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Posts posted by PrimeElectrid

  1. Lightning blast is also a cheap way of getting MWs. I see nothing on the table worthwhile buffing anyway.

    The Annihilators are going to be stuck at a 9” charge without an imperatant or Gavriel to boost them, not sure it’s worthwhile.

    I wouldn’t bother with Vortex. Your only cast should be taken up by mystic shield anyway.

    With a relictor, battleline and gotrek you’re at 735. I’d honestly just take 5 Evocators, translocate them, and call it a day. Deploy the evocators at the back of the board where they are safe and use translocation to slingshot them forward. Last 40 points for a triumph (reroll charges) or the dias arcanum for a late-game objective steal if you don’t get the translocate 3+. Take Prized Sorcery.

    Celestial Vindictors (rr1s on charge, +1 attack CA) or Tempest Lords (more command points) are good stormhost picks here. Astral Templars could work too if you’re expecting to fight a lot of monsters. Or run no stormhost and pick the universal command trait to reroll prayers so you can guarantee translocate.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Still-young said:

    They’re obviously doing a series leading up to the Black Templar release. Do we have to do this dance every Monday?

    Yes. Remember that OWC and SCE should have been out by now, so naturally the marketing plan is to switch to the next release - which according to the schedule is Black Templars. They aren’t doing AoS reveals because there aren’t any: everything kruleboyz and SCE is out there already (but weird there’s no faction terrain but oh well).

    They’ll probably mix in a few side games, before pivoting back to AoS for that Chaos battletome. Should maybe see AoS stuff again late September/October I’d guess depending how far back that battletome has been pushed.


  3. It’s a very specific pandemic recovery that allows GW to release a 40k box, a 40k dual box, 40k battle sisters, 40k kill team, 2 40k FAQs and publish a 40k “roadmap”, but delays AoS battletomes, the AoS GhB FAQ, and AoS Forgeworld points. 

    Very specific. Very specific indeed. Almost like they are prioritising one thing over the other.

    I wonder if the pandemic recovery is also responsible for Warhammer+ being almost all 40k content also?

    Edit: anyone else remember that time the pandemic meant there wasn’t enough data for AoS points updates, but there was enough data for 40k points updates? That’s so convenient. Turns out Covid is a massive 40k nut and just had it in for AoS all along.

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  4. 26 minutes ago, Nos said:

    Meh- the context for this is a two month window (when the first announcement was made re August) in which the world is still experiencing massive logistical dysfunction. A lot of supermarkets have been experiencing difficulty getting *food* in that window.

    I'm not surprised, put it that way. 

    I doubt anybody who has that degree of strength of feeling over it- like moral offence at how a corporation might not be being entirely transparent with them or accurate with Information (like corporations always are, of course) -  would feel sated by any explanation. 

    The number of people who wont buy KB or SC stuff because of this will be utterly minuscule, if at all. So GW dont care.

    That's why I dont feel offended or hurt by anything GW does re stuff like this- because I know they dont care about me, or you, or anyone, as anything more than siphons of our money in the first place.

    If you think it’s ok for a company to outright lie to you, rewrite history to pretend they never lied, and treat you like ****** because all they want is your dollar, then that’s on you.

    • Like 4
  5. Yeah the writing has been on the wall here for a while. The dearth of AoS articles last week, the delayed App, and the now 2 week late FAQ were all red flags.

    I guarantee they won’t release the battletomes until the app is ready so people can use their digital codes. Buckle up we could be waiting weeks here.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Nos said:

    I mean..I don't think that would actually amount to anything 

    My personal assumption is precisley that they have had some complications somewhere, Nurglings in the System as you say. It's sort of inconceivable that it could he anything else. I dont think they have ceased to exist, or are no longer due for release. The only sane conclusion to draw is pretty much the only one there is.

    But people are still going wild over it. I dont think stating the obvious would do anything to satiate people angry about it. People are annoyed  because they want stuff sooner than they can have it, not because they dont know know why its delayed. 

