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That Guy

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Posts posted by That Guy

  1. 5 hours ago, Nagashfan said:

    So faq makes it seem like nagash can use the same command ability multiple times in a phase…. Can all our dudes do this? I’m confused now

    In OBR Nagash can issue only his own CA. He can issue it multiple times per phase, the faq says so. No not all our dudes can do this. If you read “Using Relentless Discipline points” in the faq, it specifically says that CA’s on warscrolls can be issued multiple times, but only by a different model that hasn’t issued an order yet that phase and it can’t be received by the same unit. 

    4 hours ago, Nagashfan said:

    For nagash and the plus one to ward save would that give mortek with the reinforce battle shields spell a 4 up against mortals and a 5 up vs normal wounds?

    Yes twice. As per Core Rules 14.3 Wards. If an ability allows you to negate a wound(So this could be a Mortal wound, a normal wound or both) it is considered a ward. Since reinforce battleshields gives you technically a mortal wound ward of 5+, now that goes to 4+ and indeed normally you have a 6+ ward vs normal wounds, now going up to a 5+.


  2. 48 minutes ago, Rors said:

    How does the rules interactions work with bringing back models for this?

    You drop down from 6 and now you can attack with 5 but you also change your coherency to do so. When you out models back and go up to 6, you can't move any of them. Doesn't that mean after bringing them back to 6 you'd be forced to remove one again because they're not meeting the coherency rules for a unit of 6?

    Removing models by not being coherent happens at the end of a turn. You need to be sure to be coherent at the end of a turn. The moment your first guy dies. You drop down to the more lenient coherency rules of having a unit beween 2-5 models. Meaning your unit is coherent when the models are 1" horizontally distant from 1 model in the unit and 6" vertically(height). Being at 6 and above means that your models must now be at 1" horizontally distance from 2 models and 6" vertically. Bringing back models happens at the start of a turn in the hero phase. Which means you might heal back up to 6 models. As long as you end your move for that turn within the 6 model coherency, you will be fine. If not every single model that is not coherent will be removed from play. Although it's likely going to be just 1 if you mess up. The moment 1 drops, you go back to 2-5 model coherency, which you'll likely get.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 3 hours ago, dmorley21 said:

    As for your list, I like it but don't really think a unit of 10 Grimghasts brings anything to the table. They need to be reinforced to be worth taking. Another unit of Hexwraiths would probably work better. 

    In that case I probably would rather deploy the list you've used. The extra Chainrasps feel a bit out of place on their own. They can sit on an objective, but their purpose would be minimal. In that case i rather drop the chainrasps and get the portals + head, for the Nagash utility, which would be your list. I do have to say, your list is probably close to optimal. Hexwraiths under Emerald host do pack quite a punch especially on the charge and having more bodyguard potential for our most important units is definitely nice. I'm trying to expand with variety, so that we can test the impact Nagash's new warscroll has. As you mentioned earlier. You can go the MSU route and try to maximize on the invocation, or you can have a big anvil. In your list I guess you do a bit of both. Maximizing on bodyguard potential with MSU hexwraiths, while focussing the harridans to be an anvil I guess. Nagashfan is trying to go the Anvil approach with the Spirit hosts. Earlier ArcaneLore76 posted a list with Spirit Hosts trying the MSU approach, with a maximize on healing using the emerald lifeswarm(fitting spellname) as well. What i'm trying to do is the MSU approach and maximimize on body count, while also benefitting from bodyguard rules. I added the Grimghasts because their output lies somewhere inbetween Chainrasps and Hexwraiths. The Chainrasps can put up a screen, while grimghasts can potentially hit over them with 2" range weapons. Together with the Cruciator and the revive potential of the army. I would expect that group to be great around objectives. Although i've also been thinking of dropping the Grimghasts, go with another unit of Chainrasps or reinforcing the existing chainrasp group and add an Emerald Lifeswarm as well. (1 being the MSU route, the other being the Anvil route of course) Just to have those 20 model count around objectives. 

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Nagashfan said:

    I doubled up to try and take advantage of nagash’s new + to ward save and make them a very hard unit to remove… either way works for different reasons I think 

    Ah! Good reason. That will make them very pesky to remove indeed.

