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Everything posted by Black_Templar_Lad

  1. La I'm still amazed by Kroak. It actually reminds me of something The Warsinger would make (apologies if that's the wrong name). You know the person who makes the most amazing and incredible C'tan conversions? It just reminds me of that. I just love the mix of ancient religion with futuristic magic/science, yet still set in a high fantasy world. It's blended machinery and nature together perfectly. I'm proper wanting to make a Seraphon army now. Skink heavy with lots of Dinos. 😁
  2. Another good thing about Kroak is that if you just wanted a normal Slann aswell, I imagine you could take away most of the background filler or amend it to differentiate between each Slann.
  3. Where is this guy? What else did the prophet say? *Insert Batman meme* WHERE IS HE.
  4. The Saurus are literally the only thing stopping me from collecting a full force. With how good the rest of the army looks, it would be perfect to see the old sculpts updated.
  5. I'm utterly speechless. You've just announced Be'Lakor GW what arr you doin. Please, my wallet won't survive. I'm tellin ya, if they release updated Saurus Warriors, I'll, I'll buy a lot.
  6. Oh I am loving this. Definitely going to steal those halberds and shields for both AoS and 40k.
  7. Did the leaked dates discuss anything about what faction Kragnos would be a part of? I remember reading something about Destruction but was that a seperate rumour? Probably going to have to leave Be'Lakor himself for my birthday but oh my lawd I am getting that book. This is some lore I really need to know. Bets on Bel's plan just being one massive joke by Tzeentch. I can't wait.
  8. I do wonder how many BR books there will be by the way the article is worded. Also, do you think the little sentence at the end points to CoS not getting an updated BT anytime soon? Alongside BR at least? They advertise to pick up the Battletome now and I can't see GW pulling an ass trick like that by telling us to buy the book now then a couple months later release a new one alongside BR. (LRL jokes aside). I'd like to be wrong of course about a new BT.
  9. Ah man the alternate builds too! Lovely. The top hat is just pure swag.
  10. WOW!! Did not expect those reveals today. Absolutely glorious! Witch Hunters, Inquisitors, I can see both AoS and 40k fans being happy with this.
  11. You thought it was Teclis, but it was me, Be'Lakor!
  12. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/04/04/sunday-preview-warbands-warmasters-and-blood-bowl/ We got the Vampire Warband bois and gals!
  13. Aaannnd there's another project added to my backlog 😂 What about using Archaon and swapping the 3 heads. I still have mine to build aswell.....
  14. Gad dayum! I had no idea, cheers la! Seraphon Gargant vs Hairy Mega Gargant.
  15. I too, would love to see someone utilise their mastery over that magic and illusive software.
  16. That Blood Knight art is phenomenal. It's pieces like that that got me hooked into Warhammer in the first place. Absolutely stunning, it just captures everything. I also love the Green Fel eyes of the horses. I think I'll definitely be doing that too, although I may paint the skulls as the same as the armour rather than as actual skulls. The hype grows day by day.
  17. I'm proper guttered haha, it's literally the backlog stopping me from getting the set. That and I really want to game again with Gravelords but guess that can't happen anytime soon anyway. Gravelords are definitely going to be my first major purchase though, im so exciiiitteeeeed.
  18. Aye I think I'm going to have to hold off on it now too. As long as its not a limited run box, I'd be happy to wait a little longer until the full army is out and just splurge out then.
  19. I've not bought any minis in months to try and destroy my backlog (actually rather proud of my resilience hahaha), but Cursed City will be my my first purchase in such a long time, I'm so excited.
  20. I reckon we'll have another preview either next week or the week after. I think we'll see the rest of Gravelords real soon. Let me dream.
  21. Aye, I was thinking Bull Centaur then later realised the tail is not the same at all. Also, another pointer to it not being Kurnothi related, is that Kurnothi and general 'druid'/woodland like centaurs from other fantasy IP's such as Warcraft tend to be more Deer like, rather than a horse. All I can confidently guess is that he's an Ogroid, but anything else, I'll drown myself in endless theories and rumours.
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