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Posts posted by madmac

  1. 42 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Is this the first time we've seen Warmaster on a generic mode? 


    That Volcanic Blood nerf hurts so much...really this is kind of just a weaker warscroll overall than the old one, surprising to see. Undecided on how I feel about the Fyreslayer changes. Armywide 6+ ward is good, but they nerfed wounds and armor saves and other defensive abilities pretty much across the army too. Even the Runes are weaker, the need to run 1 or even 2 Auric Runemasters to compensate feels severe.

    • Confused 2
  2. 10 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

    New Ogor base attack profile seems to be 4+/2+/-1/d from 3+/3+/-1

    I guess that evens out? Kind of?

    Mostly it evens out, but the edge cases are rough. Anything that debuffs to hit is going to be brutal against Ogres, same as it was for them in 1st/2nd edition before Mawtribes. As an elite army that rolls a small number of dice overall aiming for 4s or 5s can skew them pretty hard.

  3. 22 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    I think FS used to have lower sales numbers, but they've been ranking quite high in both overall popularity/army collection polls and tournament playrates.

    Online opinion has also shifted quite drastically for the better. You still have people calling for FS to be removed etc., but it's not popping up in literally every discussion about Fyreslayers anymore which makes it so much more fun to talk about them online.

    Ever since the Auric Flamekeeper the models have had quite a lot of praise too. In fact, the entire renewed Aesthetic seems to be very well-received since the Vulkyn Flameseekers. I think a new wave in this aesthetic is very likely and quite imminent.

    As for the existing kits, I don't think they're bad or in need of replacement. I think once we have more than just 2 units that the existing kits would not look out of place at all, and their issues are not nearly as bad when the army consists of more than just 2 units.

    If they do end up reworking Vulkites and Hearthguard, I want them to go all-out. Mix in the female Fyreslayers that we know exist and fight for their lodges, give the sculpts within the unit more customization/distinction from each other (capes/mantles/kilts/pauldrons/etc.), make the Hearthguard look more elite than the Vulkites, but also stay true to the FS aesthetic.

    Buff, mostly unarmored zealots with mohawks hammering pieces of their god into themselves riding dragons is my favourite aesthetic in all of Warhammer. I know it's not everybody's cup of tea, but I think it would be a huge loss for FS not to get developed further.

    I agree with this, I've been saying the same for a long time now. I think actually the first notable bump in popularity Fyreslayers got was with their 2E battletome, which made them much more elite and fun to play, (plus the endless spells are really cool) vs the oldest version of the army which was literally just mass vulkites and sit on objectives. 3E with finally a new model that looked good and another solid battletome raised interest even higher in my experience, I see new people starting Fyreslayers with some regularity ever since.


    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    while FS lore limit them.

    Man quote me some of this super restrictive lore because I play Fyreslayers and haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about. Not that GW wouldn't retcon all conflicting lore in a nanosecond to justify new models anyway.

    • Like 4
  5. 14 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    I feel bad for that one weirdo who makes a KO army without using skyvessels because now they have no battle traits other than "this is how skyvessels work". 

    Yeah, at first scroll-through of the new rules I was like "Ok, seems basically the same, no big deal" but on re-read it's considerably less inspiring. No Code, transports nerfed in multiple ways, no sky ports(this is common to all armies, but I liked the Sky-Ports) no allegiance abilities at all if you aren't using boats. It's the blandest take we've seen on KO since 1st edition, which is on brand for 4E but still, eh. Arkanaught companies not being reinforced is also a huge hit to ground tactics and infantry tactics generally. Skywardens still seem like an option that has no reason to exist, ect.

    • Like 1
  6. I'd like to see new models for KO, I just don't see it happening this edition. There's too many other armies that are more likely to get updates to fit them in and nothing in terms of rumors or anything that currently hints at a KO expansion.

  7. 7 hours ago, novakai said:

    I mean it possible models are not made for campaign books to begin with like every release during broken realm (well LRL being an outlier) but sure

    just that a lot of times, they don’t make every model as a one off like Kroak and Be’lekor

    Yeah this. It's not that GW makes models for Narrative campaigns and then decides to follow up on them later. It's more GW has models to release as part of narrative campaigns BECAUSE those are the armies they are currently working on. 

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    The Marauders and Horsemen are expected... but the Sorcerer is a bit of an oddity. 

    New Sorcerer model coming, maybe? I never liked the old Sorcerer model, just used UW warband Sorcs instead.

    • Like 1
  9. 16 hours ago, novakai said:

    Yes because I think that format replace the dual VS boxes and AoS probably will go the same path.

