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Dr Ben

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Everything posted by Dr Ben

  1. Anyone got Anvil of apotheosis Dwarven heroes in the works? Poor cogsmith is now worse in most situations than a 40pt vanilla dwarven commander with improvised weapons 😒 at least its thematic to have a dwarf army led by a commander armed with nothing more than a tankard of ale!
  2. "The Fyreslayer lodges hoard ur-gold like an Azyrite squirrel hoards lightning nuts – but what’s so important about it." I've cracked it. Next big release Order Battletome Squirrels! Fear their fluffy tailed wrath!
  3. Duke Crakmarrow from the Grymwatch underworlds warband has a halberd. Very similar arms/hands with claws and bony bits as well. New FEC warcry warband definitely has my bet. A band of noble questing nights no doubt. I'd love to see what they do for FEC 'Damsel on unicorn' interpretation! If it is a FEC warcry warband then that opens very interesting possibilities for the next round of warcry releases.
  4. The release is looking very promising, although I will struggle to justify more than 1 to ally with my ogres πŸ™„ As with many on this thread I like the aesthetic so far. In the very high fantasy world of AoS it's a nice change of pace to get giants you can imagine saying 'fee fi fo fum....' I'm also wondering if Johan 2.0 is hiding in plain sight....
  5. Check Sciborminiatures.com if you feel the need to scratch that itch. (or get bear riders for home brew/ proxy dracoths) I know not everything mentioned in the lore gets realised in plastic, but with these kind of mentions, the warcry releases, AoS forgeworld cuts and so on I do wonder if our chaotic kin will be seeing a plastic reinvention sometime in the next few years. Sorry, I've already got a couple of tech priest grombrindal to convert for CoS mages at some point. I'd also like to make a dwarven 'phoenix' or two. I'm planning one riding a molten infernoth and maybe another riding a wildfire taurus (or maybe another infernoth). I would like to have a thane with battle standard riding the infernoth but I'm not sure how. Any ideas? Failing that, any ideas for alternative riders (KO or dispossessed)?
  6. It's an interesting idea but for me part of the fun of each grand alliance is how different they are. I wouldn't want them being too similar. Each grand alliances serves its own narrative purpose. In Death Nagash's will is monolithic and inevitable, like, well, death. This enables you to tell stories about acts of internal and external resistance to absolutist regimes (as stated by @FrekyDoogal) or explore ideas like Nietzsche's master morality or the superhuman. Destruction obviously feeds off the Darwinian competition/Hobbesian war of all against all. Perfect for thought experiments about anarchy, evolution and the limits of freedom. Besides, in the existing narrative for each subfaction has such different views of Gorkamorka that they might as well be worshipping different gods anyway! Death and Destruction offer natural ways into different narratives, complimenting the politicking of Order or unstable but ultimately predictable equilibrium present in Chaos. So, whilst I wouldn't object to some new deities being raised up, I guess I'm kind of happy with the current state of play
  7. Anyone else think the Cows look like a cross between Gundam and Tibet? I wonder if Elder Titan from Dota2 was an influence https://dota2.gamepedia.com/Elder_Titan Also on behalf of dwarves throughout the realms, WTF mountains of hysh?! Giving aelves, I repeat aelves, mountain blessings and magical hammers. This is going to be a whole ****** chapter in the Dammaz Kron! (I'm in absolutely no way jealous of aelves getting yaktimus prime obviously πŸ˜›).
  8. Somewhere out there is one person who has been waiting 20 years for Zoat model only to have it snatched away when it was so close.....
  9. So we can garrison 2 bastiladons?
  10. Yay for actually existing. I like the idea of mixing Azyr with other realm magic producing locally unique seraphon cultures similar to other races. Gives a bit more personality and brings them more fully into AoS without losing the strong world that was connection. I wonder if there is any this merging with realm magic gets included in the rules other than the terrain piece. Also reading between the lines it sounds to me like the 1 drop battalions may be converted into subfactions ala Sylvaneth war groves. I'm guessing thunder quake starhost is now the subfaction with Battleline stegadons.
  11. Thanks for clarifying on my behalf. It seems I wasn't as clear as I thought I was with the initial comment.
  12. As per Zilberfrid, individual KO units can do more damage output with the buffs in tempests eye. So if by inherent weakness you mean the lack of hit/attack buffs and you want to build a list around an ironclad (or two) hitting on 1+ or a big block of riggers with +1 attack and +1 hit then go tempests eye. If you want low drops, gold, shenanigans and/or quirky but powerful item choices go KO. If by inherent weaknesses you mean the lack of melee anvil, then you would have to run a cities list with so little KO that it's becomes a Cities list with some included KO. Which is fun, just doesn't seem like what you're after. You would probably be better adding some fyreslayers to a thryng list. The main thing KO gives you that can't be done by another Cities unit is flying high. If you see lack of teleporting as a significant weakness for Cities you can add that.
