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Everything posted by DavionStar

  1. Aah, gotcha. I swear Urbaz or some other Skyport let you do that in the first book. But hey, still works. Khemist with Collector and Spell in a Bottle plus another hero with another artifact. It can be dispelled, but not unbound. And we don't have to roll for the cast either. That Endless Spell is going on the table, period. And there's plenty that start dealing damage as soon as they drop. Hell, see a bunch of enemy units all piled up? Drop an Everblaze Comet on their heads. Every unit in its impact zone takes a guaranteed mortal wound with potential for more. Even if it gets dispelled right after it still did that initial damage. And for 100pts that's not terrible imo when we have no other spell options.
  2. What'd be a good Endless Spell to bring for Spell in a Bottle? I really wanted to try it out. I think there's a Skyport that lets you bring a second artifact but I forget which or if that's still a rule in the new book. I'm thinking Malevolent Maelstrom or Everblaze comet for anti-caster fun. Or, Purple Sun of Shyish, Celestial Vortex or Warp Lightning Vortex for damage and other utility. The Shyish spells would be fluffy for my army cause they're based in that realm.
  3. Yeah, I specifically went Zon to boost the Wardens. Also I already have 9 riggers painted so I'm not short on those if I need themI. I'mstill going to build 6 Wardens from my Aether War box. Btw, loving that color scheme! I'll approve anything with purple in it. Also no worries now but for next time I do go by they/them. If you want to use an Endless Spell, you'll need a Khemist with the Spell in a Bottle artifact to actually cast it. Navis can dispell by default and their Aetherstorm is a kind of not-spell, but they can't cast. If you're going Nar, all your heroes will get a dispell anyway so unless you have a plan for that Navi, might want to go Khemist instead.
  4. Alright, I've been having trouble figuring out a new 1000pt list, but I have something. I'm close to having the models for a 2k list, but would like something to hold me over until they're built. ++ **Pitched Battle** 1,000 (Order - Kharadron Overlords) [980pts] ++ + Leader + Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit [220pts]: 1. Aethersped Hammer, 1. Bearer of the Ironstar, General - Endrinmaster with Dirigible Suit + Battleline + Arkanaut Company [90pts]: 10 Arkanaut Company, Aethermatic Volley Gun & Gun Butt, Light Skyhook, 7x Privateer Pistol and Arkanaut Cutter, Skypike, Volley Pistol Skywardens [200pts]: 2x 3 Skywardens, 6x Vulcaniser Pistol and Skypike Skywardens [200pts]: 2x 3 Skywardens, 6x Vulcaniser Pistol and Skypike + Other + Grundstok Gunhauler [150pts]: 3. Coalbeard's Collapsible Compartments, Drill Cannon Grundstok Thunderers [120pts]: 5 Grundstok Thunderers, 5x Aethershot Rifle, Gunnery Sergeant, Honour Bearer + Allegiance + Allegiance . Allegiance: Kharadron Overlords . . 3) Barak-Zon, City of the Sun + Game Options + Game Type: 1000 Points - Vanguard ++ Total: [980pts] ++ Created with BattleScribe The plan is, shove the Thunderers into the Gunhauler and use it to zip around and snipe stuff. It'll also bring the Wardens along to drop off. The Endrinmaster sticks with the Gunhauler for healing and support. Company does its own thing. Don't know how good it is, but I wanted to make a nice Zon list with Skywardens, and this was the best I could think of under 1k. Any thoughts?
  5. Man, this place picked up while I was gone. I'm already coming up with new army list ideas that I'll share once they're fleshed out. One thing I do want to try is an all balloon army. Endrinmaster on balloon, Skywardens, Riggers and boats. It'll have to be a 2 k list though I think. I also need to find a useful endless spell for spell in a bottle shenanigans. In the meantime though, I haven't played many games. Mental health preventing me from getting a game locally. But I'm getting hyped with these new rules. Once I get my new 1k army set up, I'll try for a game again. Also...somebody's been starting to mess with shaders and highlighting...
  6. I'm going to be starting to collect the Fyreslayers kits for my KO list soon (10 Hearthguard berserkers and a Grimwrath), and I had a question. Anyone know any good way to make lady Fyreslayers? I wanted to try to include a couple. KO have bulky enough gear that I can just get a dorf lady head on there and it basically works. But Fyreslayers don't wear nearly as much so it's a bit trickier. Heroforge is an option but that's like $20+ per model.
  7. @Lightbox those models are GORGEOUS! And the kitbashing too just. So good.
  8. If they gave a buff to our own Navigator's Aetherstorm to affect non-fly units as well, that'd help with this a lot.
  9. Interesting. I was poking around the Games Workshop store site out of boredom and...the KO unit pages are broken. Thundrik's Privateers still works. But the rest aren't even showing up on the Duardin search. Think they're making changes?
