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Posts posted by Charleston

  1. On 7/14/2021 at 11:09 AM, Jymmy said:

    An unpopular opinion: I like the fact that there are no dragons in the Mortal Realms, as it makes them more unique (dragons are an staple in almost all fantasy settings). In fact, most of the Order Serpentis lore works around the idea that the dragons are almost extinct. This way they seem something rare and special.

    That is btw the point that explains quite well why thoose are both named and not generic characters. 


    Edit: It's quite sure a conicidence that they removed the Khorne Dragon which was also called "the Scarred" from FW last week. But this opens up for conversions 

  2. Concidering to compete in a team tournament with the following list:


    Allegiance: Ogor Mawtribes
    - Mawtribe: None
    - Grand Strategy: Beast Master
    - Triumphs:

    Huskard on Stonehorn (340)
    - General
    - Blood Vulture
    - Command Trait: Master of the Mournfangs
    - Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
    - Mount Trait: Metalcruncher
    - Universal Spell Lore: Levitate


    4 x Mournfang Pack (320)
    - Gargant Hackers
    - Reinforced x 1

    Stonehorn Beastriders (320)
    - Weapon: Blood Vulture

    Total: 980 / 1000
    Reinforced Units: 1 / 2
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 48


    It is my first tournament so expectations are low anyway. I still try to figure out if Husskard on SH is a good idea or if I shall cut down 2 Mournfangs to get a Frostfang instead. The frostspear, additional wound and 3+ save look damn crisp to me, especially as many battletactics favor a strong and killy monster hero. 

    • Like 1
  3. 31 minutes ago, GunslingerOy said:

    Hello, would a chaos nurgle marked unit in a slave to darkness army count as the bold worded version Nurgle and thus proxy all the mirror match nurgle stuff where you can heal them? Would the gnarlmaw benefit them? Wondering how that would work for a teams game, if my partners STD units would benefit from my stuff

    For many Nurgle rules that are worded to affect NURGLE Units without specifying friend or foe this is correct, which is part of the charm behind thoose rules. 

  4. From my experience, both AoS and 40k got more and more complex since their last reset (Which was the Reset from WHFB to AoS and the 8th Ed release for 40k). While 40k feels really overwhelming with all the rules beeing also split between different releases and beeing overly complicated worded, AoS had really a hike in complexity with 3.0 release. 

  5. 28 minutes ago, EMMachine said:

    Looking at the last boxes Thunderstrike Stormcast and Kruleboyz are nearly impossible. It's more likely that those will be the Battleforces for 2022 because the models aren't new anymore at that point

    Was this also the Case with the year after 2.0 dropped? I remember a SCE Sancrosanct Box and a Nighthaunt Box but don't recall the exact year.

    My guesses:

    • Lumineth (Sentinels, Dawnbringers, Wardens, maybe a Cow and maybe something from the second wave as Hero?)
    • Cities of Sigmar (Let's get rid of some old stock before the new Dawnbringer Faction drops)
    • Slaanesh/Nurgle/Khorne didn't had their spotlight for a long time and would be all good candidates. Slaanesh most likely to happen, Khorne and Nurgle could be maybe tied to some new dex dropping before/afterwards
    • Death would make perfect sense with OBR as their new-but-not-that-new-faction. Also maybe some SBGL Love with some of the old Kits?
    • Destruction could go with Orruks or a janky Behemat Box to get some more players to play Gargants. Althrough GSG seem to fit into GW's pattern for Christmas-Sales, maybe because they look toonish enough to sell as a child-friendly faction?
    • Like 1
  6. Do we know anything about the new codex releases? Because currently we are in the perfect vacuum of old tomes + new core rules. As soon as the first book releases drop we will see new wordings and approaching to balance which will tilt the balance scale again as we currently see in 40k.

  7. I noticed that 3.0 and current meta seem to make "classic" (or better sair: WHFB like) StD lists more viable again. I talk about a more infantery heavy list with maybe even different gods and Chaos Lord + Chaos Sorcerer Lord as support. 

    • Chosen have a solid output due to their mortals, now that there are several things in the game that can get bonkers in defense.
    • Curse provides Chaos Warriors with some sort of Armor penetration due to possible MW trigger
    • Tzeentch Aura is the only reliable way of getting a reroll for the save (only for ones but still good). Especially nice on Karkadrak-Lord with his 3+ which can be upped to 2+. Sadly Archaon is not affected by Aura of Chaos.
    • Nurgle General Aura and Despoilers Pitch Black rule both provide us some protection from shooting (Pitch Black actually also protects from special rules or magic as it blocks LoS)

    In addition, Slaughterpriests seem like a solid Ally choice: 110 pts for a D6 MW prayer or another priest to cast Curse beside our Warshrine. In addition he provides an unbind and can try to get rid of endless spells if needed. Unlike the Bloodsecrator they work fine with our army without interrupting our sorcerers work. 

  8. Current design of magic in AoS leads to exact what you described: Strong Spellcasters tend to easly block the whole magic phase of the opponent if he has less powerfull wizzards. It is already enough to have an unbind for each cast to statistically dominate over the opponents magic in the hero phase. 

