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Posts posted by DestructionFranz

  1. 52 minutes ago, Rock Lobster said:

    One can only hope, he points drops are desperately needed, but Games Workshop is rarely this drastic in helping out sub optimal factions. My expectation is 10-20 points here and there and another period of pain until the new book comes out, probably around Christmas as Ironjawz are a popular army in need of a refresh and it is a great time to make some money.

    Ironjawz are one of the best looking army, people still loving it even if at the moment is one of the less competitive. 

    I think they deserve the best from GW. 

    I'm waiting for a new golden era for Ironjawz and all Destruction armies as well. 

    Let's cross our fingers. 🙂

  2. On 5/24/2019 at 6:47 AM, Lanoss said:

    So with GHB19 around the corner

    What changes (if any) for Ironjawz do we hope to see?

    Point changes? Different artefacts or traits? Developed allegiance abilities? 

    Lets get some wishlisting happening 😁

    Some sceneries, new models and point reduction to finally use the marvelous Gordrak the Fist of Gork! 

  3. 7 hours ago, Keith said:

    Rating the Spells , my top 5.

    Just for fun here is my list of the best spells , bear in mind I have a grand total of 3 games with my Gitz , so I have no idea what I’m talking about.


    1) Hand of Gork

    Just the threat of this spell will have your enemy in knots , just in case you drop some Grots behind them etc , without this spell Gitz have no back field threats.


    2) Sneaky Distraction (spiderfang)

    That extra -1 to hit can frustrate even the nastiest enemy units. The weakness is the wholly within 12” , which your enemy can counter it if they keep an eye on things.


    3) Great Green Spite

    Great range and can nuke enemy wizards.


    4) Itchy Nuisance

    Not sure about how useful this is , but if you have some squishy squish or something you want to leave until later in the combat phase , can be handy ?


    5) Venomous Spiderlings (spiderfang)

    A horde killer , good range because you just have to get within 12” , hand of gork can help here.


    Honourable mention

    Gift of the Spider God

    Good for keeping your Big spiders alive.


    Squig Lure if Squig heavy ?


    Some of the other spiderfang spells look good if you run loads of spiders.


    Anyway , what do you think , anything I’ve missed ?

    Hand of Gork is my favourite, especially for the "psychological effects" on the opponent. 

    Than itchy Nuissance at the second place. 

  4. 15 hours ago, daviseford said:

    I developed a nifty online tool last week that might help you guys with your battles in the future. As a Seraphon player, I was always stressed that I was forgetting to do things in the right phase.

    So, I developed AoS Reminders. It has Seraphon, Gloomspite Gitz, Sylvaneth, Idoneth Deepkin, and most importantly, Ironjawz!!!!

    Check it out here -> https://daviseford.com/aos-reminders/

    Basically, you add your units, battalions, command traits, realmscape features, and artifacts, and you will get an ordered list of what abilities to use during which phase. I know how many rules you guys have to remember 

    I hope this cheat sheet helps you be more efficient (and win more battles!)

    Please give it a whirl and let me know if you enjoy it! I would LOVE some feedback and critiques! If you notice that a rule is wrong, please either tell me here or post it as an issue here


    P.S. it is print-friendly! When you hit print, all of the fancy UI elements are stripped out and you get a list like so:



    Great.Very good idea! Thanks. 

    Do it for Beastclaws Raiders please! 

  5. 14 hours ago, MKsmash said:

    I just realized that Stonehorns have the innate ability to run and charge in the same turn. This could be useful!😈

    That is their strategic point of strength! (With "Stone Skeleton," of course) 

    You can smash in the enemy line in the first battle turn. And this is great! 

    In my opinion one or two Frostlords have to be added in every  BCR or Destruction list. 

  6. On 5/17/2019 at 5:38 AM, ChaosLord said:

    Do you all think BCR might see point reductions in the new GHB? Even small point reductions would seem to be a big help with building 1000 point lists, which is currently pretty hard to do ... my preferred list comes in at 1020. :(

    In my humble opinion BCR need  point reduction  around 15/20 % .

    • Like 1
  7. I played the first match against Stormcast on Total Commitment Battleplan. (He could not deploy on Azyr)

    He put in 3 ballistas, 10 Evocators and 10 Retributors ( etc…)

    I was able to charge turn one, with my general his Evocators (6" + 17" movement) killing 7 of them, and shoot with Gitmob Archers his Sequitors.  

