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Dr Ben

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Posts posted by Dr Ben

  1. Does anyone know if the scale will be right to kitbash with necromunda gangs? I think my wife could get into a femanarchist band of escher/corvus bird-punks. Cawdor and delaque also seem like they could be ideal if you want to paint robes not toned cultist bodies. 

    Also, to actually stay on topic... Corvus is my favourite, very much like old world norscan tzeentch followers. I think iron golems have some under appreciated potential, especially for a nurgle feel with those single eye helmets and lots of corroded metal effects. 

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  2. 21 minutes ago, Eevika said:

    So you know how there is no counter to prayers in AoS. What we truly need is a faction of super Atheists who deny the existance of gods even in these crazy times where gods roam the lands. They would have no buffs in the form of prayers and could not use magic but would have the best anti magic and anti prayer abilities they would use science and technology to fight.  

    Battleline: French and German philosophers from 1850-1980.

    Behemoth is a giant Dawkins-bot which shouts at everyone the Dracothian didn't create the mortal realms and beastmen are the result of natural selection.... 

    More seriously, I think if you combine the ideas in the thread above to get flesh golem crafting mad scientist dwarves who essentially believe they are God because they can create life (sort of) and therefore counter prayers that could be interesting. On the other hand I don't think it's necessarily bad from a game design perspective to keep prayers undispellable because that is the main reason it's different to magic in gameplay. 

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  3. 14 hours ago, Kyriakin said:

    My issue with FW can be summed up in two words: Skin Wolves

    They are humans who turned into wolves - literally BEAST-MEN!

    My skin wolves are going to end up as gorgers, so they'll be neither man nor beast (when I get around to it....) 

    Given that we already have god's (or avatars of them anyway) on the table I'd love to see FW make a god beast range. It would fit with the classic FW niche of doing giant things and allow epic recreations of battles from the lore (Also the giant KO ship mentioned in the battle tome) 

    I hear the comments above about people not buying that much Aos FW, but at least some peoe bought the khorne dragon. As also mentioned above a lot of the other stuff just isn't as epic as the regular plastic. Why would you buy a warpfire dragon when you can get a regular dragon Lord or stardrake which is much more playable and no less cool. So I reckon more epic is the direction to go. 

  4. 52 minutes ago, Kaz said:

    Hey guys, for the Warhammer community forbidden power articles, has anyone noticed a strange abundance of Ogors? 

    Firstly, the Maneaters mercenaries thingy

    then all this. 


    I might be delusional (read: hopeful), but I find it strange that they mentioned ironguts of all things, next to olynder and Cellie-prime. Possibly Ogors for destruction, in a Skaven style book?

    I'm pretty sure it was reported from warhammer fest that there is at least 1 more destruction battletome due this year. I had noticed a couple of the ogre references but hadn't put them all together like that. A Skaven or gits style ogre book would make sense, but there isn't the diversity of either of those factions with the existing ranges

    Also now slaanesh is out they obviously need more depravity points! 

  5. 2 hours ago, Barbossal said:

    So - if Nagash is looking for an old ally, I wonder if that is going to narrow down the pool to one of his remaining loyal Mortarchs from the End times.

    And considering Luthor Harkon is the lauded Mortarch of the Abyss - and we're getting teases about the thing lying in the bottom of the lake next to that city.... I mean that seems pretty straight-forward, right?

    Tin foil hat on.

    Obviously it could be anything, but after that kraken type thing on the forbidden power art vampire Coast is what my moneys on. Lots of the development work (concept, digital design on the new units, old world lore etc) has already been done for total war. So it would just seem to make business sense to convert that into TableTop. 

  6. 1 hour ago, EccentricCircle said:

    What if skinks and saurus aren't actually two different species, but the Lizardmen just exhibit wild sexual dimorphism. In a lot of reptiles the females are larger than the males, so that might indicate which way around they are.

    In the old world they were definitely separate species with defined roles in the  quasi-Confucian order of lizardman society.

    Spawning pools were created by the old ones and once lost they couldn't be replaced, if I remember correctly. So either the reproduction was magical in some way or the environmental conditions needed for healthy seraphon tadpoles were not naturally occurring.

  7. 2 hours ago, Deepkin said:

    We know Grungni lives and is still very much involved with the dwarfs though. He plays a prominent role in the Spear of Shadows novel, where he lives among the dwarfs quite openly and even has a discussion with Grombrindal (which reveal that the Grungni of this world may not be the same as the Grungni of the Warhammer world, as he cannot remember if he is Grombrindal's ancestor or his descendant, from which I derive my theory that Grungni and Grimnir of AoS are Thorgrim Grudgebearer and Ungrim Ironfist reborn, perhaps in part due to their status as incarnates prior to their deaths.) 

    I suspect we will get some sort of Dreadnought-esque rune golem, based off of the ancestor spirits we see in A Dirge of Dust and Steel and the fact that Grungni was heavily involved in the Stormcast process, so perhaps he did so by drawing on a dwarf practice of infusing particularly vengeful ancestors into golem bodies after they died, preserving their spirits from Nagash (though it is hinted that Gazul still lives, after a fashion) and allowing them to settle grudges into eternity.

    I will also admit I am partial to the idea of dwarfen bear cavalry and hope we get that too. Or perhaps massive chariots pulled by steam-powered beasts? Or dwarfs riding massive, beast-shaped golems powered by rune magic and steam power (which were referenced in the 8th ed BRB, but never made into models, alongside "ancestor engines").

    Im quite excited, they could do so many cool things IMO. Priority one is give us rune magic back so we can tool up our thanes and kings into character-smashing, unit destroying, grudge-reckoning machines (it works in the ninth age!)


    I'm also hoping for some pretty awesome dwarf-bots, vengeful ancestor spirit powered golems would fit the bill nicely. Valaya would be interesting and creates a very natural space for some female duardin characters which I would like to see. But still..... Golems and massive adapted mining machinery to burrow up and crush enemies into pulp for me please. 

    I like your idea linking duardin constructs with the forging/reforing process via Grugni. If that was the case then a sneaky dispossessed release would kind of fit in as part of the soul wars storyline. They are the classic enemies of the Gobbos who just got re-released and Skaven who are hotly tipped for the same treatment, so it would kind of make sense to see a Dispossessed release from that point of view too........ Nah I'm just gettingover-excited.  

    Anyway I still need to get enough regular bearded dudes painted by the time anything comes out whenever that might be. 

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