  5. On 12/24/2021 at 4:45 AM, dmorley21 said:

    It’s just occurring to me that Nagash isn’t an ally. I think this means we can still take allies

    Hmmmmm. You know at first i liked it. Sure you can use Mannfred as a hammer unit, but so much of his kit in terms of abilities affect SBG units that i feel his points are wasted. He can’t be general either, because that only works in SBG and he can only access universal lore. 

    On 12/24/2021 at 5:22 AM, Nagashfan said:

    thoughts on my list?

    I think it’s solid in terms of being able to survive. Any reason why you went for a reinforced Spirit Host unit? By splitting them up you now: 

    1. Don’t have to deal with worsened unit coherency.

    2. You actually benefit twice from Nagash’s Invocation and Olynders CA, because now you have 2 units instead of 1. 

    3. More spread of units since these lists are very restricted. Being able to spread some forces can be useful.

    I would love to get some feedback on my attempt of a list as well. In my attempt of a list with Nagash i try to get several tools on the board. Hard hitters, some anti chaff and i try to be as survivable as possible, trying to maximize on Nagash’s Invocation over 5 units, while bodyguarding both Nagash and Olynder with hexwraiths. Chainrasps can screen the Reapers allowing them to hit over them. My approach tries to have some more bodies on the field that revive and can contest objectives. The one thing i don’t like about it is that there’s no room for an endless spell, which can matter a lot. I also have my eyes on a Soul Guardian with Immortality Glass, because these lists can truelly strife for greatness with control utility heroes like those. Although i think the Cruciator would have to be dropped in that situation… so i don’t know what’s possible with that critter. Anyways:


    Army Faction: Nighthaunt
        - Army Subfaction: Emerald Host
        - Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery
        - Triumps: Inspired


    Nagash (955)*

    Lady Olynder (215)*
        - General
        - Spells: Shademist

    Krulghast Cruciator (120)*
        - Artefacts: Midnight Tome
        - Spells: Reaping Scythe


    Hexwraiths (150)*

    Hexwraiths (150)*

    Chainrasp Horde (95)*

    Grimghast Reapers (155)*


    Dreadscythe Harridans (160)*


    *Battle Regiment

    TOTAL POINTS: (2000/2000)

    Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App

    Also… when do they decide to give Olynder the Warmaster ability… she’s a Mortarch of all things. That would allow us to general our third hero, get to bodyguard that and gain a warlord trait.

  6. 42 minutes ago, Sception said:

    I dont see any interpretation of the ability as written that lets you invoke a fourth mortek but not a second deathrider (or first morghast, or what have you).

    Either the max wound characteristic still applies (supreme lord lets you raise an extra model, but doesn't say anything about wound characteristic limits), in which case supreme lord doesn't interact with invocation of nagash at all, or the wound characteristic limit doesn't apply, in which case yes you restore one additional model, whether the starting amount of models restored was three morteks, one deathrider, or zero morghasts.

    Given how much easier nagash is to take down now, the obvious counter play is the same as for the harvester - just kill the big guy first.

    It is true what you say about the interpretation. Indeed currently the 2 abilities being separate and the way it's written would mean the adding of a 4th Mortek would also mean that you could add a Deathrider. It has to be FAQ'd, but if you think about this clearly it becomes beyond ridiculous if you add in a second unit that can heal in any sort of way. According to your logic, if I would play an Arkhan as well, now I may revive 4 Deathriders per unit. Your opponent will have to fully annihilate even a min squad of Deathriders or they will fully restore to full. Now that would be 3 units max, but it's still ridiculous. If that's how it works my List is:
    Nagash                                       or              Nagash
    Arkhan/ 2x Morghastx2                               2x Deathriders x 10
    3x Deathriders x 5                                       1x Deathriders x5
    Pendulum                                                    Pendulum 

    I just realized... that the Death Magic Incarnate is part of the the Combat Phase... Which means in PE you can't even Bludgeon with your units if you want them to benefit from a 5+ ward. I guess you can plan in your attacks in fight order. Bludgeon your first unit, Death Magic your second, if you expect big blows. etc.