    It was a massacre. I won 31-2.

    Second battle was against FEC with 3 big monsters and two battlelines of 30 and 20 Ghouls.

    I opted for a defensive deployment counting on my faithful Mork's Mushroom and Gitmob Archers and try to not engage turn 1 with his scary monsters.

    I have to say that FEC at the moment are one of the strongest army but with some lucky choices and some very lucky rolls I managed to draw the match, (thanks to Hand of Gork teleport) winning by destruction points.


    Third battle was against DoK.

    He put in 70 Which Elves with Slaughter Queen on Cauldron and Morathi. I lost 31 - 16 and he destroyed 1760 of my army points.

    So final result was an honest 8th place.

    This is the final standing:

    1st Slaanesh

    2nd FEC

    3rd Stormcast

    4th DoK

    5th Grand Host of Nagash

    6th Death

    7th Sylvaneth

    8th Mixed Destruction.

    The best unit of my army, was once again the Gitmob Grots Archers, they are always undervalued from opponents till they shoot the first time.  ☺️

    Second place for the Fungoid, but you have to use him with Mork's Mighty Mushroom and the Arachnacauldron (for Hand of Gork and Itchy Nuissance). 

    Third place for the scary Frostlord on Stonehorn with ethereal amulet. He will be a huge plague for you opponents. 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  8. Finally the tournament's day came. 

    I was able to reach the 8th  position on 30, so I was quite happy about that.

    I used this list as you guys have suggested:

    Mixed Destruction:

    Frostlord on Stonehorn (Might is Right, Ethereal Amulet) 420

    Frostlord on Stonehorn 420

    Fungoid Cave Shaman 90

    Troggoth Hag 380

    Gitmob Grots Shaman 80

    60x Gitmob Grots with Bows 270

    10x Greenskinz Orruks with Shields 80

    10x  Greenskinz Orruks with Shields 80

    Mork's Mighty Mushroom 80

    Arachnacauldron 50




    • Like 2
  9. On 5/24/2019 at 8:57 AM, Rangeltoft said:

    Is its possible to include Bonesplitter Battalions in a mixed Destruction army? for instance, if I wanted to include a Teef Rukk, would that be possible or is it locked behind the whole "Bonesplitter" Keyword at the top of the battaliontext (to be only in a Bonesplitter allegiance) ?

    /Cheers Rangeltoft

    Yes you can, paying the price of battalion. 

  10. On 5/24/2019 at 10:41 AM, DestroyerBirb said:

    Hey guys!

    One if my friends is starting a budget Beastclaw Raiders, out of 3 Start collectings, and based on what I heard, you can make stonehorn OR thundertusk stuff. What would be the best combination of three beastclaw start collecting? (I would appreciate if you wouldn’t add anything else, and you can remove anything)

    Just a reminder, the anyone but heroes in the start collecting are battle lines, including the beastriders.

    Try to magnetize the head to switch whenever you like from Stonehorn to Thundertusk. 


    (I prefer by far the Stonehorns) 

  11. On 5/19/2019 at 2:55 PM, FatherOl'Frosty said:

    Hi again, Ol'Frosty here!

    Played 2 last games today (tournament form previous post)

    - 1st vs Skaven thing-thing 15-0

    Skaven list: big pack of jezails, 2 warplightning canons, 6 stormfiends, pack of stormvermins, 2 packs of clanrats, 2 small warlocks, 1 big warlock with rocket (maybe missed smth but those were a core of the army). 1st turn mine - successful charge with all i've got (chronomatic cogs + winter + amulet + command ability to charge reroll = Hello guys, i'm in your deployment! 😃 Killed from charge almost everything, 2nd turn win

    - 2nd vs Tzeench mortals 15-0

    Tzeench guys (fun roster i think): Deamon, gauntsummoner, traumaturge, small caster, chaos lord on maunt, 10 riders of chaos, 20-30 mortals, pack of 6 flamers, shrine, endless spells (pendulum, mirrors). 1st turn is mine - winter (4 times in 4 games in a row i've got needed result on the table 😃 ) So, what to say - 1st turn mine, all charged successfully - second turn wipeout. MK voice: Flawless victory.


    All in all 8th place from 30-man.

