Watchtower).

    Here's some bad pictures of the game (terrible lighting)

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     aaand the minis I added to my army in the meantime: the best part of the game, in fact, was that for the first time I was able to field a fully painted army 🥳

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    Some kitbashed crazy deer boys



    5 Deepwood Scouts (from Kings of War Norther Alliance)IMG_20240306_063058.jpg.65487b8cc424865ae65dcc0fa288aa99.jpg


    a kitbashed Spellweaver/Spellsinger on Elven Steed



    and 4 recycled "Tree" kins (formerly Free Folk Giants from ASOIAF, fitting perfectly on 50mm and size-wise)






    Army looks awesome and it feels so good to field a all painted army!! 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Jetlife said:

    The Darkoath models are brilliant. But is it just me or does the art on the boxes seem so elegant and cool!! It feels more like a limited edition item. Might buy just because of the box…. IMG_0179.jpeg.854d74fae77f06dbc38f89599a22e5b2.jpeg

    GW used to put a copy of the art work inside the box, I've a whole wall of them but that stopped sometime last year. Shame because as you said, the darkoath art is beautiful. 

    • Like 3
  5. 24 minutes ago, Jefferson Skarsnik said:

    Daaaamn, I started painting six swordmasters in January and I've only just finished them :/

    Gonna be a bit more pragmatic about the paint jobs for the back ranks in general tho

    Fun with magnets, slightly less fun with fiddly banners





    They look amazing, love those colour choices. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 21 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:



    and I don't have children. Kudos to everyone managing to stay in this hobby while having children :D

    Im a massive believer that everyone should have some creative outlet for good mental health and I try to do some hobby everyday even if it's just laying a couple of colours down. 

    Doesn't hurt that I unlocked the paint fast skill 😂😂😂

    I've discovered my 4th army as well with the Darkoath boxset revealed today lol

    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    TOW will be slow and I love it. I hate the release hamster-wheel the main systems are in IT STRESSES ME OUT.



    Haha, I'm the opposite, give me new stuff to paint, I've already painted 2 armies this year and almost finished my 3rd lol

  8. 2 hours ago, Chikout said:

    I'm really curious how many of the new resins they are making. Nekaph is already sold out. Did anyone here successfully get one?

    I noticed how the bretonnian foot knights seem to be sold out where the Solar HH guard box can still be found online. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

    Cultists base sizes are a bit weird, but I don't think its too bad? I run Rotmire in Nurgle and you just need to put the little dudes in front rank. 

    Corvus Cabal are a good choice as a utility unit, not good at fighting but have the deepstrike and are invisible in terrain. If you want to fight with them then 5 are on 25mm and the other 4 are above that means they can easily fight in 2 ranks with everyone fighting.

    Cypher lords  have awkward base sizes, since they only have 3 25mm ones and the other 5 are 28m and above . Should still be able to get most in. 70 points is pretty dang low. 

    Dark Oath Salvagers do indeed have awkward base sizes, with 7 out of 10 on 28mm and the rest 32.  

    I'm going to be honest, I was going through the cultist units one by one and forgot how many of them there are.

    A fair few of them have enough 25mm bases to easily fight in 2 ranks anyway. (Splintered fang being a big one).


    The cultist warbands fit in great in TOW warriors list, the tarantula dudes are now my Forsaken of Slannesh 


    • Like 8
    • LOVE IT! 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    Still some weathering to do and the bases, but here is my first errant knight and a wizard. Either for the Empire or an Outcast. Still need to decide. My first mini's on square bases in ages 😄


    They look amazing! What models are those? 

    Feels good to be square doesn't it!!?? 😂😂


    • Like 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, cyrus said:

    @Whitefang back me upwas right about gnomes/genomes team : one more point for him !👍

    Isn't it the only point for him? 

    If I remember correctly he didn't mention anything about the leaked Skaven artillery, never mentioned anything about darkoath and all his other predictions are safe bets on what's coming. 

    Even the gnomes could have been a guess as they've had recent lore. 