  7. So first of all. IoC claims it can heal 5 different Summonable or Ossiarch Bonereaper units for 3 or revive an amount of models equal to 3 wounds. He can in fact still heal Arkhan, since Arkhan just gained the Ossiarch Bonereaper keyword. Since Nagash lost the option to get the Bonereapers keyword, he indeed won't be able to self heal. In fact he can't be healed by any of the characters abilities, nor is there heroic recovery available. The only way perhaps he might heal is by using his Soulstealer spell, Soulstealer Carrion Endless spell or Life Swarm Endless spell(so there are still ways). He lost his re-rolls 1 to save and to hit CA. He can't benefit from the -1 rend battle trait from PE. In fact he can't gain a Sub-Faction keyword at all, excluding him of all the sub-faction exclusive CA's or benefitting from them. The benefit he has in an OBR army though, is that he's allowed to spam Death Magic Incarnate CA allowing him to give 5+ wards to all our units and cast protection of Nagash on himself. 


    Back to the Invocation and Supreme Lord situation.
    I understand this one is open for cheese, since the Supreme Lord ability doesn't specify a max wound characteristic, but just plainly states you can revive an extra guy on top of your normal revive. But let's all be fair there's no way it's intended that you get to heal 2 times a 3 wound horse with Nagash. He just let's us add 1 extra 1 wound guy to our revives. At least that would be the most reasonable. A 3 wound heal or revive 4 times a 1 wound model, or 1 time a 3 wound model. Think about it. If you would place Arkhan or Katakros with him, your opponent would have to kill an entire unit of 5 Deathriders instantly or it revives back up to full. That's just ridiculous, no way that's intended. 

  8. 4 hours ago, AaronWilson said:

    One harvester is nice for a easy monstrous takeover, a roar to stop a key order and is quite killy. One of each would work, means you can endless duty your one crawler every turn as well. 

    Indeed, i might just run a list like that at first. I’ve had a list with Arkhan, Gothizzar and another wizard that can turn themselves in a Monster for an extra VP. I did get inspired by your list and decided to give a go at it. This is what i came up with:


    Army Faction: Ossiarch Bonereapers
        - Army Subfaction: Mortis Praetorians
        - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
        - Triumps: Bloodthirsty


    Katakros (470)*

    Liege-Kavalos (185)*
        - General
        - Command Traits: Katakros’ Chosen
        - Artefacts: Artificer’s Blade

    Mortisan Soulmason (140)*
        - Artefacts: Gothizzar Cartouche
        - Spells: Empower Nadirite Weapons


    1 x Mortek Guard (280)**
        - Nadirite Blade and Shield

    Mortek Guard (140)**
        - Nadirite Blade and Shield

    Mortek Guard (140)**
        - Nadirite Blade and Shield


    Mortek Crawler (215)***

    Mortek Crawler (215)***


    Bone-tithe Nexus (0)


    Morghast Harbingers (185)*



    Hunters of the Heartlands**

    Alpha-Beast Pack***

    TOTAL POINTS: (1970/2000)

    Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App

    In this list going first might actually be a nice idea. With Mortis Praetorians CA and Katakros’ Supreme Lord CA, this list is great at surviving a blow and perhaps even surviving a double turn. The idea here is to have the soulmason hug the block of 20 mortek to let them enjoy +1 to wound, while having the option to buff the crawlers. You can Soul Guide both crawlers and empower nadirite weapons, or Soul Guide 1 crawler and empower + mystic the mortek to prepare for an incoming charge. Both the Liege and Katakros can Endless Duty allowing you to buff both crawlers(per FAQ bonereapers are allowed to do the same CA as long as they are issued by different heroes and affect different units). The Harbingers are there for being a reliable charging hammer unit. 

