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Posts posted by jaebird

  1. 4 hours ago, Ruhraffe said:

    I just wanted to report back after the game with the list mentioned on the last page. I played BoC and got wiped off the table. This happend due to multiple factors:

    1. Battleplan: Borderline

    2. Drycha in rearguard, Hunters in spearhead.

    My mainbody got up first, then the spearhead. Therefor my Wraith and the Hunters went on the field on round 2. A second wyldwood could be placed, but I already missed out on a summoning opportunity. The Hunters were so far in the backfield that they never reached the front line.

    Drycha being rearguard sounded good, becaus she is fast, but turns out keeping 320 points (~1/3 of the army) out of the fight for 2 rounds is stupid. Effectively, I played the game with 520 points missing.

    The next time, the rearguard will consist of 1 unit of tree revs and the mainbody and spearhead will have to consist of 3 units each at minimum to cover objectives early and to keep up pressure early.

    This is really helpful, thanks for the update! Do you know what the BoC player's list was?

  2. So I really do like the idea of Ylthari, but spending 180pts on a Branchwych with a 3 wound unit just kills any enthusiasm I have for these pretty models. Plus I think it's going to be locked to Oakenbrow, which isn't ideal? I like the idea of a Branchwych over the idea of a TLA, because I feel like you're going to have a better time clearing models with Reaping than pushing a TLA into combat. Less Dryads/opportunity for trees, but probably this group only starts for you a single game in a tournament, so it could be pretty match up dependent if it's good.

  3. Okay, anyone want to talk about Meeting Engagements? There isn't much out there for them yet, but it really feels like a fun and dynamic format, plus like, I can fit 1000pts of models in my backpack. So, here's an idea for a list.

    Arch-Revenant (100)
    - General
    3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)
    - Greatbows
    3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)
    - Greatbows

    Main Body
    Branchwraith (80)
    - Artefact: Acorn of the Ages
    10 x Dryads (100)
    10 x Spite-Revenants (120)

    Treelord (200)

    Total: 1000 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Wounds: 72


    The Spearhead is probably the most out there, but hear me out. The first turn, you either need to be fast to cap objective or be able to deal wounds to your opponent to score. Since most of the movement in the army is through wyldwoods, I figure that the Hunters can at least start by inflicting wounds a lot of armies won't be able to catch up with. I wanted the main body to focus on bodies. I think I would prefer a second unit of Spites here, but that makes the math weird unless I want to drop the Arch-Revenant, which I'm hesitant to do. A Treelord fills in the Rearguard, ideally being set up for combat right away. I think this is the best use of 200pts? 20 Dryads would fit, or maybe it's worth thinking about trying to make it an Ancient. Any suggestions on a Glade?

    • Like 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    Clearly you mean me, which is fine and I'm happy to respond, so "they" is unnecessary. 

    You're right it's a loaded term and I am slightly against the way they are handling it. I think it's a bit silly to pretend a biologically female warrior is going to be as strong and equipped for war as a male warrior. The exception being aelves who seem to be fairly androgynous. 

    Now of course some might respond "but it's fantasy realism doesn't matter when you have flying sharks and rat people", which is to some extent true. At the same time though, those things exist within the internal logic of the setting. However, there isn't any clear internal logic in the setting as to why human women (who have the same bodies as real life women) would be as strong or capable for war as human men.

    please, purge your brain of this bioessentialist tripe. at BEST it makes you look like a ****** who wants to exclude women "if it makes sense". women's bodies are varied and different and diverse as much as men's bodies are. women have fought, and will continue to fight, regardless of whether their bodies fit some kind of ideal of "masculine warriorness". Not ever man who has ever fought was a 6-ft mountain of muscle, and it's bizarre to imagine that women have to some how be exceptional to have similar results from train and practicing with weapons.

    • Like 12
  5. I will say, it's so frustrating to be between so many rules that we know of, but aren't actually out yet. I know selling paper is good business for GW, but honestly this would be so much more reasonable if we could just have those rules digitally. All I want is to know if my summoning plan works in Meeting Engagements! Please GW, gimme those books.

  6. 7 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    Another test.

    agsin 2,5min per dryad but beware the red is no contrast color.

    used colors:

    2:1 skeleton horde:wyldwood - bark

    green: wetblended into the Browns: warp lighting

    red: some armypainter wash.

    Softly drybrushed with pallid witch flesh

    Oh this tone is lovely. Very much sold me on moving to contrast to my woods, for certain. I think I'm going use a similar recipe to push the browns into a more greyish tone, give it good contrast with some pink leaves.

    • Like 1
  7. Oh, this is really cool. Like, this is a whole other format for AoS. It's pretty interesting to see GW delve into an almost MtG style of alternative way to play the game. It's hard to judge what a tournament would be like without a list of battleplans, but even just saying that you'll be playing on a 30 x 40 is enough to get me excited. I can play a game of Warhammer, in my house, with the table I own. That's super cool and I'm here for it.

    • Like 6
  8. So if we're talking 1000pts, here's a list I've been thinking about lately.

    Allegiance: Sylvaneth


    Treelord Ancient (300)

    - General

    - Trait: My Heart Is Ice

    - Artefact: Frozen Kernel

    - Deepwood Spell: Treesong

    Drycha Hamadreth (320)

    - Deepwood Spell: Verdurous Harmony

    Branchwraith (80)

    - Deepwood Spell: Regrowth



    20 x Spite-Revenants (200)

    10 x Dryads (100)

    Total: 1000 / 1000


    I feel like it's a good strategy at smaller point games to really lean into summoning or big models, and I'm going to be doing both. Drycha and the Spites are going to push towards a flank ideally, while the Ancient and Branchwraith support with spells, and summoning Dryads to protect objectives. It's simple, but I think it's going to do well on the smaller 4x4, where I can protect the Branchwraith and get a good two or three extra units on the board, hiding near trees for the buffs.