    • Like 6
  12. 2 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    Looks fantastic! The mini's look great on square bases! I also really like the WoC armylist, lots of options. I am looking forward to its arcane journal!

    Same here and I think those new revealed darkoath models will be making the crossover to square bases into my army! 

    • Like 1
  13. 7 hours ago, Ragest said:

    I'm talking about the faction scenery of Skaven. It's a integral part of list building in that faction, so new players should go and find it, and is really really hard to. 

    Both the gnawholes and endless spells are readily available in the UK on the GW site and 3rd party sellers right now. 

    They are likely to become scarce tho if current trends tell us anything so I would buy sooner rather than later if you want them.

  14. 1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

    Imo Wyches are the best unit in the entire book. They’re also the only non-monster melee unit that packs a punch, the whole rest has too little attacks to do anything (including Black Guards)

    idk about Sisters of Slaughter - they don’t have poison and they have less attacks while being absurdly expensive. I‘d argue they’re just bad. Executioners are plainly overcosted imo.

    The Hydra and the Kharibdyss are solid.

    Funny how things work out, when the list was release, everyone was questioning witch elves with some people writing them off completely 😂😂😂

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  15. 4 hours ago, Bosskelot said:

    Looks awesome. Is that 2k? Seems like less!

    This is my list. I could get more stuff by dropping characters and magic items but that's enough of painting gobbos for now, I will add more at some point in the future. 



    Painted night gobbos [1998 pts]

    Warhammer: The Old World, Orc & Goblin Tribes



    ++ Characters [861 pts] ++


    Night Goblin Warboss [160 pts]

    - Hand weapon

    - Light armour

    - Shield

    - General

    - On foot

    - Giant Blade

    - Trollhide Trousers

    - The Collar of Zorga

    - Potion of Speed


    Night Goblin Warboss [152 pts]

    - Hand weapon

    - No armour

    - Shield

    - Giant Cave Squig

    - Armour of Mork

    - Porko's Pigstikka


    Night Goblin Bigboss [150 pts]

    - Hand weapon

    - Light armour

    - Shield

    - Battle Standard Bearer [Banner of Iron Resolve]

    - On foot

    - Trollhide Trousers


    Night Goblin Bigboss [84 pts]

    - Hand weapon

    - Great weapon

    - No armour

    - On foot

    - Ruby Ring of Ruin

    - Armour of Meteoric Iron


    Goblin Oddnob [230 pts]

    - Hand weapon

    - Level 4 Wizard

    - On foot

    - Talisman of Protection

    - Buzgob's Knobbly Staff

    - Elementalism


    Night Goblin Oddgit [85 pts]

    - Hand weapon

    - Level 2 Wizard

    - On foot


    ++ Core Units [648 pts] ++


    30 Night Goblin Mob [177 pts]

    - Hand weapons

    - Shields

    - Netters

    - 2 Fanatics

    - Boss (champion)

    - Standard bearer

    - Musician


    30 Night Goblin Mob [207 pts]

    - Hand weapons

    - Thrusting spears

    - Shields

    - Netters

    - 2 Fanatics

    - Boss (champion)

    - Standard bearer

    - Musician


    24 Night Goblin Mob [158 pts]

    - Hand weapons

    - Shortbows

    - Netters

    - 1 Fanatics

    - Boss (champion)

    - Standard bearer

    - Musician


    10 Night Goblin Squig Herd [106 pts]

    - 2 Squig Herder


    ++ Special Units [299 pts] ++


    3 Stone Troll Mob [147 pts]

    - Hand weapons

    - Great weapons


    5 Night Goblin Squig Hopper Mob [76 pts]

    - Hand weapons

    - Cavalry spears

    - Light armour

    - Boss (champion)


    5 Night Goblin Squig Hopper Mob [76 pts]

    - Hand weapons

    - Cavalry spears

    - Light armour

    - Boss (champion)


    ++ Rare Units [190 pts] ++


    Mangler Squigs [95 pts]

    - Colossal fang-filled gob

    - Heavy armour


    Mangler Squigs [95 pts]

    - Colossal fang-filled gob-

    Heavy armour



    Created with "Old World Builder"



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