  9. Love how motivated the OBR group is to make the faction work. I'm really looking forwards to a new Battletome or white dwarf update. I got hyped so I went all in. Ordered a Nagash, Katakros and I got my hands on an older Skeleton Horde start collecting which contains a mortarch, 10 old skeletons and 5 black skeleton riders/hexwraiths. Dunno what i'm going to do with those skeleton guys, but it was like 10 bucks more for the box compared to getting the mortarch seperately. I finished up Horrek's Dreadlance Box and i'm now Building my battleforce box(decided to go stalkers instead of Immortis Guard) together with a box of Morghasts(Will be Harbingers). I also ordered a Soulmason since I love that little guy as well. The Bone-Tithe Nexus and Spells keep eluding me(it keeps getting sold out constantly, but i'll get them eventually). @AaronWilson I do wonder, how do you feel 2 Crawlers work compared to having 1 crawler and a harvester? Obviously I got 1 of both in my battleforce box, but I do wonder if it's worth to get a second crawler. 

  10. On 12/8/2021 at 9:57 AM, AaronWilson said:

    I've got a game lined up for Saturday, running Katakros for the first time with a old school double crawler build. Excited to roll some dice. 


    I like your list. It’s a nice defensive setup. 1 thing though. Katakros has the Warmaster ability. This opens you up to pick a second general and get the Mortis Praetorians Trait for them.

  11. Currently i mostly see Nagash lists do well. He is a cool dude and i probably will eventually get him and mess around, but i would love to just run more of an army. I think in 2022 we might see a revival of some shooty heavy lists. There’s been whispers of a bow mortek kit coming out, which will have nadirite bows. combined with crawlers and our survivability, this might become nasty. Right now i think we are heavily dependent on our mortarchs and abusing units that can sort of deal with 3rd edition command abilities and massive save stacking. Stalkers with their re-rolls and precision stance. Harbingers with halberds that can charge 3d6. Who knows what the command ability on a bow mortek unit would be. While we don’t have redeploy. 1 of our strengths is having 1 of the most durable screen units. I think this defines the playstyle for the upcoming year.

  12. 13 hours ago, Montmorencey66 said:

    I believe the most popular pick would be the Immortis due to people using math to find out which one is most effective ( I prefer the way Stalkers look), and the current meta really relies heavily on having at least some rend so spears are not the way to go especially since you can't get the big 40 guard blobs anymore due to reinforcements. 

    I have heard that Nagash lists have been quite strong lately but that is most likely due to the current god dominance meta. If you want a strong caster you can always get arkhan he has a good points value.

    Great! I’ll put swords on everything for the rend. I think i’ll go with Stalkers first though. I actually prefer the look of the Immortis as Feudal bodyguard, but the look of stalkers is really great too. I plan to magnetize their head so that their heads can rotate. I really like the defined job of glasscannon constructs in lower points lists for them and in lists with minor heroes only. I honestly start valuing Immortis more once you factor in Katakros, Arkhan and maybe even Nagash for than their bodyguard ability is used on a truelly powerful center pillar of your army. I am surprised mathematically the Immortis come out on top. Is it because of their better save and mortal output? The stalkers seem to be terrifying when it comes to the precision aspect, having the re-rolls on run and charge makes them adaptable and if you would use Stalliarch lords they can re-roll on both. Plus their command ability is a hero phase one, which is huge. 

    I guess after assembling these boxes i will branch out to Arkhan, get myself an extra box of mortek, because most lists seem to run 40 total. I’ll also get myself a Soulmason which is a great minor hero platform for spells. Than eventually i’ll get myself a box of Immortis, Katakros, so that i have that flexibility between mortarchs, or combine them. Easy to play around with different legions(praetorians and petrifex at first) that way. After that I have a decent sized army already i would say and can start thinking of adding 1-2 boxes of Morghast Harbingers and  perhaps a Nagash who will already have an army waiting for him in that case… i’ve seen a few games on Nagash now within bonereapers and i do see the potential with the teleporting through damaging your nagash while having the protection of nagash and just nuke a unit up close with D3 mortal arcane bolts. I just personally like to have an army here first. (The super elite itch is already scratched for me with my Behemat and Beastclaw armies at the moment).

  13. Isn't there something to be said about Morghast Harbingers with Halberds as well? I reckon the faction is suffering under not being able to use the universal command abilities. Harbingers come with Fly, meaning they can skip some screens. They also can charge 3d6, meaning you can charge just outside of 9", which means your opponent can't redeploy. I would prefer the Halberds on them, because of the increased rend. With all the save stacking that armies can do, you can bring these to a -3 rend and get some hard hitting hits in. To top it off, they also have 6 wounds, which means that they count as 2 models around objectives. 