  13. Love the idea of ramping up the toxicity the longer a campaign goes on for that classic quest into the heart of darkness feel. The rules ideas come pretty naturally for a lot of the factions. Nurgles rot as you say, mutagenic Rivers of tzeentch magic, Slaaneshi trees that like to whip passers by, fungoid growth releasing toxic spores, purifying flows of holy water, armies of the dead lying in wait under the surface etc etc. Definitely a lot of potential to think about.
  14. I had the same thought. It could be anything large, but the two previews seem pretty clear that lumineth is both tyrion and Teclis so Tyrion's base has got to be odds on favourite. Also @luminethmage's sherlock Holmes like deductions! It makes sense to me from a sales point of view. Reveal Teclis early to get the hype train rolling. Keep Tyrion back until the last minute to get maximum hype shortly before product release. $$$$ In more random musings, I wonder if there will be any tyrion mutant/reject aelves at some point. Teclis rejected the idoneth and morathi keeps her mutants around to boost her self-esteem. I'm going to tin foil hat predict that tyrion's pre-lumineth mutant aelves defected to malaerion because as far as he's concerned the more mutated the better.
  15. As confirmed as cannons in greywater fastness? 😜 It is another bit of lore connecting both Teclis and tyrion to the lumineth. So it does seem to strengthen the suggestion Tyrion might be coming in the lumineth
  16. This one I definitely want to see! Low hanging fruit for Dispossessed endless prayers (they do seem to have the best praying priests and/or God who listens the most reliably!): Book of Grudges: A flying giant book which inspires even greater stubbornness for nearby units (probably bravery buff or battleshock immunity or something boring but preferably a combat buff like +1 to wound) Vengeful Ancestors: Men of Dunharrhow style wall of dead angry dawi flying over units for d3 mortal wounds, bravery debuff for enemies and bravery buff for duardin nearby. Gifts of Vhulkhaya: Giant tankard/barrel of ale which gives nearby duardin the centigor rule of +1 to hit and +1 to be hit (which is apparently how drunkenness is implemented in AoS rules-wise!)
  17. Maybe, maybe not. The book is being promoted as chaos vs OBR. But other than some new lore (don't get me wrong I do dig new lore) OBR don't seem to get anything from the book in terms of rules. Really i'm just saying I must resist the temptation to get overhyped. That said, after today's preview I'm a bit more optimistic that when we get a new Order focused campaign book we might get an actually usable dispossessed battalion.... Fingers crossed! As for the Pointy elves, the are obviously joining the list of cool new AOS factions riffing off Old World factions. My impression so far is that they are more like what fyreslayers are to dispossessed than what nighthaunt are to Legions of Nagash. But I wouldn't be surprised if there was a Pointy elf sub-faction with a rule that 1/4 units can be 'phoenix temple', or something along those lines with whatever aelven keywords they want to include.
  18. Thanks for batreps. Good to see some grudges settled/breaches of contract appropriately punished. Im curious about the choice of sword of judgment of the endrinmaster. I wouldn't have thought he had enough melee attacks to make it worthwhile. But I've never tried it in KO, is there a specific combo you have for it?
  19. Looking sweet. That's a load of balloon boys you've got there. What's the statue on the ironclad base?
  20. Behemat is obviously a potential name for a race of behemoths, gargant army being number 1 likelihood. For a much longer shot, does behemat sound a bit chaos dwarfy to anyone else? What with forgeworld pulling quite a few of its AoS models and all the warcry reveals where they specifically point out 'yes that is a plastic chaos dwarf' nudge nudge wink wink....im wondering if plastic chaos dwarves might be joining us sometime in the not so distant future.
  21. Clearly the business end of a Pointy elf tickling stick. Successful hits inflict - 1 attack and - 1 to hit as your enemies are incapacitated by giggling uncontrollably.
  22. They may not be his aelves, but I'm guessing there will be at least one way to include 1 in 4 'aelf' units ala CoS and barak thryng. Why else include a keyword in CoS which has no actual use in that book?
  23. I have heard black library described as 'the Mills and Boon of scifi and fantasy'. I tend to agree that many of the books feel rushed and listening to author interviews on warhammer TV reinforces that impression. It also seems like they haven't landed on a new epic character like Gotrek or eisenhorn which have been able to capture the imagination of so many people. Lastly, do we even know how much this is to do with black library vs the whole book publishing industry? I could well imagine a lot of book publishers are seeing year on year falls in sales....
  24. If you are in the UK then elementgames.co.uk have plenty still in stock.
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