  10. Oh don't worry about that. I'll be showing progress once I get started. I wanna finish painting some of my 40k stuff first. And yeah, I'm thinking Mhornar or Thryng possibly for my shipless lists. BTW, what is the name of the deep strike rule for Ziflin? I feel like I can't see it anywhere, but it wouldn't be the first time I was blind.
  11. @Baron Wastelands @Beliman Thanks for the insight. I guess I just really wanted to try out the Gunhauler cause of the kitbash idea I'm going to do. So I might give it a shot anyway just to see how it works. I already have the parts so I may as well. Worst that happens is I lose but still have a cool model for my shelves. *shrugs* Other ideas I have are, take the Ziflin list, replace the Frigate with 6 Skywardens. I know the Riggers are better, but they're too expensive in this case. Or, beef up one company to 20 and have 2 units of 6 riggers. Finally, normal size companies, 2 units of 6 riggers, and throw in a Knight-Incantor. I'll bash up a dorf to look like a steampunk runesmith or something. Then I can throw out Mystic Shields maybe. Maybe it's the ADHD or something but I like having options so I'm not playing with the same list all the time, know what mean? And @ThePie when I was building my Frigate, I kept the crew and 'balloons' separate. Painted them, then assembled once done. Worked wonders. Also when gluing my ship to the stand, I propped it up. Note the paint container holding up the back end. Just some advice for your next boat.
  12. Ok, I've come up with a few lists for judgement. Every list has Khemist as General with the Earbuster and Rising Star. My additional Footnote is always "There's No Trading With Some People". I looked at the other options for these and felt like they were pretty much always the best with my list ideas. Feel free to critique as much as you want. Strike from the Skies Bang Bang Fyre in the Sky Choose Axes, not Boats
  13. Thanks guys! I'll take these notes to heart. I'll keep this Ziflin list in my pocket but might try a couple different lists as well as I slowly build up to 2k. This admiral still has a lot to learn but I'm far from giving up.
  14. Finally had my first proper game today! Guy I was playing with was super nice and helped me out. Also I lost pretty bad! But it's ok. I learned a lot. I don't remember all of the details, but I'll relay them the best I can. I went with the list I described earlier. 10 Arks with Pikes, 10 with Volleys, 6 Riggers, 10 Thunderers with Rifles, Khemist, Frigate. I went up against Ironjaws. 3 objectives distributed evenly across the middle of the table. I had my Skypikes on the left, Riggers, Thunderers and Khemist in the middle, Frigate and Volleyguns on right. First turn or so went ok. He moved really slow so I just shot at his boys a bunch and did some decent damage while claiming objectives. Then he charged in and....well, orcs happened. By the end of turn 5 I had 1 model left and about half the points as my opponent. But I did still learn a bunch of lessons. - My Frigate basically acted as a wall with guns and little more. I should have loaded the Volleyguns into the frigate to claim the right hand objective faster, rather than crawling up the two units together. - I tried to get my Thunderers to support my Skypikes but didn't get them over in time and they got stuck in the middle and the Pikes unit got erased. I should have supported them better. - I totally forgot how to do ANYTHING with command points so I was handicapped on that front. Changes for my next outing - Probably going to drop the frigate from my list, at least for now. I want to try to replace it with a Gunhauler. (I want to kitbash that new Space Marine walker and shove KO bits onto it. Dorf mech yes) - I know it was only one game but...the Skypikes didn't help at all, and rolling a bajillion dice for Volleyguns is fun but not very effective unless maybe I'm shooting at a hero. So I might just have both units run with Skyhooks. - Pick a better Skyport for my playstyle. Ziflin didn't do anything for me. Sure, it was vs Ironjaws and they had no flyers, but still. I also didn't use my boat nearly as well as I could have. Also actually keep all those abilities handy. - Write down my command point abilities so they're easier to access. And, yanno, actually use the damn things - See if I can include any Skywardens in. I'd still love to see those try to work, if only for the anti-charge damage. Once I come up with a new list I'll share it with you guys.
  15. Hey guys, it's been a while. I spent so much time trying to get ready to play games that I kinda fell out, and was also painting 40k stuff for a while. But I've hooked up with some local players AND finally noticed the big points changes that KO got in the latest General's Handbook! This is going to change my old plans a touch since my Frigate costs way less. Here's my old 1k list (not including artifacts and stuff) Khemist 10x Arkanauts w/ Skypikes 10x Arkanauts w/ Volleyguns 9x Endrinriggers w/Saws Frigate With the points changes, I now have a free 60 points. So I was thinking about what I could do with this and I decided to lower my Riggers to 6 models and add in 10 Thunderers instead. I still want to use the Frigate for now since I put the work into it. XD I might come up with a different 1k point list to keep the 9 Riggers. Maybe swap out the Frigate for a Gunhauler? Still thinking. Anyway, 10 Thunderers. I haven't assembled them yet and I wanted some advice. Do I go for a unit of 10, or 2 units of 5? I'm going to model them with all the weapons but might swap between that and all rifles depending on how I feel. I don't think I'll have any "counts as" issues. Thanks guys. :)
  16. Thanks, you have now ruined/improved how I see the Magmic Battleforge forever. 😜 Yanno, with the buffs and all the new stuff that Fyreslayers got I am REALLY tempted to make an army of them again. Hopefully the units I ally in will satisfy my need for these crazy bois enough.