    There's a bunch of tricks in the OBR sandbox that now make certain units shine and it's facinating to see that when you just dive deeper in (because frankly you have to without having access to the universal command abilities) how much you can still adept with an army as condensed as this one. I've seen the Nagash lists and a lot of the teleporting tricks that he can come with, stalkers being valuable for the Hero phase command ability, Katakros with Arkhan super heals, crawler comps. Even the endless spells have some great shenanigans to them. I start to love the faction more and more, the more I delve into the strategy behind it, but I also see where it struggles and I hope with a tome update in 2022 perhaps they will keep their fundamental uniqueness, but gain some more adaptability to strike at the level that most 3rd edition armies do now. Although by any means correct me if i'm wrong on anythign or please share your knowledge about the faction with me, I am new to the faction. 

    Sorry for the double post!

    • Like 1
  14. 7 hours ago, PrussianWarfare said:

    Howdy, a few weeks back I also picked up the Horrek's Dreadlance box! My post and questions I asked should be on this last page since you have some similar questions to me. 

    Stalkers have a better defined role in the army and more potential synergy than the Guard, IMO. With the former's ability to change stances towards one that gives +1 rend, +1 damage on all attacks, Stalkers are a premiere melee damage dealer for the army, on average doing 10.41 damage on a 4+ save. Their command ability let's them reroll run and charge rolls, so if you run them in Stalliarch Lords (gives you run and charge), these guys can mulch in combat. Guard on the other hand have a command ability that buffs the damage output of their shields and are a 12 wound meat shield for your foot Mortisans at 190 points. 

    On the point of the Mortarchs, Arkhan the Black IMO is pretty viable if you don't want to take Nagash. He's a hero monster with a good move, bonuses to cast, triple cast wizard, access to all spells in the OBR lore. He can be shot down by a volley of Lumineth Sentinels but honestly all non-god characters get shot down right now. 

    I see, thank you for the feedback! I also read the previous pages and the opinions on things are pretty clear.
    I made a few lists myself and I find myself shift out the Stalkers for the Immortis, the moment I add a Mortarch to the list. It just feels right to have them protect someone like Arkhan, or even better Katakros. With Katakros they first have to get through Katakros his defense and afterwards 5/6th of the wounds gets passed to the Immortis Guard, which I think makes Katakros terrifying to deal with. What is the general opinion about including Falchions and Soulreaper Greatblades to Stalkers / Immortis? I don't see it being mentioned a lot. Are they just the worse options?

    Few Lists I made: 
    Added a few additional units that I will buy as well

    1K Beginning Test list:


    ++ **Pitched Battle GHB 2021** 1,000 (Death - Ossiarch Bonereapers) [990pts] ++

    + Core Battalion +

    Core Battalion: Battle Regiment

    Core Battalion: Hunters of the Heartlands

    + Leader +

    Mortisan Boneshaper [135pts]: Empower Nadirite Weapons, Battle Regiment - 1 Commander, General, Godbone Armour, Mighty Archaeossian

    Mortisan Soulmason [140pts]: Mortal Contract, Battle Regiment - 0-2 Sub-Commander

    + Battleline +

    Kavalos Deathriders [190pts]:
    5 Kavalos Deathriders, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops, Nadirite Blade and Shield

    Mortek Guard [140pts]:
    10 Mortek Guard, Hunters of the Heartlands - 2-3 Troops, Nadirite Blade and Shield

    Mortek Guard [140pts]:
    10 Mortek Guard, Hunters of the Heartlands - 2-3 Troops, Nadirite Blade and Shield

    + Other +

    Necropolis Stalkers [180pts]:
    3 Necropolis Stalkers, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops

    + Scenery +

    Bone-Tithe Nexus

    + Allegiance +

    Allegiance: The Ossiarch Empire:
    Legion: Petrifex Elite

    + Game Options +

    Game Type: 1000 Points - Vanguard

    Grand Strategy:
    Hold the Line

    + Malign Sorcery +

    Endless Spell: Horrorghast [65pts]

