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Posts posted by Kitsumy

  1. maybe, but it seems only namarti will be viables on new tome. and i think none started to collect idoneth to play only blind baldy elves.i want be able to play baldys AND fishes, not only eels or only baldys. in fact tome was perfect rigth now, after fury of the deep box but before this tome. we were mid tier army, but every unit on book was playable and fun. 


    first time i would prefer to keep my 1.0 tome over a new one :( that says how hyped new nerfed tome got me

  2. ok i got more data... and in line with every reveal they are more nerfs.


    turtle increased by 175p....lost mortals on charge,  but ranged dmg increased to d3dmg and rider spear got 1 rend.

    tank eels cant inorove his armor, every eel atack were merged into 6 atacks of 3/3/-1/1dmg. and increased to 200p.


    melee avatar aura now only afect riders. not mounts. and now 12" instead 18"...


    akhelian aura deleted from rerolls 1s to +1 hit only in 9".


    confirmed fuethan rules are only the joke previewed in warcom. no more rerolls on ebb or reroll wounds.


    i can be a cryer but cant uderstand why a midd tier army as idk only is getting so many nerfs. only positivve changes were the namarti changes in fury box, and im sure ill see in future rumours that those scrolls will be nerfed too

    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1
  3. ok i got more data... and in line with every reveal they are nerf after nerf and some more nerfs.


    turtle increased by 175p....lost mortals on charge,  but ranged dmg increased to d3dmg and rider spear got 1 rend.

    tank eels cant inorove his armor, every eel atack were merged into 6 atacks of 3/3/-1/1dmg. and increased to 200p.


    melee avatar aura now only afect riders. not mounts. and now 12" instead 18"...


    akhelian aura deleted from rerolls 1s to +1 hit only in 9".


    confirmed fuethan rules are only the joke previewed in warcom. no more rerolls on ebb or reroll wounds.


    i can be a cryer but cant uderstand why a midd tier army as idk only is getting nerf after nerf and some more nerfs. only positivve changes were the namarti changes in fury box, and im sure ill see in future rumours that those scrolls will be nerfed too

    • Sad 2
  4. yes i dont get it why mage avatar was nerfed when he was allready totally bad, why cant be as other 2 cast monsters like mamfred, neferata or verminlords?

    noone used it since his release 4 years ago, it was the unit i was sure that would be buffed, same as lotan. istead it get even worst.. lets hope at least it cost around 200p like should be with that statline :(


  5. rumours says



    tides get no change.

    ritual on turn1 is inmune to shoting outside 12". turn3 5++ on namarti.

    keep forgotten nightmares.


    so every rule previewed and ritual seems pretty lackluster to me but.... the inmune shotting seems too op, opressive and unfun against most of armyes and i dislike it. would prefer to get better overall rules but 0 broken rules as this inmune or atack first :(


  6. ok if rumours are true despite every new ritual are pretty low effect and lackluster, the one on turn 1 is totally opressive and not fun against some armyes. (is inmune to shotting outside 12").... as idk player i hated other 4 rituals since only could have 1 instead a propper prayer table, but that new ritual isnt fun. there is a reason why cloak relic was nerfed.


    why cant gw propperly balance something??.. doing balanced and fun rules isnt so hard

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  7. yes again other change to be hyped for the tome!! i was hoping for a propper ritual table like every army prayers.... and they got even worse, wo change 5 chances of doing a ritual for only 1 rutual in whole game, and the effect is minimun, it should be a gamechanging effect like orc waghs since it is only once per game.


    and yes, of course they only showed the 2 effects who noone cares,since im sure cover in turn1 and atack first will dissapear.


    i lost hope on tome when saw the index and didnt see anything new, no new pics, no new enclaves, no prayer or ritual page etc

    • Confused 1
  8. it would be true if those behemots would be better than other units, but they arent.


    1 turtle is great. more than 1?? not so much. idk can field 3-4 turtles allready and noone use more than 1, so who cares about being able to field them as line?? it was only a fun enclave that noone will use outside some fun casuals games.


    same with seraphon, they can spam 7 triceratops. but noone outside casual fun games uses more than engine and 0-2 more.

    so like i said those abilitys to spam monster are useless on competitive, and only worth in fun games. tell me 1 army who use the maximun number of monsters, who could use a rule letting them spam more???


    even more when only some op monsters get the count as 3000 minis for objetives, noone could win games with 4-6 monsters counting as 5? or 10 for objetives

  9. yes, people see shark line wohooo op nice, shut up if u dont like it.


    but people who knows some maths see our actual best enclave being deleted to a 0'5-1'5 bites on 1 shark....