    I'm not super sold on Winterleaf as the Glade, but the bonus is good and the artifact can make that first Alpha strike VERY strong. Most importantly, I think it's going to have a really nice aesthetic, and will look great on the table top.

  9. I think I agree with Mirage a lot here. It's true, there is no rule that states how many pieces of terrain you can put down. But with the guidelines, I don't think it's unreasonable to advocate for one substantial piece per 2x2. Terrain, at least as it stands right now, is something that needs to be negotiated between players. And if you can point to something in the rulebook, it's going to be way easier to get someone to agree with you. Or at least, bump that 14 down to an 8 or a 9. I'm surprised GW doesn't have a suggested terrain template at all, honestly? But I don't think it's unreasonable to say that you're not sure however much terrain past 6 or so is really going to provide the best game for both players.

  10. 22 minutes ago, Aezeal said:

    Not sure bravery based armies will be viable as allcomer list.

    true, but I was thinking about the buffs to the Spite Revenants; you get re-rolling hits and wounds of 1 on a 20 Spite unit and that sounds pretty good.

  11. So since it looks like every caster now has a chance to summon Wyldwoods, and we get less of them to start, casting spells seems like a really important part of the game. That does mean getting first turn is important, but you can deepstrike units onto trees now, so I think there's a good chance that a lot of Sylvaneth armies start looking like a small collection of larger units, a lot whom start off the board, and then can be placed anywhere.

    Also Drycha + Spites + Dreadwood looks like a real army, imo.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  12. Honestly the more I consider these paints, the more I like the sounds of them. I have two armies that are nearly all organic materials (Sylvaneth and now Gloomspite Gitz), and it's hard for me not to want to using these as my main base coats. Being able to quickly get my models based and coloured let's me spend way more time working on the little details I need to learn and get better at. My first set of models were a unit a of Dryads, and while I'm satisfied with them, I know I could have better results if I didn't cut corners as I got impatient and bored with the models. If most of the time is at the detail stage, well, I bet I'm going to have more fun.

    • Like 2
  13. Just now, the_master288 said:

    I have no issue with having more tools in the arsenal, and speaking for myself, painting is an area where I need all the help I can get.  I am more worried that it's being hyped up as the "end all be all" for painting instead of just being advertised as another tool for the tool belt.

    I dunno, people have been developing stunning painting techniques for years despite drybrushing. I wouldn't worry that some how high end painters will suddenly disappear because there's a good paint for painting minis.

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  14. While I can't necessarily blame anyone for worrying about how these products might change the hobby, I really don't think it's a useful, or really fair idea to think that it's bad for the hobby to cater to bad painters. I think I reject the idea that everyone interested in painting has to be invested in being a Very Good Painter. Like, yeah, what I'm doing might amount of a fancy colouring book, but people use colouring books for a ton of reasons, and very little of that is becoming a good illustrator.

    If this keeps people as bad painters, that's fine. I think it's more important for people to enjoy painting and their results over necessarily trying to make everyone invested in painting for competition or what have you.

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 4
  15. Spirit of Durthu does a lot more damage, but is a little too fragile to use without a plan to get them into combat. The Ancient is way more well rounded, it's a wizard and has a pretty good spell, but also is a fair bit weaker in combat. I think the Treelord Ancient is the one I would get first; it's easier to fit in a list, a little better to be a general. There's some argument that crowded tables make the 50/50 Wyldwood summoning pretty bad, but I think a tough wizard that can fight and soak a ton of damage is still worth 300pts.

  16. The new Wyldwoods are a great design, imo. You can have both single trees and small groves on the table, and it won't be impossible to deal with. I hope the kit isn't too expensive; it would be a shame to need a ton of these, again, for a functioning army.

    • Like 1
  17. It's absurd how much they seem to be over-valuing Rend -2. Maybe I'm wrong, but with an extra attack, consistent damage, and extra mortals, Greatsword are just so so much better than anything else rn. Now, they could change how the models are priced, which would be pretty good honestly, but it's still a good argument for me to skip magnetizing...

  18. The Stormcast BT does have keywords for smaller groups or factions in their list. "Redeemer" units can receive buffs from specific characters and battalions. My thought is that we'll get keywords for the main army themes (Oakenbrow, Harvestboon, etc) and keywords for the groups of Sylvaneth in their society (Free Spirits, Tree Folk, the Household, etc).  Ideally it means we'll get some cool stuff spread across more armies, but I do think the Stormcast BT is a little bland re: things like Stormhosts and battalions. Now I haven't read the Fyreslayers tome so it might be an idle worry, but I do like how varied the Sylvaneth can be right now. Hope we don't lose that.

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  19. 40 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    I always wanted to start a Sylvaneth army but didn't get the chance to do it. Is the looncurse half interesting for a Sylvaneth army? (or eventually 2 or 3 halves?)

    (then completed by maybe 2 SC!)?

    Now I'm still new at this, but I do think one half is going to be a really good buy. It's basically everything you don't get in the SC box, so they compliment each other really well. I think the only thing is that you sort of need a ton of Dryads in most builds, whether you need Battleline or for your summons. Going with two of each would be a very solid start, if maybe a little heavy on the Revenants (but I imagine they get a buff whenever the next army book drops).

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