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Everything posted by Black_Templar_Lad

  1. Omg im sure that's a little Cathay tease at the end too!!! Im hyping right now.
  2. Soooo. Yall just see that Total War Warhammer 3 trailer?!!!!!!! Ice Guard!!!!
  3. Anyone catch the supposed leaked concept art for Total Warhammer 3? Kislev vs Khorne. A very good fake and art nonetheless even if it's not linked to the game. But in the background next to the Ice Queen, it's small but it may be one of the new Ice Guard that was teased for TOW. I know it's probably a given but we may well see what will be in store for the Kislev miniature line with this reveal. Exciting times.
  4. Thank you! I'm listening to Army of the Night as we speak haha. Desire for gothic horror intensifies. I wonder if this will be one giant box set, or we will see expansions as the group of heroes make it deeper into city.
  5. Didn't even notice this, really good spot mate. We really getting Lycans huh. Well, the hype train really has no brakes now. Just look at that Undead Halberdier, complete with eye patch, something straight out of Demon's Souls. God this may well be my favourite box set GW have ever done. I'd buy it just for the 2 minis revealed alone, but there seems to be SO much to look forward to.
  6. Hort a late reply but as soon as I saw this message I was so damn excited. Maybe it's because I've been playing to much BloodBorne and Powerwolf but I've been planning Death worshipping Norse for a while with wolf elements. I still have Skin Wolves waiting to be assembled. This would be a dream come true, and would be such a cool addition for Death. Was that WD article in the Spiderfang issue? If you don't mind me asking haha. I wonder if the 'Wolf' fella will have a dual model like Morathi, perhaps his normal form and a transformed form when either he takes too much damage or certain requirements are met through the game. That would be awesome.
  7. This Cursed City sounds so interesting already, love the little lore snippets so far. Oh and that silhouette of a Kurnothi hero, cant wait to see more.
  8. Wow, speechless at those models, they're stunning. Those Vampires are beautiful, all I could ask for. And we haven't even seen the Gravelords! The hype train rolls on. That Quest box though, holy Emperor and Sigmar, those teased models look Soulsborne af! I can't wait to see the full box. Holy ****** what a preview! Eveything looks stunning.
  9. Hype daaaayyy! Gonna check back at about 3 when it should all be finished and I can just see everything at once. Enjoy everyone!
  10. Im setting my expectations for Soulblight. Im on the confident side that we'll get a proper revamp but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if all we saw was the Warband and whatever models are in a potential Quest set, with the full revamp coming much later. If it was just one extra Vampire Lord, why even change the army name if it was just one new model. Could've just kept it as Legions of Nagash: Vampire Lord. I know FEC were made practically from a couple of units but LoN already had a large selection that surely one more model wouldn't warrant a complete change.
  11. That animation was wonderful. That music and dialogue, scrumptious. Roll on the preview!!
  12. WHAT glorious magnificence I woke up to this morning!!! Dragon shield? Gothic baroque Dark Souls style armour and aesthetic? Bats?! I have achieved hype levels previously deemed unfathomable. Its the prospect we might see Vampires across AoS, Underworlds, and a Quest box set, I'm so happy. Look at the little plastic bats!
  13. Wow was not expecting all those systems to be previewed. I'm obviously hyped for whatever Death is shown but I got a feeling I'm gonna more surprised if there's a Ministorum/Inquisition showcase. As a regular Templar Enjoyer, if there's one Imperium group I love it's my Zealots. I just want a mass horde off Fanatics lead by loyal Priests of the Holy Emperor. Is that so much for a man to ask? I just really hope the Death showcase is not a box set between CoS and Deadwalkers like previous dual sets, only because that likely means the only new characters would be that Axe Zombie and the Vampire Hunter, and not gonna lie, that would suck.
  14. New Preview for the 23rd Jan: The Dead and the Divine!!! Sigmar, open the hype chambers.
  15. I wonder what we'll see of the Blood Knights. Perhaps a newly updated plastic kit to fit the theme of a new aesthetic, or possibly keep them as they are and continue the distinction of each Vampire type/house. Gods I am so excited for Soulblight. Can't wait for the new look but still going to bunch an assortment of hench death bois together from different realms, bound by a code or bloodline. Araby style Vampire, Norse Raider, Steampunk Chamon Necromancer, yes-yes.
  16. That teaser image has me excited. The way people have described Vampires currently in lore and with these teasers, I'm getting the Venthyr vibes from World of Warcraft. Bloodthirsty nobility with lots of swag. Gotta say, I want my honour bound Blood Knights in baroque armour with JoJo levels of physique but still excited to see how the new Soulblight turn out. The vampire hunter also leads me to believe there will be more to see than this Warband. There is no currently rumoured 'human'/CoS Warband so it would make little sense to have a box set including a Vampire Hunter with no Vampires to slay, nor would it make sense to release a stand alone vampire hunter for mainland AoS, when the Vampire set is only tied to a Warband. Conclusion: hype.
  17. I'm made up with that Deadwalker alone. Working on a Death themed Norse force and he looks like he'll fit in rather nicely. Absolutely love that Lumineth cloud though!
  18. OH MY GOOD LAWD. I literally just thought the preview was the Slaanesh beauty which is fantastic enough. Was wondering what you guys were going on about hahahaha, raced back to that video. well I am excited.
  19. Wow, Bretonnia AND Wood Elves. Today is a good day.
  20. Those new Riders are absolutely phenomenal!! The steeds look gorgeous. I'd love to see those archers on normal horses for some Araby conversions A bit disappointed of course there's no vampires, but I think none of the advent calander was revealed, which means more surprises to come!! Also just noticed that big awesome looking throne thing on the battletome cover!!!! You think that's the big model we haven't seen? Boi if it looks anything like that!
  21. What a haul Sir 😍 Amazing Acro, I don't know if my eyesight has gotten worse or I'm just too used to it but I can't paint without a magnifying glass now, they're absolutely amazing! Preview hype train! Extra prezzies from GW. Hope it's an automatic post, happy to wait whenever if some kind staff member has got to do the update manually or something.
  22. Probably unrelated but on the FB Post, someone commented stating they're expecting Hedonites in Feb and Warhammer TV 'liked' the message. There is nothing im hoping more for than a new Death/Vampire faction, but it may be best to temper expectations, we could literally just get this Warband and nothing else. Damn am I itching now though. I've been binging Shadowlands Venthyr and Demon's Soul non stop and I am desperate to make a Soulblight army with lots of minions and have the heroes converted and feel like some boss encounter. Can't wait to see new Vamps!
  23. Pasty white? Avoiding Sun for decades? Now that's method acting to tease the new Soulblight.
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