    i would like to see what an ironjaws player would think if bloodtoff would be changed to play grungas in unit of 6 o more. and then 1 of all army will get 1 extrabite on 6s!!

    again im up for fun enclaves, but when the only 2 enclaves we have seen are fun enclaves im starting to worry about having some with actual rules, even rerolls 1s to wound only on foot models only on turn 1 only if they chargue would be better than this :(

  10. first nautilar being changed to fun turtle lists only.. was ok since it was useles but

    now they utterly butcher fuethan, one of our only 2 playable enclaves.


    so we lost eeb flow ( armywide buff 1 turn) and rerolls 1s to wound on bite on EVERY mount to..... 1 shark of 1 unit of sharks( we are even forced to play them as unit despite his joke 6bv) 6s on bite get extra..... so we exchange all those nasty armywide buffs for a potential 0.5-1.5 bites on 1 shark....

    my only hope at this point is they dont touch dom-haim plsss gw at least leave us one playable enclave

    cant think on a worst alliance passive among all edittions of 40k and aos

    • Confused 6
  11. problem is, why must gw lie always?? they said average increase is 5% on plastic minis.... so fat lie,i have seen the new prices and average raise is 12-15%,  or maybe more. only a few items went up less than 10% but LOT of them went up 20% or more.

    some scenary pieces raises by 28%...


    there isnt any excuse to raise prices around 20-30% across the board on last 6 years, when ipc went up around 10% at best.


    and yes, gumplas are waaaay better than gw plastic, only think about assembly gw minis by force without breaking them in 10 parts lol. plastic is way harder. mold lanes are 10 times smallers , the sprue joint to pieces are so small that you can even cut them with ur knife instead gw ones that need so much work to get ride of them. and yes, you dont even need to paint them since every part is coloured allready. and you get like 4x or 10x gw plastic for half price

  12. hmm still dont get it. idk were released only 1 month after dok, but idk didnt get a tome for a whole edittion with the excuse it was made for 2.0( obvious lazy lie).

    then dok got his release with tome. box, new hero and spells. and when finally idk. get something it is only a tome and a foot hero, thats it, not even spells, and then dok will get that too minimun only some months after that....

    on my logic they shouldnt have get a tome for whole 3.0 since last one was released just before new edittion. like idk,nurgle or lon who didnt get any tome on all 2.0...


    PD: chaos vs order obviously means a total renew of skavens and seraphons in a dual box with new jungle ruins on top of that!!!

    • Like 1
  13. yes u dont need to be a genious to know meta would totally change with last faq....

    despite some haters claiming it would stay the same. was obvious seraphon would go down a lot of with the big nerf on salamanders and the nonsensical nerf on basti, only stegagedon would remain as strong, but it was some notchs weaker.

    lumi got hard nefed with the nerf to the allready expensive archers AND nerfed overwatch.

    tzench lossing archaon was huge too. etc etc


    but behemat didnt get any nerf despite being on top. stormcast got even buffed!! despite having lot of crazy op scrolls, only because sc players in tournament didnt know how to play or noone wanted to do ok to avoid the balance lol

    vampires wasnt touched, dok has won more despite the nerf on snakes dont know why.


    Some SC scrolls were totally absurded since the beggining and cant understand how GW didnt faqed balanced them like dragons, and even avoided the faq nerf.. raptors deserve a nerf, since they have been spamed for years, and fulminators??? even at 300points would be a bartain, 220 is crazy, they do more than double dmg my eels. for only 25p per example...

    • Like 2
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  14. happy to see archers for death finally. and i love doks but....


    pretty infuriating to see gw uselesness on fair threatment. why give new units to  maybe the third biggest army released like 3 years ago?? 99% armys are in more need of units and hero.


    and dok.... they allready had an army vs army box with new hero only 1 year ago, some armys dont ever see one of them in all his lifetime, and dok had 2 in 1 year wtf



    the different betwen god elven factions and godles is absurd....

    sylvaneth got 1 box, 1foot hero, 1 midle hero, spells and new terrain.and 2 tomes

    lumis got.... some things :D and 2 tomes in 0 time

    dok got 2 boxes with 2 foot heros, 2 tomes, spells etc etc

    idk got.... 1box with 1 foot hero and 1 tome, thats it.


    even on lore, sylvaneth got huge with new life wave on all planes, lumis killed nagash, dok got morathy to goddes. and idk... were stomped by slanesh. failed on his rebirth, his maker wanted to destroy them, dok stomped every enclave together in last war with only 1 city.... getting tired of being the punchbag and dont get even a tome per edittion like everyone should get. at this rate we wont have a tome for this edittion too and i dont care if rules are good, but everyone loves refresh on his army, proper magic lore. priests, relics etc etc change in scrolls ( even if they are worse) and new lore.


    btw gw showing his 0 skills doing female heads like always

    • Thanks 1
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  15. why are some guys hating soup??? and even orc ones! when it was the best book i have seen in 20 years!!