    3.0 does improve the situation a bit as a roll of double 1 disables the caster. This is an effect that can be almost ignored by some spellcasters (due to rerolls) but in general more hurts T2 or T3 casters. 

    The issue with taking no magic is that it often gives up the last resort of magical defense (having 1 unbind is often better than having none) and that many armies rely or highly profit from their spell lores (StD's main tool for mobility is the Mask of Darkness, DoK highly benefit(ed?) from Mindrazor and so on. 

    Also, as this is a game of chance and random luck, it might still happen that you get that one important spell off despite your opponent having that rerollable +3 unbind for each of your spells. But you are right that one should consider how much effort (and points) shall be invested into models that have a high risk of becoming useless due to a single Kroak/Teclis around.

    As someone who often faces such sheningans with rather mediocre spellcasters I feel that his is a "blind spot" of AoS gamedesign that feels like overlooked and simply unfun to be in. This is btw one of the few rare cases in which playing Khorne turns into pure joy.

    • Like 2
  9. I am actually planing to enter my first tournament with StD and now I become more and more nervous if it was a good idea, especially as I want to go for Despoilers. Any input from experienced players what could work for StD on a little bit more competetive basis?

  10. 1 hour ago, Makyou said:

    What could it be????


    I tought it is a banner first, but look at the bottom on what it is attached: A Tail. Concidering that GW likes to update Tomes after campaignbooks brought new models (Kroak), this might be a new Seraphon Model.

  11. They were ignored during 2.0 mostly because their profile was similar to knights with enscrolled weapons but knights were faster, more durable and also counted as battleline.

    Now, with +1 to saves everywhere I don't see 3+/3+ -1 work that well without the chance for Mortals, which Chosen seem back in the race again

    • Like 2
  12. On 7/11/2021 at 1:37 AM, kahadin said:

    I can't believe Skullcrushers are any good.

    For offensive purpose? God no way! Coherency crippled them hard. Units of 3 loose the good charge bonus, units of 6 can't fight any longer with all models in and also can't position in a way that allows all models to do impact mortals. 

    Defensively they are an awesome piece due to 5 wounds with a 3+ save. We can up them to 2+ with a CA (that hey can issue to themself due to unit leader), they count as 2 models for scoring and are moderately fast and can soak up many wounds.

  13. 7 hours ago, Perturbato said:

    Read again the FAQ warscrolls about our jugements. They are uterly sh*t now.

    I did, thoose are what I refered to. And yes, changes are drastic, but some also make sense:

    • Bleeding Icon no longer makes mortal wounds
    • Hexgorger Skulls no longer have to be both in range but only one is enough which increases the bubble. Spell Rolls of 8 cause the Skulls to disappear, which is okay I guess?
    • Axe lost the hit debuff. 

    Edit: I have the feeling that Invocations were supposed to stay now at end of turn and no longer disappear on their own, but GW messed up to include this into the FAQ

    Edit 2: From the DoK FAQ:

    Q: Is an Invocation of Khaine a prayer? A: No.

  14. 8 minutes ago, frenk_castle said:

    Two questions regarding FAQ:

    In Core rules I think they wrote priests can do one prayer plus one invocation.

    20.3.1 SUMMONING INVOCATIONS In your hero phase, you can attempt to summon 1 invocation with each friendly Priest. When the prayer used to summon the invocation is answered, the invocation is set up on the battlefield as described on its warscroll. If any restrictions make it impossible to set up the invocation, then the prayer is not answered

    Now with FAQ people seem to think it is either one "regular" prayer or one invocation. Which is it?

    Does Wrath-Axe disappears every time it deal damage or only if I roll a 6 on the second damage effect? From the FAQ wording it looks like it is the latter.

    It is either Invocation or Prayer, which in my opinion is quite a nerf concidering that Invocations disappear quite fast on their own compared to Endless Spells. You can only chant 1 prayer and you summon invocations by doing exactly this.

    Wrath Axe and Incon only disappear on a roll of 6 when checking the effects grade.

    • Like 1
  15. 7 hours ago, TimeToWaste85 said:

    Wrathmongers babysitting two skull cannons and two soul grinders, say what? Fill in with cheap Bloodreavers, underworld bands (oh, cheap blood tithe points and a dispel from Magore’s doggy) a slaughter priest for the bronzed flesh and one of the Underworld bands with a sorcerer (ew) for mystic shield. Well hello there, obnoxiousness. Throw in Scyla for his 8” pile-in attack to work around Unleash Hell. Sound about right?

    You sound quite upset about this theorycraft which makes me wonder why? It may sound like an obnoxious combination but we have experienced even worse during a long duration of AoS 2.

    While Wrathmongers are a very potent force multiplier to the few shooting attacks we have, they die quite fast against ranged attacks. Also Soulgrinders are not the most reliable shooters with a 4+ to hit. While I agree on Skullcannons beeing really doped up by this I don't expect people to play more than a unit of 3 of them as they have a huge footprint and can be easy tied down. Also concider that in casual games people have a feeling for what is obnoxious and for competetive noone should bat an eye.

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