    Example: if your getting a single foot hero you get a battletome release, a FOMO battleforce with your new foot hero, and a new spearhead.

    if you have a decent model release you get a Fomo army box set with a early access battletome, and then a month later you get to buy the stuff individually.

    Exactly this, I think the last round of 4 vs boxes we got in 3E were the last of their kind, everything is a single army boxset release now.

  10. 6 hours ago, novakai said:

    They may simple do it if the design studio don’t like the current aesthetics of the Ogors though.

    simply put i don’t think they will manage to replace all resin models if a refresh happens. There units like Yhetees and Firebellies that seem too far out from the design from the Gutbuster that they not important enough to get new models. 

    Minimally they could just give Ogors a plastic Butcher, Maneaters from Warcry, discontinued all resin models when the next battletome comes out and that it until 5th edition.

    GW wasn't putting out a steady trickle of High Elf models before we got LRL. We've seen the AoS version of the Tyrant, Hunter, Gorgers and (in UW) a Maneater and a Beastclaw Hunter/Cat. All the new models we've gotten are pretty much line with the classic Ogre aesthetic except maybe the Bloodpelt Hunter, and one could argue that he just has a weird head for whatever reason.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Yeah. I am not 100% sure right now, but when I read it from different and trusted sources I remember I was like WTF... this doesn't make sense at all.

    Rules are absolutely the last thing that gets added. Back when GW was still doing podcasts, there were a lot of rules designers talking about how they pretty much just get handed new models and have to figure out what they're going to do with them. Fluff is I would say a half/half thing in that the final fluff gets finalized after the model and rules are done, but there is guiding narrative and design principals that go into the creation of new models and subfactions to start with.

    • Like 2
  12. 37 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Not that I got any insider knowledge but I’d bet good money that we‘ll see a couple of small range extensions/waves for some forces akin to the Sylvaneth/Ironjawz one this edition. Only makes sense as after Skaven there‘s little to do in regards to big updates/nee forces (Ogors, CD and Malerion stuff but that last one could start as a smaller range extension for Daughters too).

    It's a sensible bet, there's just nothing besides Ogors that needs a massive overhaul anymore. Even the 4E Starter is a first for AoS in that it basically updates two ranges (Skaven AND Stormcast with their redone models and range purge) instead of adding a new army.

    • Like 2
  13. 2 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    I mean they hypped beast of chaos in brokens realms and see what they got. I wouldn't put much faith in narrative translating in new models a I imagine they create the models first and them just create some narrative to justify their existence. 

    Sure, but conversely who got big updates in 3E that didn't get models/attention in Broken Realms?

    Stormcast, KB, (Kragnos) Seraphon, Sylvaeth, NH, STD, CoS...it's pretty much the same list. Add FEC and Ironjawz/Gits who got their update inside Dawnbringers the same way Slaanesh, LRL and SBGL got theirs in Broken Realms.

    GW naturally writes their narrative campaigns around who has new models, but the thing is the best indicator of who is going to get new models is who is currently getting new models, because it means the design team is actively working on those ranges.

  14. 19 minutes ago, Luperci said:

    There a couple REs that could be IDK, fish tail thing and what could be coral or water spray. I would put KO and IDK over sylvaneth, just because sylvaneth already got their second wave

    I get what you are saying, but GW doesn't always work on the fairness principal, and they spent Dawnbringers hyping up even more stuff for Sylvaneth we haven't seen yet, vs KO being bit players and IDK being one-off minor antagonists.

    I do think both IDK and KO will get warcry warbands soon, though.

  15. 29 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    Yeah, looking at last edition, outside of kruleboyz and stormcast we got Nighthaunt, Sylvaneth, Slaves (twice), Gitz, Seraphon, Ironjawz, Cities and FeC. I just hope this edition they focus on the factions that have smaller ranges (Fyreslayers, Idoneth, KO, Khaine, Ossiarch) or the ones that need a refresh (Ogors). Another slaves release and they will have near as much waves as Stormcast.

    If we say 8-10 armies, which seems to be the average across editions, I would personally guess







    OBR (only death army that feels lacking atm)

    LRL(?) River temple at minimum kinda demands a follow-up

    DoK(?) (Krethusa feels like the herald of a new direction)

    Sylvaneth(?) (Kurnothi, this time for sure!)

    I'm just not feeling change in the air for KO and IDK right now, unfortunately. They were both basically ignored in Dawnbringers unlike every other order army in my list and there's no real REs or rumors in general swirling around them.

    • Like 1
  16. 15 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Maybe this Seraphon RE is a hint that one of the first BTs for the next edition will be Seraphon?

