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Posts posted by madmac

  1. 1 hour ago, cyrus said:

    Some of advent calendar rumors engine seems to point to  some kind of "alternative Zenestra" : chains , wood , lantern, skull , seal of purity 



    Same skull and on the blade it seems a " R" for Sigmar


    Some kind of generic War Alter/Warpriest was an obvious hole in the first wave, so I would not be surprised. As neat as Zenestra is, it doesn't feel right for a shady special character leading a strange cult to be the only religious representation in the new range.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    I'm no expert, but Krieg don't strike me as the furs wearing types, so hopefully we've got multiple things being teased...

    Parchment kinda screams either Sigmar or Imperium, but it's otherwise vague. I don't feel like 40K has a lot of fur cloaks running around, though.

  3. 6 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    What puzzles me is that this could as well be AoS (Death, Cities) but also 40k with Sisters (who get their codex next year) or something Imperium.

    It's the crossbone seal that really gets me with this one. 40K iconography is very well defined, and I don't think they have any factions that use that. I'm going to blindly guess CoS, but honestly I have no idea on this one.

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  4. 10 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    Legends is the right place for them, can still be used in casual friendly games just not in tournaments where I doubt they'll be seen as a great loss. 

    This is what people always say, but I've honestly never seen anyone even contemplate playing anything with Legends rules. As the warscrolls never get updated they very very quickly drop off to the point where it's just kinda punching yourself in the crotch to try and do anything with them.

    In any case, it's a new development. Underworld Warband rules were evergreen up to this point even if GW has already started rotating the models. Even if it was an inevitable development, it's another mental checkmark for me not to go out of my way to buy into underworlds unless I have a very good reason.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    if adding new units still requires rigging new skeletons, I don't really see why new factions are off the table. I think their success with Planet Zoo's animal animations have got to be why GW wanted Frontier to bring tabletop models to life. they are so good literally thinking about the game makes me want to play it 😂

    the "focus" mention felt more like they will not develop *new* non-sim games, not that they're dropping support for RoR, Elite Dangerous, etc. i don't think we'll truly find out until after the new year though.


    Honestly, yeah. Making new armies is not nearly as big an expense as you would think. A small team of programmers and animators can produce new content for an existing game more or less indefinitely without much trouble. That's why the dlc model has taken over the game industry to begin with, it's easy money compared to the huge expense and risk of making and marketing a new game. CA employees hundreds of people and only like a dozen or so of them work on TWW DLC.

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  6. 12 minutes ago, Tetheus said:

    So what kind of rumors are left? We've got OBR hero and FEC for Dawnbringers 4, potential Lady of Ruin for Dawnbringers 5, Skaven v. Stormcast for 4e. What other rumors are floating about?

    Kurnothi, Dark Oath, DoK character that is anti-morathi, something happening with Khul.

  7. 50 minutes ago, Sir Grimm said:

    So when can we expect another preview? With Christmas and New Year I don't see any shows in December, as well as January. Asking in context of the rumor saying we get TOW in February and there are still minis to be revealed before launch.

    What are peoples opinions on GW preview schedule?

    There will be a January preview, there always is, it's called LVO iirc. Besides that they like to do a sneaky model review or two on Christmas and/or New Years.

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  8. 9 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I wonder how much of it is them trying to catch up with the Covid 'backlog' - the rapid fire of Votann, Guard refresh and World Eaters over on 40k would certainly point to that too.

    I think it's a combination of delays (we had like a year and a half of 3E where barely anything came out) and the very real factor that everything that was originally meant to release for an edition HAS to be released before the new edition is out. It was much the same for the end of 2E, a massive glut of releases that had to be released into the wild no matter what before Dominion came out and reset all the rules, the packaging style, etc etc.

    As for new armies vs supporting old armies, obviously I want my Fyreslayers and other neglected armies to get new toys. At the same time, I don't think it's realistic to expect GW is never going to release any new armies, or that they'll wait until every other army is perfectly updated first. Even 40K, as venerable a setting as it is, sees new army releases with reasonable frequency.