    I'm not defending GW here btw- this is the die by the sword aspect of living by the sword of constant Hype generation.


    Yeah, no. This isn’t people whining out of entitlement.

    People are annoyed because a commitment has been made, missed, no explanation provided, no new date announced, and all references to the original commitment scrubbed out of existence.

    For all intents and purposes people feel like they have been lied to and treated like fools.

    A simple explanation wouldn’t change things but it would go a long way.

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  7. 18 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    Not arguing, just exploring an interesting point of disgusting -

    There seem to me to be three things here:

    1. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - You, know, things that are not in need of correction but do need clarification

    2. Updates - Things like points updates and rules changes. The 3rd ed. stuff fits here.

    3. Errata - As the root of word indicates, a correction of an error.

    The Sons update in WD is squarely in section 2 above.

    Now, would it be awesome for GW to, effectively, give away for free the content they sell us in WD? Sure, but that's never been the business model. We've been carrying around 3 books and 7 White Dwarfs for decades.

    Also, does GW even grasp the distinction in the three bits above? Do they break up docs by these types? Dunno.

    I'm just having a friendly discussion here.


    My point is that GW just gave away free updates. They changed points, updated rules, and rewrote some warscrolls. Whether they call it an FAQ, errata or something else is irrelevant: they changed rules to fit their version of the game. Most notably, they removed a lot of rerolls.

    They could have done the same for the Sons update or indeed any faction. 

    • Like 2
  8. 3 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    I don't think that's the case.

    Errata docs fix actual errors, right?

    This is new rules stuff, not mistake fixes. WD makes sense to me.


    The 3rd edition FAQs specifically changed a number of rules and rewrote a number of warscrolls.

    In the past they have used FAQs to change points

    So no, erratas don’t just fix errors.

    • Like 3
  9. 1 hour ago, Sagittarii Orientalis said:

    Tidbit of Stardrake rumour for Stormcast enthusiasts.

    Presumably from someone who has gotten hold of revamped assembly manual.


    +2 Wounds for both Lord-Celestant on Stardrake and Drakesworn Templar. 

    But Drakesworn Templar now has 4+ Save.


    Both weapons for Lord-Celestant(Hammer and Sword) now have Rend -2, with Hammer having Damage 2 and the Sword with Damage 1. The Sword has 6 attacks though. 

    Stardrake's claws now have Rend -2 and Damage 2, whereas its tail is now a separate melee weapon with 3" Range, D6 Attacks at 3+ / 3+ / Rend -1 / Damage 2.


    Drakesworn Templar's melee weapons stayed unchanged for the most part. 

    His skybolt bow however now has 2 attacks instead of 1, hinting the upcoming buff for Judicators.

    Sword, hammer and claws still same hit & wound?

  10. 9 minutes ago, jeanfluflu said:

    OH yeah i completely forgot about the wounds, if i remember correctly i think someone mentionned that they could have up to 8 wounds per model.
    So yeah 400pts per 2 seems legit, especially with a 3+ save...etc i just hope they get a good rend characteristic.

    For example if you take the blood knights they get insane damage output (for 400pts you get 10 of them and with the right abilities they ramp up to damage 3) but this efficiency is severly mitigated by the low rend they have (and for good reasons, 31 attacks hitting on 2 or 3 wounding on 3 with damage 3 is really no joke).

    So if i had to invest into these i hope that my attacks will get through because we will not have 30attacks for 2 models :D

    IIRC we were speculating 7/8 wounds and @Whitefang said much higher 😃

  11. 7 minutes ago, jeanfluflu said:

    I sure hope so, but remember that thse guys will fly so unless the unit of 2 is at least 300pts i don't see something like this going into the game (probably 12" move too).

    I'm more than curious about the specific rules of these drakes, i think we can decently expect an ability to do MW on the distance (like dracoth and the dragon princes do) but i don't know if we can get some extra rules, maybe MW on impact? the monster keyword? bravery debuff?

    They are going to be 300 minimum and probably around 400. Base size, flight, wounds per model. No way they are close to Dracolines.

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