    Seems likely, GW likes to front load the armies that aren't getting major updates early in the edition.

    • Like 3
  17. 7 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

    God I hate how that feels true: get something "divisive" out there for people to unreasonably hyperventilate about to help drown out the very valid "my investment is suddenly trash" venting

    Went from "well I wont play GW games anymore but their models are great" to "well... maybe not even the models" pretty quick. 

    It doesn't feel that long ago that 10 figures cost somewhere between $30 and $35; $50+ for a box of ten core unit figures has crossed a threshold that has me not very interested in starting any new projects from GW. Wanted to get some more Sylvaneth for my wife, but I think I'm going to build absolutely everything else I own beforehand at this point. 

    I like miniatures, and GW has some pretty ones, but outside the things I've already got rolling any other ideas/projects I have in mind are going to get reworked to avoid using GW kits. 

    It's hard to justify >$50 for ten basic infantry when I don't even often buy full-priced videogames anymore.

    This does speak to the GW push for Spearhead sized games: if the default is "tiny sized" games suddenly everything on the way to 1,000 points is "optional." Fortunately, I'm in a position where I can budget to jump on the "box of new chaos dwarfs" bundle that'll be a comparatively great deal from LGS 


    I really really like seeing 40k get more inclusive: the tweaks to Custodes was a graceful way to handwave the "boys club" narrative

    These days just buying a foot hero is rapidly approaching $50. The newer Kill Teams over in 40K land are $70 for 10 models and the vanguard equivalent boxes are $160, and that's before the new prices kick in. I haven't completely stopped buying GW products yet but I keep getting more selective. Books have been right out for a while now, buying models that aren't in some kind of discount bundle is something I only do with extreme reluctance. Ordering directly from GW is something I don't even consider.

    • Like 2
  18. 8 minutes ago, novakai said:

    Looks to spiky to be Seraphon, probably something Chaos or destruction 

    On the contrary, that's 100% Seraphon. No one else has the gold tipped back spines like Saurus have. I'd say Temple Guard, but it's a little naked looking for that.

    • Thanks 1
  19. 4 minutes ago, novakai said:

    Kharadron have actual black library novels though where FS have none among other things 

    Most armies in AoS don't have a single Black Library Novel to their name, it's only slightly worse in that regard than 40K is. They do show up in BL novels all the time though.

    • Like 2
  20. 49 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

    Ok so i'm just referring to a comment I read so i'm not gonna die on a hill defending it, but I don't personally consider recent inclusion in Dawnbringers enough to offset the neglect fyreslayers have experienced in 2.0 and 3.0 as a whole. But hey maybe this one dude is gonna turn the whole faction/range around! I don't play fyreslayers (or really see them on the table much) so I don't really care either way.

    But I also wouldn't consider a single hero and a Warcry band to be particularly substantial updates to the range. Especially considering we now know that Warcry units have a limited lifespan. (RIP my 2 year old Horns of Hashut)

    Also of note, BOC were featured in the Thondian story line (along with a new hero) and Dawnbringers includes short stories about Kurnothi models which aren't even a thing yet outside of underworlds. So I wouldn't necessarily put my hope in narrative inclusion as a sign of a range refresh.  

    They got a VS box with IDK with a new hero earlier in the edition, then the Harbringer Hero with a new special discount box, the Warcry Band and accompanying Dawnbringer rules that's barely six months old and also a new anniversary resculpt of the Runesmiter. That's three new hero models and a warband just in 3E.  They also feature prominently in the art and photography for the new Grombrindal model that's not even out yet.

    Most importantly, Fyreslayers are not part of TOW, there is no chance another game system is going to lay claim to them and pull them away like with BoC. If Fyreslayers are in danger of being abruptly removed, so are 90% of AoS armies and nothing means anything.

    • Like 4
  21. I like the New Prosecutors a lot, the old ones were some of my least favorite models in the SC range but I'll happily take these new ones. I also really like seeing an open helmet for SC, I might not use these ones but it's really nice to have something between full death mask and completely bare head.

  22. 2 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

    I read an interesting comment recently mentioning how you can draw a lot of parallels between the treatment of Beast of Chaos and Fyreslayers in recent times. Both are neglected in terms of range updates and narrative inclusion. Kind of alarming considering BOC's ultimate fate :(

    Did you just...not read Dawnbringers??? Fyreslayers are heavily featured there, first as a Harbringer hero with RoR rules who save Hammerhall from a GG attack, and then a second time as an AoR built around the new warcry band and dedicated Dawnbringer fiction teasing developments with their faction leader after he beats the snot out of Trugg.

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