  17. @Xil if I may I'd like to put in my two cents for your friend's list. 1) Get rid of the Gunhauler. I love the model too but in a 1k list it is just not worth the points. It can't ferry troops and doesn't have the most reliable damage, and kinda just acts as a not so great meat shield. 2) Right now I'd honestly say go Riggers over Wardens. Their damage is just more reliable and even a group of 3 saws unbuffed is scary. But I've never tried Wardens myself so who knows. 3) Other than that, fill in the gap the Gunhauler left with Dispossessed warriors or more Company models. Or even Thunderers. The list needs more bodies on the field. And help tell your friend to not lose heart! KO can do well with the right build in the right hands. We're in a janky spot right now, but hopefully we'll get a new battletome soon that irons out the army a little.
  18. Found my sheet where I was tracking names and such! It's Barak-Ghal. Gate of Skulls. Whoops already answered
  19. I'd imagine most if not all of the big Sky-Ports are in Chamon. But the battletome shows what looks like storage for aether-gold from across the realms, so having outposts or even straight up small Sky-Ports in other realms makes sense. My own, which I forget the name of, is a small Sky-Port by a realm gate that connects Chamon and Shyish, on the spooky side. It was built originally by Barak-Zon as a military Outpost, but got enough population to start it's own mining operations in Shyish. That's what I'm going with anyway.
  20. Ok so, I completely forgot to post this stuff yesterday. XD; But here's how the little game went. Over all, it was a fun game, and very much a learning experience. Lessons I learned: Here's the rest of the pics. It's on a 40k themed table cause that's what was out on both tables. So it was pretty much Squats vs Space Marines *bricked* And some extra shots I took after with my 1k army.
  21. 10 Hearthguard Berserkers + a hero we're suggested to me over in the Fyreslayers topic, and I plan on going with them for allies in the future. Also, I had a little demo game at my Warhammer store this weekend! I'll write up later how it went in detail. But until then, I'll just tease with this.
  22. This is a pretty good point, to be honest. Then again, that was more an exploit fix, of sorts, than an army re-balancing. As of right now, we just can't be sure what they're planning. It could go one way or the other. That said, getting 3 of a given weapon type isn't overly difficult given that you need 3 boxes of Arkanauts for a 2k battleline as it is, so you're gonna get a 3 set of each special weapon. That said I also have to agree with Beliman. Having the 'weapon combos' of the Thunderers for the Arkanauts as well? You're far more likely going to be adding way more Arkanauts than Thunderers in your army, so it'd just add a huge amount of extra rolls. I hope they leave that gimmick to Thunderers alone. I think it's neat, but overdoing it may not be the best.
  23. Alright. I've got an updated 2k list to share for opinions. Arkanaut Admiral - General, Aethersight Loupe, Rising Star Aether Khemist Grimwrath Berserker 1x20 Arkanaut Company - Skyhooks 1x10 Arkanaut Company - Volleyguns 1x10 Arkanaut Company - Skypikes 2x10 Gunstock Thunderers - Rifles (for range) 1x6 Endrinriggers - Saws 1x10 Hearthguard Berserkers - Broadaxe Arkanaut Frigate - Last Word, Cannon This should add up to 1980 pts with the new Fyreslayer battletome. The big changes from my old 2k list is updated allies, removal of the Endrinmaster (replaced with the Grimwrath basically), splitting my Thunderers into 2 units, and changing one of my Companies to Skyhooks and boosting them to 20.
  24. I'll have to think about that. And yeah, over in the Fyreslayers topic I asked about changing up my allies and got suggested 10 HB and a Grimwrath or Battlesmith for support.
  25. Planning ahead. My 2k army idea had a big blob of 20 Thunderers in it. Originally I was thinking of going with the special weapons if only cause of the variety of looks and the potential to get those combo bonuses. But looking at the scroll again, I lose a good 6 inches of range if I go that route. From those more experienced, would I be better off going all rifles just for the boost from 12" to 18"? Honestly at this point I'm more concerned about the range than the reliable damage. 😜 Also, is a 20 unit block better than a pair of 10s? Just kinda refreshing myself on these things. And one more thing, the new group of Fyreslayers I was going to ally in thanks to the updates includes a hero. It seems a bit over kill to bring 4 heroes in a 2k army. So I was thinking about swapping out my Endrinmaster (there's only the one boat in this particular list anyway) for something else. Any suggestions? I had a 6 model Riggers unit. I could boost that up to 9. Or maybe I could beef up one of the Arkanaut Companies.
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