    ++ Total: [990pts] ++

    2K Horrek + Battleforce List:


    ++ **Pitched Battle GHB 2021** 2,000 (Death - Ossiarch Bonereapers) [1,985pts] ++

    + Core Battalion +

    Core Battalion: Battle Regiment

    Core Battalion: Command Entourage: Extra Enhancement: Artefacts of Power, Magnificent

    Core Battalion: Hunters of the Heartlands

    + Leader +

    Liege-Kavalos [185pts]:
    Battle Regiment - 1 Commander, General, Godbone Armour, Mighty Archaeossian

    Mortisan Boneshaper [135pts]: Drain Vitality, Command Entourage - 1 Commander

    Mortisan Soulmason [140pts]: Gothizzar Cartouche, Empower Nadirite Weapons, Command Entourage - 2-3 Sub-Commanders

    Mortisan Soulreaper [115pts]: Mortal Contract, Command Entourage - 2-3 Sub-Commanders

    + Behemoth +

    Gothizzar Harvester [215pts]: Soulcrusher Bludgeons

    + Battleline +

    Kavalos Deathriders [190pts]:
    5 Kavalos Deathriders, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops, Nadirite Blade and Shield

    Kavalos Deathriders [190pts]:
    5 Kavalos Deathriders, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops, Nadirite Blade and Shield

    Mortek Guard [140pts]:
    10 Mortek Guard, Hunters of the Heartlands - 2-3 Troops, Nadirite Blade and Shield

    Mortek Guard [280pts]:
    20 Mortek Guard, Hunters of the Heartlands - 2-3 Troops, Nadirite Blade and Shield, Reinforced

    + Other +

    Necropolis Stalkers [180pts]:
    3 Necropolis Stalkers, Hunters of the Heartlands - 2-3 Troops

    + Artillery +

    Mortek Crawler [215pts]: Battle Regiment - 0-1 Monster or Artillery

    + Scenery +

    Bone-Tithe Nexus

    + Allegiance +

    Allegiance: The Ossiarch Empire:
    Legion: Petrifex Elite

    + Game Options +

    Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost

    Grand Strategy: Hold the Line

    ++ Total: [1,985pts] ++

    2K Arkhan List:


    ++ **Pitched Battle GHB 2021** 2,000 (Death - Ossiarch Bonereapers) [1,995pts] ++

    + Core Battalion +

    Core Battalion: Battle Regiment

    Core Battalion: Command Entourage: Extra Enhancement: Artefacts of Power, Magnificent

    Core Battalion: Hunters of the Heartlands

    + Leader +

    Arkhan the Black, Mortarch of Sacrament [360pts]: Arcane Command, Empower Nadirite Weapons, Protection of Nagash, Reinforce Battle-shields, Drain Vitality,  Mortal Contract, Battle Regiment - 1 Commander

    Liege-Kavalos [185pts]: Command Entourage - 1 Commander, General, Godbone Armour, Mighty Archaeossian

    Mortisan Boneshaper [135pts]: Drain Vitality, Command Entourage - 2-3 Sub-Commanders

    Mortisan Soulmason [140pts]: Gothizzar Cartouche, 2. Empower Nadirite Weapons, Command Entourage - 2-3 Sub-Commanders

    + Behemoth +

    Gothizzar Harvester [215pts]: Battle Regiment - 0-1 Monster or Artillery, Soulcrusher Bludgeons

    + Battleline +

    Kavalos Deathriders [190pts]:
    5 Kavalos Deathriders, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops, Nadirite Blade and Shield

    Mortek Guard [280pts]: 
    20 Mortek Guard, Hunters of the Heartlands - 2-3 Troops, Nadirite Blade and Shield, Reinforced

    Mortek Guard [140pts]:
    10 Mortek Guard, Hunters of the Heartlands - 2-3 Troops, Nadirite Blade and Shield

    Mortek Guard [140pts]:
    10 Mortek Guard, Hunters of the Heartlands - 2-3 Troops, Nadirite Blade and Shield

    + Other +

    Immortis Guard [190pts]:
    3 Immortis Guard, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops

