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Everything posted by Black_Templar_Lad

  1. Really tempted to pick up the box. I'm wondering how to model Eltharion so it looks like arcane energy flowing through his limbs like his art. Is anyone planning to do this, I wonder if they tested that and it just didn't come out right on the model. Was thinking about snipping bits of lightning bits and sticking them through each armour section. Hmmmmm.
  2. Oh yes sorry I forgot I believe a shipping note of the new handbook was found, is that correct everyone? My mind's a little hazy.
  3. Not that I've read unfortunately. Only thing I suppose is that the current rumour engines seem to point to a new possible Warhammer Quest box. In terms of future releases I reckon we'll see AoS previews next week. We still have one more PA book which I think will be previewed today. Then the 40k box is july so hopefully we'll see the Sons at least before then. I can't think of what other planned releases we have still to get through? Welcome back :).
  4. Just saw the leak, oh boi oh boi oh boi lets goooooooooooooooooooooo
  5. OH MY GGAAAAAAAAAAADDD Soulblight fo shooooooooo!! The bare arms, the hilt guard, the blood droplet gems across it. Bois we bout to vampire this up! With this one and the FEC looking arm rumour, oh lawwwd if we see a box set with multiple vamps in....I cant contain the hype i'm sorry.
  6. Lizard folk don't seem to use bone's as instruments. Verrrry verrryyy confusing Workshop Chan!! Now here's a 3 finger boi: Kroot! I don't think so though, limbs look a little small? Although if there was a race that would use bones as doot doots, I wouldn't put it past Kroot.
  7. Those Kislev bears laa! ****** could you imagine seeing a full TOW starter set, Kislev vs Chaos Hung or something. A set with just every single model never seen before, a brand new re-imaging of these old races. I cant wait to see what's in store. Plus not to mention all the AoS conversion potential 😎
  8. Aye the only thing that makes me think FEC more than SB is because of the worn down sword. Unless this vampire has seen a rough few centuries, you'd think these nobles of vampire society would make sure their equipment was fresh and kept well. It'll be a lovely model no doubt but really hope its SB over FEC. Gimme puar swole badass vampires who'll challenge anything and anyone just because they can.
  9. That's a great find, I'm really curious about this one, it has the potential to be Age Of Sigmar's answer to Total War, or it could be another cartoony low grade mobile style game. Time will tell I suppose. I know which one I prefer 😂
  10. Aye that's what I'm thinking. Fingers crossed boiiis.
  11. Wow I did not know Warhammer Fest was supposed to be this weekend. Time has flew by for me, guess bogging yourself down in painting has it's upsides. 😂 The last preview article said to keep an eye out in early May so I don't expect anything this weekend other than details on the next preview for either next week or the week after.
  12. Oooo thank you I've been looking for an audiobook during painting and that always wanted to check Drachenfels out. Downloading right now. 😂
  13. Its perfectly acceptable to want the thing that gets you through a tough time. I do miss it too, warhammer and this community is one of the very few things that's keeping me sane through this, does make it harder when there's less of the thing you love huh. Just knowing there's another preview is great though, roll on Warhammer Fest! 😁
  14. Oh so using that head over the rogue idol model? That's so awesome I'd love to see it when its finished!
  15. Woaaa I love the use of the big skull as a helmet for the BoneGrinder. You better belieeeeve that's going on a big boi.
  16. "Welcome to the Eightpoints Spitoon how tough are ya?" "I walked here from Aqshy" "Ye-haa so?" "Without any suncream or sandals...." "Whaa uhh right this way sorry about that"
  17. What do you think it could be on the Krakeneater though? Tbh it doesn't seem like an alt arm build to me, it looks a lot less detailed than it should be for a full arm. Just an added accessory perhaps like the tentacle on his belt? Excited to find out though, vampire pirate bit af!
  18. I love brainstorming new ideas with new models, love seeing everyone's plans. Wonder what the top half of a Mega Gargant with the body of a Stardrake would look like. Super Mega Awesome Dragon Ogor Destroyer!!
  19. That Shark like jaw necklace thing would look lovely on a Carcharodon themed Knight!
  20. Imagine a Soulblight Warband. A band of Blood Knights or Vampires from different Realms coming together to test their metal against Archaon's best. 😍 Would be a good excuse to give some unique Vampire sculpts. One day....one day.
  21. Guess I made a Kraken Eater a year or so ago 😂 hahaha think I'll wait till the proper one! Definitely my favourite out the 3.
  22. I didn't expect that, honestly I don't know what I expected. I never really liked the build of the original gargants and thought the Sons would follow suit. These are proper big lads, stunning!!
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