    1 tome for every faction inside, and another one for soup version. all that on same book.... what have to hate about it?????


    bonesplitters being bad? who cares , they could have been as bad with a tome for themselves.


    i only can dream about my poor idoneths getting souped sometime with doks( same pirate/ dark elves theme) or with lumineths since teclis created both. i would ***** love it. and it would better than dont see anything for 4 years and only being the punching bag on lore 

    • Like 6
  16. yes this is getting absurded allready, week after week with only news on every ***** 40k system and even games or books, and 0 for all aos, and on lvo preview they hint 4 40k blocks and only 1 for aos????


    by this time 40k allready had 10+ tomes im sure, and yes, every teletuby marine on different colour counts like a different one, and on most of them or even all. they had new hero or even unit. when aos have to wait 4+ years usually only to get a foot hero if lucky....


    in theory they said aos was selling really well, people were hyped. even dominion was the best fantasy box in sales in history. so why they are clearly ignoring aos? dont make sense. i lately see more news on second rate games like necromunda,bloodbowl and kill team than on a main game like aos. and after oldtimes thing... i dont like it

    • Confused 1
  17. sure dude stop that allready. always saying things on a superior tone. like u have the reason only, only u knows how to play etc etc.


    reavers lost half atacks in melee. u didnt counted it, lost 50% duravility since they cost 50% more. and cant get hit cp or turtle since they hit on 2s allready. so yeah. only lost everyplace,  they only won 33% dmg and 1 rend for 50%  increase. and if it wasnt ur first game, they would have +1 to hit(that is useless on new ones). so they lost half atacks in melee. keep same wounds, same damage for 50% increase in points, only won 1rend, so worth.


    but of course the long range buff makeup for it.

    edit: u guys are rigth, wont try to argue anymore

  18. yes i wont bother on explain why and how shark is worse than before again since allready did.


    shark is good still. but  obviously worse than prebox ( ok, worse for everybody but 1 people).

    but new reavers arent a wash neither, like i showed with my maths :D they are worse in short range only, and that was a rare case. on long range they are like 3 times better, and im trilled to play 20 or 30 of them behind my units, or grabing objetives while deleting chaff.


    thrall are weird. they are really nice on paper, but still melee foot unit with big base( not 20 one)and squishy( not so much with turtle). so they may dont see any table despite being great 


    btw i got my box today, and hero had his long spear warped on one of the 2 tips, anyone got same problem? or knows how to fix it on plastic mini


    aand noone can deny every scrool got better, and points change every 6 months so im really happy with new scrolls, not like my poor fyreslayer brother who was going to buy 3 boxes with me. and canceled 2 of them after watching scrolls


  19. yes sharks are still ok, but worse than before.


    thralls are great but still they are foot unit, and all those struggle, even more with 5save. but they may be good.


    reavers in short range are worst now, but at longe range they are like 3x better. so i think they will be really good now, but they are too pricy and squishy so will need some ishlaen guard in front of every reaver unit. but ill use like 30 reavers, with turtle storm eidolon and 2 or 3 ishlaen guard as core. they will have really nice shotthing damage, like 35 dmg with 1rend per turn untill they start diying.


    and i could add some morsar to add some damage or sharks to have even more ranged threat, maybe 2 sharks to raise average dmg to 43 or so. enough to kill 25+ troops models or some beast or heros.


    but maybe i would have too low real damage to clean up the units after trim them

  20. 2 hours ago, vinnyt said:


    No, I think you guys just aren't understanding the math.

    im the one saying this, im economist so i did my maths in 5 seconds of watching the scrool so i did those numbers, roughly on my head without any calculator. and i saw ur numbers, but i dont really liked them since counted some buffs.


    for me old shards did 7,1 dmg with 1rend average ranged plus melee sure so 0,056 dmg per point.

    new one has 8,8 dmg with 1,3 rend average so 0,053 dmg per point.


    so yeah, it do less dmg with sligthy more rend, so against no save it lost dmg, and against 5 or better save it may be the same.


    aand on net. it only lost dmg. i think none cant deny that right?


    on defense it had 12 effective wounds if u count armor so 0,096 wounds per point. 0,106 with turtle.

    now it has 15 eff wounds so 0,090 wounds per point. cant have turtle.


    so yes, i never said shark is useless and our worst unit. but it is worse than the version prior this box. since new one is worse on defense side and offense side it is the same at best with dmg harpoon and worse with net. so in general it was nerfed since it is worse than 125p version. simple as that

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