    + Scenery +

    Bone-Tithe Nexus

    + Allegiance +

    Allegiance: The Ossiarch Empire:
    Legion: Petrifex Elite

    + Game Options +

    Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost

    Grand Strategy: Hold the Line

    + Malign Sorcery +

    Endless Spell: The Burning Head [20pts]

    ++ Total: [1,995pts] ++

    2K Arkhan + Katakros list. This one in particular has a crazy amount of healing. The Mortarchs together can heal over 21 wounds per turn an together with the Gothizzar You'll lose even less(perhaps a Crawler instead of the Gothizzar is better in place this time around? I do find the Praetorians Legion the better choice here because of including Katakros:


    ++ **Pitched Battle GHB 2021** 2,000 (Death - Ossiarch Bonereapers) [2,000pts] ++

    + Core Battalion +

    Core Battalion: Battle Regiment

    Core Battalion: Hunters of the Heartlands

    + Leader +

    Arkhan the Black, Mortarch of Sacrament [360pts]: Arcane Command, Empower Nadirite Weapons, Protection of Nagash, Reinforce Battle-shields, Drain Vitality, Mortal Contract, Battle Regiment - 1 Commander

    Katakros, Mortarch of the Necropolis [470pts]

    Mortisan Soulmason [140pts]: Empower Nadirite Weapons, Battle Regiment - 0-2 Sub-Commander, Artificer's Blade, General, Katakros' Chosen

    + Behemoth +

    Gothizzar Harvester [215pts]: Battle Regiment - 0-1 Monster or Artillery, Soulcrusher Bludgeons

    + Battleline +

    Mortek Guard [280pts]:
    20 Mortek Guard, Hunters of the Heartlands - 2-3 Troops, Nadirite Blade and Shield, Reinforced

    Mortek Guard [140pts]:
    10 Mortek Guard, Hunters of the Heartlands - 2-3 Troops, Nadirite Blade and Shield

    Mortek Guard [140pts]:
    10 Mortek Guard, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops, Nadirite Blade and Shield

    + Other +

    Immortis Guard [190pts]:
    3 Immortis Guard, Battle Regiment - 2-5 Troops

    + Scenery +

    Bone-Tithe Nexus

    + Allegiance +

    Allegiance: The Ossiarch Empire:
    Legion: Mortis Praetorians

    + Game Options +

    Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost

    Grand Strategy: Hold the Line

    + Malign Sorcery +

    Endless Spell: Nightmare Predator [65pts]

    ++ Total: [2,000pts] ++


  15. Good day to you dear bone people!

    I just stepped into the OBR with Horrek’s Dreadlance as my first box and I am planning to buy the battleforce box. Now i’m looking for some advice on the faction. Should i make the Immortis guard or Stalkers? When it comes to loadouts friends told me to always go for blades. On the big abbomination monster the bludgeons for mortal output. I do love the look of the 2 mortarchs and out of the legions, i really like the Petrifex, Praetorians or Ivory host, although the ivory host has some strange negatives to it. For a bigger army would you advice any of the mortarchs? I know Nagash is popular, but i think i like the idea of a bigger army a bit more. Looking forward to all your suggestions! Thank you.

  16. And yet another kick in the gut. For defense there can be something said. In our Legion we get the 6+ FNP and now a 5+ save with it. We lose the re-roll bravery against enemies though. We have to pick Petty Vengeance OR Split and Split Again, at army selection. So this takes away some strategical choice midgame. Split and Split again... against armies that have a lot of slain model trigger abilities, it's good, because it only triggers when brims are being slain. But for us... think about Rally. You can now only bring back brimstone horrors. They literally took away 2 of our abilities, intrinsic 6+FNP and +1 to hit when the horrors unit is 20 models or more. The worst of all is of course the banner. In a legion of the first prince army, your banners are now void, they are a carcass. Think about this. You were able to return D6 pinks(brims with the current ruling of Split and Split Again ability) on the battleshock roll of a 1. Now we get a whopping nothing, because we aren't disciples of tzeentch and don't use fate points. The Iridescent gets a 3 extra magical flame attacks and 1 extra Taloned Hands attack. That's nice I guess. Oh and we can't be a wizard anymore and don't have a spell as a result. Petty Vengeance is now better at least. on 3+ and 4+ on pinks, rather than 5+, if you pick it (during army composition) over being able to Split and Split again. Ha... 



