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Everything posted by Black_Templar_Lad

  1. Gratitude brother, GRATITUDE! Managed to get the CoS army set, absolutely bloody buzzing! They seem to have a load in stock if anyone missed out on the chance a while ago!
  2. After Valrak discussing the Kroot rumours which I am absolutely stoked for. I'm gonna guess those feathers belong to a Kroot!
  3. It's a testament to the painter as well. Can't wait to find out who sculpted and painted this model. I've literally spent all day zooming in. Every part is a joy to analyse.
  4. It's nice to think about Ushoron for a second. When AoS started and you had factions like FEC, Sylvaneth, Fyreslayers, that would take a small section of a previous army and turn them into their own list, resulting in limited number of kits, not much lore to begin with. For me it was one of those initial worries with AoS like, oh no I really hope this isn't it after killing off Fantasy, that this is all we'll get. And here we are today, with one of the best, if not possibly the best sculpts for the company. It's my opinion but it's not exaggerated. I think Ushoron is one of the best looking models I've seen. I'm always more drawn to gothic horror elements in Fantasy, Death and all things that go bump in the night, but holy moly la, he's a work of art. It's amazing to see AoS grow into what it has.
  5. Holy moly la.... HOLY MOLY!! A fantastic reveal show. Super excited for FEC and Night Lords in particular. Big Ush will make a perfect base for a Night Lords Demon Prince as well so I'll have to buy 2. What a stunning model. And those bat cavalry!! Don't even have to mention the Tomb King model. Love the Crocodilian style head. Absolutely belter.
  6. Underworlds getting a Demon warband for each God then maybe?
  7. Thank you so bloody much mate! Finally get to paint this beast! Thank you, honestly, insane price!
  8. Isn't that the Golden Demon?! He probably beats people up with a size 500 paint brush.
  9. God can you imagine what new Yhetees would look like after seeing those Gorgers?! Holy moly.
  10. Seeing the old artwork is the best part of The Old World! Every single piece just has so much character and FEELS real. And it brings me right back when I was a little Gretchin reading my first White Dwarf!
  11. Ah mate that's belter. Congrats to you both! All hail the little Brodd!!
  12. Ah man. I typed it out as soon as the web page loaded, posted, and then scrolled down a whole 2 millimeters. Oh nooo, the realisation I'm going to be refreshing this page everyday until launch.
  13. https://theoldworld.com/ is live!! There's nothing there really
  14. I still like the Men At Arms and Bowmen, I think those kits look great still. Choosing not to update the Knights of the Realm which is the most iconic unit is strange, but honestly, head swap from the new foot Knights with the new weapons as well, sorted. I absolutely can't wait, can't wait to see what Tomb Kings get. Can't wait to see the website, can't wait to read the lore, can't wait to see new art, can't wait mate.
  15. Lad those foot Knights!!!!! Oh they are getting AoS-ified.
  16. Stunning dragon. I want it to make a 40k Chaplain and then use the Dragon for a Vampire Lord!!
  17. Can definitely see Tomb Kings box being saved for a later show if TOW release has been delayed until next year.
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