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Everything posted by Black_Templar_Lad

  1. Thanks for everyone's work involved in keeping this site running, really is appreciated even if we don't always say it, so thank you. It means a lot to a lot of people.
  2. Oh Sigmar it's good to be back! Hello everyone. Missed so much good stuff! Those Chameleon Skinks. Absolutely love the 3 birds aswell. Now, there's 2 more Seraphon RE's still there. I do hope updated Saurus are still on the cards. Love the Jade warband. And what a stupendous pre order week next week!
  3. What an absolute shout! Ah Throgg is such a chad, always loved his old sculpt but can only imagine how amazing a new updated (and size) Throgg would be! Surely he'd be in the upcoming StD BT? 😢
  4. Really happy to know Moonclan will be the next Warband. I wonder what models we will get. Usually of course we tend to get unique sculpts of a Hero and some troops but we've already had both for Gloomspite, with the shaman and even a fanatic, so I wonder if they're using this to fill a slot that's not had a plastic kit or it's an entirely new unit! Both are exciting.
  5. Huh, so today was an AoS reveal. I absolutely bloody love those Rough Riders they're actually perfect in a converters eyes. The aesthetic would fit perfectly in both settings, not too futuristic, not too primitive. I wasn't too excited for the Rough Riders as I thought they would have too much of that Regiment's design to make it a nightmare to make them say, regular Cadian troops or someone in a Freeguild, but the uniforms are spot on imo. Just a simple headswap and you've got all sorts. Top reveal, I would genuinely do an army of these. Can't wait to see the Lord Solar model, especially if it has that classic Napoleon pose as the artwork suggests.
  6. By the wording at least it's confirmation that work is heavily underway it's just nice to know. By that last sentence I'm guessing we're going to get a reveal next year whenever the 40th anniversary is?
  7. I am struggling guys. I just saw the image of a Bretonnian Archer, then read you guys saying Tomb kings, then I read the article. I'm stuck at the desk in work and cannot show any emotion and so my colleagues are probably looking at me funny since all I can do right now is breathe really heavily out my nose. This.is.amazing!
  8. Very exciting possibility today. I'm honestly bracing myself for literally just an update stating, obviously it's delayed, we'll aim to release by this period. Anything else is a bonus for me. I'd be happy with a new concrete time frame. That StD leak is absolutely insane....And I'm absolutely jealous.
  9. Old World Wednesday does have a nice ring to it. Fingers crossed.
  10. Hope the King approves of my mega lad. The Ogor kits also make some excellent conversion material. I've seen one with the Stonetusk horn head bit as a helmet and looks cool af.
  11. I'll definitely be collecting and happy to see The Old World return for new lore and just seeing that setting again. But primarily I'll be collecting to make new AoS armies. Still looking forward to doing a Kislevite Death army to march alongside Radukar and the eastern style Skeletons and other Eastern Vamps. A Cathayan themed City of Sigmar. Yes please.
  12. I love it when something is saved for a very, very special reveal show and then is announced the very next day....... Also when it was about 7 minutes of actual reveals in a full hour show. Oh, excuse me, did that slip out. Anyway, ohhhh yeaaaahhh BOIIIIIII WARCRY AND OLD WORLD NEWS LETS GOOOOOO
  13. Not sure if anyone has spotted but another angle of that mysterious 40k figure shows the daemonic machine hammer rumour engine. Sorry Chorfs.
  14. I know it's slightly off topic but while the conversation is on the Bonereapers, I really really recommend The Vulture Lord if any enjoyer hasn't read it yet. It doesn't really shed much light on the Ossiarch society as a whole, it focuses more on a few central Bonereaper characters, but that was honestly the best listen (audiobook) I've had in a while, such a well written story in the Realm of Shyish.
  15. I'm absolutely blown away by those sculpts. It kinda feels bittersweet though if that's the only Grave Guard we are getting. I'll no doubt get these and they are absolutely stunning sculpts, but to know we may not get a full unit of these makes me cry. Edit: Oh I need the big guy, give him a big massive mace, gauntleted pointing hand and the crown head and boom, Diablo Leoric. Always wanted to convert him.
  16. I absolutely love all this lore. In such a mad, chaotic high fantasy setting, stuff like this really makes you believe it could exist and why people would want to live in it. The blend of science, tech and magic is done so well here. It all makes sense. Also massive massive props to the ladies and gentlemen of the Loremasters who are contextualising all this. And it's the knowledge this is just one city in one area of one Realm. The shear amount of variation and diversity there is in the Mortal Realms. I bloody love this world.
  17. Actual knightly armour and weapons! WHAT A DAY! WHAT A LOVELY DAY!
  18. Ah sick, weird how they've used Necromunda to announce a new Slaanesh Chaos Lord with Familiar .
  19. I've also found a new Norscan Dwarf Shaman, especially with the female head! Fits perfectly.
  20. Aye cheers mate, slight disappointment when I saw the back picture haha. No giant Matriarch just yet, but at least King Brodd has a luscious back of hair.
  21. I can't wait for @KingBrodd to see all these notifications hahaha. So happy for you mate hope you like the big fella. I bloody love waking up to a load of amazing reveals, these were great. Think the Hunter is lacking something though. Interestingly, King Brodd hasn't solved the RE of the little gremlin in the beard/braided hair?
  22. What if it's a Battlebox between the new Mega Gargant with the little fellas in the RE against a Hunter lead Ogor warband. What if the Hunter is trying to well, hunt the babies and the Mega Matriarch is protecting them.
  23. *Thundering crash behind you, millimetres away from your ear drum* "Hmm, must be the wind" Mega Gargants hooded toe: "nothing personnel kid."
  24. Definitely either Sons or Ogors surely! Too big to be Orruks? Finger and big toes crossed @KingBrodd!
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