  17. 9 hours ago, papary said:

    honestly, not sure why they dont just update the perfectly fine, working app they have for aos now.

    Sure, I agree the current app for AoS is great, but they want to bring it in line with the 40K app. In fact they want to copy pasta it’s system. This is a lot easier to do when you copy pasta the system in a new app compared to an older existing system. They want everything of their ecosystem to be connected to your MyWarhammer account. Webstore, Forgeworld, Black Library, 40K app and the new AoS app. You have a library which is part of your MyWarhammer acc. When you unlock something on your account, it will be able to be recognized by all connected sources. Most likely they will bring the “here’s a code in the back of your battletome for a free digital unlock” to the new app, which will probably unlock all the rules besides warscrolls on the new AoS app. Because of all these reasons, is why.

  18. On 8/10/2021 at 7:49 PM, Russ said:
    On 8/10/2021 at 7:49 PM, Russ said:

    As I understand it:

    1) opponent rolls to hit

    2) opponent rolls to wound

    3) roll Be’lakor’s save (4+)

    4) generate Damage

    5) roll to allocate wounds to other unit

    6) roll Ward saves for each affected unit (Be’lakor and chosen unit)

    7) allocate wounds 

    Yup, just like this.

  19. 19 hours ago, ADDriot said:

    Hi all

    I'm really keen to try Sons and run 4 megas. Just wondering how much scope there is in the kit there is to customise. The test list I wrote has 2 Kraken-Eaters. Are there ways of making them look different using just the contents of the mega gargant box?

    So here is how it is. Each Mega has their own neck + head available as bitz that you can build. Each Mega also has their own hands + weapon. So you will always have these for all 3 Mega. Now when it comes to the rest of the body, it wants you to pick a pose out of 3 choices. There’s the body and than that gets put on a certain combination of legs. It is intended that you pick a specific pose for a specific Mega, but you really don’t have to. You see. The neck part of all 3 Mega, slot in snuggly and you don’t even have to magnetize those, you can freely swap around. The hands of all giants fit in all arms and you only have to magnetize the hands. That’s your customizibility. Let me just drop this here: 


    Now… when it comes to building your Mega’s… technically you could make all 3 out of 1 kit… but you gotta kitbash/ print some, including using 3rd party models, like the Mantic Giant. For this just google “Kitbash Mega-Gargant”. If you do this, you can make 1 original one and 2 kitbashed ones. Know though that if you play at Games Workshops, that’s of course not accepted, but for private games at home with friends or for your personal cabinet, it could work. 

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  20. 2 hours ago, peasant said:

    Just come to leave this here


    It is honestly our bane. It’s incredibly strong. We also know from the post: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/08/13/mob-em-skewer-em-or-zap-em-three-ways-to-waaagh-in-the-new-orruk-warclans-battletome/ 

    Under “Brave Shootaz” that Beast-Skewer Killbows have a range of 24” with 27” under the Big Yellers clan. They have a to hit of 2+ if they don’t move. We don’t know of their to wound and rend, but I asume it won’t be bad either. This unit is a prime counter to Sons and needs to be focussed. I tested out vs a Mega-Gargant, the amount of rolls never gave me less than a total of 9 damage and often I maxed out at 12 damage. If this thing hits home, it hits us HARD. Even 10W monsters, it hits like a truck. Debuffing or focusing might be needed, or in this case running a stomper tribe with 9 Mancrushers might be the best way to handle this type of specialization. More targets will make it rougher to focus key areas down for them, and in the stomper tribe you can move forward, try to get in that 18” range and chuck rocks at them with multiple units.

    • Sad 1
  21. 24 minutes ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    New SoB rules incoming!


    The new battle tactics and grand strategies and unnecessary but new core battalions will be great.

    Also more path to glory rules, happy days!

    All very welcome. It just fleshes the Sons out for 3rd edition. Also Sons don’t have a great amount of choice when it comes to core battalions, i find them definitely a welcome addition.

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