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Mogwai Man

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Everything posted by Mogwai Man

  1. Are warclans meant for over 2000 point games?
  2. Thank you for the advice man. Especially on the super glue and plastic glue.
  3. Thanks again for the tips. I'll keep this mind as I grow the army. I'm enjoying the theme of them so far.
  4. Thank you for the advice I appreciate it. I was also wondering on the weapon choices between chompas & stikkas for boarboys & orruks. Is the extra 2 inches worthwhile for orruks? Or is it better to stick with chompas? For boarboys it seems using stikkas is more beneficial than chompas since they gain the +1 damage to monsters.
  5. I just started my first army and it's bonesplitterz. I have a few questions. Is there a preference between Morboys & Orruks? Boarboys & Maniaks? Are Big Stabbas worth putting together? Wish GW would package the big stabbas separately.
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