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Everything posted by Black_Templar_Lad

  1. https://theoldworld.com/ is live!! There's nothing there really
  2. I still like the Men At Arms and Bowmen, I think those kits look great still. Choosing not to update the Knights of the Realm which is the most iconic unit is strange, but honestly, head swap from the new foot Knights with the new weapons as well, sorted. I absolutely can't wait, can't wait to see what Tomb Kings get. Can't wait to see the website, can't wait to read the lore, can't wait to see new art, can't wait mate.
  3. Lad those foot Knights!!!!! Oh they are getting AoS-ified.
  4. Stunning dragon. I want it to make a 40k Chaplain and then use the Dragon for a Vampire Lord!!
  5. Can definitely see Tomb Kings box being saved for a later show if TOW release has been delayed until next year.
  6. Enjoy it when you can catch up on it mate, you'll be able to see every glorious reveal in one go later!
  7. Can't believe tomorrow will finally be the day we see the Old World properly (I believe). I just can't wait. 3 private AoS videos eh. Honestly, it feels like anything on top of FEC is a cherry on top, just because everything so far and what we're still waiting on is some of the best models I've seen in a while. Can't imagine what other stuff is in the works right now.
  8. Where is this from mate? Nearly finished the book and I love his character. Would buy a model of him in a heartbeat!
  9. Bladdy awesome! They're going to make some great Crypt Horror proxies as well!!
  10. Now that is one breathtaking mini! I'll be using that in every system I think. Looking forward to seeing this tomb king on dragon if the rumours are true
  11. Bat cavalry would be awesome. I'm guessing they'll be riding the bats but it would great to see some being carried by the bats talons like the Vampire Coast units from Total Warhammer.
  12. The bottom raven looks like you've just told it that Silent People will never be a faction.
  13. Holy moly what a week! One of the best pre order weeks in a while. Pretty much want EVERYTHING on that list. So excited as well to see the new Slaanesh Daemons. That gluttony one is going to be superb to paint, and I had just decided to paint a Tzeentch mini.
  14. I love Valrak, his enthusiasm makes all the difference with this hobby and community, the stream banter is always easy listening while painting as well. Plus he brings the hype. When you know the rumours are from the trusted source, you know it's bang on. That's just my personal preference though. I can't be bothered with critical discussions sometimes. I just wanna finish work, pick up me brush, and let the hype flow through me, even if it's the same rumour for the 100th time. 😂 He always jokes about AoS but it's only joking. I think some people take his bantering too seriously.
  15. I know the cases will have gone through product testing (I imagine), but they look like one brisk shake will strip your minis back down to grey plastic. I'll wait for reviews.
  16. Holy MOLY if this is true!! Plus it just means new mount conversions for AoS!
  17. I've completely missed reading the likes and rumours around the next AoS starter box 😂 Oooo so potentially new sculpt SCE Vs Skaven?! That sounds exquisite. Oh maybe the Screaming Bell RE is a new Screaming Bell sculpt just for the box set? I thought it was weird at first because imo the Bell/Furnace kit is a beautiful sculpt that I didn't think needed prioritising over other older metal/plastic sculpts, but as a 'special edition' version for the box set, I could definitely see that. If the box set had new Rat Ogres and Jezzails, that would blow me out of the water. Edit: Nevermind 😂😂, I thought the Screaming Bell RE was unsolved, I think its one of the Gorger weapons.
  18. Absolutely. And with how creative AoS let's hobbyists be, everything has potential for new army themes and conversions, bloody love this setting!
  19. I don't want to spoil anything, it's not important to the story of course and is just a passing observation by the main character. Sorry I don't know how to hide spoilers, so I'll keep the context vague: The MC is making an observation of the people around him, and he sees some Aelves who have some notable features that I interpreted as being Kurnothi, unless they were something else entirely, it definitely seemed that way to me. Loads of little nods to different cultures and races throughout the book though. It's nice to see them solidified in the context of the world.
  20. This is really off topic, and everyone here has probably read it, but just wanted to shout out how bloody amazing Godeater's Son has been. I saw a Reddit post stating Noah Van Nguyen is Age of Sigmar's Dan Abnett, and I couldn't agree more. I'm a few hours in through the audiobook, who Timothy Watson also makes for beautiful listening, and the world building is just phenomenal in my opinion. The history and cultures Aqshy has been given, I am absolutely loving this book. You really get a sense of how this portion of Aqshy has changed its inhabitants over the course of history, and how it's inhabitants have changed Aqshy. And there's little mentions of Kurnothi, Hashut and even Djinns so far and even more mysterious sounding things. Definitely recommend this book if people haven't read it yet. Timothy Watson is a spectacular narrator for this one.
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