  9. 18 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I don't see any more factions getting updates appart from what we could have from Dawnbringers. We've got recently quite a few months of AoS monopolising GW releases, and with 4th in the summer I suspect we would see an AoS gap leaving some room for TOW and 40k before we get into the AoS monopoly game again with the new edition.

    You say that, but it's always the other way around. New edition means tons of new releases leading up to the edition launch, and THEN things get subdued for the rest of the year. The breather will come in the long months where nothing else gets released for AoS except the except the gradual rollout of the two starter army battletomes and models, as it always does.

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  10. 31 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I thought you were talking about minis. From my pov seems obvious that all the BT/Codex would be updated during a edition. Wasn't the case during previous editions in the recent years?

    No. There was no 2E Deepkin or Nurgle battletomes, for example.

    • Like 4
  11. 34 minutes ago, michu said:

    I think it will be Khorne

    Khorne update would fit. They're unlikely to get the new edition treatment, but Dawnbringers has been pumping Khul up a lot, he's probably about to ascend to Daemon Prince, his sidekicks from the old SC box literally just got killed off in book 3, Vandus also seems headed towards self-destruction and Ionus just got a new model, everything looks lined up to finally shelf the old 1st edition starters for good.

  12. 17 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I think the same. Bonesplitterz gonna go sooner rather than later.

    This is starting to remind me of about two years ago, when every bump in the night was proof positive that dwarfs were getting souped and Fyreslayers in particular would never ever get new models.

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  13. 12 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

    I don’t know what will happens maybe nothing  , maybe the other orruk will get mad at kruleboyz if they know what he did to kragnos and start a war between the warclans , or maybe kragnos will find the other centigor and we will have a new faction with them ? 

    I can't see us getting a new centaur race in the near future, but at least GW is seeding the possibility here. I think the short term consequences will more just be breaking up the Kragnos/KB alliance and likely even Kragnos being temporarily removed or incapacitated much like Nagash was as part of bringing the Age of Beasts to an end.

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  14. 10 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

    They ended in uglu or chamon? Can’t understand exactly 

    Neither. It basically goes:

    1. Dwarf jumps on Truggs back and lands a deathblow on his neck

    2. Slips and falls into the portal while it's channeling gold magic

    3. Afterwards he hits the ground and hears Truggs body impact immediately after, so it seems he wasn't transported anywhere, just his body was transmuted. He passes out, confident that he's alive and Trugg is not.

    4.  Much later, after Ulgu (Night) has fallen, the portal channels jade magic into Trugg and brings him back to life. He gets up and wanders off, not seeing any living creature around him, which suggests Bael has already left at that point.

    17 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

    It reads more to me like the flesh of his limbs was transmuted into hot quicksilver, hence why they're cooling pools beneath him rather than anything more solid or functional.

    Maybe, but it also talks about the gold magic burning at his stumps, you don't have to read too far into that to understand where this is going. Keep in mind, if they wanted to just replace Bael-Grimnyr it would have been easy to write this story in such a way to kill him off. Having him being transmuted by the magic of Chamon instead only makes sense if they are going somewhere with all this and that direction is definitely a new model. He's always been the Fyreslayer's faction leader in the fluff but he didn't have his own model, (or rules, except for a very short lived WD writeup) much like our boy Ionus used to just be a generic Lord-Relictor until dawnbringers 3 now where he has a sweet new dragon model.

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  15. Quote

    He tipped off the side of the creature – right through the gold-glowing monolith...
    Gold magic burned at the stumps where his limbs used to be. In their place, pools of quicksilver were rapidly cooling beneath him. As unconsciousness finally washed over him, he let his eyes drift shut. He was alive, and the beast was dead. That would have to be enough.

    Re-reading the end of the story, it's actually more clear to me what happens. Bael-Grimnyr passes through Truggs portal while it's channeling the magic of chamon, this burns off his limbs and already starts to replace them with metal. So it's a done deal really, he will be back and he'll have cool metal limbs to show for it, 100%

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