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Everything posted by Black_Templar_Lad

  1. I was looking at them as decorations. interesting thought of them being trophies instead. If he's got a particularly hateful preference for Duradin, I wonder if they were the ones that trapped him in the mountain. Aye his club does look a bit 'battered' by Dawi-Zharr standards. Just reading a little lore, after KingBrodd mentioned his people being gone as a result of turning to chaos. I had absolutely no idea that Ogroids were originally a Destruction race and they gave in to Chaos. Mind blown. Ok I'm in the new Destruction race camp now. So Kragnos Could've been trapped within Beastgrave maybe even before the Ogroids betrayed GorkaMorka, awakened to find his people no longer the same. Maybe all Ogroids were originally Centaurs, but after being tainted by Chaos they became more humanoid, although that doesn't sound very Chaos does it hahaha. Aw man, I'm so intrigued now. If that's true, does that mean there are more untainted Ogroids left, could we see the Fimir return also, with perhaps other ancient races like the Fomoroids joining their ranks, banding together against those who treated them as slaves.... Ok I'm basically wish listing here. By Sigmar there is hype!
  2. Can't stop thinking about Kragnos. I love that we have no idea what faction is tied to or even what he really is. I originally just thought Kurnothi but why would a (presumably) ancient god like deity of Aelves have a Duradin themed shield. The rumour engine just screams Duradin and the weapon looks rather crude and blunt. I also immediately thought the chaos hoof rumour was Kragnos too but its certainly different than the art, although not too different in comparison. I think he's definitely an Ogroid but I'm going to wear the most crumpled, light reflective tin foil hat there is on this one and say he's tied to the Bull Centaurs with the Chaos Duradin. Being trapped in the mountain, it just feels right.
  3. I guess they could no longer have a home/civilisation so are hell bent on literally destroying everything and whoever kept him under that mountain. So it's either Kurnothi, BoC, or an entirely new faction. Either sounds so bloody cool.
  4. Just loving the shear volume of different Vampires we're getting. Each one is bustling with character, each with their own style, aesthetic, story. I've always wanted to do a force of Vampires from across the Old World/Mortal Realms and I'm able to do that without converting anything! Vampire fans have really been spoilt this release, I'm so happy. They're nailing the aesthetics. I was worried they would be over 'aos-ified,' but you've got traditional feudal baroque gothic honourable Blood Knights. You have the twisted macabre aristocratic pompous swag. You've still got the old classics and entirely new forms and twists, it's absolutely perfect. There is honestly just something about seeing hordes upon hordes of shambling, unfeeling, merciless, dirty and dark toned painted undead, and yet the eye just catches this gleaming blood red Knight in the midst of it all, that emits both terror and honour.
  5. When you're about to go to sleep and get hit with hype mortal wounds.
  6. OH BOI! I always loved the old Dire Wolves scultps but my lawd if they're going to make them look even better I cannot bloody wait. I reckon we'll see: Dire Wolves Grave Guard or another style of elite Deathrattle Infantry Another Vampire I wanna say new Zombie Dragon but I think the old sculpt looks fine to the point that it can still stand with the new stuff. I would absolutely love an updated model though! Well, I was looking at my Zombie Dragon and apart from needing a new coat of paint, there's something I still like about it and something I just don't, and I think it's the hunchback pose, I dunno. I absolutely adore the Terrorgheist. If I could find rest of the kit I'd re-model it, as I think the posing of the Terrorgheist is just so much better.
  7. I thought the chaos hoof rumour engine was Kragnos for a moment but looks a tad different. Wonder if they're related though.
  8. "After all, Kritza, the Rat Prince isn’t the only vampire setting forth in search of victims – stay tuned to Warhammer Community to find out more" I wonder if this is referring to the CC vamps or this is a hint at more stuff. I can't think what other faction would fit that clawed hand on the sword.
  9. Just realised, that 'Vampire' rumour engine arm holding the sword still hasn't been solved has it? And a good point on what it means for Grave Guard, the old sculpts certainly look out of place now. Dare to say yet more Gravelords to come?