    Next time will try something new (tired from Braggoth). Lucky charges  never be always 😃

    Congratulations, very good result! 

    What was the result of the guy with Nurgle 3 Great Unclean?


  12. 5 hours ago, ryanguy88 said:

    @Jmason  Depends on what you mean by "Gloomspite spells".   If you mean the Gloomspite Gitz allegiance spells, then I believe you need a gloomspite allegiance for those (check their battletome).     If, however, you mean gloomspite endless spells -- then yes, but you would need to ally in a gloomspite wizard as all of the gloomspite endless spells have a restriction of "Only Gloomspite Gitz Wizards can attempt to cast this spell".

    Yes, you can use a Fungoid Cave Shaman and with him you can have access to all the Gloomspite Gitz Endless Spells:

    Using the Cauldron you have access at all Moonclans Gloomspite Gitz Spells. 

    Some of hem are very useful like Itchy Nuisance or Hand of Gork. 

  13. 15 hours ago, broche said:

    @DestructionFranz I think I would swap etheral amulet for thermal rider cloak in your list. I think the +4'' move and flying have more value than the ignore rend in your liste. 16'' move flying + run and charge can get you far!

    I thought about it. But I decided to use the Ethereal Amulet to give to my general the opportunity to survive till the turn 5.  He will stay all the 5 battle rounds engaged...

  14. 9 hours ago, Knight Scáthach of Fimm said:

    Might as well post my swamp themed army list. Back in 1st edition my Fimir were terrors on the table, and I haven't really used them in 2nd all that much as they couldn't deal with hoards. Gloomspite changed the game for them though. They even smashed an old Skryre army with warpfire projectors everywhere.

    The strength of the army is their resistance to both magic and shooting, as I can easily get my Fimir to -2 to hit at range and a lot of the units have mortal wound saves or with the Dankboss an immunity save. I wanted to run a pure troll army, but money. Also I know that if I dropped my Fimir, Forgeworld would immediately release the Balefiend.

    They're relatively slow, although I do have access to Hand of Gork; but I have a monopoly on armor breaking and poke resistance so I can't have everything, after all this is just a standard non-competitive list. Stormcast cry when my Fimir drop.

    Multiple attacks on a Dankboss fist is hilarious, but in terms of efficiency, Ghyrstrike is better without access to command abilities, and my Noble has to be the general to access Fimir as Battleline.

    Another strength is the fact I won't really need to bother with Battleshock outside of modifiers, as I can easily have Bravery 10 trolls, and Fimir are 7at base. The grots are there to die anyway.

    The real fat in the list is the Merwyrm as apart from being deceptively tanky, it's pretty bad on the damage front; however this is a themed list that'll be taken to play at the local store/ friends etc. I'd play my Freeguild if it was somewhat competitive.


    Swamp Army






    -Dankhold Troggboss: 300


    Blade of Hammerhal-Ghyra +1 attack on fist or Ghyrstrike +1 +1


    -Fimirach Noble: 140 General


    Bellowing Tyrant


    -Madcap Shaman: 80






    -20 Stabbas: 130


    -6 Fimir: 280


    -6 Fimir: 280






    -3 Rockgut Troggoths: 160


    -6 Fellwater Troggoths: 320


    -Merwyrm: 260




    Endless Spells:


    -Scrapskuttle’s Arachnacauldron: 50






    -2000 points


    It sounds very cool to play...  🙂

    Do you think that the Freeguild is stronger than a mixed Destruction list? 

  15. 9 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

    Yeah I like the look of that.  I think the other option would be to use the Mushroom + CP to switch a Frostlord for a Magma Dragon, but that's really personal choice I think.

    Looks like a good army to me.



    Ok, thank you for the suggestions. 

    I put in the two Frostlords and the Mushrooom (hoping to be able to cast it, just to see terror in the eyes of my opponent 😋)

    My goal is to reach the top 10 (at the moment is an ambitious result, but I need to avoid FEC and DoK to do that.  😂

    • Like 2
  16. 1 hour ago, heywoah_twitch said:

    Does everyone play dispossessed and STD? how does a meta think that the like 5th worst army in the game is OP lol

    A friend, on my group, plays Dispossessed. They are not so bad. I lost once against him. I put in too many Thundertusks and he easy killed them with his ability to appear wherever on the battlefield with one unit. The Thunderers shoot very well. 