  10. Chances on seeing an actual plastic Squiggoth with their release? I absolutely love the art of the squig with an almost T-Rex like face. Bonesplitterz Gore Gruntas for sure!
  11. Just popped over to the preview post now. Utterly speechless. Blood Knights...Actual ****** Blood Knights! That cover art! And the celtic vibes from that Kragnos, oh boi. I wonder what he is. HOLY ****** SAVAGE ORKS!!! I don't think anyone saw that coming!
  12. Holy ******, we really gonna get a Gravelords reveal ain't we?! Breathe... Just breathe. Edit: really surprised to see an updated zombie kit judging by the tease. I honestly thought they'd just repackage the cursed city lot. Gotta admit I love the designs of the CC zombies but they weren't my cup of tea of what I felt zombies should look like on the TT, just felt a bit too busy for a horde unit. So glad to see there'll be more to come. Besides, zombie bits will have SSSOOOO many uses across the whole hobby, I am excite. Could also point to a separate new Skeleton Warrior kit.
  13. Sisters of Battle vehicle/terrain for sure. Are they missing any vehicles that weren't updated in their release?
  14. The Redemptionist is lovely. Proper excited for those zealous bois. My homebrew force loves fanatics so these will fit perfectly anyway but with the Eviscerator, I can see a really good base for some Ministorum Priests aswell. Oh a do love a bit of faith me.
  15. Well we got ourselves a good ol' fashioned preview again next Saturday. I reckon it'll be more 40k focussed this one though. From the teaser images there's definitely an Ad Mech character but the other 2 I can't tell. The archer almost reminds me of the House Escher lot but they've already had their release. The bow looks too techy to be Kurnothi/Aelven. Edit: Oh actually it could well be an OB archer for the upcoming warband.
  16. Oh absolutely, I had no idea the music was from Dredd haha. Just wish they kept the silent parts silent, it had more impact. So exciting though to see what awaits. I'm sure we will see AoS in media eventually. I would love. Absolutely love, to see some depictions of the Realms. Not even the cities as such, but just the lands themselves. The plains, mountains, lakes, forests. I want to know what the Realms actually look like and how each changes the closer to the edge you get. One day ey.
  17. Yeah I really hope that's not the case too. Been thinking on the announcement and reading some comments and man, really really hope it wasn't a case of "join us or we sue." I am very disappointed the YouTube videos have been taken down. Hopefully they will be back up with WTV logo etc. And to be fair there was copyrighted music so of course that has to be changed. Just watched the uploads on Warcom and I didn't think it was that bad but the music added in (unnecessary) parts completely changed the atmosphere. Not to mention that this shortens its reach considerably, especially when one of the best outcomes of the project was the attention it received from non Warhammer fans. An off topic rant so that's all I'll say but just really hate the thought that someone's talent is being restricted.
  18. So so so so happy to see Syama get an official project. Astartes is perhaps my favourite visual media representation of the Universe and it has reached sooo many non warhammer fans around the world. Absolutely made up for him. Nice to see GW snapped his talent up.
  19. Looking back there seems to be quite a few chaos themed rumour engines. I like the thought someone here mentioned about Be'l bringing in the Darkoath as a group. A lot of the rumour engines look like they'd fit in with the Untamed Beasts and Darkoath Chieftains. Am I clutching at straws? Absolutely. Am I still hyped? Absolutely!
  20. I do wonder if we'll see some other StD stuff alongside Be'l, as there's still the rumour engine of the chaos wizard staff thingy and the very clearly chaos hoof that are unsolved. Can't think of anywhere else these would appear with what's been rumoured.
  21. Ditto! Always preferred the more Undivided look. I myself just want to do a proper Demon's Soul style army. Be'lakor is the big bad with an army of undead, knights and Undivided Demons. Ah man I can't wait, Bel looks so damn good.
  22. Hands down my favourite miniature GW have done yet. It's absolutely sublime! It's so badass I actually hear boss music whenever I look at him. Although there's one problem guys.... WHAT ARM DO I USE? THEY BOTH LOOK SO INTIMIDATING AND MAGNIFICENT!
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