    My balance against him is 4/5 victories. 

  17. Hey guys! 

    I'm looking for some ideas to personalize the base of our marvelous Fungoid Cave Shaman. 

    This model is so beautiful and charismatic that deserves a proper base. 

    Did anyone of you make a personalized base for him and would like to show me? 

  18. 8 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

    Wow, that's punchy!

    When I look at your list, I see a few gaps:

    1) Flying.  It will be hard for you to get past screens and large terrain pieces.

    2) Durable Wizards / Heroes.  Required for capturing on those missions.

    3) Activation Wars.  Ways to actually take part in the game where your opponent has AFF (the Gitmob Archers will help there).

    A Fungoid Shammy + Arachnacauldron could help with a couple of those things via Itchy Nuisance? 

    They could also help with point 1) via Hand of Gork if you had something with the Gloomspite keyword that was worth teleporting.

    Would you consider dropping the third Stonehorn for maybe a Troggoth Hag?  She is solid on the Wizard and Hero missions, and can be Hand of Gorked right into range for her Warscroll spell and vomit (if you make the charge that's a bonus).  It's really crippling that she only has a single cast though, you will need a Fungoid to fling her forward unless you do it across 2 turns.

    The other option could be to bump him up to a Magma Dragon (go on, give him another chance!) and throw in a Fungoid + Arachnacauldron?

    Thanks for the suggestions. 

    I was thinking about putting in a Fungoid Cave Shaman with Mork's Mighty Mushroom to fill the gap that I've against hordes. 

    The Arachnacauldron is a good  strategic option especially for Hand of Gork and Itchy Nuisance. But, like you said, you have to have something to teleport, and the Troggoth Hag seems good to go behind enemy's line to try to kill an hero or a wizard. (Not so good to claim objectives because obviously her value is one.) 

    So maybe my list could be:

    Frostlord on Stonehorn X2

    Troggoth Hag

    Fungoid Cave Shaman

    Grot Shaman

    Gitmob Grots x60

    Orruks x10

    Orruks x10 

    Mork's Mighty Mushroom


    Total: 1950 + 1 Command Point. 

    In this case I can deploy far away from my enemy and let him start the battle hoping he comes close to me to be shooted with my archers and charged with the Stonehorns. 

    What do you think? 



  19. Hi guys,

    I'm preparing a 2000 points list for a tournament at the end of May. 

    I need some suggestions and opinions. 

    This is what I would put in:

    Frostlord on Stonehorn (Might is Right+ Ethereal Amulet) 420

    Frostlord on Stonehorn 420

    Frostlord on Stonehorn 420

    Grot Shaman 80

    60 X Gitmob Grots with Bows 270

    10 X Orruks with Shields 80

    10x Orruks with Shields 80

    At the moment I'm at 1770 Points. 

    What would you put in to reach 2000 points? 

    Would you change something on the models that I chose? ( I have almost every models of Destruction apart from Bonesplittzers)

    • Like 1
  20. 2 hours ago, Overread said:

    From reading what you did I think you indeed played too offensively and gambled the dragon away. You moved it behind enemy lines right at the start of the game when a player hadn't moved and had most of their army within easy striking distance of the model. Putting a big chunk of your army in points and power right into the maw of the beast like that is just too tempting for an opponent and most will pile on and kill it. Esp as its only their first turn in the game so they are not as worried about having to rush forward to capture objectives or secure locations; they are free to "waste" that turn going nowhere to take out a big cornerstone of your army.

    You did get his general so that was a major win for you, but in the gamble he got your dragon too. It wasn't so much offensive issues as it was loan offensive. If you'd had other units to move in along with it at the same time to offer a screen, multiple targets and locking other units in combat etc.... then I think it would have been fine. However you left the dragon all out on its own, a juicy choice target that would have likely killed off most characters and models if left in the same position. Only a few - like Morathi with here limit on damage taken per turn - might have survived such a wildcard move. 

    Actually you're right, I didn't play well that turn, because I was too enthusiast to try his power. 🙂  However I think that at the moment with ranged weapons and magic is to easy to kill for his value.

    So I will let the Magma on bench for my next tournament on May putting on my list one more Frostlord on Stonerhon and a Mork's Mighty Mushroom (and still having 40 points to invest).


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